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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Probowati, Catur Heni. 2014. Pencarian Eksistensi Sophie Amundsen dalam Jostein Gaarder Sophie’s World. Program Studi Sastra Inggris, UniversitasBrawijaya. Pembimbing (I): M. Andhy Nurmansyah; Pembimbing (II): FariskaPujiyanti.Kata Kunci: eksistensi, filosofi, eksistensialisme, identitasEksistensialisme adalah salah satu cara dalam filosofi untuk mencari eksistensi dan identitas seseorang. Dan Sophie’s World merupakan novel yang  menggunakan filosofi sebagai tema utama. Sehingga, karakter utama novel ini, dipilih sebagai bentuk manifestasi dari perjuangan manusia untuk mendapatkan eksistensi dan identitasnya. Dalam studi ini, penulis ingin mengidentifikasi; (1) Kenapa Sophie Amundsen mencari eksistensi dirinya; (2) Bagaimana dia mencari eksistensi dirinya.Penulis mengajukan pendekatan kualitatif untuk menjelaskan alasan danusaha Sophie dalam mendapatkan eksistensi dan identitas dirinya. Dan dalam menjelaskan alasan dan usaha Sophie, penjelasan dari permasalahan penelitian ini akan dijawab secara otomatis. Studi ini juga menggunakan pendekatan secara filosofis dan Eksistensialisme sebagai topik utama dalam mencari jawaban. Dengan ini diharapkan tindakan Sophie akan mendapat pemahaman lebih lanjut.Eksistensi Sophie yang sebenarnya adalah dia merupakan sebuah karakter di dalam buku. Untuk alasan itu pula, dia tidak dapat hanya tinggal diam dan tidak melakukan apa-apa. Nilai Sophie diperlihatkan sebagai sebuah entitas walapun dia bukan manusia. Baginya, setidaknya pikiran dan kehendak dirinya  benar-benar ada. Untuk menunjukkan nilainya, dia berusaha menentang pembuatnya yang menulis buku dimana Sophie tinggal. Dan dia juga berusaha untuk hidup sesuai dengan keinginannya. Menyatu dalam ‘kerumunan’ dan menjadi tidak terlihatadalah hal yang tidak dapat diterima olehnya. Perjuangan Sophie sangat keras dan sulit namun itu perlu dilakukan olehnya. Perjuangannya dapat memberikan makna dalam eksistensi dirinya di dunia yang terlihat tanpa arti ini.Penulis menyarankan pendekatan secara biografis untuk digunakan dalampenelitian selanjutnya. Dengan itu, pemahaman tentang penulis Sophie’s World,Jostein Gaarder, dapat ditemukan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Fatin, Marshelina. 2013. The Differences between Men and Women LanguageStyles in Writing Twitter Updates. Study Program of English, UniversitasBrawijaya. Supervisor: Isti Purwaningtyas; Co-supervisor: Muhammad Rozin.Keywords: Twitter, Twitter updates, Language style, Men language, Womenlanguage. The language which is used by people has so many differences. The differences itself are associated with men and women which belong to gender. If there are differences in spoken language, written language also has differences among men and women especially in social networking site as it is connecting people all around the world through internet services. In this study, the writer is interested in investigating the differences of language style and different purposes in language use among men and women on twitter updates and also the purposesbehind it. The research problems of the study are (1) what kinds of language styles that are mostly used by men and women in writing twitter updates (2) what are the purposes of using certain language styles in writing twitter updates used by men and women on twitter.This study used qualitative approach. The data were the twitter updates written by men and women users on twitter. In analyzing the data, the writer used theories by Adelaide Haas (1979) and A. Mullac (2001). There were eight twitterusers consisting of four men and four women.The twitter updates of men and women users were mostly talking about the same language contexts: 1) Form: directive, expressive, the use of emoticons,slang and obscene words, and hyperbolic words, 2) Topic:  life-style, life’s trouble, human relation, and social life, 3) Content: positive and negative valuejudgment, 4) Use: assertiveness, argument, command, and request. However, their types and their aspects are found different. Men and women have different words choice. Men language form is found harsher while women language form is weaker and more polite. It means that, men and women still have their ownlanguage style because of the different types and aspects. In the communication purposes, the analysis shows that both men and women users on twitter mostly communicate or write twitter update to express feeling and opinion rather than the other communication purposes such as report fact, solving problem, and develop and maintain rapport.In short, the writer finds the language style and communication purposesbetween men and women twitter updates. The present writer suggests the futurewriters to find men and women differences in language style from literary workssuch as novel, short story, or next writers can examine other twitter feature such as twitter mention or also analyze the differences between men and women inconversation like in the movie or debate show on television. It is also suggestedfor the future writers to use another other theories beside Haas theory to analyze the phenomenon in sociolinguistic area especially in language and gender.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Wiragama, Ergha Luthfi. 2014. Eksistensi Diri Dalam Puisi Modern Jepang padaPuisi Sora no Aosa wo Mitsumeteiruto, Watashi wa Kotoba wo Yasumasenai, danWatashi wa Watashi no Naka e Kaetteyuku Karya Tanikawa Shuntaro. ProgramStudi Sastra Jepang, Universitas Brawijaya.Pembimbing: (I) Retno Dewi Ambarastuti, M.Si (II) Dra. Elisabeth Worobroto P.Kata Kunci: Eksistensi, puisi jepang, Tanikawa Shuntaro Karya sastra merupakan suatu karya imajinatif dari seorang penulis yang berdasarkan kesadaran dan tanggung jawab kreativitas sebagai karya seni. Karya sastra juga merupakan salah satu bentuk ungkapan keindahan seorang pengarang terhadap lingkungannya.Dalam penelitian ini, penulis mengambil salah satu penyair yang masih aktif dalam kesusastraan di Jepang sampai saat ini adalah Tanikawa Shuntaro. Tanikawa Shuntaro dikenal di Jepang bahkan dunia karena puisinya mengusung tema humanis. Penulis dalam penelitian ini mengambil judul Eksistensi Diri Dalam Puisi Modern Jepang pada Puisi Sora no aosa wo mitsumeteiruto, Watashi wa kotoba wo yasumasenai, dan Watashi wa watashi no naka e kaetteyuku Karya Tanikawa Shuntaro. Dalam penelitian kali ini penulis akan mangambil rumusan masalah Bagaimanakah cara manusia menunjukkan wujud eksistensi dirinya dalam puisi modern Jepang pada puisi Sora no aosa wo mitsumeteiruto, Watashi wa kotoba wo yasumasenai, dan Watashi wa watashi no naka e kaetteyuku karya Tanikawa Shuntaro.Penelitian kali ini menggunakan pendekatan objektif yang lebih menekankankepada struktural dari puisi tersebut. Struktruk puisi meliputi struktur fisikdiantaranya : diksi atau pilihan kata, kata konkret, dan imajinasi. Sedangkan struktur batin meiputi : tema, perasaan penyair, nada dan suasana, dan amanat.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manusia yang mencoba menunjukkaneksistensi dirinya di tengah masyarakat. Usaha yang dilakukan dengan caramendapatkan kebebasan, banyak berbicara dan menginginkan dirinya bermanfaat bagi sesama.Penulis menyarankan kepada mahasiswa jurusan bahasa agar dapatmemperkaya pengetahuan akan karya sastra puisi. Setiap pengarang mempunyai gaya tersendiri yang dapat diketahui dari makna yang akan disampaikan. Hal ini tentunya dapat diketahui dan dikembangkan dengan berbagai metode penelitian yang lain misalnya pendekatan ekspresif dan semiotika.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Priyono, Reza Resisca Nandra. 2013. Code Switching in Just Alvin on MetroTV. Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Facultyof Cultural Studies, Universitas  Brawijaya. Supervisor: Isti Purwaningtyas; Cosupervisor: Istiqomah Wulandari.Keywords: Code Switching, Just AlvinIn the globalization era where worldwide interaction happens, it is quite common for people to use two or more languages as a communication. Indonesiais well known as a multilingual country so that generally Indonesian people havethe ability to speak more than one language. Switching language are commonlydone by people who live in bilingual or multilingual society to avoid misunderstanding among them because of different languages. Here, the study of code switching focuses on conversations found in talk show of TV program. One of TV program which use more than one language and famous nowadays is “Just Alvin” talk show on Metro TV. In this study, the researcher proposed twoproblems of the study, (1) The types of code switching used by Just Alvin’spresenter and the guest stars (2) The viewer’s opinion about the use of codeswitching in the talk show “Just Alvin.This research uses Hoffman’s code switching theory to analyze the data.This study uses qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear and systematic description about the phenomena being studied. Descriptive study in textual analysis is applied in this study to analyze the conversation in “Just Alvin” talk show. The data are selected from 2 videos of “Just Alvin” on Metro TVdownloaded from the internet. The collected data are put into the table and given the analysis of the viewer’s opinion about the used of code switching in the talk show “Just Alvin”.In this research, the researcher found all the types of code switching basedon Hoffman’s theory. The researcher found most of the types of code switching is Intra-sentential code switching.The researcher also found the opinions of the viewers about the use of code switching in the talk show “Just Alvin”. The researcher found according the viewer’s opinions that bilingual languages program give various effects to the viewers. The researcher found most of the opinions are they learn English spoken by the guest star on the talk show, the participants feel interested to bilingual talk show and they enjoy the bilingual talk show.In conclusion, the more the code switching is used, the more it can giveimpact toward the viewer.The researcher suggests the next researchers who want to conduct asimilar research understand more about code switching and also find the reasons why people use code switching. The researcher suggest researchers to apply the latest theories of the types of code switching.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Roronjawi, Wilis. 2014. Apology Strategies Used by Kevin Rudd in His StolenGeneration Speech. Study Program of English, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor:Iis Nur Rodliyah, Co-supervisor: Yana Shanti Manipuspika.Key Words: Speech Acts, Apology, Apology Strategies, Stolen Generation Speech.When people make fault or offense that may hurt other people incommunication, they have to do something to repair it in order to make therelationship better. Apology can be the first step that can repair a good relationship. Apology strategies are important to learn in order to know how people ask for an apology appropriately. This study discusses apology strategies by Kevin Rudd in his Stolen Generation speech. The study was conducted in order to find out the types of apology strategies used in Kevin Rudd’s Stolen Generation speech and how the utterances of the speech help repairing the relationship between Australian government and Indigenous people of Australia  This study applied qualitative approach in which the data were collected in theform of words or sentences. The data were the utterances containing apologystrategies in Kevin Rudd Stolen Generation speech and the data source was the Stolen Generation speech by Kevin Rudd. The researcher read the script then the selected utterances which contain apology was marked to be more easily analyzed. Thus, the researcher identified the types of apology by putting into a table then drawing conclusion of all findings that had been analyzed.This study revealed that there are six categories and eight sub-categories ofapology strategies in Kevin Rudd’s Stolen Generation speech that were found. Those were acknowledge of responsibility which is reflected in implicit acknowledgement and explicit acknowledgement sub-categories, explanation or account which is reflected in explicit explanation sub-category, expression of apology which is reflected in expression of regret, offer of apology and request for forgiveness subcategories, offer of repair which is reflected in repair and compensation subcategories, promise of forbearance and expressing concern for hearer categories. The expression of concern for hearer and promise for forbearance were mostly used in conducting the speech because the speech wanted to give respect, showed the promise not to do the mistreatment and wanted the Indigenous people forgive the government of Australia.For the next researchers, it is recommended that they use other theories ofapology strategies from other experts in digging up apology strategies. The next researchers are also suggested to use another object in order to broaden the comprehension in apology strategies.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Agnes, Ading Pradani. 2014. Characterization in Ernest Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants. Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor: Sri Herminingrum; Co-supervisor: Melania Shinta HarendikaKeywords: Ernest Hemingway, short story, character, characterization.Short story is a medium to deliver the message of the author’s sense about what happened in society. Short story has the elements to reveal the author’s sense and one of them is character. Character as a sign is used to reflect the existence of the person in order to build the reader’s imagination, especially in the narrative text. Some of characters are presented by the author in direct or indirect characterization. Ernest Hemingway is a well known author who presents indirect characterization in his work. The characterization of each implicit character can be identified through the text in Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants.The study of Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants applies structuralismapproach as the grounding approach; generic form, and Roman Jakobson’smetaphor, and metonymy as the theories that are used to identify each character’s characterization through the texts and dialogues. Information about Hemingway and some references about characterization are needed to complete the process of identification.The result of this study presents Ernest Hemingway’s specialty in playing indirect characterization. In Hills Like White Elephants, Hemingway presents three indirect characters’ characterization; the American, the Girl and the Woman.Each character has traits. First, the characterization of the Girl shows that she is aperson who is always pessimistic with her condition, stubborn and she can becategorized as an emotionally unstable person. Second, the American’scharacterization shows that he is fickle, egoist, and he is also an irresponsibleperson. The last, the Woman’s characterization describes that she is a politeperson. For the further researchers, it is suggested to use historical approach inother Ernest Hemingway’s works because most of Hemingway’s works were fromhis experience during he spent his life in Europe by being the volunteer in WorldWar I.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Khikmah, Ziyaadatul. 2014. Influences of Television toward Modern SocietyReflected in TV People By Haruki Murakami. Study Program of English,Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, UniversitasBrawijaya. Supervisor:  Juliati; Co-supervisor : Arcci Tusita. Keyword: Television, Mass Media, Effect, Construction, Culture, Influence. Television has become part of daily life in the society in modern era. Television functions as a medium of information and entertainment. Television becomes interesting with the programs that are presented. However, the function of television is not always positive, it can also give negative impact to viewer because what are presented indirectly can give negative effects to viewers. Thisphenomenon is reflected in a short story TV People which tells about the influence of television in the late 20th Century on the main character’s daily life. Based on this background, the problem of this study is how the main character deals with set of televisions that have influenced his life. Therefore, the writer uses the theory of Television Culture as the main basis for examining the phenomenon of the story to reveal anything shown on television is planned. In addition, this study also applies the theory of the effects of mass media to explain the negative impacts.  Applying cultural approach, the writer reveals three impacts of television on society’s life. First, television influenced one’s habit. The main character in TVPeople his habits for instance watches television so many hours in a day, hishobby of reading has lost. Second, television influenced family interaction because character ‘I’ as a viewer was accustomed to watch TV alone at home. Asa result, he is accustomed to be passive and cannot establish conversation with his wife. Over the time, the conversation between them became lost and he believedon television that his wife had gone away. Third, television influenced the maincharacter’s dream. All of activities of television which are seen, those come intothe dream world of character ‘I’. The writer suggests for the students who intend to conduct a research on thesame short story, to use different perspectives such on semiotics or psychologicalone.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: Kandoushi, Kandou, Yobikake, Outou, Aisatsugo. Language is the instrument of communication which is used by people to distribute their feeling and ideas. In Jappanese called kandoushi. Kandoushi arewords use to express many feel like disappointed, anger, happy, and sad. Thewriter analyze about kandoushi in the source of Comic Kocchi Muite Miiko Vol.1. This research used kualitative descriptive research to analyze ofkandoushi. Result of the research show than in the comic Kocchi Muite MiikoVol.1 There are four kinds of kandoushi like kandou, yobikake, outou, andaisatsugo. The type of kandoushi divide inti ninety part, such as are, he, iinee, ha, are, mo, ano, eeto, aa, ee, aa, ng, o, aa, he, sorya, ara, wa, haa, and wan.Yobikake just only one, that is  mo. Outou divide into four such as un, hai, iie and oi. Aisatsugo divide into nine such as ohayou, arigatou, baibai, ashitane, rasshai, douzo, itadakimasu, tadaima, and okaeri. From this research the writer concludes that there are four kinds of kandoushi which all of those have different meaning shows different expression. For other research, the writer hopes he or she can compare kandoushi in Japan andIndonesia uses source from two countries until find the same and the different of those.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Nusanti, Rihan. 2014. “Sexual Coercion: Woman Subordination Undergoneby Hanna X in Andre Brink’s The Otherside of Silence novel”. Study Programof English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies,Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor: Fariska Pujiyanti, M.Hum; Co-supervisor: Winda Candra Hantari,M.A. Keywords: Feminist-Marxist, sexual coercion, patriarchy, women subordination,German women In traditional view, women occupy secondary position lower than men in society. It is as a result of a patriarchal system in which men dominate women since they are considered superior while women are inferior. This value appears in all over the world, including German. Germany authorization puts women in disadvantageous condition in society. They seem to lose their rights in their owncountry. This situation makes women emerge and make movements which  called feminism.The use of Feminist-Marxist theory in this study will convey of the male dominance in the patriarchal society. The intimidation of women in the workplaceis by giving low wages. In sexuality, women are coerced by their master andGerman military men. In this study, these are the main issues which are supported by other theories as following, patriarchy, and gender.The Otherside of Silence novel tells about a woman who struggles to findfreedom and acknowledgement from sexual coercion actions conducted by theirmaster and German military men in colonial life in the early 20 century. The sexual coercion can subordinate women to serve the men’s desire. Furthermore,the patriarchal values are addressed to women in workplace and sexuality. Thewomen resistance emerges to struggle their rights as citizens toward mendominance in patriarchal society. Sexual coercion undergone by Hanna X as themain character portrays woman subordination in this novel.In this study, rebellious women will be punished and killed by men if theyare not obedient to men’s order. So, women are judged for always obedient to all of men desires. It is suggested for future researcher who wants to take the same material object to employ sociological approach in analyzing The Otherside of Silence novel by Andre Brink.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Akbar, Doddik Bintang. 2014. Konsep Ganbaru Pada Tokoh Koichi Kawato Dalam Drama Rookies Karya Yoshihiro Izumi. Program Studi Sastra Jepang, UniversitasBrawijaya. Pembimbing: (I) Retno Dewi Ambarastuti M,Si   (II) Eka Marthanty Indah L M,SiKata Kunci: Ganbaru, Drama, RookiesDrama seri yang ditayangkan stasiun televisi merupakan tontonan yang berisikan tentang berbagai cerita dalam kehidupan. Dari banyaknya topik cerita drama yang ada, drama yang berjudul Rookies menginspirasi penulis untuk mengangkat konsep ganbaru. Menurut meikyoukokugojiten, ganbaru adalah Jangan kalah dengan kesulitan dan hambatan dan berkerjalah sekeras mungkin. Drama Rookies ini berceritakan tentang yakyuu atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan baseball.Pada penelitian ini menggunakan konsep ganbaru untuk menonjolkan gambaran konsep ganbaru itu sendiri dalam drama Rookies. Konsep ganbaru tersebut berdasarkan Amanuma, Sakata, Allision dan Boy De Mente, sehingga penulis mengambil kesimpulan besar dari definisi ganbaru tersebut yang dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu melakukan yang terbaik, semangat dan pantang menyerah. Selain itu, penulis menggunakan teori tokoh dan penokohan, karena dalam drama ini penulis ingin melihat implementasi konsep ganbaru pada tokoh utama. Penulis juga menggunakan mise-en-scene dalam mengkaji drama ini untuk menganalisis adegan-adegan yang menunjukkan ganbaru dalam drama.Berdasar hasil kajian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa adanya konsep ganbaru dalam drama Rookies yang diartikan “melakukan yang terbaik”, “semangat”, dan “pantang menyerah” yang ditunjukkan oleh kawato baik secara verbal (perkataan) maupun non verbal (tingkah laku). Dalam hal ini mise-en-scene dan teknik pengambilan gambar juga dapat menunjukkan adanya konsep ganbaru pada setiap adegan yang dianalisis.Untuk penelitian berikutnya disarankan dapat memperluas analisis dengan menggunakan teori sosiologi sastra, yaitu seperti gambaran kehidupan anak muda Jepang dengan olahraga.

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