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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Aninditha, Annisa. 2014. Woman Position in Iron Man movies. Study Program ofEnglish, Department of Language and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies,Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Supervisor: Fariska Pujiyanti. Co Supervisor: NurulLaily Nadhifah. Keywords: Movie, Patriarchal, Iron Man. Movie is one of literary works and electronic media. Movie becomes the best strategy to communicate and deliver message about what happens in this world. The movie makers or directors can express critics, complains or opinions about something as an aspiration. Many movie genres appear to satisfy the audience, especially Action movies. Iron Man is one of action genres that focus on the male character physical appearance as main character, for example strong, charismatic, charming and powerful. Man as main character or hero can lead the plot of the movie, hence he always becomes primary view. In Iron Man movies there are extra characters as the assistants of the main character, they are women, the use of female characters as a show the stereotype about the use of woman as the second sex. This movies describe the condition where women are inferior and men are superior portray about the gender bias. This research used patriarchal and mise-en-scene approach as the groundingtheory to analyze the Iron Man movie sequel which is reflected the Tony Stark (Iron Man) as the main character and Pepper Potts, Natalie Rush Man, Christine Everhart and Maya Hansen as the extra characters. The characters in Iron Man movie sequel and reference about patriarchal condition are used as supporting information for the analysis. The result of this study shows the weakness and inferiority of woman. Womanposition in sub-ordinate greatly describes Pepper Potts, Natalie Rush Man, Christine Everhart and Maya Hansen as extra character. It is suggested for further researcher use deconstruction approaches to analyze Tony Stark (Iron man) character, there are many interesting aspects related to the  characterization of the main character as hero which is different from the stereotypes of a hero which can be analyzed using deconstruction theory.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Febryanti, Rosdiana. 2014. Konsep Kawaii Pada Tokoh Momoko Di Film Shimotsuma Monogatari . Program Studi Sastra Jepang, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya. Pembimbing I: Retno Dewi Ambarastuti; Pembimbing II: Iizuka TasukuKata Kunci : Budaya Pop, Kawaii, Subkultur LolitaSeiring dengan perkembangan zaman  para sineas dengan kemampuan dankreatifitasnya telah memperkaya bidang sastra dengan menyajikan sebuah karya sastra dalam bentuk bacaan menjadi sebuah film yang dikemas dengan bagus menarik. Salah satu contoh film yaitu Shimotsuma Monogatari yang menceritakan kehidupan seorang lolita.Budaya populer merupakan budaya yang banyak disukai orang. Terfokus lebih pada emosi dan pemuasannya daripada intelek. Dengan tujuan lebih kepada bersenang senang dan menikmati hidup Seperti Kawaii yang sangat populerdi Jepang dan diterapkan secara luas oleh masyarakat Jepang, baik dalamkonteks barang maupun tingkah laku, hingga menjadi sebuah fenomena.Penelitian ini menggunakan acuan konsep kawaii Yomota Inuhiko dan SharonKinsella. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Momoko dalam film ini adalah sweet lolita, subkategori dari Lolita. Momoko menjadi Lolita sebagai dinding pemisah dari dunia luar. Dia menjadi lolita dengan mendandani dirinya sebagai “boneka hidup” dan mengelilingi dirinya dengan benda-benda yang kawaii.Pada penelitian berikutnya disarankan meneliti menggunakan pendekatanmenggunakan konsep maskulin, feminis, pendekatan sosiologi sastra maupun cultural studies jika menggunakan objek material film yang sama.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Malino, Carolin Dawita. 2013. Fakta Sejarah Perang Dunia II Dalam NovelMawar Jepang Karya Rei Kimura. Program Studi S1 Sastra Jepang, UniversitasBrawijaya.Pembimbing : (I) Fitriana Dewi Puspita ; (II) Elisabeth Woro.Kata Kunci : Fakta Sejarah Perang Dunia II.Karya Fiksi merupakan salah satu jenis sastra yang menggambarkan kehidupan nyata. Sebagai salah satu bentuk karya fiksi adalah fiksi sejarah. Fiksi sejarah merupakan karya fiksi yang penulisannya berdasarkan fakta sejarah. Salah satu bentuknya adalah novel sejarah. Novel sejarah adalah salah satu bentuk dari fiksi sejarah yang dasar penulisannya berdasarkan fakta sejarah, seperti pada novel Mawar Jepang. Novel ini memiliki latar belakang sejarah Perang Dunia II antara Jepang dengan sekutu. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis akan membahas mengenai fakta sejarah apa saja yang ada didalam novel Mawar Jepang.Dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis dan fakta sejarah Perang DuniaII, penulis membahas novel Mawar Jepang. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkanbahwa terdapat lima fakta sejarah. Fakta yang sebagai latar belakang ini mengenai serangan ke Pearl Harbour di Hawaii, semangat nasionalisme rakyat Jepang hingga makin meningkatnya wajib militer yang diberlakukan untuk para pemuda di Jepang, peristiwa pemboman di Tokyo, serangan udara Kamikaze dalam melawan Amerika menjelang akhir perang, serta kekalahan Jepang yangmenandai berakhirnya Perang Asia-Pasifik.Penelitian mendatang dapat dilakukan pada novel sejarah lainya sehinggamampu memberikan wawasan dan pengetahuan baru mengenai sejarah sebuahperistiwa tertentu. Metode penelitian terhadap novel ini tidak hanya dilakukandengan pendekatan histori namun juga dengan pendekatan kritik sastra feminisme. Diharapkan agar ada pihak lain untuk menggunakan metode tersebut agar memperluas kasanah ilmu pengetahuan sastra.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Rahmasari, Indah. 2014. A Semiotic Analysis on The Help Movie Posters.Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty ofCultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor: Yana Shanti Manipuspika;Co-Supervisor: Emy SudarwatiKeywords: semiotics, movie poster, sign, denotation, connotation, myth. Movie posters normally contain many kinds of verbal and visual signs.The images with text that appear in the movie poster inform the viewer aboutwhat approximately happened along the story. It reflects the main idea of the story in the movie. In this research, the researcher used verbal and visual signs found in movie posters from racism theme movie entitled The Help as the main data. They consist of two The Help official movie posters which were launched byDreamWorks Studio and The Help reprint movie posters were designed by posterartists or graphic designers that versed in designing a movie poster. There arethree problems of the study that are answered in this research, they are: (1) What are the denotative signs found in The Help movie posters; (2) What are the connotative signs found in The Help movie posters; and (3) What are the myths built in The Help movie posters.Since the main data were taken from movie posters, qualitative researchwith content or document analysis was used in this research to describe thephenomena. In analyzing the data, the researcher used Barthes theory (1972) to build the meaning through denotation and connotation theory and how it is then bringing them into a myth that people believed as racism issues in The Help movie posters.The denotative signs found in this research are from the representation of visual and verbal elements in the posters such as the title, tagline, and the image of women, gestures, and facial expression, the image of bench, pigeon, ravens, cage, cartoon, and also colors. While connotation is used to build the meaning behind each of denotative signs found in the movie posters such as the way the citizens of America face the racism issues based on the skin color differences. The myth built in the movie posters consider White people as the best race between others is pictured in the fifth of The Help movie posters.Related to this study, the researcher suggests the next researcher to analyzeanother object like videos, movie or any motion picture. The use of differenttheories is also suggested for the next researcher to expand the knowledge about semiotic study.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Paramitra, Puspa Dio. 2014. Daughter Abuse in African-American Family asReflected in Sapphire’s Push. Study Program of English, Universitas Brawijaya.Supervisor: Sri Herminingrum; Co-Supervisor: Fariska Pujiyanti. Patriarchal system is father’s domination to control his family member. Father has to fulfill the duty because he is the family leader. However, in Push, the disorganization happens among Black people and it comes from a little scope, family. It is because the roles of family members are different. Superiority represented by father and mother, and inferiority represented by daughter. Their position makes them push the inferior by abusing their daughter.This study uses feminism approach to analyze African-American womenwho face the problem of domestic abuse in Push Novel. Patriarchal system andwoman subordination are used to analyze the data about domination by parentstoward daughter. While theory of abuse is used to analyze the kinds of abuse that happen to the main character as inferior.The result of this research reveals that there are four abuses that happen tothe main character, Claireece, i.e., as neglect, emotional abuse, physical abuse,and sexual abuse. The impact makes Claireece has problem in her life like being illiterate and pregnant. The next researcher can use psychological aspect to find the causes and impacts of Black parents who abuse their daughter therefore deeper comprehension toward African-American family can be obtained. Keywords: family, parents, daughter abuse.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Puspitasari, Elisha Cendy. 2014. Language Production of Schizophrenic Character in The Soloist Movie. Study Program of English, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor: Fatimah, Co-supervisor: Eni Maharsi.Keywords: Psycholinguistics, Language Production, Schizophrenia, The SoloistMovieThis research is about Schizophrenic’s language production produced by the main character in The Soloist Movie. The schizophrenia is chosen as object because this disease is very unique and rare. The uniqueness of this case is on its symptoms where schizophrenics look like normal people but when they start to talk, the addressee will figure out the abnormality on their language production.There are two problems to be solved in the study, namely (1) to what extent does Nathaniel Anthony Ayyers as the character afflicted with schizophrenia produce his language? and (2) What are the situations which trigger abnormality in language production of Nathaniel Anthony Ayyers?.This study employs qualitative method since the data were processed without using numbers. The data were taken from transcript of movie for the purpose of identifying the language production of the schizophrenic, describing the abnormality in the language of schizophrenic, and identifying situations in which Nathaniel Anthony Ayyers shows his abnormality in his language. In the data analysis, Kraeplin (1887) theory about types and symptoms of schizophrenia was used to analyze the utterance produced by the schizophrenic character in The Soloist movie.Result of analysis reveals that there are 11 scenes in which typical language production of schizophrenia occurs. Scenes 2, 7, 15, 17, and 18 show the Ignorant and Fast Talking, and scenes 7, 10, and 14 shows the Irrelevant Respond. There are three situations trigger the occurrence of the abnormality ofschizophrenic in producing his language. The situations are triggered by anger,nervousness, and also interest. Two scenes show the situation triggered by anger (scenes 17 and 20), 3 scenes depict the situation triggered by nervousness (scenes 16, 17 and 19), and the last is 5 scenes which show that the situation triggered by interest, (scenes 2, 7, 9, 13, and 18).Conclusion of this study is Nathaniel as a schizophrenic mostly could not talk normally. Abnormality mostly appears whenever he heard music. The future researchers or other psycholinguists who concern in exploring schizophrenia phenomena are suggested to explore and look into some other categories of schizophrenia in other media in order to find some other triggers.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Novanny, Celvin Maradika. 2014. Hatsunne Miku Phenomone in Japan as Popular Culture. Study Program Japanese Literature, Faculty Ilmu Budaya, Brawijaya University. Preceptor I :  Fitriana Puspita Dewi; Preceptor II: Murakami SonokoKeywords : Populer Culture, Hatsune Miku, Vocaloid, Otaku.Japanese popular culture such as anime, manga, fashion, and pop music has been widely known throughout the world. Popular culture occurs as works made favored and fun for everyone else. One of the parts of popular culture in Japan is Hatsune Miku.This thesis uses the approach of mass culture, subculture otaku, and popular culture with the concept of Japanese popular culture. This concept was used to investigate the phenomenon of Hatsune Miku can be famous in Japan.The results of this thesis show that the phenomenon Hatsune Miku became popular, because the participation of Japanese society. For example, among the subcultures that plays an important role in the spread of Hatsune Miku. They act as a consumer and producer of the popularity of Miku.Author suggests to examine the phenomenon Hatsune Miku using other approaches, such as cyberculture approach to examine the role of the internet in the process of deployment Hatsune Miku.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Nugraha Setiawan, Daniel. 2014. Water Exploitation and Its Outcome Caused byCapitalism as Reflected on Gore Verbinski’s Rango Movie. Study Program ofEnglish, Universitas Brawijaya.Supervisor: Yusri Fajar, Co-supervisor: Melania Shinta Harendika.Keywords: water exploitation, environment, capitalism, Rango movie. Water exploitation threats ecosystem and causes a great damage to environment. One of the causes of the water exploitation is capitalism. The movie entitled Rango reveals some causes and effects of water exploitation caused by capitalism inside the movie.This research applies eccocriticism approach as the main study to analyze thismovie entitled Rango. This study also applies the concept of capitalism and movie studies. The result of the study reveals that water exploitation causes many effects to the environment. In the movie, Mayor who becomes the main antagonist exploits all water sources for his own benefit. The water exploitation causes many bad effects for such three aspects as plant, animal, and the citizen of Dirt City. Those effects cause imbalance to the cycle of ecosystem which disrupt the life of many living beings.For future researchers, it is advisable to conduct further studies on the samemovie but with different approaches. One of the examples is Marxism approach,because Marxism approach can be used to analyze the struggle of the citizen of Dirt City to get enough water.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Hidayat, Muhammad Hilman. 2013. Language Function Used by Mario Teguhin Mario Teguh Golden Ways show. Study Program of English, Department ofLanguages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya.Supervisor: Lalu Merdi; Co-supervisor: Istiqomah Wulandari.Keywords: Language functions, Mario Teguh Golden Ways video.Language is very important for human life. People use it forcommunication in delivering idea, feeling, messages, etc. In society, language has some aspects. One of the aspects that can be stated of language is language function. The researcher conducts a research about language functions that are used by Mario Teguh in Mario Teguh Golden Ways show by using Jakobson and Hymes’ theory. This research focuses on two problems: (1) What elements of communication are used in Mario Teguh Golden Ways show (2) What language functions are used by Mario Teguh.This research uses qualitative approach in document analysis to describe the language functions used by Mario Teguh in Mario Teguh Golden Ways show. The data are transcribed utterances produced by Mario Teguh taken from Mario Teguh Golden Ways entitled Mengatasi Rasa Takut Gagal video which is uploaded on Youtube website.This research reveals that all seven elements of communication are found in Mario Teguh Golden Ways show entitled Mengatasi Rasa Takut Gagal namelyaddresser, addressee, channel, message form, topic, code, and setting. This study also reveals six out of seven language functions used by Mario Teguh. They are emotive function, directive function, phatic function, poetic function, referential function and metalinguistic function. Referential function is the most used by Mario Teguh. He needs to use this function because motivation requires a lot of information to be informed to the audience during the speech. Furthermore, this research shows that there is a combination among the language functions. It means, one utterance does not only bring one function but also two or three functions at once. In short, elements of communication and language function should be seen from the context in a certain condition and situation.The researcher hopes that this research can contribute a better and deeperunderstanding about language function. He suggests the next researchersespecially English Department students conduct the research with differentobjects and theories of language function since this research did not cover allaspects of language function.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Yuda Crisilla, Syailendra. 2013. Communication Strategies Used by 2 Semester Students of English Study Program in Universitas Brawijaya with Different Anxiety Levels in Telling Comic Strips. Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya.Supervisor: Fatimah; Co-supervisor: Didik HartonoKeywords: communication strategies, anxiety, anxiety levels, foreign languagelearning.Students usually face some problems in speaking a foreign language. To overcome the problems, they have certain ways that are called as communication strategies. Anxiety as an affective factor can influence the students in using communication strategies. In this study, the writer conducted a study on communication strategies used by 2nd semester students of English Study Program in Universitas Brawijaya with different anxiety levels in telling comic strips. The writer uses theory of communication strategies by Dörney (1995) . There are two problems of the study which were proposed: (1) What are the types of communication strategies used by students with high and low anxiety level when telling the comic strips (2) How is the frequency of types of communication strategies used by students with low and high anxiety level when telling the comic strips.This study used qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear and systematic description about the phenomena being studied. There were 16subjects in this study. They came from Academic Speaking Class students who were selected using FLCAS that is developed by Horwitz et al. (1986) and dividedinto two groups, namely subjects with high and low anxiety level. The data wereutterances containing communication strategies in telling comic strips.This study reveals that there are 13 types of communication strategies usedby subjects with high anxiety level. On the other hand, subjects with low anxietylevel used 15 types of communication strategies. The writer also found that thefrequency of the communication strategies used by subjects with high and lowanxiety were different. Subjects with high anxiety level produced higher numberof communication strategies than subjects with low anxiety level. The writer alsoconcludes that the more anxious students tend to produce less effective ofcommunication strategies than those who feel relaxed in speaking. The writer suggests foreign language teacher find an appropriate teaching method to manage the students’ anxiety and introduce communication strategies in speaking class. The writer also suggests to the next researchers to conduct moreresearch about communication strategies with other theories and also differentvariables.

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