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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Morphology, Word Formation, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 program. In the word formation study, some words from the foreign languages have probabilities to become the part of English vocabularies.This study aims atinvestigating the word formation processes found in the terms of MicrosoftPowerPoint 2010 Program and the kinds of word formation processes which ismostly used in the terms of Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Program.In this study, the writer conducted a qualitative research, because thisstudy concerns with how words are processed, and not dealing with number. Thetype of research was document analysis. The source of data in this study wasMicrosoft PowerPoint 2010 program. In conducting this study, the writer usedYule’s theory and supported by Akmajian’s about the kinds of word formationprocesses.Based on the result of the study, the writer found six kinds of wordformation processes in the terms of Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 program, namely: compounding, borrowing, blending, multiple processes, derivational affix, and inflectional affix. The type of word formation process which is mostly used in the terms of Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Program is inflectional affix.There are many terms found in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 program that can be constructed through word formation processes especially inflectional affix process.This study is expected to be useful for English Department students. Moreover, the researcher hopes the future researchers who are interested inmorphology, especially word formation processes, may use new completereferences and different object of study. The researcher also hopes this thesis can be a reference or information for English Department students who are interested in conducting a study concerning word formation processes of computer program. Moreover, English Department students who are interested in analyzing the word formation processes or other elements of morphology can use the newest theories from the expert of morphology.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Metaphor, Book Ngawur Karena Benar, Sujiwo Tejo This study concerns on metaphorical expressions / utterances in the book Ngawur Karena Benar written by Sujiwo Tejo and their nonliteral meaning. Infinding the metaphorical expressions, the writer used the theory of metaphor byStern (2000). Otherwise, in analysing the nonliteral meaning, the writer usedrelevance approach by Sperber and Wilson (1982). According to relevance theory, the process of interpreting a metaphorical expression comprises the following steps: decoding the linguistic input by arraying possible meanings of an utterance, drawing inferences by taking into account both the results of linguistic decoding, i.e. the logical form, and  assumptions taken from the context. The problems are to answer: 1) what metaphorical expressions can be found in the book Ngawur Karena Benar by Sujiwo Tejo, 2) what are the meaning of the metaphorical expressions used in the book Ngawur Karena Benar by Sujiwo Tejo.This study applied qualitative research method by employing documentanalysis approach to get detailed data description from the object analysis. Thedata of this study are the metaphorical expressions in the book Ngawur KarenaBenar by Sujiwo Tejo.Results of this study revealed that the metaphorical expressions are used todeliver a complicated circumstance in revealing the real condition. In line with the finding, the nonliteral meaning of the metaphorical expressiona needs anintralinguitics and extralinguistics factor. The intralinguistics factor is theinformation we can receive by decoding the linguistic input while theextralinguistics factor is the assumptions taken from context by drawinginferences.The last but not least, the writer suggests the next researchers who concernin the study of metaphorical expression in any media to observe in differentsetting and theoretical frameworks to enrich the study about metaphoricalexpression.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: Gairaigo, Novel, Semantik. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, manusia memerlukan bahasa untukberkomunikasi. Komunikasi dengan penutur bahasa lain akan mempermudahmasuknya informasi baru sehingga terjadilah perkembangan kebudayaan, ilmu,dan teknologi yang menyebabkan perkembangan bahasa sehingga munculah katakata baru. Dari perkembangan bahasa tersebut maka memungkinkan terjadinya pinjam meminjam kosakata dari bahasa lain atau yang biasa disebut dengan kata serapan. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 2 rumusan masalah yaitu (1) Bagaimana makna kata serapan dalam novel Yūrei Ressha wa Tomaranai jika dibandingkan dengan makna kata aslinya?  (2) Bagaimana makna kata serapan dalam novel Yūrei Ressha wa Tomaranai jika dibandingkan dengan padanan katanya di dalam bahasa Jepang?Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Data yang digunakanadalah kata serapan yang ada dalam novel Yūrei Ressha wa Tomaranai. Analisisdilakukan dengan mengklasifikasikan kosakata, mentabulasi, dan menganalisis maknanya.Dari data ditemukan 55 kata yang termasuk dalam kata serapn (gairaigo). Dalam 55 kata serapan ditemukan 14 kata tergolong kriteria ketiadaan kata di dalam bahasa Jepang untuk mendeskripsikan sesuatu yang dikarenakan budaya, 13 kata  yang merupakan kriteria nuansa makna yang terkandung pada suatu kata asing tidak dapat diwakili oleh padanan kata yang ada pada bahasa Jepang, 23 kata termasuk dalam kriteria kata asing yang dijadikan gairaigo dianggap efektif dan efisien, 5 kata termasuk dalam kriteria kata asing menurut rasa bahasa dipandang mempunyai nilai rasa agung, baik, harmonis.Penelitian serupa dapat dilakukan dengan membandingkan fungsi kataserapan yang terdapat dalam bahasa Jepang dengan kata aslinya. Selain itu, dapat juga dilakukan penelitian mengenai pergeseran makna pada kata serapan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: advertisement, logo, semiotics, world wide fund, earth hour. Logo is an identity or special symbol that represents a company or organization. In this study, semiotics approach from Ferdinand de Saussure is used to analyze the logo and its advertisements. Advertisement is a medium to deliver messages to society with the goal to influence the people to join or follow certain programs. Non-verbal and visual signs are used in advertisement and logo. This study is conducted to explore signs, meanings, and messages constructed in logo and its advertisements of World Wide Fund.Among a lot of advertisements and logos that have been published by WorldWide Fund, the writer analyzes four different advertisements and one logo. In this study, the writer analyzes two advertisements of Earth Hour “For a Living Planet” and two advertisements “You Can’t Afford to be Slow in an Emergency” and logo of Earth Hour program. After  analyzing  the  signs,  it  can  be  concluded  that  every single signifier on each  advertisement have different  meanings and messages. The messages from the logo and its advertisements are related to the efforts in preserving and protecting the nature, including the animal populations. It can be also figured out that the advertisements are designed to persuade the society to join Earth Hour as the environmental protection program.The writer suggests English Department students to learn more about semioticsespecially for analysing advertisement. The writer also suggests the next researchers to conduct a semiotics study in advertisement videos or use other semiotics theories.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Critical Discourse Analysis, Slogan, Tri (3) Provider This research is about the analysis of critical discourse analysis in slogan“Bebas itu nyata always on” used by Tri provider by using Fairclough model ofCDA. There are three objectives in to achieve this research, first is to find out thelexical and structural meanings of Tri provider slogan of “Bebas itu nyata alwayson”, the second one is to identify the users’ interpretation of Tri provider inEnglish Department at Universitas Brawijaya toward the slogan of “Bebas itunyata always on”, and the last one is identify the impact of Tri slogan “Bebas itunyata always on” toward the users in English Department at UniversitasBrawijaya.This study used a qualitative approach to analyze two data. The first datumis the slogan text “Bebas Itu Nyata Always On” used in Tri (3) provider. Thesecond one is the opinion about the product produced by the students of Englishdepartment at Universitas Brawijaya. There are two data collections, namely preresearch and whilst research. In addition the researcher also needs othersinstruments such as questionnaire and interview guide to conduct the research. In data analysis, the researcher uses two processes such as analyzing the sentence of the slogan text and analyzing the result of interviewed.The result of this research revealed that semantically the slogan has good lexical choice since it emphasizes the words Bebas, Nyata, and always on to persuade the audiences.Furthermore, sintagmaticlly the slogan consists of twosentences, the first sentence is Bebas yang diberikan Tri itu nyata and the second one is we are always on. At the level of interpretation, there are similarities between the research participants and the researcher in interpreting the slogan. Besides, slogan has less power to influence the users or researcher participants in buying a certain product.In conclusion, the power of language in advertisement is very importantsince it has the function to persuade people in buying a certain product, in fact in this research the researcher found that language has less power in influencingpeople to choose a certain product, people choose a certain product since theproduct has good quality of services. For further research, the researchersuggested for the next researcher to apply more theories in CDA such as analyzing the coherence or cohesive in the text analysis so that it will be helpful for the readers to understand more about the theory of CDA.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: American values, Cinderella Man movie The history of American values cannot be separated from the history of America. American values are the representation of the main reason why many immigrants come to this Uncle Sam country. They believe that they can achieve their dream in America. They think that in America everyone can pursue their dream because in this land all men are created equal. Like one of the embodiment of human rights stated in the Declaration of Independence “all men are created equal” is the famous notion for all Americans to be successful and have a better life. There are six basic of American values, three represent reasons why immigrants were drawn to America: the chance for individual, equality of opportunity and material wealth. In order to achieve this benefit, however there were prices to be paid: self-reliance, competition and hard work.In this thesis, the writer will also use historical background to support andremind again the occurrences and effects of great depression era, because the setting of the movie took on that era.The finding shows that the main character of Cinderella Man movie, James J.Braddock represents American values. The writer suggest for the next researcher to analyse this movie using Marxist theory about the class system in America. The next researcher can use this theory to reveal the economy class changing in the main character of the movie, James J. Braddock. Besides, the next researcher can also by seeing it from the relationship between bourgeoisie and proletariat.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: reading strategies, science program and social program, Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS). There are four language performances which are important  in academicprocess, including speaking, writing, reading, and listening. Those languageperformances are important, but reading is essential one and the most  important skill, especially for L2 learners in mastering academic process. In reading L2, Indonesian students get difficulties because foreign languge is different with their mother tounge. Therefore, reading strategies are needed. This study is aimed at finding out the kinds of reading strategies, the most frequently used reading strategy, and the significant difference of reading strategy between science and social students of SMA Brawijaya Smart School Universitas Brawijaya Malang.This study used descriptive quantitative approach dealing with survey research. The data of the study were collected by using questionnaire named Survey of Reading Strategies (SORS) designed by Mokhtari and Sheorey (2002). The sample of this study are the students of XI IPA 1 and XI IPS 2.The results revealed that the use of overall reading strategies for science fell into high level. It means that science students usually used reading strategiesduring reading process, it might be very important strategies for science students. While, the use of overall reading strategies for social fell into medium, means that they sometimes used reading strategies during reading process. Social students consider that reading strategies are important to do during reading process. Specifically, both science and social favored problem solving strategies as the most usage, followed by support reading strategies and global reading strategies. In addition, there is significant difference of reading strategies between science and social students.Regarding the importance of reading strategy, the students have to applyreading strategies in reading process, so they will get a lot of knowledge fromreading and they can compete in international school. Besides, the teacher canhelp them understand more about the importance of reading strategy. For the next researchers, they should be find the factor that make the participants use different strategies in reading process.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: poem, significance, sign, semiotics, superreader As a literary discourse, the conveyance context of a poem meanings and significances are mostly delivered implicitly by the poet. In a poem, implicitsignificance may contain double meanings that require deep understanding andfurther readings. Sometimes, implicit significance is conveyed by certain symbols. The selected approach to interpret this poem is semiotics theory by Michael Riffaterre. The focus of this research is finding the analysis result of a poem titled The Lily in a Crystal by using superreader semiotics approach that emphasizes on the reader’s ability to dissect particular poem.This poem, written by Robert Herrick, became one of the poems with the highest number of stanza in his book titled Hesperides. This poem contains the image of woman’s life. However, Robert Herrick illustrated it in unique connotations. The core message delivered in this poem is a wisdom. Problem of the study to be answered in this research is: what is the hidden message inside Robert Herrick’s poem entitled The Lily in a Crystal.In the superreader theory, there are three elements that must be answered inorder to interpret a poem, those are semiotics reading (heuristic and hermeneutic), the matrix, model, and variants, as well as hypogram. The result of this semiotics analysis based on Riffaterre shows the religious representation that is hidden in each word, which is the essence of this poem. The connotation words are dedicated to woman and her actions. A wisdom is the main  thing to face love that contains pleasure with sadness at once and lot of  temptations within. This poem is indirectly invites all woman who reads, because the word‘you’ in this poem is aimed for the position of a woman. The Matrix in this poem are wisdom and religiosity. From those matrix, it can be found that the main theme of this poem is about religiosity that deals with woman’s wisdom.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Needs fulfillment, basic needs, love needsHuman beings have to fulfill their needs to support their daily life. In this case, between needs and wants has to be balanced in order to avoid imbalance which can raise the problem. Considering about the importance of fulfilling the basic needs, the writer observes about needs fulfillment that is in the short story Misery. This short story is narrated about the sadness of someone who loses his son until he neglects his needs. Hence, in this study, the writer will answer the problem of the study that is (1) what kind of problems appear from the unfulfilled love need in the main character of Anton Chekov’s Misery? (2) How can these problems happen to the main character of Anton Chekov’s Misery?The study is using a qualitative approach to describe the event that is clearlyand systematically learnt. The contextual description study is used with the purpose to analyze the short story Misery.The result of the study shows that basic needs (physiological needs, safetyneeds, love and belonging needs, and esteem needs) which cannot be fulfilled will make complex problems. In order to solve his problems, he tries to talk to his passenger, but he is neglected. There is an imbalance between Iona’s need and desire so he misses many things. Iona’s unconsciousness when he neglects his basic needs becomes the principal point of view of the writer.   
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 4 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords : Sociolinguistics, Register, Multi Level Marketing, PT. Orindo Alam Ayu, The Great One Club. Humans live together as society and the social creature. Humans need alanguage for communicating with each other in their live. People create group ofsocieties based on region, interest, social class, religion and many others. Inspecific group people create their own terms in their community and it is calledregister. In this study, the writer conducted a study about register used by multilevel marketing business members in PT. Orindo Alam Ayu. There are twoproblems of the study, they are (1) What are the registers used by the members of multi level marketing business in PT. Orindo Alam Ayu?; (2) What are thecontextual factors influencing the registers used by members of multi levelmarketing business in PT. Orindo Alam Ayu?In this study, the writer used descriptive qualitative approach with homogeneous purposive sampling. The data were conversation between the members and the data source was two small meetings of The Great One Club in PT. Orindo Alam Ayu discussing success plan knowledge and recruiting strategy (new recruitment program start from November) topics. The writer described the contextual analysis of the conversation where the registers used by the members.The writer found 22 registers used by the members of multi level maketingin PT. Orindo Alam Ayu. Some of the registers have common sense but some donot. Then, some registers in carrier levels of PT. Orindo Alam Ayu have analogywith the precious things, such as Gold Executive Director, Sapphire ExecutiveDirector, and Diamond Executive Director. Carrier levels are made based on thevaluable levels of gold, sapphire, and diamond. Diamond has the highest value so it is always at the top of the levels after gold and sapphire. Then, there are seven registers in acronym form such as OOM, BC, WP, and SPO. In contextual factor analysis, generally the writer found most of the contextual factors influencing the speakers are about carrier levels and ordering system. The situation is when the member share information in purpose to make the other members fell enthusiastic to attain next level and the discursive functions always support the topics and the social roles or the situations.The registers used by Multi Level Marketing Business members in PT. Orindo Alam Ayu had relation with the selling system and the carrier level and ordering system in their business. Those registers are important knowledge to reach success in the business. The writer suggested for the next writer to analyzeregister in other business community because business field is the interestingsubject. It can give information, not only for English students but also for otherpeople who need business information.

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