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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : strukturalisme, unsur intrinsik, inertekstualitasKomik dapat menjadi sebuah media yang menarik dan mudah dimengerti melalui gambar-gambar atau ilustrasi. Salah satu contoh komik yang tenar dan banyak digemari adalah Petualangan Tintin edisi Le Secret de La Licorne. Edisi ini telah dikomodifikasi dalam bentuk film 3 Dimensi. Komik dan film merupakan dua jenis seni yang berbeda. Komik menggunakan gambar diam dan bahasa tulis sebagai media pengantarnya, sedangkan film menggunakan gambar bergerak dan suara. Namun perbedaan tersebut bukan berarti antara komik dan film tidak memiliki benang merah. Hal ini menarik untuk dikaji secara struktural intertekstual untuk mengetahui persamaan serta perbedaan dari komik dan film tersebut.Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan teori dan metode struktural dari Nurgiyantoro (2010, hal. 22-23) dengan mengkaji unsur-unsur  intrinsik sebagai pembangun cerita sebuah karya. Selain itu, penulis menggunakan teori dan metode intertekstual dari Culler (1981) yang berperan dalam menganalisis perbandingan dari dua teks yaitu komik dan film. Melalui pendekatan di atas, penulis melakukan perbandingan interteks dari unsur-unsur intrinsik antara bentuk asal (komik) dengan perubahannya (film).Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komik dan film 3 dimensi petualangan Tintin edisi Le Secret de La Licorne mempunyai persamaan dan perbedaan yang termanifestasi dalam unsur-unsur intrinsiknya seperti tema, alur, latar, penokohan, dan amanat. Bentuk-bentuk intertekstualitas unsur-unsur intrinsik yang terdapat dalam kedua karya ini adalah modifikasi, ekspansi, ekserp, transformasi dan haplologi. Meskipun dalam struktur interteks komik dan film tersebut terjadi perbedaan pada unsur intrinsiknya, namun hal itu tidak mengubah makna dari keseluruhan cerita.Penulis menyarankan agar penelitian berikutnya dapat menggunakan teoriteori dan pendekatan yang lain. Kemudian penulis berharap dengan menggunakan teori dan pendekatan yang lain dapat lebih memperkaya dalam menganalisis komik ini untuk dikembangkan lebih lanjut.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Cohesion, Cohesion Devices, Lyric, Bob Marley. This study is about cohesion devices found in the lyrics of Bob Marley’s songs. The objectives are to reveal the kinds of grammatical and lexical cohesion used in the lyrics of Bob Marley’s songs.In conducting this study, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative method, because the data in the form of words, phrases, and sentences. The data of this study is taken form the lyrics of five Bob Marley’s songs, they are: Get Up, Stand Up, One Love, Redemption Song, War, Revolution. In analyzing the data, the researcher uses Halliday and Hasan’s theory to find the kinds of grammatical cohesion and Renkema’s theory to find the kinds of lexical cohesion.The result of this study shows the type of grammatical cohesion which mostly appeared are demonstrative and personal reference, while lexical cohesion which is mostly used is repetition Both cohesion devices have different function.The researcher suggests English learners to consider the usage of cohesion devices for practicing writing and speaking in order to increase their writing andspeaking skills. The suggestion for the lecturers to enrich their teaching materials by using this study as reference and the researcher also suggests the next researcher to take the data from written text to ease the research and conduct a more detailed and deeper analysis by comparing and combining this research with another research.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Politeness, Face, Politeness Strategies. As a social being, people need to pay attention to the messages conveyed in communication. In verbal communication, people perform politeness that can develop relationship and build cooperation among them. The writer conducted a study about politeness in “Django Unchained” movie which presents about politeness phenomena happening in life aspect at the American slavery era. There are two problems to be solved, they are: (1) What politeness strategies which are mostly used on dialogue performed by Django and Dr. Schultz in “Django Unchained” movie? (2) What factors that influence Django and Dr. Schultz use the strategies which are mostly appeared.This study uses qualitative approach to gather and analyze the data. It is included into document analysis in analyzing and interpreting the utterances on dialogue between Django and Dr. Schultz from the script of the movie to answer the research problem.The result of this study shows that the mostly used politeness strategies is positive politeness strategies with twenty three utterances. In doing politeness strategies, Dr. Schultz is the highest positive politeness user in his utterances to show cooperative will and effort to minimize the social distance with Django. On the other side, Django has a very low frequency in doing the politeness strategies.Based on the results, the writer suggests that the next researchers use other objects reflecting more about performing politeness in daily life also use more theories in analyzing the implicit meanings of the speaker’s utterances.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: id, ego, super ego, perjuangan hidup Film adalah bagian dari hidup, bentuk dominan dari ekspresi manusia. Sudah biasa jika orang menonton film dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai hobi. Salah satu jenis film adalah film drama komedi. Berbeda dengan komedi yang mengharapkan untuk menjaga nada rendah yang konsisten dan tidak menantang beberapa penonton dengan memperkenalkan konten yang lebih serius. Terlebih lagi, “film drama-komedi terbuat dari elemen komedi dan drama, memiliki konten yang humoris dan serius. Film ‘The Terminal’ menceritakan seorang pria yang terperangkap di sebuah bandara di New York, Bandara Internasional John F. Kennedy saat dia ditolak masuk ke Amerika Serikat dan pada saat yang sama tak bisa kembali ke negaranya, negara fiktif Krakozhia, karena revolusi. Skripsi ini akan menjelaskan bagaimana karakter utama bertahan dari tekanan dan bagaimana dia beradaptasi dengan lingkungan. Untuk menganalisis, penulis memakai psychoanalysis dan pembelajaran film untuk mengerti simbol dan kondisi sosial dari ketakbernegaraan di film ‘The Terminal’.Menggunakan teori Sigmund Freud, id, ego dan super ego.Pembelajaran ini menunjukkan bahwa Viktor dikendalikan oleh id dan egonya sendiri, secara sadar. Viktor mulai menekan keputusasaannya, dengan bertahan sendirian di terminal, berkomunikasi dengan orang di sekitarnya. Saat dia hampir kehilangan rasa percaya diri, dia diperalat untuk masuk Amerika secara ilegal. Dia hampir tersesat dalam godaan, tapi semangatnya kembali saat tahu dia diperalat. Saat dia dipancing dengan godaan, perilaku ini dikendalikan oleh id-nya. Tapi ketika dia memilih untuk tinggal, dia dikendalikan oleh ego-nya. Saat ia melanjutkan kegiatan sehari-harinya di terminal, egonya mendorongnya untuk membantu orang di sekitarnya. Dia tetap bersabar sampai akhirnya diijinkan masuk Amerika.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Maslivefa, Maharani.  2008.,  The Struggle of Homosexual  Against Discrimination in the Main Character of Milk Movie. Study Program of English, University of Brawijaya.Supervisor: (1) M. Andhy Nurmansyah M. Hum. ; Co-supervisor: Winda Candra  Hantari M.A.Keywords: discrimination, homosexual, struggleMilk  is one of American biographical films which has a relationship with the history of America that points out the discrimination of homosexual in that era. In the 1970’s era there are lots of movements include gender movement like feminist and gay or lesbian group. History also shows that homosexuals have been discriminated. Homosexuals often assumed as a product of sick environment because of their sexual deviance, that is why they get discriminations from society. Bad stereotype from society makes homosexuals have a limitation of occupation also in politics. Because of this problem Harvey as a homosexual decided to struggle the rights for homosexuals. Queer approach which stressed on gender discrimination is applied in this study. This  theory describes about critics of  the relation between  representations of  same  sex, political power  of sexuality and social. Queer theory has been claimed and proved that it is the field in which analysts might productively explore that politics and people are identified in terms of sexualities.  The result of the research shows that through politics Harvey can fight for the rights of homosexuals especially in the society, and as a politician. Gay and lesbian political movement are stressed to ethnic politics and race minorities. As a homosexual he can be considered as one who supports the movement for homosexual because as a supervisor which struggle hard for the rights especially in San Francisco. For further researches, it is recommended to use historical approach. Since Milk which set in the 1970’s era that there are many movements appears includes gender movement that can be explained historically.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Pamungkas,  Dimas Probo. 2014.  Learned Helplessness  Encountered by Michael Oher in The Blind Side Movie. Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Culture Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor: Dyah Eko Hapsari;Co-supervisor: Sarlettina Vidyayani EkaKeywords:  Learned Helplessness,  African-American, Psychological,  Social Behavior, Depression, The Blind Side.Social behavior shows several interactions between person and social situations, which stressed on how the person may behave accordingly to social values in a society. Behavior is really important in a person’s life especially in social context. Disturbances in family functioning, such as parental depression, severe marital conflict or divorce, death of a parent, or other disturbances are external factors that preserve abnormal behavior. Those conditions then form a person’s perspective of social behavior that the person preserves to be acceptable. Some of them who cannot fulfill the standards in very often case lead into learned helplessness. The Blind Side is one of the movies that show learned helplessness as an abnormal behavior. This movie was written and directed by John Lee Hancock, produced by Alcon Entertainment and released by Warner Bros in 2009, based on the 2006 book The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis. The Blind Side was a box-office success  in 2009.The film itself also received an Academy Award nomination for Best Picture.    The writer use social psychological  approach by applying  psychological theory which is combined with social behavior  theory. In analyzing, the writer makes the main  characters in the movie which is Michael Oher as the  focus of research in order to reveal the helplessness in his life.   Result of this thesis shows that,  the helplessness encountered by Michael Oher triggered by continuity depressions by external factors.  The inability to control the situation combined with depressions make him learned helplessness.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: literature, totalitarian, surveillance, Nineteen Eighty-Four.Surveillance becomes a major feature in panopticon prison which is promoted by Jeremy Bentham in eighteenth century. The word surveillance is derived from French language, surveiller, which means observing. Inside the prison, each individual is constantly monitored as a way of disciplined approach them to follow the rules. The thesis discusses about the surveillance is used by totalitarian governments to maintain power. George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Fourdepicts the government and state oppression over its population. In which, every individual in the society is observed constantly as the effort to maintain the status quo.The writer specifically analyzes how the government maintaining its power by means of telescreen and Thought Police in Nineteen Eighty-Four. The writer combines Foucault’s panopticism and Hannah Arendt’s totalitarianism theories to approach the work  because those theories can help the writer to explore of how the totalitarian government maintain the status quo using the surveillance medium.The result of this research shows several functions from telescreen and Thought Police in surveillance medium as a means to maintain the totalitarian power. Telescreen functions as a surveillance practice can be divided into two major levels, societal and individual levels. While the Thought Police functions as a secret agent organization, which responsibles to operate surveillance system. Both are the government’s instruments which have important roles in maintaining the status quo of totaliarian regime.The writer’s suggestion for the further research’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, novel can be analyzed by using psychological approach because it depicts the psychological condition of individual and society whenever oppressed by the surveillance activities done by the government.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key Words: Culture, Cultural Background, Intercultural Contact, Edensor.People with different cultural backgrounds have lead some research to reveal the phenomena of intercultural contact so many times. The revelation does not only exist in the formal research but also in some literary work, one of them is the story of a sojourner who faces new places which is appeared in Edensor. Through Ikal as the main character, this novel describes about the struggle of Ikal as a sojourner to face the various differences of each place he stays.This research applies Cultural Study since the novel concerns about cultures of each countries that are presented by Ikal through his narrations. This approach leads to use the theory of acculturation to explain deeply how Ikal as sojourner can accommodate himself to live in different countries. The identification of Ikal’s narration is used as the formal object to do the deep interpretation in this research. Therefore, the analysis of the research that deals about the intercultural contact among sojourner and new places can be seen clearly.The result of this research reveals that Ikal as a sojourner tries to notice and follow the native’ habits to show the politeness level when he notices the difference politeness level of his country, Indonesia, and another country. Therefore, his first hand of intercultural contact experience lead him to know each country’s politeness. Moreover, he tends to practice the native’s arts to do interaction with them after he discovers the difference of art’s tastes in every contries. The revelation of many kind of greetings which are difference from how Indonesian greet others is also a problem by Ikal that he has to practice those native’s greeting when he stays in native’s countries. As sojourner, the communication with the native people is important to do. However, Ikal tends to use the native’s native language to do communication when he can speak their native language, in contrary, he leaves that country when he can not speak the native language and the native can not speak Ikal’s language.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: Face-threatening acts (FTAs), positive face, negative face, context. Making interaction or socialization with other people to gain something such as information is natural for everyone. Thus, people want to be accepted or liked by society in many ways in which one of them is through communication. However, there are some utterances that cannot be accepted by some people and study of face-threatening acts (FTAs) of pragmatics is needed to analyze the utterances. The researcher conducted a study of FTAs in ‘The Dictator’ movie (TD) which performs FTAs phenomena occuring in the main character’s dialogues. In order to describe the context of the movie scenes, the researcher used a theory of Hymes. There are two problems to be solved, namely: (1) utterances of the main character containing face-threatening acts and (2) the kinds of face-threatening acts are used by the main character in threatening the negative face and the positive face. In this study, the researcher applied qualitative method since the data were transcribed utterances containing face-threatening acts from the main character in TD movie. The researcher also applied descriptive method in which is a research method that uses a technique of searching, collecting, classifying, analyzing the data, interpreting them and then drawing the conclusion in conducting an analysis of the main character’s utterances and the scenes of TD movie. This study reveals that the main character’s utterances containing FTAs by using positive FTAs and negative FTAs. Based on the analysis, the main character’s utterances perform some FTAs, either from positive face and negative face, in order to threat the hearers’ face. The main character does not fulfill the hearer’s desire or feeling in order to get his want of freedom. Later, the chosen scenes of the movie are elaborated by using context theory. 
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 4, No 9 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key Words: Sociolinguistics, regional dialect, lexical differences, West Sumbawalanguage, West Sumbawa dormitory.Indonesia has many local languages. There language diversity found in each region in Indonesia, and called regional dialect. Dialect is language spoken in particular areas. This research aims at find out the lexical differences between Taliwang and Seteluk dialects used by the members of West Sumbawa dormitory at jalan Kadaka number 17 Malang. Further the researcher also investigates the meaning of those dialects.In this research, the researcher used qualitative approach. The researcher did anobservation, interview, note taking, and giving questionnaire. The researcher took the participants from West Sumbawa dormitory as the representation of West Sumbawanesse.The finding reveals thirty one lexical differences found in Taliwang and Seteluk dialects. The differences of Taliwang and Seteluk dialects happen because they come from different region of West Sumbawa. Thus these differences are perceived as dialect.In conclusion, differences in lexical of dialect may happen in different region andgeographical areas. The researcher hopes that this research may help the next researchers to develop their researches, further the next researchers can take another example of regional dialect to discuss.

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