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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Morphology, Word Formation Process, Entertainment, Jakarta Post.Language is related to word formation processes because it is the process of creating new words and new uses of the old words and also how new words are being formed. This research was about word formation processes in entertainment articles. There are two problems to be solved in this study, namely: (1) what word-formation processes of the words found in Entertainment Article in Jakarta Post; (2) what types of word-formation processes frequently appear in entertainment article in Jakarta Post.The researcher used the theory of Yule (2010) to analyze this research. The researcher took 11 articles of entertainment in Jakarta Post as the data. This research used qualitative research to describe the terms in entertainment articles based on word formation processes. Qualitative research is used to find out the words of word formation processes in the entertainment articles in Jakarta Post. This study reveals that there were derivation is the most frequently types that appears in entertainment articles. The writer found 25 words of derivation, 21 of compounding, 7 words of borrowing, 3 words of acronyms and 1 blending. The research in field of morphology especially word formation process is a beneficial research because it takes an important part of the word formulation in language. The next researcher can try to find out theory based on the different expert. The writer also suggests for the next researchers who are interested in doing further research in this area to conduct the research with more variation in data collection.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords:  Error, Error Analysis, Surface Strategy Taxonomy, Travel WritingError reflects the lack of knowledge of the learner. The process of language learning is the time when the language learners make mistakes or error. In writing, the learner must avoid producing error in order to compose a goodwriting. Regarding the errors made by the language learners, this study wasconducted to answer: (1) what kinds of errors in surface strategy taxonomy aremade by the fifth semester students of English Study Program in producing theirtravel writing texts? and (2) what is the dominant type of error made by the fifthsemester students of English Study Program in producing their travel writingtexts?This study used qualitative approach in relation to the use of clear and systematic description about the phenomena being studied. It is to describe thedata obtained from English Department students’ literary work in the form ofwritten texts.This analysis finds the grammatical errors which are made in the travel writing produced by the fifth semester students of Study Program of English Department of Universitas Brawijaya based on surface strategy taxonomy theory which consists of four types of errors. They are (1) omission, (2) addition, (3) misformation and (4) misordering. Mostly the errors occuring in misformation are in the use of tense form. Secondly, the errors are in omission of noun/verbinflection. The next error, there are many clauses that contain unnecessary phrase added there. According to the researcher, the cause why the students made such errors is that because of their limited vocabulary, so they just put the words they knew without concerning to any caution of inappropriate words or meaning.The researcher suggests the students who are interested in conducting thesame field should fill the gaps and lacks that cannot be fulfilled by this study. She also suggests that the next researcher should complete their future analysis, especially on an error analysis by using other theories than Dulay’s theory.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : metafora, komponen makna, penerjemahan, bahasa sumber (Bsu), bahasa sasaran (Bsa) Metafora merupakan gaya bahasa kiasan yang membandingkan satu hal dengan hal lain melalui sebuah persamaan. Dalam penerjemahannya, sering kali metafora tidak diterjemahkan secara harfiah. Hal tersebut dikarenakan sebuah metafora harus menyesuaikan konteks cerita dan budaya Bsu dan Bsa.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui struktur metafora dalam sebuah novel, yaitu novel dwibahasa Parncis-Indonesia yang berjudul Hari Terakhir Seorang Terpidana Mati karya Victor Hugo. Tujuan kedua penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui penerjemahan metafora Bsu (bahasa Prancis) ke dalam Bsa (bahasa Indonesia), pada novel tersebut.  Fokus penelitian ini ditujukan pada struktur metafora berdasarkan proporsi utama metafora, yaitu topik, citra serta titik kemiripan. Titik kemiripan diteliti lebih dalam menggunakan komponen makna. Selanjutnya untuk penerjemahan metafora, terdapat lima cara dalam menerjemahkannya, yaitu i) metafora diterjemahkan sepadan ii) metafora diterjemahkan sepadan dengan memberi keterangan, iii) metafora diterjemahkan menjadi majas simile, iv) metafora diterjemahkan dengan menyesuaikan kelaziman Bsa, v) metafora diterjemahkan dengan menghilangkan unsur figuratif metafora.  Setelah penelitian dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa metafora pada novel yang diteliti, sangat beragam. Sedangkan untuk penerjemahan metafora, sebagian besar penerjemahan metafora diterjemahkan secara sepadan tanpa perubahan dari Bsu ke Bsa. Penulis menyarankan untuk mengkaji psikolinguistik dengan kajian objek yang sama atau mencari objek penelitian lain untuk bidang penerjemahan
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Foreign Language Learning, Speaking, Anxiety, SMAN 1 KRIAN English has become the most dominant global language which should be mastered by all students in Indonesia. Mastering new grammatical rules, pronunciation, and vocabulary, makes foreign language learning a new big challenge for people who study it. One of the big challenges when learning English is speaking. Usually students have difficulty in speaking performance. Soit will increase their anxiety. This study was aimed at finding out the anxiety levels of XI grade students, the factors that affect the anxiety and correlationbetween students’ anxiety and the speaking performance of XI grade students of SMAN 1 KRIAN. This study used quantitative and qualitative approach since the data were in the form of numbers and word. The quantitative data used in this research were the result of Foreign Language Anxiety Classroom Scale questionnaires filled by XI grade students at SMAN 1 KRIAN, and the result of speaking performance. While the qualitative data used in this research were the result of interview. The researcher collected the data by choosing Foreign Language Classroom AnxietyScale, distributing the questionnaire to 56 students, collecting the result of questionnaire, selecting 4 students with high anxiety level and 4 students with low anxiety level, asking them to tell a story and deliver speech, scoring, andinterviewing the participants about their speaking performance. Thus, theresearcher analyzed them and finally drew a conclusion.  The researcher found that there was high anxiety level in XI Social students. The factors that affect students’ anxiety namely communication apprehension, test anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation. The researcher also found significant positive correlation in XI Social between students who have low anxiety score and the speaking performance. There was significant negative correlation between XI Social between who have high anxiety score and the speaking performance.The conclusion was anxiety gave influence to the student’s speaking performance. For the next researcher, it is recommended to conduct the study ofanxiety using other theories. The researcher also suggests the next researchers to examine the relationship between speaking anxiety and academic achievement by using different instrument.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: CDA, anti-bullying campaign, government, Family Channel Canada, intention, role, viewers.Family Channel’s Anti-Bullying campaign is an unprofitable advertisement that is created by Family Channel Canada and Canadian government as the two biggest powerful sides in Canada. Although the campaign asks people to take astand against bullying, but it is well known ability to influence people and spreadinformation makes Family Channel Canada and Canadian government insert their own importance behind it. Then, CDA is a suitable approach to analyze it. The study is aimed: (1) to identify the intention behind creating Family Channel’s Anti-Bullying campaign; (2) to find out the role of Family Channel’s Anti-Bullying campaign for society; (3) to find out whether the viewers agree or disagree with Family Channel’s Anti-Bullying campaign.This study uses qualitative quantitative approach to provide better understanding and answer to wide range of research questions. The qualitativeresearch could provide in-depth and rich data, while the quantitative method isuseful toward generalizing research findings.This study reveals that behind the campaign, there is hidden intention to build good imagery of Canadian government and Family Channel Canada. This campaign’s role is to lead the society to the path that has been planned by theCanadian government and Family Channel Canada and to mold public’s opinion.Lastly, there are 143 agree comments from the total 509 comments, it could begeneralized that viewers actually agree with this campaign.The writer suggests the society to be more selective and smart in watchingsomething. The powerful sides also should maintain their power well and use itonly for the society needs. It would be better if the next researcher digs up deeper in the field of discourse in our daily life. Maybe, the discourse that lays behind some figures and images in advertisements. Developing the discourse behind those images could also do by combining the theory of CDA and theory of visual design.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: racism, anti-racism, equality American is known as one of the countries which deals with racial issues. However, as time goes by, anti-racism begins to emerge. Anti-racism intends topromote an egalitarian society not to face discrimination due to their race.Amistad is a movie which shows that there are some characters that still havecompassion to each other without differentiating race or skin color. In this study, the writer analyzes the action and the statement to prove theanti racism shown by the characters in Amistad. The result of the study discoversthat anti-racism is manifested in some characters in this movie. They areTheodore Joadson, Lewis Tappan, Roger Sherman Baldwin, John Quincy Adam,Cinque, the Army, John Forsyth, Free Slaves. These characters are brave enoughto express their actions and thoughts to struggle against racism which isconsidered bad. They think that all people have the same right and deserve to get equal treatment in every aspect of life without any discrimination.It is suggested for the next researchers to conduct a study on the same filmwith other approaches, for example, psychological approach. This perspective can be used to identify the psychological condition of the characters in facing thechallenges in White majority society.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Greek Mythology, mythological character, environmental issues, AmericaMyth is a story that is produced in ancient time and represented the philosophy of life. Myth usually contains some earlier stories to explain natural phenomena that cannot be explained by human at that time. The collections of myth are called mythology. One of the famous mythologies in this world is Greek Mythology and the important part of Greek Mythology is the story of Gods and Goddesses. God or Goddess character is representation of natural life and it is represented interestingly in the novel written by Rick Riordan entitled PercyJackson and the Olympians Series. The representation of nature, especially which is related to environmental issues, becomes an interesting topic in in this novel. Due to this, understanding further about representation of environmental issues in America through the existence of mythical characters in this novel is significant to be done.Qualitative research is used in this research because it concerns with the description of condition of nature in America nowadays. Therefore, qualitative design is needed. Mythological study is used to help the researcher understands more about mythological characters and theirs functions within the realm of preserving natural sources. Ecocriticism is also used to analyze the environmental degradation which happens in America as portrayed in Riordan’s novels.The result of the study shows that some mythological characters symbolizeenvironmental issues in America, particularly about the degradation condition and the effort of make them better. They are Poseidon, Pan, and Satyrs. Poseidon is the a mythical character representing of water condition. The function of Poseidon here is to repair the condition of polluted water in America. Pan is the mythical character representing wild area or forest. His condition pictures the decreasing certain number of forest area in America. And the last character is Satyr who represents the environmentalist movement in America.The researcher suggests the next researchers who want to conduct similar research to have a better knowledge in analyzing this topic and look for other interesting mythical characters with different point of view. Furthermore, the next researchers can investigate also the psychological condition of mythical figures using psychological theories, since the existence of mythical characters imply psychological condition undergone by human beings.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Speech act, locutionary act, illocutionary act, Internet, twitter, tweet, Infomalang.Language is always related to acts. When people are doing communication,they are not only delivering the message, but also performing an action from the utterance. Speech acts can be found in daily communication, for example in the Internet through social media, twitter. In this study, the researcher analyzes speech act within utterances found  in Infomalang twitter account. There are two problems to be solved: (1) What are the locutionary and illocutionary acts found in Infomalang twitter account? (2) What are the types of locutionary and illocutionary acts applied in Infomalang twitter account?This study used qualitative approach in document analysis since it focused onanalyzing the utterances written in infomalang twitter account. The data werecollected from April 5th 2014 to April 20th 2014 which were published on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 pm until 3 pm. Then the data were analyzed  to find out the types of locutionary acts by using Levinson’s theory and the types of illocutionary acts by using Searle’s theory.From 59 utterances, it was found that the most frequent type of illocutionaryacts found in Infomalang twitter account is declarative. This type is found 29utterances which are used to give information. The second type is interrogative which are used to ask question found 22 utterances. The last type is imperative which are to make someone do something found 7 utterances. While the types of illocutionary acts it was found that the most frequent type of illocutionary acts found in Infomalang twitter account is directive. There are 45 directives utterances, 11 representatives utterances, 1 commisive utterance, and 1 expressive utterance. The researcher did not find declaration.The researcher suggests that the next researchers analyze the perlocutionaryact of the utterances. In addition, it is recommended to analyze the same data by using other theories of pragmatics from other experts. The next researchers are also suggested to use another object in order to broaden the comprehension in speech acts such as movies, novels, and speeches.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Word Formation Processes, Registers, Brawijaya Chess Club.Sociolinguistics is the study related to the language and society. In sociolinguistics, we know the concept of register. Register is another complicatingfactor in any study of language varieties. Registers are sets of language itemsassociated with discrete occupational or social group. Thus the result of register in this study also found word formation processes. In this case, the writer isinterested in studying the registers used by Brawijaya Chess Clubs and wordformation processes. There are three problems of the study, namely: (1) What are the register used by Brawijaya Chess Club?(2) What are the meaning of register used by Brawijaya Chess Club?and (3) What are the word formation processes of the register used by Brawijaya Chess Club?This studyused qualitative research which has aims in getting the description about register used by Brawijaya Chess Club.The data of this study was taken in the form of utterance containing of register used by Brawijaya Chess Club.In this study, the writer observed 15 members and 3 national mastershad an interviewed of Brawijaya Chess Club to answer those problems of study.This study found 49 registers used by Brawijaya Chess Club.Based on theanalysis, the writer found out that those 49 registers and found 3 types of wordformation process.Type of word formation found are31borrowing, 1 blending and17 multiple processes. The writer suggests the next researchers who are interested in doing research with the same topicabout register to use other interesting objects in the society. The writer hopes to the further researchers to do similar researches on registers with different tehniques, theories and subjects in order to give a contribution to the study of linguistics and it make the sources will be more  various.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata kunci : Morfologi, reduplikasi, analisis kontrastifBahasa merupakan sarana atau alat komunikasi yang paling penting dalamkehidupan manusia. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis meneliti ilmu linguistik dalamsegi morfologi atau ilmu yang mempelajari mengenai pembentukan kata. Sesuai dengan sasaran yang diteliti, penulis tertarik dengan analisis kontrastif. Analisis kontrastif adalah sebuah metode penelitian yang meneliti tentang perbedaan dan ketidaksamaan yang mencolok pada dua bahasa, yaitu bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Bali. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan dari kedua bahasa tersebut. Berkaitan dengan hal itu, penulis menjawab rumusan masalah, yaitu (1) bagaimanakah jenis-jenis reduplikasi dalam bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Bali? (2) apa saja persamaan dan perbedaan antara reduplikasi bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Bali? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif.Hasil daripenelitian ini, dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut : (1) reduplikasi pada bahasa Jepang dibagi menjadi 2 jenis, yaitu Gokan no Juufuku dan  Gokan no Juufuku to Setsuji, (2) reduplikasi pada bahasa Bali dibagi menjadi 5 jenis,  yaitu reduplikasi utuh, reduplikasi utuh dengan variasi vokal, reduplikasi prefiks, reduplikasi konfiks dan reduplikasi sufiks, (3) reduplikasi bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Bali terdapat persamaan yaitu pengulangan kata dasar atau pengulangan utuh, (4) bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Bali terdapat pengulangan variasi fonem atau perubahan bunyi, (5) reduplikasi bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Bali terdapat perbedaan, yaitu pada pengulangan perubahan bunyi. Pada bahasa Jepang terdapat perubahan huruf konsonan, sedangkan pada bahasa Bali terdapat perubahan bunyi pada huruf vokal, (6)  reduplikasi bahasa Jepang dan bahasa Bali terdapat perbedaan pada kata berimbuhan. Bahasa Jepang mengalami imbuhan di akhir kata ulang, sedangkan bahasa Bali mengalami imbuhan di awal, tengah dan akhir kata dasar, (7) reduplikasi bahasa Jepang reduplikasi perubahan fonemnyahanya terdapat pada awal kata saja, sedangkan bahasa Bali perubahan fonem kata dasarnya terdapat di awal kata dan juga setelah kata dasar.Penulis menyarankan, penelitian selanjutnya meneliti tentang perbandingandengan bahasa-bahasa lain untuk mempermudah pembelajaran khususnya dibidang bahasa.

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