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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: penerjemahan, metode penerjemahan, anak judul, The Croods. Penerjemahan adalah memindahkan arti dari bahasa atau yang diketahui sebagai bahasa sumber (BSu) ke bahasa sasaran (BSa). Penerjemahan memiliki peran yang penting untuk membuat anak judul dalam bahasa yang berbeda. Penerjemah harus menggunakan metode penerjemahan yang tepat untuk mmbuat anak judul yang baik. Kesetaraan makna antara bahasa sumber (BSu) dan bahasa sasaran (BSa) juga memiliki peran yang penting, karena tidak semua kata dalam bahasa sumber  memiliki kesetaraan makna dalam bahasa sasaran. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode penerjemahan yang digunakan dalam anak judul Bahasa Indonesia dalam film The Croods dan untuk mengetahui kesetaraan makna antara bahasa sumber (BSu) dan bahasa sasaran (BSa) yang digunakan dalam anak judul Bahasa Indonesia dalam film The Croods. Theory yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Newmark (1988) dan Baker (1992). Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis dokumen karena data dalam studi ini berupa kata. Sumber data dari studi ini adalah anak judul dari film The Croods. Data yang diteliti adalah kombinasi antara kalimat majemuk dan kalimat majemuk bertingkat pada anak judul Indonesia dalam film The Croods yang didapatkan dari Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa 3 kalimat menggunakan penerjemahan setia, 4 kalimat menggunakan penerjemahan semantic, dan 13 kalimat menggunakan penerjemahan komunikatif. Metode yang paling banyak digunakan oleh penerjemah adalah metode penerjemahan komunikatif karena metode ini memberikan keutamaan pada konteks BSu dari aspek bahasa dan isi teks, jadi hasil dari penerjemahan komunikatif sangat mudah dipahami oleh pembaca bahasa sasaran, terutama oleh penonton film yang terdiri dari berbagai usia. Selain itu, penulis juga menemukan 9 kalimat diterjemahkan menggunakan kesetaraan gramatikal dan 11 kalimat menggunakan kesetaraan tekstual. Kesetaraan makna yang paling banyak digunakan oleh penerjemah adalah kesetaraan tekstual karena kesetaraan textual fokus pada keberhasilan informasi yang diterima oleh pembaca. Untuk para peneliti berikutnya, diharapkan untuk meneliti mengenai metode penerjemahan pada obyek yang berbeda seperti novel, cerita pendek atau obyek tertulis lainnya. Sedangkan untuk mahasiswa Prodi Sastra Inggris  Universitas Brawijaya diharapkan studi ini dapat menambah pengetahuan mengenai penerjemahan terutama metode penerjemahan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata kunci: pemandu wisata, sosiolinguistik, registerKomunikasi  dapat  dilakukan  oleh  siapapun  dan  dalam lingkup  sosial manapun.  Salah satunya  antara  pemandu wisata  dengan wisatawannya.  Setiap pemandu  wisata  memiliki  variasi  bahasa.  Variasi  bahasa  berdasarkan pemakaiannya  disebut  register.  Dalam kegiatan  guiding,  pemandu perlu untuk mengetahui  register  yang  baik dan benar.  Namun,  seringkali  pemandu  wisata menggunakan register yang tidak standar. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk register pemandu wisata berbahasa Prancis dan faktorfaktor sosial  yang  melatarbelakanginya. Penelitian  ini  dikhususkan  untuk pemandu  wisata  berbahasa Prancis di Kawah Ijen Banyuwangi Jawa Timur mengingat  banyak  sekali  wisatawan  yang  berasal dari Prancis  yang mengunjunginya.Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sosiolinguistik dan register untuk menganalisis bentuk register dan faktor-faktor sosial  yang melatarbelakanginya. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan empat  pemandu wisata sebagai obyek  penelitiannya. Teknik pengambilan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan  dengan  cara  observasi, wawancara kepada pemandu wisata, angket yang  harus  diisi  pemandu,  dokumentasi,  dan  studi  pustaka.  Analisis  data dilakukan dengan cara pengumpulan data-data dari  hasil  observasi,  wawancara dan angket,  proses  pemilihan data,  penyajian data secara deskriptif, penarikan kesimpulan, dan verifikasi data.Hasil  penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keempat pemandu wisata yang menjadi obyek penelitian mempunyai kesalahan gramatikal dalam register mereka dengan tingkat  kesalahan yang berbeda.  Hal  tersebut  dipengaruhi  oleh faktor-faktor sosial  yang melatarbelakangi pembentukan register tersebut, yaitu tingkat penguasaan bahasa Prancis,  usia pertama kali  belajar  bahasa Prancis,  cara atau tempat belajar bahasa Prancis, dan sikap terhadap bahasa Prancis. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat dijadikan masukan bagi seluruh pihak yang terkait dengan pemandu wisata untuk meningkatkan kualitas berbahasa Prancis pemandu wisata agar dapat meningkat pula kualitas pelayanannya kepada wisatawan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Language style based on diction, language style based on sentence structure, motivational picture The effective communication between one and other people will be running well if they use language variation in different situation. Language variation or language style is the way of someone in using his language in particular occasions by showing his/her personality and character. In conducting the study, the researcher formulated two problems of study namely: (1) What kinds of language style are used by Mario Teguh in his motivational picture about love seen from its diction, and (2) What kinds of language style are used by Mario Teguh in his motivational picture about love seen from its sentence structure. Based on those problems, the researcher formulates the objectives of this study as follows: (1) to find out the kinds of language style used by Mario Teguh in his motivational picture about love seen from its diction, and (2) to find out the kinds of language style used by Mario Teguh in his motivational picture about love seen from its sentence structure.    This study used qualitative analysis since the data of this study were texts in the motivational picture of Mario Teguh. In conducting this study, the researcher used some tables to categorize the data into language style based on diction and language style based on sentence structure. The main theory used in this study is the language style theory proposed by Keraf (2010), Wales (2001), and Chaer (2006). From 20 motivational pictures analyzed based on diction, the researcher found out that there were eleven texts categorized into formal language style, seven texts categorized into informal language style and two texts categorized into the combination of formal and informal language style. Based on sentence structure, it was found that nine texts were categorized into climax style, four texts categorized into anticlimax style, two texts categorized into parallelism, three texts categorized into antithesis style and five texts categorized into repetition style.Finally, the researcher suggests that the further study about language style be conducted in different ways according to the problems of study, object of the study and theory used in the study. The researcher also suggests the next researchersconduct the study which focuses on language style in the spoken form especiallylanguage style based on meaning and tone.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Magic Realism, Magic realism’s elements, myth, Queen of the Sparrows, short story. Literature is part of life since the story which is appointed in the literary works is influenced by life phenomenon. One of life phenomenon happening in reality is theoccurrence of magical thing. Magic realism is a narrative style created to narratemagical thing or fantasy in the reality. Magic realism is unique since it is an oxymoron or a term which is built by two contradiction words. The word “Magic” signifies an extra ordinary or fantasy while the word “Realism” signifies reality or world with nothing of fantasy. This research aims to find out the magic realism’s elements and what is the correlation of each element in constructing magic phenomenon in the reality.  This research uses the concept of magic realism’s elements by Faris to reveal the magic realism’s element employed by the author in Queen of the Sparrows shortstory and a concept of defocalization to reveal the correlation of those elements inconstructing magic phenomenon in reality through the author’s point of view. Then,those concepts will lead the discussion about the magic realism’s element in Queen ofthe Sparrows short story.  In this short story, the author transforms herself in the narration and character’s dialogues toward the existence of Amrita’s magical experience in the story. It can be seen in the finding and discussion such as irreducible element of Amrita’s magical experience, the detail description of the phenomenal world used as background of the occurrence of Amrita’s magical experience, unsettling doubts in the Merit’s role toward Amrita’s magical experience that lead the readers’ hesitation, merging realms of Merrit’s modern rationality and Victor’s traditional myth in the naming of Amrita, and disruption of time, space, and identity toward Amrita as an ordinary girl who is experiencing magical event. Then, those five elements are established to construct magic realism of the story. For the next researchers who want to look for new object to be analyzed, they are extremely suggested to use magic realism in other kinds of narrative fiction sincemagic realism is a unique concept in the narrative fiction as the modes and themesbecause there are two contradictory world blended in the story.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key words: politeness maxims, violation of politeness maxims, talk show, Bukan Empat Mata Communication is essential for life. In conducting a communication, people are always required to express a politeness. But people sometimes do violation of politeness.It usually happens in entertainment. In this study, the researcher conducted a research about politeness maxim used by Tukul Arwana in Bukan Empat Mata that was broadcast September, 25th 2013. There are two problems to be solved, namely: (1) what politeness maxims are used by the host of Bukan Empat Mata in “TheCommentator” episode, and (2) what kind of politeness maxims are violated bythe host of Bukan Empat Mata in “The Commentator” episode. This research used qualitative approach because the analysis is in the form of  description rather than number. The research was conducted through documentary analysis since the researcher analyzed Tukul Arwana’s utterances in his transcript dialogue containing politeness maxim and violation of politeness maxim. The result of the research showed that the host applied five politeness maxims, namely tact maxim (5), approbation maxim (15), modesty maxim (1), aggrement maxim (10), and sympathy maxim (1). On the other hand, he also applied three violation of politeness maxim, namely violation of generosity maxim (1), violation of approbation maxim (11), and violation of modesty maxim (1). Based on the result of the study, the researcher wants to give suggestions for the next researchers who are interested in the same field to find more sources of the theory to enrich the comprehension about politeness maxim and violation of politeness maxim. The next suggestion for further researchers is the coverage canbe more expanded and better as unit analysis in order to have an extra comprehensive research in analyzing the data that was found in politeness principle. 
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Gambrung, Islamic Culture, Javanese Culture Gambrungan is a local tradition existing in Madiun, East Java. This art adopts Islamic and Javanese culture. Indegeneous people appreciate this art as a medium to teach Islamic values. The writer analyzes the mixture between two different cultures that are Javanese and Islamic culture based on the elements which refers to mixture of culture.  This study uses qualitative approach which refers to textual and cultural analysis. The data is taken from tembang and performance of Gambrungan.  The theory of syncretism is used in this skripsi.This study analyzes the mixture of Javanese and Islamic culture. It results that syncretism has 3 elements : (1) ethnomusicology, (2) ethnopoetics, and (3) performance. Ethnomusicology element is kendang and gambrung, ethnopoeticselement is tembhang, and performance element is the performance of gambrunganitself.The writer would like to give some suggestion for the next researcher who wants to conduct a similar research to find out other elements about cultural studies of Gambrungan or to use a different theory. The writer expects that the next research can be more complete and understandable to reveal the important things in it.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Black Swan, Dissociative Ident it y Disorder, semiot ics, signs Movie is one of modern literary works that aim to deliver certain idea through audio-visual media. Movie consists of three elements: audio, visual, and verbal that are considered as signs. One movie that consists of implicit signs is Black Swan. Black Swan is a thriller psychological movie which tells about ballerina named Nina who has double ident it y called as dissociative identity disorder when she has to embody two characters in a project of a ballet show. This research, therefore aims to interpret the meaning of signs that represent Nina’s dissociative identity disorder in Black Swan. This research employs semiot ic theory by Peirce. Semiot ics is the study of signs. Everyt hing can be signs while it is interpreted as a sign. According to Peirce, sign is divided into three: icon, index and symbol. Dissociative identity disorder concept is also applies to find in the scenes that indicate Nina’s dissociative identity disorder.The result of this research found that there are three modes of signs in Black Swan. Those three modes of signs show that Black Swan tells about Nina’s dissociative identity disorder. Nina’s dissociative ident it y disorder signs portray three symptoms of dissociative identity disorder which come from Nina’s appearance changes, Nina’s behavior changes, and hallucinations.The writer suggests that the next researchers who want to use the same object that is movie, to apply other approaches such as psychological approach to interpret signs. By applying that approach it is expected that the research will be more comprehensive.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Existentialism, Theistic Existentialism, Concept of IsyqHistorically, existentialism has emerged in the early 19th century. It appears as amovement of thought that opposes rationalism and intellectualism regime with deep roots in Western philosophy. Spirit of freedom is the soul of existentialism.Existentialism itself has two main branches, Atheistic and Theistic. The main difference is atheistic existentialism refuses God for human freedom, while theistic existentialism believes that by accepting the God, human beings can get their freedom. Theistic existentialism theory covers two main points, which are acceptance of God in freedom and concept of isyq and sawal. It explains about the existence of God as an individual with the creative activity, the existency of human as a free and responsible individual, and the existency of God which is not an obstacle for human’s freedom. Isyq is a condition of a human being which follows his freedom and does not give up in any condition, while Sawal is a condition of a human being which escapes from his freedom and gives up to the condition without any struggle. Based on those backgrounds, the writer wants to focus the study on the isyq concept which are reflected in Mrs.Gump’s teaching and its influence to Forrest’s life from the movie entitled Forrest Gump. From Mrs.Gump’s teaching, it can be seen that the concept of Isyq is reflected on it. That reflection and also its manifestation in Forrest’s life are interesting to analyze.In the study, the writer uses Alim Ruswantoro (2004) Theory related with the concept of isyq. The study shows that the concept of isyq reflected in Mrs. Gump’s way in teaching Forrest Gump. Mrs. Gump teaches Forrest that existency of God as an individual with creativity is not an obstacle for human existency, and a human being has his freedom to act, and never give up in any condition. The concept of Isyq theory that reflected in Mrs. Gump’s way of teaching makes Forrest to be able to achieve the same thing as the other normal people and show his existence to the world.The writer suggest the next researchers to analyze The concept of isyq in other media, such as in novel or poetry. The writer also hopes the next researchers add any other theories in existentialism to enrich the knowledge for those who read the thesis.  
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Jender, Maskulin, Feminin, Androgini Jender merupakan sebuah konsep psikologis yang membagi perilaku manusia ke dalam maskulin dan feminin. Setiap manusia memiliki kadar maskulinitas dan femininitas yang berbeda. Ada yang cenderung sangat maskulin atau sangat feminin, tetapi ada juga yang berada di antara maskulin dan feminin, dan kategori ini disebut dengan androgini. Androginitas bisa dikaji melalui berbagai macam media, salah satunya adalah film Prancis Tomboy yang menceritakan tentang Laure, anak perempuan yang memiliki kecenderungan androgini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan manifestasi perilaku maskulin dan feminin tokoh Laure serta mengukur kadar androginitasnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori The Measurement of Psychological Androgyny (pengukuran androgini secara psikologis) yang dikemukakan oleh Sandra L. Bem. Penelitian ini merupakan gabungan antara penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif karena data yang ditampilkan berupa teks deskriptif dan rumus matematika. Penulis menggunakan content analysis (analisis isi) sebagai metode pengumpulan data serta coding dan coding frames sebagai metode analisis data.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Laure lebih banyak menunjukkan manifestasi perilaku maskulin pada saat bermain bersama teman-temannya, sementara itu manifestasi perilaku feminin ditunjukkan pada saat ia berkumpul bersama keluarganya. Di samping itu, dari hasil pengukuran androgini yang dilakukan, Laure termasuk ke dalam golongan androgynous atau androgini. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, penulis menyarankan agar dilakukan pengkajian mengenai orientasi seksual Laure yang memiliki kecenderungan menyukai sesama jenis. Alasan mengapa Laure bisa memiliki perilaku androgini juga bisa dikaji lebih lanjut. Selain itu tampilan fisik Laure yang mencerminkan kecenderungan transjender juga bisa dijadikan bahan kajian yang menarik untuk penelitian selanjutnya.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 6, No 8 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: translation, translation strategies, Some Words with a Mummy shortstory. Translation is the process of changing the meaning of the source language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. Translation plays a key role in exchanging the information between languages. The translator should be carefulto use an appropriate strategy to produce a good translation. This study aims tofind out the kinds or translation strategies found in English-Indonesian short storySome Words with a Mummy by using Chesterman’s theory (1997). Furthermore,the writer proposes three problems of the study, (1) What types of translation strategies found in English-Indonesian short story Some Words with a Mummy are(2) What types of translation strategies that most frequently used in English-Indonesian short story Some Words with a Mummy are, and (3) What the possiblereasons the translator uses translation strategies for translating short story SomeWords with a Mummy are. This study used qualitative approaches in document analysis since the data were sentences in a short story. The data source of this study is Some Words with a Mummy short story. The writer applies the theory of Chesterman (1998) whichdivides the classification of translation strategies into three kinds, namely; syntactic strategies, semantic strategies, and pragmatic strategies. From the three kinds of translation strategies, the researcher finds forty five sentences containing translation strategies of Some Words with a Mummy short story. The result shows that nine sentences use syntactic strategies, twenty five sentences use semantic strategies, and eleven sentences use pragmatic strategies. Then, the most frequently used type of translation strategies is a semantic strategies, and the possible reason translator use syntactic strategies is to create the story more natural to reading, next for semantic strategies is to produce the short story clearly understandable to the target language, and for pragmatic strategies is to make the target language understand what is the author’s purpose.The writer suggests the next writer who wants to do the analysis of translation strategies to use another theory or subject.

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