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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: forest exploitation, environment, The Lord Of The Rings: The TwoTowers movie. Forest exploitation threats ecosystem and causes a great damage to environment. One of the causes of the forest exploitation is greediness of authority by someone. The movie entitled The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers reveals some causes and effects of forest exploitation caused by Saruman’s greediness of authority.This research applies Ecocriticism as an approach to analyze a movie entitled The Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers. This study also applies movie studies.The result of the study reveals that forest exploitation causes many effects to the environment. In the movie, Saruman as a wizard who becomes the main antagonist exploits all trees in the forest of Fangorn for his interest to win the war with human. The forest exploitation causes bad effects for three aspects such as forest, denizen, and environment around forest of Fangorn. Those effects cause imbalance to the cycle of ecosystem which disrupt the life of many living beings.For future researchers, it is advisable to conduct further studies on the same movie but with different approaches. One of the examples is Racism approach, because Racism approach can be used to analyze the reflection of Orcs as black people are slaved by Saruman.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Konflik Eksternal , Novel, Penokohan, Skandal, Tokoh Dalam penelitian ini, masalah yang ingin diangkat adalah konflik eksternal. Konflik eksternal ini dialami oleh Suguro, tokoh utama dalam novel Sukyandaru. Novel ini menceritakan tentang Suguro yang seorang novelis terkenal yang dipermalukan oleh seorang wanita yang mabuk pada pesta penyerahan hadiah kesusasteraan untuk sebuah novelnya. Wanita itu mengaku mengenalnya, dan mengatakan bahwa Suguro sering berkunjung ke kawasan mesum, dari sinilah muncul konflik. Konflik yang paling banyak muncul adalah konflik eksternal yang dijadikan sumber data penelitian.  Permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana konflik eksternal yang mempengaruhi tokoh Suguro dalam novel Sukyandaru karya Shusaku Endo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konflik eksternal yang mempengaruhi tokoh Suguro dalam novel Sukyandaru karya Shusaku Endo. Untuk menganalisi masalah konflik eksternal tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan teori tokoh dan penokohan, alur cerita serta konflik eksternal.Hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Konflik eksternal yang terjadi pada Suguro antara lain konflik dengan Ishiguro Hina, konflik dengan Kobari dan Nyonya Naruse. (2) Konflik Suguro dengan Ishiguro Hina memberikan dampak kredibilitasnya sebagai seorang pengarang dipertaruhkan karena Suguro mulai diragukan oleh teman-temannya. Konflik Suguro dengan Kobari membuat Suguro merasa terancam dan khawatir skandal dan keburukannya akan tersebar sedangkan konflik Suguro dengan Nyonya Naruse menyebabkan Suguro menjadi orang yang tidak bisa mengenal dirinya sendiri.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Code, Code Switching, X-Factor.People use language to communicate each other. In communication, when two or many people communicate to each other by using different language, the communication will not be understood. Generally, people who lived in bilingual or multilingual environment use code switching to prevent a misunderstanding between them because of the differences of language used. This research is aimed to find out code switching used by the presenter of “X-Factor Indonesia”. Besides, this research is also to identify the kinds of code switching used by the presenter of “X-Factor Indonesia”. As a result, the writer conducted a research which is aimed to find out: (1) What kinds of code switching are used by the presenter of “X-Factor” in RCTI, and (2) What are the factors facilitating the presenter of “XFactor” to use code switching. The writer used the theory of Romaine (1995) and Holmes (2001).The writer used descriptive or qualitative approach as the research method, while the subject of this research is the presenter of “X-Factor”. The writer collected 100 data containing code switching. This research used code switching theory of Romaine (1995) because this theory has suitable and clear explanation about kinds of code switching. To answer the second question, the writer used the theory of Holmes (2001). Based on Holmes' (2001) theory, there are four factors affected people used code switching.The result of this research showed that the most type of code switching in the utterances done by the presenter of “X-Factor Indonesia” is intra-sentential. This type occurred 88 times (88%). The second type is inter-sentential which occurred 8 times (8%), and the last type is tag switching which occurred 4 times (4%). While, the factors affecting the code switching is participants which occurred 17 times (17%), solidarity which occurred 68 times (68%), status which occurred 9 times (9%), and the last is topic which occurred 6 times (6%).Finally, the writer suggests the future researchers who will do the same research understand more about code switching. Besides, they should also analyze the factors affecting people in using code switching. The writer suggests them use the latest theory of code switching. This result of the research can be used for the next researchers as their reference in doing the next research in other phenomena of code switching occurred in television.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Song, lyric, figurative language, semantics, and Ebit G. AdeSong is a poem, which is sounded. It is also defined as a combination between musicand word. Song is not only used to convey a life story, but it is also an amusement for the listeners. To make a song became more artistic the composer often used figurative language to express their work. Therefore, the writer analyzed the use of figurative language and its sustainabilit y wit h contextual meaning in Ebit G. Ade songs in “Best of the Best” album. There were two problems to be solved in this analysis, namely (1) what are the kinds of figurative language found in the lyrics of Ebit G. Ade‟s songs in “Best of the best” album; (2) what is the contextual meaning of the figurative language related to the lyrics. Based on the problems that were formulated, there were two objectives of the study, those are (1) to find out the kinds of figurative language which are used in the lyrics of Ebit G. Ade‟s songs in “Best of The Best” album; (2) to understand the contextual meaning of the figurative language related to the lyrics.In this analysis, the theory was taken from Keraf to find the kinds of figurative language used in all of song lyrics of Ebit G. Ade in “Best of the Best” album. Furthermore, the theory of semantics from Saeed were used to interpret the contextual meaning found in Ebit G. Ade song lyrics.This analysis used descriptive qualitative approach. Based on the problems of the study, this analysis discussed the phenomenon of kinds of figurative language and its contextual meaning of Ebit G. Ade‟s song lyrics. The data is taken from the whole song lyrics of his thirteenth album, entit led „Best of the best‟. This album contains of fifteen best collect ion of Ebit G. Ade‟s songs.After finishing the analysis, the result showed that there were eighteen kinds offigurative language used in Ebit G. Ade‟s songs. The use of repetit ion is mostly found in each of his songs, followed by climax, personification, hyperbole, irony, and others. Furthermore, it is also discovered the contextual meaning of figurative language which was used in each song lyrics.At the end of the analysis, the writer conclude that every song of Ebit G. Ade haddifferent kind of figurative language. Furthermore, each of figurative language used in Ebit G. Ade‟s songs had meaning that could be analyzed contextually. The writer suggested for the next researchers to research other song lyrics of Ebit G. Ade or other singers, with the same data but investigated from different point of view.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: Film, Hayao Miyazaki, Kaze no Tani no Naushika, Kerusakan   lingkungan Film Kaze no Tani no Naushika merupakan film fiksi yang terinspirasi dari keadaan lingkungan di Jepang pada masa itu. Mengkritik bagaimana kondisi lingkungan di Jepang setelah era industri dan pencemaran lingkungan dari industri tersebut, sebagai contohnya pencemaran limbah merkuri di teluk Minamata. Di dalam film tersebut diceritakan oleh sosok Naushika yang sangat cinta dengan lingkungan di Lembah Angin yang memerangi bangsa Pejite dan Tolmeikan yang mencoba merusak alam. Maka penulis tertarik untuk mendeskripsikan masalah-masalah lingkungan tersebut dalam film Kaze no Tani no Naushika. Dalam menganalisa penelitian ini penulis menggunakan teori kritik lingkungan  menurut Longman, Garrad dan Harsono, kemudian beberapa unsur dari teori Mise-en-scene menurut ahli film berkebangsaan Perancis. Teknik pengambilan gambar menurut Widagdo dan Winastwan. Untuk penelitian terdahulu penulis menggunakan penelitian dari saudara Indrawardana mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya (2012) yang berjudul “Isu Lingkungan Hidup Dalam Komik Doraemon Petualangan Seri 12: Nobita dan Kerajaan Awan”. Setelah dilakukan penelitian, penulis menemukan beberapa poin penting terhadap kerusakan lingkungan dalam film tersebut yaitu, kerusakan hutan, masalah pencemaran udara, masalah pencemaran air oleh limbah hasil industri, dan dampak bencana alam yang digambarkan oleh Ohmu. Bencana alam yang digambarkan Ohmu yaitu, monster raksasa yang menyerang seluruh wilayah yang dihuni oleh manusia hingga semua tempat-tempat tersebut hancur.Terdapat beberapa kerusakan lingkungan yang disebabkan oleh Bangsa Tolmeikan  dan Pejite yaitu, dengan membakar hutan mengakibatkan dampak yang sangat besar bagi lingkungan Lembah Angin. Terbakarnya hutan mengakibatkan udara dan air menjadi tercemar karena hutan tidak bisa lagi menetralkan udara dan air tersebut. Kerusakan lingkungan tersebut sangat berdampak pada kehidupan makhluk hidup di Lembah Angin tak terkecuali.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: chinese immigrant family, mothers-daughters relationship, individual psychology, generational gap, The Joy Luck Club Chinese immigration to America has taken place since a long time ago because of the World War II. Chinese immigrants bring their new hopes in getting the better lives in America. Unfortunately, not all of the Chinese immigrants can get better lives because they have to face the different culture, language, society, and lifestyle. Those differences later on cause the gap between mothers as the first generation and daughters as the second generation of Chinese immigrant. The novel entitled The Joy Luck Club points out the generational gap through the characters’ individual psychology.The research employs psychological approach in order to reveal more informations focusing on the subject being studied. This approach directs the discussion to use psychology theory to analyze and interpret the data. In this case, the psychology theories are focused on the generational gap which appears because of the different perspectives of mothers and daughters in the Chinese immigrant families.The study reveals that there are different perspectives from mothers as the first-generation Chinese immigrants who still have the Chinese thought and the daughters as the second-generation Chinese immigrants who have already been influenced by the American culture because of the society around them and from their psychological condition in shaping the identity development of the secondgeneration Chinese American. Their different psychological conditions create a gap in their relationship and bring them to the crucial situation.To some extent, it is suggested for the next researcher to conduct a study by comparing The Joy Luck Club with other novels which are also written by Amy Tan. By using the comparative study, hopefully the next researcher can find out how Amy Tan builds the conflicts based on the psychological conditions of the characters in her novels.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Error analysis, error, types of error, writing test Language is the best means of communication to interact among people and to create a good relationship between them in society. Practicing language skills can be done by applying it in daily life in order to improve or master the language. Learning English is not easy; particularly for those where English is not the mother tongue. In Indonesia, English has been taught from Elementary school, Junior High School, Senior High school to the University level. Therefore, for Indonesians usually English is their first foreign language. In learning English, the students may make errors. It happens because between Bahasa Indonesia and English have different grammatical rules. The research problems of this study are (1) What are the types of English writing errors made by the second year students of MAN 3 Malang?; (2) What is the type of errors mostly done by the second year students of MAN 3 Malang?This study used descriptive qualitative approach and data analysis to answer the problems of the study. The data are the 16 papers from the second year students on final test papers. The final test papers were collected from one class (MABI) in MAN 3 Malang.The result of this study showed that the students did some types of errors when they wrote a writing test. Those are omission of auxiliary verb, omission of plural marker (-s/-es), omission of third person singular verb marker (-s/-es), omission of article (a/an/the), omission of verb, omission of subject and omission of noun. Then addition was divided into eight. They are addition of auxiliary verb be (is/am/are), addition of third person singular verb marker (-s/-es), addition of article (a/an/the), addition of plural marker (-s/-es), addition of conjunction, addition of preposition, addition of adjective, and addition of verb. Misformation consists six types, they are misformation of auxiliary verb be (is/am/are), misformation of verb, misformation of preposition, misformation of noun, misformation of reflexive pronoun, and misformation of adjective. The last is misordering. The total of number of errors is 84. The most frequent error that the writer found in the writing paragraph are omission (Om) with 23 errors (27%), addition (Ad) with 15 errors (18%), misformation (Mf) with 43 errors (51%), and misordering (Md) with 3 errors (4%).The writer suggests the next writers who want to conduct a similar study use the same theory with another object or use the same object with other theories or make their study more complete. The next writer can use another object, for example novels, short stories, articles or journals as the data.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci : Ashita no Joe,Film, Konsep Ganbaru, Tinju Film Ashita no Joe merupakan adaptasi dari komik berjudul sama karya Asao Takamori dan Testuya Chiba. Film ini disutradarai oleh Fumihiko Sori. Walaupun termasuk film fiksi, namun film ini mengangkat semangat perjuangan Jepang setelah pasca Perang Dunia II tahun 1960-an yang digambarkan dalam olahraga tinju. Olahraga tinju pada masa itu sebagai sarana untuk menunjukkan bahwa Jepang bisa bangkit dari keterpurukan akibat Perang Dunia Kedua. Jepang menunjukkan kepada dunia bahwa keterpurukan akibat pasca Perang Dunia II bukanlah akhir dari segalanya melainkan awal dari kebangkitan. Melalui semangat juang yang tinggi dan memegang konsep ganbaru, negara Jepang bisa menunjukkan kebangkitan pasca Perang Dunia II. Semangat juang dalam konsep ganbaru Jepang bisa tercermin di tokoh utama Yabuki Joe dalam film Ashita no Joe. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan konsep ganbaru untuk menonjolkan gambaran konsep ganbaru itu sendiri dalam film Ashita no Joe. Kesimpulan besar dari definisi ganbaru tersebut dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu melakukan yang terbaik, semangat dan pantang menyerah. Selain itu, penulis menggunakan teori tokoh dan penokohan, karena dalam film ini penulis ingin melihat implementasi konsep ganbaru pada tokoh utama. Penulis juga menggunakan mise-en-scene dalam mengkaji film ini untuk menganalisis adegan-adegan yang menunjukan ganbaru dalam film.  Berdasarkan hasil kajian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa adanya konsep ganbaru dalam film Ashita no Joe yang diartikan melakukan yang "terbaik”, ”semangat”, dan “pantang menyerah”. Penggunaan mise-en-scene diantaranya setting, lighting, Space dan make up dapat menunjukan adanya konsep ganbaru pada setiap adegan-adegan yang dianalisis.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: Analisis Kesalahan, Kata Bantu Bilangan, dan Josūshi, Kata bantu bilangan (josūshi) digunakan dalam menyatakan satuan atau jumlah, frekuensi atau kekerapan, ukuran atau derajat, urutan, persentase, kelipatan, dan sebagainya bagi kelompok objek (termasuk benda dan manusia) tertentu. Dalam kata bantu bilangan (josūshi), ada beberapa pengecualian yang mengalami perubahan bunyi setelah digabungkan dengan bilangan-bilangan tertentu. Hal tersebut memungkinkan terjadinya kesalahan bagi para pembelajar bahasa Jepang. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis akan menjawab rumusan masalah yaitu (1) Jenis kesalahan apa saja yang sering terjadi pada siswa kelas XII Bahasa SMAN I Pandaan Tahun Ajaran 2013-2014 dalam memahami kata bantu bilangan (josūshi), dan (2) Faktor penyebab kesalahan siswa kelas XII Bahasa SMAN I Pandaan Tahun Ajaran 2013-2014 dalam memahami kata bantu bilangan (josūshi).Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif  yang menggunakan tes dan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 39 responden, jenis kesalahan sering terjadi pada kesalahan fonologi. Faktor penyebab kesalahan tersebut karena adanya banyak pengecualian pada kata bantu bilangan (josūshi) yang mengalami perubahan bunyi setelah digabungkan dengan angka tertentu.Penulis menyarankan kepada guru pengajar agar guru memberikan penjelasan dengan menggunakan istilah-istilah tatabahasa yang menarik, selain itu guru sebaiknya memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menjelaskan sendiri media yang seperti apa yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran, karena pembelajar yang satu memiliki kesukaan yang berbeda dengan pembelajar lain. Sedangkan saran kepada siswa untuk lebih banyak menghafal dan mempelajari kembali tentang pengecualian yang mengalami perubahan bunyi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Woman, Patriarchy, Snow White and The Huntsman Literature is written or spoken material that contains art. Literature is commonly used to refer to prose, novels, poetry, drama, short story, folktales, etc. Folktale is a term for various kinds of narrative prose literature found in the oral traditions of the world. Some folktales may pass in and out of written literature, and some stories of literary origin may cross over into oral tradition from one generation to other generation.  Nowadays, there are folktales that are written and also filmed.Film is one of the media that is made to visualize literary works that convey message to people. There are some films that are adapted from folktale, such as; Hansel and Gretel, Mirror Mirror, Enchanted, Sydney White and many others.In 2012, there was a movie adapted from Snow White story, Snow White and The Huntsman. Snow White and the Huntsman tells about Snow White whose stepmother, Ravenna, tried to get immortal life after taking over the kingdom from her husband, King Magnus. The writer analyze the misapplication of woman's power which is reflected by Ravenna character. To analyze Ravenna who reflects a strong, raise, and struggle to get higher position the writer use feminism approach. Dialogue and mise-en-scene also helps the writer to analyze Ravenna's act in the film.From the analysis, known that Ravenna reflects woman who is smart, independent, and powerful that is described as a woman who has bad deed and traits. Unfortunately, Ravenna lose from Snow White who represents woman who is dependent on man.The writer wants to give suggestion to the next researcher. The next researcher need to conduct further research on the analysis reveals the important things in it, because this film can still be analyzed using the other theory, such as semiotics. This film will be interesting to analyze the signs and symbols that appeared using semiotics theory. The other possibiltiy for the next researcher is analyze the other character using same theory, feminism.

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