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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Key Words: Subculture, Straightedge, Movement, Semiotic, Sociology of Literature, Good Clean Fun Subculture is a part of the society. Sociologically, a subculture is a group of people who have their own attitudes and beliefs that are different from their parent culture. Subculture is also a form of resistance against the society. The subculture resistance can be seen through the various movements that they make such as by using song lyric. One example of subculture movement is by the messages contained in a song lyric. To analyze the correlation between song lyric and society especially subculture, Semiotic and Sociology of Literature theories are applied in the research. we. Semiotics is the study of message or meaning behind an object. Whereas the Sociology of Literature is the study of the relationship between literary work and the society. This study will examine the Straightedge American lifestyle which is reflected in the four songs of Good Clean Fun.In this study, the data were obtained through the lyrics of four songs from the Good Clean Fun band. The selection of Good Clean Fun as an object of analysis based on the background the band itself which is vegan straightedge band. This study also describes the Straightedge American lifestyle based the movement that they make. Straightedge American lifestyle can be seen through the songs that become the object of this study. There are four Straightedge American core values that become the basis of their movement. Those core values are no drugs, no alcohol, no casual sex and veganism.The writer also suggests the further researchers to use counter hegemony theory because straightedge also deals with the resistance to the mainstream lifestyle in society. This theory can be used to how straightedge can be the counter hegemony of society especially in young people lifestyle.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keyword: stylistics, types of stylistics in sentence structure scope, types of stylistics in directing meaning (figurative language) scope, twitter criticism. This study deals with the style used by Farhat Abbas in his twitter. The writer chooses this topic because the writer sees types of style used by Farhat Abbas in his twitter. This study is to answer the questions: 1a) what types of style are used by Farhat Abbas in sentence structure scope?, 1b) what types of are style used by Farhat Abbas in directing meaning (figurative language) scope?, and 2) what is the possible reason of Farhat Abbas to use certain style in twitter criticism toward Ahmad Dhani?. The writer used qualitative approach to analyze the data. Research design was document analysis. The data is text from Farhat Abbas’s twitter taken from In this case, the writer only focused on Farhat Abbas’ commentto Ahmad Dhani in Abdul Qodir Jaelani’s Tol Jogorawi accident case.In the analysis, the writer found five types of style in sentence structure scope namely: Climax, Anticlimax, Parallelism, Antithesis, and Repetition. Furthermore, the writer found five types of style in directing meaning (figurative language) scope which are Personification, Hyperbole, Synecdoche, Understatement, and Apostrophe. Types of style which are mostly used by Farhat Abbas are parallelism and repetition which are six sentences and hyperbole which are three sentences. The analysis shows that Farhat Abbas uses certain style to emphasize effect in order to make sure whether what he said is true and believable.The writer suggests that the next researchers analyze more about the stylist ics in the different object and use all of st ylist ics scope on Keraf’s theory (2010) or use other theories of stylistics.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Error, Error Analysis, thesis proposal seminar, Communicative EffectTaxonomy, global errors, local errors, eighth semester students.One of the most important languages to learn today is English since it is widely spoken around the world. In learning another language including English, a learner sometimes produces errors and Error Analysis (EA) has a methodology to figure them out. One of the methodologies is Communicative Effect Taxonomy. In this study, the writer analyzed errors made by the presenters of thesis proposal seminar in Study Program of English Universitas Brawijaya based on Communicative Effect Taxonomy. Furthermore, the writer proposed two objectives of the study, (1) To find out the types of errors made by the presenters of thesis proposal seminar based on Communicative Effect Taxonomy; (2) To find out whether or not global errors of Communicative Effect Taxonomy made by the presenters of thesis proposal seminar significantly hinder communication between the presenters and the audiences.This study used qualitative approach because the data of this study was taken from 4 students’ presentations which were in the form of words rather than number and statistic. The researcher analyzed the data by using the theory of Communicative Effect Taxonomy.This study revealed that there were 188 errors committed by the students in which 179 and 9 erroneous utterances fall under local error and global error respectively. The local errors consist of 45 lexical errors, 93 morphological errors, and 41 syntactical errors. The global errors consist of 2 wrong order of major constituents, 1 missing, wrong, or misplaced sentence connectors, 1 missing, wrong, or misplaced sentence connectors, and 5 uncategorized global errors. As for the effect of global error to the audience, the writer found out that the global errors did not significantly hinder communication to the audience.The writer suggests the next researchers who want to conduct similar research to use another subject or another theory. Another suggestion is to use the similar theory but with different object.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Kata Kunci: shieki, konjugasi, analisis kesalahan Bahasa yang merupakan sistem lambang bunyi kekhasannya masing-masing tergantung bahasa tersebut. Salah satu kekhasan dalam bahasa jepang adalah konjugasi, yang mana merupakan perubahan yang terjadi pada verba. Di antara sekian banyak konjugasi penulis memilih shieki yang mana merupakan konjugasi yang bermakna menyuru atau membuat orang melakukan sesuatu. Pada angkatan 2011, ditemukan kesalahan penggunaan shieki, oleh karena itu penulis bermaksud meneliti jenis dan penyebab kesalahan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif survei yang bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa teknik kuesioner. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel acak. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 10% dari total jumlah mahasiswa program studi Sastra Jepang Universitas Brawijaya tingkat angkatan 2011 yang berjumlah 18 orang.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, telah ditemukan jenis kesalahan yang ditemukan yaitu: (1) menganalogi: Pada bagian partikel, responden masih rancu dengan penggunaan ni dan wo pada kalimat shieki dan kalimat futsukei, pada bagian verba, responden masih bingung antara pengonjugasian verba shieki, kanoukei, dan ukemi; (2) tekstual: Responden menganggap beberapa kalimat dalam soal merupakan bentuk perintah pasif, aktif, atau perintah; (3) penerimaan: responden tidak membaca soal secara keseluruhan karena soal dianggap terlalu panjang; (4) salah ungkap: responden yang sebenarnya ingin menjawab kosaseru malah menjawab korareru; (5) guru: beberapa responden menganggap saat diajar shieki, pengajar tidak menjelaskan secara terperinci dan kurang diberi latihan. Sedangkan, penyebab kesalahan yang ditemukan yaitu: (1) interferensi: karena bahasa Indonesia dan Jepang bukanlah bahasa serumpun, maka banyak responden yang masih merasa kesulitan; (2) lingkungan: ini disebabkan karena responden berada di lingkungan yang memakai futsukei; (3) kebiasaan: karena responden lebih sering menggunakan kalimat futsukei, maka responden terbiasa dengan bentuk futsukei.Untuk penelitian berikutnya, peneliti berharap penelitian shieki pada obyek lain seperti novel, drama dan lain-lain dapat dilakukan. Kemudian pada bidang pengajaran, peneliti berharap pengajar memberi gambaran perbandingan konjugasi pada shieki, kanoukei¸dan ukemi.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keyword: Register, Semantic change, Word Formation ProcessesHuman as a social creature lives in the society. Human interacts and communicates to each other in the society. In to do so, human needs language. As the development of society, culture and technology, language is also develops. Language might be different depends on the location, group, culture and etc.Eventually, this leads to possibility of a word may have more than one meaning. In this study the researcher conducted a study about register used by KPopers in the are four problems of the study, they are namelyIn this study, the researcher used qualitative approach with descriptive method. The data were the comments containing register found in the article on researcher revealed that there were 20 kinds of register used by K- Popers. Those twenty (20) words are considered as register because they are only understandable by the K-Popers. The researcher also found6 types of word formation processes in those 20 registers used by K-Popers. They are compounding, borrowing, acronym, derivation, blending and multiple processes. Besides, the researcher also revealed that the registers could undergo three kinds of semantic change. They are generalization, specialization and total semantic change. And the last the researcher  also  revealed  the  factor  facilitating  the semantic change of the register such as needs of the new meaning and taboo word. The researcher suggests that the other students or researchers who have the same interest in sociolinguistic especially register, morphology especially word formation process or semantic especially semantic change conduct similar study using different and wider scope of data. The data could be taken from other group or  community.  Since  the  society  always  develops  and  grows  the  researcher believes that in the future there will be more and more new group / community.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Conversational Implicature, Mass Media, Animated Editorial Cartoon, Kabar Bang One.Journalistic product can be an option to communicate ideas and information, especially in criticizing issues. One of the features to share opinions and critics in journalistic product is editorial cartoons. Mostly, the intention in editorial cartoon is implicitly stated, therefore understanding the implied meaning is important. As a result, the cartoonist’s intention can be successfully delivered. In line with this, the writer conducted a study about conversational implicature in Kabar Bang One editorial cartoons, in which most of the utterances contain intended meanings. There are two research problems to be solved: (1) what are the types of conversational implicature found in Kabar Bang One animated editorial cartoons? and (2) what are the implied meanings of the conversational implicature found in Kabar Bang One animated editorial cartoons?The writer uses qualitative approach and document analysis in conducting the study. The data are utterances produced by the characters of Kabar Bang One animated editorial cartoons containing conversational implicature.This study reveals that both of the types of conversational implicature, that are generalized and particularized conversational implicature, are used by the characters in Kabar Bang One animated editorial cartoons. There are 70 utterances found which contain conversational implicature and they either obey or break the conversational maxim. Particularized conversational implicature dominates the results with 60 utterances, and 10 utterances belong to generalized conversational implicature. Particularized conversational implicature is the most frequently found type as context is required in understanding the intentions of the utterances. The context is mostly related to the social issues, politics, government policies, and law. The utterances and choice of words used in the editorial cartoons are aimed to express critics and publics’ view points.The writer suggests that English students who are interested in conducting a research in similar topic use other theories of implicature, such as Levinson’s (1983) and Horn’s (1989). They are also expected to analyze conversational implicature from other media, for instance comics, comic strips, newspaper headlines, presidential debates, or news interviews.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keyword : Euphemisms, Type of Euphemisms, Motives of using Euphemisms The  political  issues  which  become  the  highlighted  issues  in  media Indonesia in recent days is the reason of the writer in conducting this study. The writer wants to examine how the euphemistic expression is used in the newspaper when they publish their article. The writer analyzed the political  issues news written in The Jakarta Post online newspaper since the development of technology is running very fast so the news updates rapidly by minutes. The Jakarta Post online newspaper is used as the object in this study because this newspaper is one of the most popular English newspapers in Indonesia. There are two problems to be solved in this study, they are: (1) what types of euphemisms are found in The Jakarta Post online newspaper; and (2) what are the motives of using euphemisms in the Jakarta Post online newspaper. The writer uses Warren’s (1992) theory in analyzing the type of euphemisms and Ulmann’s (1962) for analyzing the motives. This study is using qualitative method since it needs comprehensible and methodological explanation about the analysis of euphemisms. The data are taken from the online newspaper article containing euphemisms. This study discovers that there are six types of euphemisms found in the data and  they are  understatement  or litotes,  metaphor,  metonym,  implication, reversal or irony, and compounding. The writer also analyzes the motives behind the using of euphemisms. The writer found two motives used in this study; they are delicacy fall and propriety motive. In this study, delicacy fall motive is used to avoid direct utterance about crime action and in this case is closely related to corruption  or  bribe.  Meanwhile,  the  propriety  motive  is  used  to  avoid  direct talking about sex or certain body parts, swearing, and in making the expression more polite in the communication. The writer suggests other students or future researchers who have the same interest on Sociolinguistics, especially Euphemisms, analyze the same study by using the different object and theory. For example, they may take the data from news on TV with more various issues. In addition, other researchers also may conduct the study of euphemisms by combining theories from other linguistic fields such as Semantics or Discourse Analysis.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: word formation processes, beatbox jargon. Jargon can be categorized as new words. Media like radio, television, magazine, newspaper, tabloid, and advertisement have a big role in developing new words. Then, those new words become popular in daily communication. As new words are formed, there will be a process forming the words which is word formation process. In this research, the writer focuses in analyzing the word formation processes and the meaning of beatbox jargons found in World Beatbox Community website There are three problems of this study, they are (1) What are the jargons found in World Beatbox Community Website (2) What are the meaning of the jargons found in World Beatbox Community Website (3) What are the word formation processes of the jargons found in World Beatbox Community Website The writer uses descriptive qualitative research to analyze the types of word formation processes conveyed in the articles of World Beatbox Community website The writer uses Yule’s theory (2006). The writer validates the data by sending email to some experts in order to get more information about the beatbox jargons and to make the data credible and dependable.In this study, the writer finds 35 (thirty five) beatbox jargons in World Beatbox Community website The result of this study shows that there are seven of ten word formation processes used in forming the jargons; they are coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, conversion, acronyms, derivation, and multiple processes.The writer suggests further researchers study word formation process and analyze all articles in World Beatbox Community website or other beatbox website, therefore the beatbox jargons can be seen in other type of word formation processes.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: self-concept, social experiences, Mexican-American, Legal AlienMexican-American is racial minority in the United States. Negative stereotypes about them being illegal immigrant, low rank worker, and having bad attitudes are believed to be true by many. It is affecting the way MexicanAmericans view themselves and how they act in the society. A poem entitled Legal Alien is interesting in showing the development of how someone with Mexican-American identity realizes her place in society.This research is conducted to analyze the realization of self-concept of Mexican Americans and what are the factors that influence it, with Pat Mora as the representative. Social psychological approach is utilized in this research in order to explain the social experiences that determine one’s self-concept. This research also applies a qualitative approach through document analysis to examine the data taken from the poem.The poem implies the situation and condition that are Mexican-Americans facing. They are being rejected by both American and Mexican cultures. The findings of this research shows that out of five social experiences that influences the realization of self-concept, the other people’s judgment and the surrounding culture are the most dominant factor in shaping Pat Mora’s concept about herself.This research concludes that Pat Mora as the author has a purpose to gain attention from people in her surrounding to treat Mexican-Americans appropriately. No one wanted to be alienated from the society, so do the Mexican Americans.
Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB Vol 7, No 5 (2014)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Brawijaya

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Keywords: Semiotic, sign, logo, Japanese car companies. This study analyzed the logo of eight Japanese car companies in Indonesia. There aretwo formulations of the problems which the researcher formulated in this study, namely (1) What is the signifier and signified of Daihatsu, Honda, Isuzu, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Suzuki, and Toyota logos? (2) What is the relation between the interpretation of the logo and the company history, marketing or the goal of the company? These problems are answered using the theory proposed by Saussure.This study used a qualitative approach. There are eight Japanese car companies inIndonesia used in this research as data. The reason why researcher using those eight car companies logos, is because those are the famous Japanese car companies in Indonesia.The results of this study have shown the signifier and the signified of eight Japanesecar company logos and the relation between those eight logos and the car company using the theory of semiotic (Sausserean models). The conclusion of this research are (1) Honda, Mazda, Suzuki and Toyota use the first letter of the company name for the logo. Isuzu and Nissan use the whole name of company for the logo whereas Mitsubishi uses symbol for the logo. (2) Although that eight car companies use different sources for the logo eight logos have a relation to the company whether from history, marketing, or the purpose of the company.The researcher hopes, the next researchers who are interested in the analyzing a logo or symbol, use other theories in order to make the analysis better. The next researcher is able to add the theory about Semiotic. Moreover, the next researcher can specifically explain and describe about the sign like symbol logo or anything that can be taken as a sign, for example the meaning of the symbol by using Pierce theory, so that the analysis can be more specific.

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