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Dr. Wening Udasmoro, M.Hum, DEA
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Post-graduate program of literature of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada
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Poetika: Jurnal Ilmu Sastra
Core Subject : Humanities, Art,
POETIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Sastra publishes academic articles within the scope of literary criticism (limited to poem, prose, drama, oral tradition, and philology). The articles cover the form of a result on specific analysis; academic reports; closed reading; and the application of certain theories to enrich literary study.
Articles 7 Documents
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Representasi Penindasan Ganda dalam Novel Mirah Dari Banda; Perspektif Feminisme Poskolonial Awla Akbar Ilma
POETIKA Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Issue 1
Publisher : Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/poetika.v4i1.13310


This study specifically examines the multiple forms of oppression that is found in the novel Mirah dari Banda by postcolonial feminist perspective. The analysis showed that the novel talk about inferior position of women as a result of the dominance of Dutch and Japanese colonial system and patriarchal domination both colonial and indigenous men. With the two forms of oppression Thus, indigenous women suffer and the lowest level in a colonial situation. Associated with the time of publication, the 1980 novel Mirah dari Banda include nostalgia novel of oppression and the strug gle against colonialism. Thus at the same nostalgic attitude can be regarded as a reflection on the possibility of the presence of the double oppression of women today which synonymous with the era of capitalism (imperialism) and still rooted patriarchal ideology.Penelitian ini secara khusus mengkaji bentuk-bentuk penindasan ganda yang terdapat dalam novel Mirah dari Banda berdasarkan perspektif feminisme poskolonial. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa novel mewacanakan kedudukan inferior perempuan akibat dominasi sistem kolonialisme Belanda dan Jepang serta dominasi patriarki baik lelaki kolonial maupun pribumi. Melalui dua bentuk penindasan demikian, perempuan pribumi menderita dan berada di level terendah dalam situasi kolonial. Terkait dengan waktu penerbitannya, yakni tahun 1980 novel Mirah dari Banda termasuk novel nostalgia atas penindasan dan perjuangan melawan kolonialisme. Sikap nostalgia demikian sekaligus dapat dianggap sebagai refleksi atas kemungkinan hadirnya penindasan penindasan ganda terhadap perempuan saat ini yang identik dengan era kapitalisme (imperialisme) dan masih mengakarnya ideologi patriarki.
POETIKA Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Issue 1
Publisher : Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/poetika.v4i1.13311


This study aims at discussing about the forms of Camp strategies as well as elaborating the purpose of its application in Lady Chablis’ Hiding My Candy. Hiding My Candy tells a story of a transgender name The Doll who fights for her survival among patriarchal community. To answer the objectives of the research, Moe Meyer’s Camp theor y will be applied. In the book of the Politics and Poetics of Camp, Meyer defines Camp as the total body of performative practices and strategies used to enact a queer identity, with enactment defined as the production of social visibility. The emergence of Camp as a survival strategy appears due to the challenge of transgender discrimination resulted by heteronormativity restraint. The study result shows that transgender survival can be divided into three aspects i.e. social visibility, alternative normative and transgender empowerment. Those transgender survival’s aspects can be achieved by applying the Camp strategies. Those strategies include parody Camp strategy, humor Camp strategy, strategy of posing (costume, gesture and speech act) and strategy of life in performance.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengulik bentuk-bentuk strategi Camp dan tujuan penerapannya melalui novel Hiding My Candy karya Lady Chablis. Hiding My Candy merupakan sebuah novel yang merepresentasikan upaya kebertahanan transgender yang dilakukan oleh tokoh The Doll. Adapun pendekatan yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Camp oleh Moe Meyer. Dalambuku the Politics and Poetics of Camp, Moe Meyer mendefinisikan istilah Camp sebagai total keseluruhan praktik dan strategi untuk menunjukkan identitas queer kaum marjinal, dalam hal ini transgender, kepada masyarakat (visibilitas sosial). Lazimnya, masyarakat heteronormatif menganggap transgender sebagai liyan sehingga keberadaan mereka seringkali terpinggirkan. Maka, tujuan dari penerapan strategi Camp adalah untuk menjamin kebertahanan kaum transgender dalam masyarakat. Muatan kritik terhadap heteronormativitas juga tampak nyata dalam penerapan strategi Camp . Sasaran kritik tersebut adalah pemapanan konstruksi gender normatif serta eksklusifitas kaum heteroseksual yang menjadikan kaum marginal seperti transgender tersisihkan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa bentuk-bentuk strategi Camp dapat dirinci sebagai berikut; strategi parodi Camp, strategi humor Camp, strategy of posing (kostum, gestur dan gaya bicara) serta strategi hidup dalam pertunjukkan.Penerapan strategi Camp tersebut ditujukan sebagai upaya untuk meraih kebertahanan transgender. Selanjutnya, kebertahanan transgender dapat dicerminkan melalui visibilitas sosial, terbentuknya wacana normalitas alternatif dan pemberdayaan transgender
POETIKA Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Issue 1
Publisher : Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/poetika.v4i1.13312


This study reveals the ideological strategies the dominant takes to exploit Black enslaved women’s womb experienced by the characters in Toni Morrison’s Beloved as well as their resistance. Written in 1987, the novel is set eight years after the end of the Civil War in time painful experiences during slavery era are still there in the mind of ex-enslaved Black women and men. The novel narrates the past through personal life experiences presented by Sethe and Baby Suggs. During slavery era, their bodies are not merely used to work in the plantation area but since they are women, their wombs are valuable commodity providing advantages and profit to the masters. To make it possible, the dominant function ideological strategies to control the Black enslaved women’s wombs. Therefore, this study tries to explore how the ideological strategies are practiced in the novel. According to Collins, creating negative images such as mammy, breeder woman, and jezebel addresses to the bodies of Black enslaved women belongs to ideological strategy which is more powerful compared to the economic and politic strategy. Each image covers dominant interest to control Black women’s womb under new-progressive capitalism in United States. The result of the study shows that those three images works effectively to control the Black enslaved women, even nowadays, those images are still there in the body of young generation of Black women and provide another form of womb’scontrol. However, the study as well finds out that the resistance toward the oppression is also varied. Self-definition is presumed to be a fundamental element to the journey of internalized oppression to the ‘free mind’ which eventually leads to the action of resistance. With this self-definition, Blackwomen begin to deny the existed negative images controlling their wombs.
POETIKA Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Issue 1
Publisher : Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/poetika.v4i1.13313


Diva is the main character in novel Scappa per Amore which is written by Dini Fitria. In the story, Diva travels to European countries and meets other female characters who experience patriarchal and social discrimination. This research tries to describe the discrimination which is experienced by female characters by using multicultural feminism approach. The novel indicates that the female characters in the novel are not only marginalized due to their gender, but also their age, religion, race, and the legal status of the children. Multicultural feminism approach focuses on multicultural aspects that respect diversities. This research believes that discrimination toward women could be avoided,because women need to be treated equally.Diva, tokoh utama dalam novel Scappa per Amore karya Dini Fitria melakukan perjalanan ke berbagai Negara di Eropa. Dari petualangannya, ia bertemu dengan beberapa perempuan yang mendapatkan diskriminasi dari laki-laki maupun lingkungannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat diskriminasi terhadap beberapa perempuan dalam novel tersebut dengan tinjauan feminismemultikultural. Melalui penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa beberapa perempuan dalam novel SPA didiskriminasi bukan hanya karena persoalan mereka adalah perempuan, tetapi juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor usia, agama, suku, dan status anak. Paham feminisme multikultural yang menekankan aspek multikultur, sangat menjunjung tinggi keberagaman. Semestinya tidak ada diskriminasi terhadap perempuan yang berusia berapapun, beragama apapun, bersuku apapun, dan berstatus apapun. Semuanya harus diperlakukan secara setara dan harus mendapatkan penghargaan yang sama.
POETIKA Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Issue 1
Publisher : Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/poetika.v4i1.13314


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan bagaimana kategorisasi gender yang terkesan kaku dipresentasikan sebagai performativitas sosial yang cair dan tidak stabil, juga bagaimana norma genderless yang diajukan pengarang dapat menunjukkan pandangannya akan norma gender. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori gender milik Judith Butler. Melalui pemikirannya akan gender sebagai konstruksi sosial, Norma gender, terutama gender biner, dalam novel ini dideskripsikan bersama norma genderless untuk mendapatkan suatu perbandingan diantara mereka. Dengan kacamata genderless, norma gender dalam novel ini disajikan pengarang sebagai suatu konstruksi sosial yang menuntut subjeknya untuk terlibat dalam performativitas gender guna diakui keberadaannya. Namun, begitu pula dengan norma genderless. Norma genderless dalam novel ini ternyata juga merupakan bentuk lain dari praktek gender. dengan kata lain, norma genderless tidak bisa terlepas dari gender dan juga merupakan norma gender.
POETIKA Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Issue 1
Publisher : Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/poetika.v4i1.13315


This study highlights the myth of beauty in short stories written by Dwi Ratih Ramadhany, which are “Janda Sungai Gayam” and “Perempuan Bisu dan Cermin Ratu”. The perspective utilized in this study is the myth of beauty by Naomi Wolf. The results are: (1) both the short stories illustrate standards of beauty identified by long black hair, long neck, sensual lips, body fragrant, white-toned-smooth-skin, and slim body; (2) in both short stories, the quality of beauty refers to behaviors that could arouse an excitement rather than merely consider physical appearance;(3) regarding beauty not as an intrinsic quality, it is affected by external factors, for instance cosmetic and supernatural powers. Myth of beauty in both short stories stands on the runway of men’s interest and taste, and women’s motive toachieve resources provided by men, which are called loyalty, recognition, praise and charm.Kajian ini mengangkat isu mitos kecantikan dalam cerpen-cerpen Dwi Ratih Ramadhany, yakni "Janda Sungai Gayam” dan “Perempuan Bisu dan Cermin Ratu”. Perspektif yang digunakan adalah mitos kecantikan Naomi Wolf. Hasilnya antara lain: (1) kedua cerpen tersebut menggambarkan bahwa cantik memiliki standar baku rambut hitam panjang, leher jenjang, bibir merekah, tubuh wangi, kulit kencang-putih-mulus, dan langsing; (2) dalam cerpen-cerpen tersebut, sesungguhnya kualitas cantik lebih merujuk pada perilaku yang dapat membangkitkan gairah daripada penampakan fisik; (3) karena cantik bukan merupakan kualitas instrinsik, ia dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor eksternal, yaitu kosmetik dan kekuatan supranatural. Mitos kecantikan dalam kedua cerpen tersebut berdiri di atas landasan kepentingan dan selera laki-laki, serta motif perempuan untuk mendapatkan sumber daya yang disediakan oleh laki-laki, yaitu kesetiaan, pengakuan, pujian, dan keterpesonaan.
POETIKA Vol 4, No 1 (2016): Issue 1
Publisher : Literary Studies, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/poetika.v4i1.13316


Judul Buku The GeneraTion of PosTmemory: WriTinG and Visual CulTure afTer The holoCausT | Pengarang: Marianne HirscH | Penerbit: coluMbiauniversity Press | Tahun: 2012. Halaman: 305

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