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ADDIN is an international journal published by Research Center of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia. ADDIN is an academic journal published twice a year.
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Values Based Superior Students’ Learning Behaviour Nadhirin, N
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v1i1.3592


The purpose of this research is to find (1) organizational behavior in superior school students learn (2) the source of values that underlies the attitude and behavior of superior student learning (3) superior student learning behavior in school and (4) learning interaction between teacher and student excel at school. This research uses qualitative approach and pospositivistic paradigm. The research data was collected by interview, observation and documentation. Technique of validity test data use triangulation, cover angulasi technique, source and time. Data were analyzed by Miles Hubermans interactive cycling technique, with cycle collecting, reducting, displaying and verifying. The subjects of this research are the leaders of madrasah, faculty, students and stakelholders of madrasah. Research location at MA. NU Banat, Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia. The results of this study are (1) Students who have good pretation in the field of academic and non academic are students who study in school organization unit that has commitment and spirit to go forward. A good and conducive organizational culture that is maintained by all members of the organization is very supportive to the achievement of superior and competitive student achievement (2) The source of values or outlooks that make the students become outstanding achievers is the accumulation of values formed from the religious family environment and dicipline, school environment consistent with the practice of religion in the school environment that inculcates values of virtue, dicipline in learning, honest, competitive and heed the norms prevailing in society. (3) behavioral typology and high school student learning attitudes are responsive stimuli. The more rules and structured tasks created by the school and the subject teachers, the students' attitudes and motivation will be more intense and vice versa (4) outstanding achievement students have a close relationship with the teacher. Teachers for students who excel are teachers who are not only as parents, as mentors, as well as teachers who can put themselves as friends of students, who can be invited to communicate closely and there is openness in various problems and teachers help students to solve problems encountered so that good achievement is greatly assisted by his teachers who are concerned primarily on non-academic issues.
Khaul and Maqam Thariqath in Sufism: the Analysis of Implementation Inside the Live of Sufi Thariqath Naqshabandiyah at Dawe Kudus Boarding School Masturin, M
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v1i1.3526


The core of all religions are surrender to The God, as the Creator of all universe. The term of surrender generically called Islam in the Arabic terminology. Personal surrender to God The Ultimate Being, as the most right a part of self religious attitude. This attitude do not consider which any form of the people religious formation. Furthermore, apart form from this religious personality really rejected. According to the conceptualization of religious personality above, the sufism prosecuted to spell out all it’s doctrines related to cultural and social analysis. The sufism assumpt about religious multiculturality as the only form of religion in the world, while the nature it’s similar, that worship in source of anything. The Sufi as they stay in some stage on viewing about God, he will look at Him as essence not as the outer side of His perception. This reasearch stand by qualitative approach. The result of research aim about correlation between religion and society are creates the influence of the two sides. The religion influence the society otherwise the society influence the religion. This reciprocal influences, between the development of society and the improvement of religion, as social and cultural realities that’s need to be wider understand and deep perception.
Moral and Science Integration in The Qur’anic Education Perspective Asy'ari, Muhammad
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v12i1.3616


Education is a very important factor for humans, because it can determine the progress of a nation. Man is not only directed to the increase of knowledge, but also moral or morals. In the concept of Islam, education and teaching must be integrated between science and morals. The approach used by the Qur’an in educating and teaching humanity is to achieve balance and harmony symbolized by hasanah fi ad-dunya wa hasanah fi al-akhirah. After man sincerely worship him, then burdened with education and teaching related to educating, teaching and guiding his soul, such as obeying parents, respect for the elder, love the younger and so forth. It is intended by the Qur’an that man is always holy and keep the holiness that God gives. While the power of human thought is directed to read and analyze and conclude the signs and signs of God’s greatness. In such circumstances the Qur’an will be able to give direction, educate and teach people to the path of ultimate life happiness.
The Challenge of Islam Nusantara Against Terorism: Analysis Study of Islam Nusantara of Ulama NU Movement in Central Java Mu'min, Ma'mun; Mufid, Fathul
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v12i1.4185


The more widespread ideology in the era of global terrorism today has become a global concern, acts of terror committed national or transnational terrorists have been bad for the creation of a harmonious world order, pluralist and inclusive. Several countries collapse in the Middle East and Africa as well as the tense conditions in Poso has been the evidence of how acts of terror committed the terrorists do not recognize tribes, nations and religions. If this trend continues, then the life of mankind and civilization of the world will be damaged. Long before understanding terrorism rampant in Indonesia and the world, the scholars Walisongo through propaganda Islamiyah has offered the concept of Islam Nusantara, the moderate Islam that can adapt to the cultural heritage at the time. Islam Nusantara or moderate Islam is essentially Islam that gave mercy to all the worlds. These efforts Walisongo scholars ulama NU followed by the next generation until now. Rampant ideology of terrorism today is of course a challenge for the NU clerics spearheading the development of Islam in the Indonesian archipelago. This research will find: formulation of basic normatively and historicity and the philosophical concept of Islam Nusantara, formulated the concept of Islam Nusantara in the perspective of scholars Walisongo and ulama NU in Central Java, the dynamics of socio-political development of Islam Nusantara in Central Java from time to time, the public response in Central Java to the development of Islam Nusantara, and the contribution of Islam Nusantara in a moderate Islam that can create harmony, pluralist and inclusive in order peaceful world civilization.
Between The Sacred and The Profan:The Dynamics of the Memorization of The Quran among Children in East Kalimantan Wijaya, Ida Suryani; Hidayati, Di Ajeng Laily
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : P3M IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v12i1.2826


For Muslims, memorizing the text of the Qur’an is among the highest rewarding deeds since it has long been perceived to be the manifestation of the idea of guarding the religion. Persons capable of memorizing the whole thirty chapters of the Qur’an are believed to be spiritually superior and, thus, are rewarded a highly respected position in a Muslim society. However, to do such a herculean task of Memorization, one should start the job as soon as she or he could; as soon as early childhood. This paper, therefore, aims at exploring the dynamic inter-relationship between sacred and profane motives in the process of memorization of Qur’an among hafizes of Qur’an (guardians of the Qur’an) in East Borneo, Indonesia, by answering twofold questions; (1) What are the main determinant factors affecting the decision to memorize the Qur’an? and (2) how full-fledged hafizes of Qur’an see their huge efforts in doing such tasks?
Political Contestation and Reconciliation of Tarikas: The Shattariyya and The Akmaliyya in The 15th to 17th Centuries Central Java Ismawati, I.
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : P3M IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v12i1.4183


This article presents religious practices and its interplay with political aspect in the regency of Kendal, Central Java where sufism and other beliefs lived together in the 15th to the 17th century. It questions about the relationship of two main contesting tarikas back then; i.e., The Shattariyya and The Akmaliyya. This historical study aimed at analyzing factors which contributed to the above mentioned relationship. The study found political contestation between both tarikas to win keraton’s legitimation and people’s hearts. While The Shattariyya adherents mostly affiliated to Demak Sultanate, The Akmaliyya’s were faithful followers to the late Majapahit Imperium who tried to establish a new kingdom apart from Demak. Both mystical teachings of the tarikas were used to defend their political interests. It also sees that each tarika mutually weakened other sufi teachings and bargained for political positioning. Both tarikas however, found its way of reconciliation. Meanwhile, the development of both sufi practices may be better understood when it is attached to its social and political contexts.
The Waqf as The Social Institution and The Realization of Islam Nusantara: The Study in West Sumatera Medaline, Onny
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v12i1.4544


As a religion which concerned with the social, cultural, psychological and spiritual of the community, Islamic laws had the ability to answer the new problems, especially in all muamalah fields. The Islamic of Nusantara was the comprehension, experience, and implementation of Islam in mualamat of fiqih segment as the dialectical result among the syariat, cultural and  reality throughout the archipelago. The reality reflected on in waqf that became a dynamical ijtihadiyyat  laws along with the benefit which fulfilled the certain space, time and situation. The waqf as the social institution was the realization of the Islamic laws transformation to become a law formation which consisted of the funding system of tasawuf (ilahiyah) study and Islam absolute which grew as the social framework that had the ability to answer all the community needs in some of life fields which affected by the dynamic of space and time. In the context of social institution, the waqf was the  norm system which arranged all the human actions in order to fulfill the basic needs in community life, and it was  a part of  community norms which formed the social, religion institutions and the other institutions which protected by the state.
Appraising the Moderation Indonesian Muslims with Special Reference to Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama Zarkasyi, Hamid Fahmy
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v12i1.4179


Indonesia is the country that has been widely regarded as home to a moderate brand of Islam compared to the more assertive political and militant Islamic revivals that have taken place in some of Middle East countries. However, recent series of terrorist attack and the emergence of groups that are categorized as extremist and fundamentalist in Indonesia have given opposite impression. This paper is aimed at appraising the the moderation of Indonesian Muslim. The object of this study is two largest Muslim organizations namely Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama. For this appraisal the author employs the selectively the criteria of Western scholars as well as Muslim intellectuals, since there are growing tendency of observers, intellectual and policy makers to pose certain criteria of moderation based on their own interests. General survey on those tendencies suggests that there are at least three categories of moderate definition: extremist, Western biased and Islamic criteria, each of which contain acceptable and unacceptable aspects that require further selection. It is from these acceptable criteria that the author attempts to appraise the moderation of Indonesian Muslims through the vision and mission of mass-organization, especially Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama as well as their education system. The study arrive on the conclusion that based on Islamic as well as Western criteria, the majority of Indonesian Muslims or the mainstream remain moderate.
Salaam Greeting to Spread Peace in The Archipelago of Indonesia Andriana, Nesia
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v12i1.4771


Maintaining peace in the world has always been a noble aim, yet it remains an endless polemic. The archipelago of Indonesia, known as Nusantara, is home to more than 600 ethnic groups and if it is not well organized, it can lead to conflicts. This study aims to examine Islamic values, especially those conveyed in the hadeeths of Saheeh Bukhari, the Chapter on Seeking Permission. The focus of this study is to examine the relevant hadeeths to identify the pillars that Muslims can use to build and nurture peace in the archipelago. This research is conducted through literature review approach. The content of the hadeeths is associated with events that occurred in Nusantara, both in the era of independence and in the era of reform to reveal the potentials of Muslims as a majority, to maintain peace and unity throughout the archipelago. The study reveals that the saheeh hadeeths related to greeting of salaam and its rules contain the basic pillars that can contribute to sustaining peace in the archipelago. These pillars ensure the security and safety of individuals’ privacy, public comfort, prevention of riots and conflicts, news monitoring, and maintain humanitarian values to always promote peace in stead of hostility. These values are still embraced in general by Muslims in the archipelago. The Muslims still observe the principles of Bhineka Tunggal Ika and Pancasila, which are key to maintain peace and unity of the homeland.
The Challenge of Islam Nusantara Against Terorism: Analysis Study of Islam Nusantara of Ulama NU Movement in Central Java Ma'mun Mu'min; Fathul Mufid
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : LPPM IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v12i1.4185


The more widespread ideology in the era of global terrorism today has become a global concern, acts of terror committed national or transnational terrorists have been bad for the creation of a harmonious world order, pluralist and inclusive. Several countries collapse in the Middle East and Africa as well as the tense conditions in Poso has been the evidence of how acts of terror committed the terrorists do not recognize tribes, nations and religions. If this trend continues, then the life of mankind and civilization of the world will be damaged. Long before understanding terrorism rampant in Indonesia and the world, the scholars Walisongo through propaganda Islamiyah has offered the concept of Islam Nusantara, the moderate Islam that can adapt to the cultural heritage at the time. Islam Nusantara or moderate Islam is essentially Islam that gave mercy to all the worlds. These efforts Walisongo scholars ulama NU followed by the next generation until now. Rampant ideology of terrorism today is of course a challenge for the NU clerics spearheading the development of Islam in the Indonesian archipelago. This research will find: formulation of basic normatively and historicity and the philosophical concept of Islam Nusantara, formulated the concept of Islam Nusantara in the perspective of scholars Walisongo and ulama NU in Central Java, the dynamics of socio-political development of Islam Nusantara in Central Java from time to time, the public response in Central Java to the development of Islam Nusantara, and the contribution of Islam Nusantara in a moderate Islam that can create harmony, pluralist and inclusive in order peaceful world civilization.

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