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Pelita Perkebunan (Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal)
ISSN : 02150212     EISSN : 24069574     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Pelita Perkebunan, Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal (CCRJ): ISSN:0215-0212 Since its establishment in 1911, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI) formerly Besoekisch Proefstation, had published its research findings through a journal call Mededelingen van het Besoekisch Proefstation. Between 1948-1981 the research institute was under the supervision of Bogor Research Institute for Estate Crops, and published its research findings through De Bergcultures which was later changed to Menara Perkebunan. Since the institute held the national mandate for coffee and cocoa commodities, and due to rapid increase in the research findings, ICCRI published its first issue of Pelita Perkebunanjournal in April 1985. Pelita Perkebunanis an international journal providing rapid publication of peer-reviewed articles concerned with coffee and cocoa commodities based on the aspects of agronomy, plant breeding, soil science, crop protection, postharvest technology and social economy. Papers dealing with result of original research on the above aspects are welcome, with no page charge. Pelita Perkebunan is managed by Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI), which publish the research findings not only for coffee and cocoa but also other commodities relevant with coffee and cocoa, i.e. shade trees, intercrops and wind breakers.
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Articles 7 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 37 No 1 (2021)" : 7 Documents clear
Carbon storage in cocoa growing systems across different agroecological zones in Ghana John Tennyson Afele; Evans Dawoe; Akwasi Adutwum Abunyewa; Victor Afari-Sefa; Richard Asare
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) Vol 37 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v37i1.395


Shade grown cocoa systems have been credited with stocking high quantities of carbon and therefore possess the potential to mitigate climate change and help achieve targets of the United Nations Collaborative Program on Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). This study quantifies and compares carbon stored as well as estimated cocoa yields in two shade management types (i.e., shaded and full sun) across three agroecological zones: Dry Semi-Deciduous Fire Zone (DSFZ), Moist Evergreen Zone (MEZ) and Upland Evergreen Moist Zone (UEMZ) in Ghana. Results show that Soil organic carbon (SOC) stored decreased with increasing soil depth across all agroecological zones. Cocoa farms with shade trees stored 6 times more soil carbon (35.90±1.56 Mg C ha-1) compared to the full sun systems (5.98±1.56 Mg C ha-1). Carbon stocks in the DSFZ and the MEZ were 61.73±1.02 Mg C/ha and 67.46±1.02 Mg C ha-1 respectively whiles the UEMZ recorded 85.10 Mg C ha-1. Across agroecological zones, pod count in the UEMZ and the MEZ were similar but varied from that of the DSFZ, which recorded the least. Wilting of pods and cherrelles, was minimal and similar in the UMEZ and the MEZ but was significantly higher in the DSFZ. It is recommended that farmers should be encouraged through strong policies to adopt the integration of shade trees in the production of cocoa in Ghana to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Starch Catabolism Revealed during Secondary Metabolite Released Under Vascular Streak Dieback Infections in Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L) Teguh Iman Santoso; M. Miftahudin; Yohana C Sulistyaningsih; Suryo Wiyono; Fakhrusy Zakariyya
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) Vol 37 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v37i1.425


This study aimed to study the profile of starch content in cocoa leaf and phytoalexin production based on GC-MS analysis at several stages of VSD pathogen infection. Research was conducted on January – October 2015 at Kaliwining Experimental Field, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute, Jember, East Java. The research was designed based on a Completely Randomized Block Design with two factors with three replications. The first factor was clone, i.e. the resistant clone (Scavina 6) and susceptible (TSH 858) to VSD infection. The second factor was the level of O. theobromae infection, i.e. pre-infection, early infection, and late infection. Starch catabolism revealed during Vascular Streak Dieback infections in Cacao. Starch content in Sca 6 (resistant clone) in late infection decreased 24,33 % than healthy condition (no infection), however, starch content in TSH 858 (succeptible clone) in late infection decreased only 9,63 % than healthy condition (no infection). This indicated that starch catabolism rate on resistant clone was higher than susceptible clone. Some secondary metabolites releases under Vascular Streak Dieback i.e. I-limonene, eugenol and coumaran. Scavina 6 (resistant clone) had higher concentration of eugenol and coumaran than TSH 858 (susceptible clone). I-limonene compound, TSH 858 (Susceptible clone) had higher concentration than Scavina 6. I-Limonene concentration increased in lined with the severity of pathogen infection. There were an negative correlation between starch content with contentration of I-limonene (R= - 0,74), concentration of Eugenol (R= - 0,44), and contentration of Coumaran.
Characteristics of Pectin Extracted from Cocoa Pod Husks Nanti - Musita
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) Vol 37 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v37i1.428


Cocoa plant husks is one of the source of pectin. Pectin in the food industry is used as thickener, gel agent and stabilizer. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the pectin from cocoa pod husks with variation in temperature and extraction times. In this study the extraction of pectin from cocoa pod husk was carried out with hydrochloric acid solvent, with 40, 60 and 80 minutes extraction times at 65oC, 80oC, and 95oC. The results showed that the extraction temperature (65oC, 80oC, and 95oC) and extraction time (40, 60, and 80 minutes) had no significant effect on metoxyl content, galacturonat acid, equivalent weight, and pectin content, but the extraction time had a significant effect on the acetyl number and the degree of esterification. The highest yield of pectin was obtained at extraction temperature of 80oC for 60 minutes. The pectin content in cocoa pod husk is larger than the content in banana skin. The characteristics of cocoa pod husk pectin powder are brown, with moisture content 10.56-11.96%, ash content 6.82-8.97%, methoxyl content 3.51-4.86%, galacturonic acid content 41.38-88.40%, esterification degree 10.76-19.96%, acetyl number 14.55-20.90%, equivalent numbers 663.83-1549.22, pectin content 9.52-19.51 and yield 5.55- 7.70%. IR Spectrum showed that there was no difference in the functional groups between standard, commercial, and pectin extracted at different temperatures.
Nitrogen uptake of cocoa seedlings as a response of cocoa pod husk derived liquid organic fertilizer application in combination with urea Erwin Prastowo; Irawan Dwiyanto; Setyo Budi Santoso
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) Vol 37 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v37i1.442


As nitrogen (N) has played an important role in cocoa production, both providing the N-sources alternative materials, and increasing the efficiency of fertilization are urgently required to support both crop and land productivity. Research aims to investigate the N uptake of cocoa seedlings as results of combination of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) and urea application. To support the understanding in terms of N dynamics, SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development) chlorophyll content, N use efficiency (NUE) and recovery of applied nitrogen (REN) were determined with additional information related to the optimal dosage of urea to be applied to cocoa seedlings. Greenhouse experiment, using ICCRI 08 cocoa seedlings, was carried out in Kaliwining Experimental Station, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute, Jember, East Java. The LOF used for this experiment was made from about 1-month fermentation of cocoa pod waste in a 200 L plastic tank with additional biodecomposer to improve the biodegradation of organic materials. The experiment was designed by a completely randomized design (CRD), and taking into account two factors, i.e. the level of LOF concentration and urea application, as treatments of which their effect was determined through regular growth observations and laboratory determination. The variation of LOF concentration levels are (i) control (B0), (ii) LOF 0.25% (B1), (iii) LOF 0.50% (B2), and (iv) LOF 1% (B3). Additionally, the rates of urea applications include control (P0), 10% of fertilizer recommendation dosage (P1), 25% of fertilizer recommendation dosage (P2), and 50% of fertilizer recommendation dosage (P3). SPAD readings indicate the significant effect of urea and its combination with LOF to the increase in the chlorophyll content by 10 – 20% in compare to control. The total N uptake by cocoa tends to decrease with the increase in the concentration of LOF. With average increase of about 28% compared to control, statistical analysis suggest the insignificant different effect of treatments. The effect of LOF to the increase in the NUE, ranging from 0.50 to 0.80, in combination with specific level of urea. With 50% of urea recommendation dosage, the increase in NUE is above 40% up to 55% compared to non-LOF applied treatments. REN data interpretation indicates the higher of its values for treatments with lower level of urea applications. With the increase in the urea rate, the REN value is decreasing implying the contribution from the input of N. In this level, the REN is down to below 50% showing the lower amount of N required in compare to the N inputs. Relating the dosage of urea with N uptake shows an asymptotic type of curves. It indicates the optimal rate of urea ranging from 0.5 to 1 g urea per pot. The higher amount of LOF applied shows to decrease the optimal dosage of urea required in compare to no LOF application (B0). Though its use as source of nutrients is limited, current research may indicate the potential utilization of LOF through foliar spray to increase the efficiency of urea application.
Small-scale Fermentation of Cocoa Beans and on-Process Monitoring Ariza Budi Tunjung-Sari; Hendy Firmanto; Teguh Wahyudi
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) Vol 37 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v37i1.444


Cocoa bean fermentation is a critical step in the formation of chocolate aroma precursors. Small-scale fermentation is needed to accommodate fermentation practice during low season and fruit scarcity. The study was conducted to address the minimum amount of wet cocoa beans required for a successful fermentation. In the trials, wet cocoa beans at different quantities, i.e. 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, and 40 kg, were incubated in separate wooden boxes for 4 days (96 hours) and turned once after 48 hours. Temperature and pH of the pulp and beans were measured every 6 hours. Dry beans were visually inspected to determine the number of grayish and purple cotyledons indicating unfermented beans. In general, smaller scale fermentations, i.e. 1 to 15 kg, resulted in similar profiles with that of standard mini-box fermentation (40 kg) in terms of temperature, pulp pH and bean pH. The 40 kg fermentation resulted in the lowest percentage of purple beans with no grayish beans, meanwhile smaller scale fermentations showed higher number of unfermented beans. The logarithmic regression indicates that as much as 1.4 kg beans producing unfermented beans of less than 20% which meets the criteria of grade 3 based on the Indonesian National Standard for cocoa bean (SNI 2323:2008/Amd1:2010). Data analysis shows that temperature below 35°C for 42 hours was associated with higher percentage of grayish and purple beans. It is concluded that cocoa bean fermentation can be carried out at least at 5 kg scale, and temperature at 42 hours could be a parameter for process monitoring.
A Comparative Study of Carbon Storage in Two Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Shade-Types and a Teak Plantation in the Moist Semi-deciduous Forest Zone of Ghana. Eunice Nimo; Evans Dawoe; John Tennyson Afele
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) Vol 37 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v37i1.448


on life, it is important that steps are taken to mitigate its effects. With the intensification of cocoa production, there has been a shift in traditional cocoa farming over the years leading to the removal of shade trees, hence, removal of carbon sinks. This study was carried out to compare the amount of carbon stored in cocoa ecosystems to that of a 20 years teak plantation and to calculate the trade-off of carbon between the two systems. Cocoa farms of similar ages (20 years) were selected in which three-subplots were demarcated on each farm at Piase in the Bosomtwe District. Tree Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) was measured and soils samples were collected and analyzed for organic carbon percentage and bulk density. One-way Analysis of Variance was used to analyze above and belowground tree carbon and two-way analysis of variance was used to analyze soil organic carbon stored. Teak plantation recorded higher carbon stock (739.33±2.24 Mg C.ha-1) compared to full sun cocoa (9.36±2.24 Mg C.ha-1). Soil organic carbon across the three farms showed significant (p = 0.0010) variations with depths. The 0-20 cm soil depth stored significantly more (p = 0.0000) organic carbon compared to 20-40 cm soil depth. Total soil carbon stored revealed significant differences amongst the various farms with the full sun (40.857±0.52 Mg C.ha-1) being the least whilst the teak plantation stored the highest (72.42±0.52 Mg C.ha-1). Total carbon (above-ground tree carbon + below-ground tree carbon + soil organic carbon) showed significant difference (p= 0.0000) between land use types with shaded cocoa farm (74.3±0.89 Mg C.ha-1), full sun cocoa farm (32.02±0.89Mg C.ha-1) and that of the teak plantation (950.91±0.89 Mg C.ha-1) respectively. Traditional cocoa ecosystem (shaded cocoa farms) has the potential to store carbon significantly higher than that of the full sun systems.
Optimation of Auxin and Cytokinin on Enhanced Quality and Weight of Coffea liberica Somatic Embryos Fitria Ardiyani; Edy Setiti Wida Utami; Hery Purnobasuki
Pelita Perkebunan (a Coffee and Cocoa Research Journal) Vol 37 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/iccri.jur.pelitaperkebunan.v37i1.460


Coffea liberica is a variety of coffee that tolerant to marginal land, especially peatlands. One of propagation methods in C. liberica is somatic embryogenesis(SE) which producing large number of true-to-type plant seedlings in a short time. This research aimed at studying the effect of application of plant growthregulator (PGR) on quality and weight of somatic embryo of C. liberica. Somatic embryo in development stage was induced by Murashige and Skoog medium containing cytokinin as benzyl amino purin (BAP) and auxin as 2,4-dichlorophe-noxyacetic acid (2,4-D). While cotyledonary embryo in germination stage was induced by Murashige and Skoog medium containing cytokinin (BAP) and auxins as 2,4-D, indole acetic acid (IAA) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The resultsshowed that the application of auxins and cytokinins on development stage affected the formation of embryos, texture of calli, color of calli and embryos, and weight of somatic embryo. It also influenced the shoot and root formation, color and weight of geminating embryos of C. liberica at the germinating stage. During the development stage, addition of 1 mg/L BAP in the absence of 2,4-D in MS medium produced the highest quality of somatic embryo of C. liberica. This medium also produced heaviest somatic embryos but with lighter callus. While in germination stage, all medium treatments produced a typical germinating embryo. Coffea liberica germinating embryo growth optimally on MS medium containing 0.5 mg/L BAP as a single chemical or 0.5 mg/L BAP in combination with 0.5 mg/L IAA for shooting development. Whereas on rooting development, addition of 0.5 mg/L NAA on MS medium produced an optimal germinating embryo. Moreover, germination embryo of C. liberica recorded the highest in terms of dry weight on MS media with addition of 0.5 mg/L BAP. Application of appropriate concentration of auxin and cytokinin is needed to support the formation of somatic embryo and germinating embryo.

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