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Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies
ISSN : 0126012X     EISSN : 2338557X     DOI : 10.14421
Al-Jamiah invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related to Islam, Muslim society, and other religions which covers textual and fieldwork investigation with various perspectives of law, philosophy, mysticism, history, art, theology, sociology, anthropology, political science and others.
Articles 16 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 55, No 2 (2017)" : 16 Documents clear
Islamic Studies in Higher Education in Indonesia: Challenges, Impact and Prospects for the World Community Abdullah, Muhammad Amin
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 55, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2017.552.391-426


In the global socio-political situation today, where rigid, extreme and radical interpretations of religion are commonly found and widespread, the contribution of Indonesian post-graduate education, especially Islamic higher education, come to the front stage and become a topic of serious discussion. In term of education in Indonesia, there is an unavoidable fact that Islamic education including Islamic higher education is not a new phenomenon. The situation led to the fact that some international Islamic scholars began to consider the Islamic higher education in Indonesia as a potential alternative system of graduate education including religious education and its contents and methods in offering innovation and transformation. This seems to be much more conducive approach and research to local, regional and global community and peace. This article will explain descriptively the long history of Islamic education and its development. It also aims at presenting elaboration on how higher education of indigenous Islam can modify their own teaching and research methodologies to be more relevant to the intellectual development and advancement, especially that of sciences and humanities in particular. The focus will be on: what are the key issues and elements of the Indonesian Islamic higher education leading to significantly change and contribute to the welfare of the nation and mankind, especially on the development of research which seems to illustrate the weakness of previous educational institutions system  in Indonesia. Moreover, there is one thing to remember that the worldwide academic community cannot wait for any longer the solution strongly expected to reduce the weakness since development of religious education and Islam in the Middle East, South Asia, and some parts of the Muslim world is not, more or less, promising for the sake of global humanity, prosperity and peace.[Pada situasi sosial-politik global dewasa ini, ketika interpretasi agama yang rigid, ekstrim dan radikal meluas dan mudah dijumpai, kontribusi pendidikan tinggi, khususnya perguruan tinggi Islam, harus tampil dan menjadi bahan diskusi serius. Dalam konteks pendidikan di Indonesia, terdapat fakta tak terbantahkan bahwa pendidikan Islam termasuk pendidikan tinggi Islam, bukanlah hal baru. Situasi di Indonesia ini mendorong akademisi Islam internasional untuk mempertimbangkan pendidikan tinggi Islam sebagai alternatif dalam inovasi dan transformasi pendidikan, baik dalam hal materi ataupun metodologi. Tulisan ini menjelaskan sejarah panjang perkembangan  pendidikan Islam. Selain itu, juga mengelaborasi bagaimana sistem pendidikan Islam memodifikasi metode pengajaran dan risetnya agar lebih sesuai dengan perkembangan dan capaian ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya ilmu sosial humaniora dewasa ini. Tulisan ini berfokus pada isu-isu dan unsur-unsur kunci pendidikan tinggi Islam yang sekiranya mampu berkontribusi dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan umat manusia dan bangsa, khususnya perkembangan riset yang memetakan kelemahan dari sistem pendidikan di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, satu hal yang harus diingat bahwa komunitas akademik dunia tidak bisa menunggu lebih lama lagi solusi untuk menutupi kekurangan - kekurangan tersebut, terlebih karena perkembangan pendidikan agama dan Islam di Timur Tengah, Asia Selatan, dan wilayah lain dunia Islam tidak terlalu menjanjikan terhadap kemanusiaan, kesejahteraan, dan perdamaian global.] 
Practicing What It Preaches? Understanding the Contradictions between Pluralist Theology and Religious Intolerance within Indonesia’s Nahdlatul Ulama Arifianto, Alexander R
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 55, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2017.552.241-264


The Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has long been known for its moderate, pluralist theology. However, many grassroot NU clerics and activists do not pay attention to these pluralist teachings. Instead, they carried out attacks and religious persecutions against religious minorities such as the Ahmadi and Shi’ite communities in Indonesia. It is puzzling to see a big contradiction between the pluralist theological beliefs articulated by some of NU’s senior clerics and the religiously intolerant actions conducted by many of its clerics and activists against religious minorities at a grassroot level. Using insights from social movement theory, this article argues that the roots of such contradictions can be traced back to NU’s organizational structure, which is decentralized and leave ultimate theological authority with local clerics who run their own Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) and issue their own theological interpretations and rulings (fatwa) that are being obeyed by their students and followers.[NU telah lama dikenal berteologi moderat dan pluralis. Meskipun demikian, ulama dan aktifis akar rumput kurang memperhatikan ajaran pluralis tersebut. Bahkan sebagian dari mereka justru terlibat dalam penyerangan dan persekusi kelompok minoritas seperti Ahmadiyah dan Shiah di Indonesia. Hal ini cukup membingungkan dan kontradiktif antara artikulasi pemikiran pluralis tokoh senior NU dengan tindakan intoleran yang dilakukan pengikut NU di level akar rumput. Dengan pendekatan teori gerakan sosial, artikel ini menjelaskan kontradiksi tersebut dengan melacak akarnya pada struktur organisasi NU yang terdesentralisasi dan otoritas teologi berbasis ulama lokal yang mempunyai pesantren dan interpretasi keagamaannya sendiri yang dipatuhi oleh santri dan pengikutnya.]
Nīshāpūrī Scholars in The Formation of Sunnī Scholarship in The Eleventh Century Widigdo, Mohammad Syifa Amin
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 55, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2017.552.427-462


The role of Nīshāpūrī medieval scholars in the tenth-eleventh century in the formation of Sunnī orthodoxy has been rarely discussed. The existing scholarship focuses primarily on the local history of Nīshāpūr and other parts of eastern Muslim world or emphasizes more on the contribution of Baghdādī scholars in the light of the formation of Sunnī legal schools, which in turn is deemed as Sunnī orthodoxy, than their counterpart in Nīshāpūr and other cities in the east. Therefore, this paper attempts to show how Muslim scholars from Nīshāpūr contributed to the advancement of Sunnī scholarship in the fifth/eleventh century through a closer study of intellectual strategies developed and employed by Nīshāpūrī scholars to cope with their local challenges. They built intellectual networking and attempted to integrate legal and theological scholarship in Islamic scholarship to deal with their local problems, which interestingly shaped their distinctive contribution in the light of Sunnī scholarship tradition. By means of this attempt of intellectual networking and harmonizing legal scholarship (fiqh) and theological scholarship (kalām), they were not only able to tackle local problems but also equipped with intellectual means to push doctrinal boundaries within Sunnī scholarship in the fifth/eleventh century.[Peran ilmuwan Nīshāpūr abad pertengahan dalam pembentukan ortodoksi Sunni di abad 10 – 11 masehi masih jarang dibahas. Kebanyakan sarjana yang ada lebih banyak memperhatikan sejarah lokal Nīshāpūr dan bagian lain dari dunia muslim di timur atau menekankan pada kontribusi sarjana asal Baghdād dimasa puncak formasi mazhab Sunni, dimana lebih sering dianggap sebagai Sunni ortodoks daripada kawan mereka di Nishāpūr dan kota lain di timur. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini berusaha untuk menunjukkan bahwa sarjana muslim dari Nishāpūr berkontribusi pada pengembangan pemikiran Sunni di abad pertengahan melalui kajian mendalam pembangunan strategis intelektual dan karya dari sarjana Nishāpūr dalam mengatasi tantangan lokal. Mereka membangun jaringan intelektual dan berusaha mengintegrasikan hukum dan teologi dalam Islam dengan masalah lokalitas, yang mana kontribusi khasnya berpengaruh dalam tradisi teologi Sunni. Melalui usahanya ini, jaringan intelektual dan harmonisasi fiqh dan kalam, mereka tidak hanya mengatasi persoalan lokal tetapi juga melengkapinya dengan seperangkat intelektual untuk mendorong batas-batas dalam tradisi Sunni di abad pertengahan.]    
Feminist Kyai, K.H. Husein Muhammad: The Feminist Interpretation on Gendered Verses and the Qur’ān-Based Activism Rahman, Yusuf
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 55, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2017.552.293-326


Husein Muhammad, a feminist ‘ālim or kyai of Dar al-Tauhid Islamic boarding school in Arjawinangun Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia, has written various articles and books on women issues and gender problem. Growing up in a conservative family, and graduating from Al-Azhar University, kyai Husein becomes one of the main proponents of Islamic feminism in Indonesia. Apart from leading a pesantren (Islamic boarding school), in 2000 kyai Husein established Fahmina Institute, an NGO which strives to promote community empowerment and gender justice based on pesantren tradition, and Fahmina Islamic Studies Institute, an Islamic higher education, which aims to build a tolerant and unprejudiced Indonesian Islam. This article discusses his approach in reinterpreting the Qur’ānic verses and Islamic traditions on women issues, and his contribution in the light of the discourse of gender and feminism in Islam as well as in mainstreaming gender in Indonesia. [KH Husein Muhammad merupakan ulama feminis, pengasuh Pondok Pesantren Dar al-Tauhid Arjawinangun Cirebon Jawa Barat, yang telah menghasilkan banyak tulisan dan buku terkait persoalan perempuan dan masalah gender. Beliau yang dibesarkan dalam keluarga tradisional dan lulusan Universitas Al-Azhar, kini telah menjadi tokoh utama feminis Islam di Indonesia. Disamping menjadi pemimpin pondok pesantren, beliau mendirikan Fahmina Institute pada tahun 2000 yang merupakan sebuah LSM pemberdayaan masyarakat dan keadilan gender berbasis pesantren tradisional. Selain itu juga mendirikan Fahmina Islamic Studies Institute, sebuah perguruan tinggi Islam yang bertujuan membangun toleransi dan mengikis prasangka Islam Indonesia. Tulisan ini membahas pendekatannya dalam menafsirkan ayat al Qur’an dan tradisi Islam mengenai persoalan perempuan serta kontribusinya dalam pencerahan wacana gender dan feminisme dalam Islam terutama pengarusutamaan gender di Indonesia.]
Yathrib Jews’ Language(s): A Study Based on Authentic Ḥadiṯs Sbaihat, Ahlam; Albanna, Nama
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 55, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2017.552.327-356


A controversial topic of research was the language of the Jews of Yathrib, this research tries to shed light on the controversial issue. Muslim and non-muslim scholars give different explanations. However, none of these theories could determine whether this language is spoken or written. Hadiths of Prophet Muḥammad indicate three languages; Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac. For the purpose of this study, the researchers have gathered a repertoire of the authentic hadiths of the prophet related to the topic, accredited and then analyzed them. The results indicate that the Prophet asked Zayd, his translator, to learn Hebrew, which is the language of correspondence and worship of the Jews of Yathrib. Furthermore, the study shows that the language of everyday communication of the Jews of Yathrib was Arabic, which borrowed some worship-related Hebrew terms.[Topik riset ini mencoba mengangkat beberapa isu kontroversi yang terkait dengan bahasa orang Yahudi di Yathrib (Medinah). Berbagai teori dan penjelasan dari akademisi muslim atau Orientalis masih memperdebatkan apakah bahasa tersebut merupakan bahasa lisan atau tulis. Secara eksplisit dalam hadis Nabi terindikasi adanya tiga bahasa yaitu: Ibrani, Aramaik dan Syria. Dalam tulisan ini, peneliti akan mengumpulkan, akreditasi dan analisis hadits Nabi yang autentik terkait dengan topik ini. Kesimpulannya menunjukkan bahwa Nabi memerintahkan Zayd, penerjemahnya, untuk belajar bahasa Ibrani yang mana merupakan bahasa surat – menyurat dan ritual orang Yahudi di Medinah. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa bahasa komunikasi sehari-hari orang Yahudi di Medinah adalah bahasa Arab yang diantaranya meminjam beberapa istilah dalam bahasa Ibrani.]  
The Epistemology of Javanese Qur’anic Exegesis: A Study of Ṣāliḥ Darat’s Fayḍ al-Raḥmān Mustaqim, Abdul
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 55, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2017.552.357-390


This article seeks to analyse the structure of the epistemology of Fayḍ al-Raḥmān, a Javanese Qur’anic-exegetical work by Ṣāliḥ Darat, a prominent Javanese ulama in the nineteenth century. It is the only Javanese Qur’anic-exegetical work (kitāb al-tafsīr) with the Sufi-esoteric interpretation (al-tafsīr al-ṣūfi al-ishārī). Yet, there has not been research discussing its epistemology of interpretation whereas it is significant to grasp its fundamental structure of thought. Employing historical-philosophical approach, this article argues that Fayḍ al-Raḥmān’s exegesis reflect the illuminative epistemology (‘irfāni) by which Ṣāliḥ Darat does not only explain the textual meaning (al-ma‘nā al-ẓāhir) but also the esoteric meaning (al-ma‘nā al-ishārī) of the Qur’an. In Ṣāliḥ Darat’s view, the relation of the two resembles the relation between spirit and body that cannot be separated. The esoteric interpretation thus constitutes revealing inner meanings of the Qur’an. According to Ṣāliḥ Darat, the ideal interpretation is to grasp both the textual and esoteric meaning of the Qur’an. With the Sufi-esoteric interpretation, Ṣāliḥ Darat truly intends to bridge the epistemological polemics between Muslim jurists (fuqahā’) who are inclined to the textual meaning and Sufi-philosophers who are inclined to the esoteric meaning. Besides, written in Arabic-pegon script, Ṣāliḥ Darat’s Fayḍ al-Raḥmān fortifies the Javanese cultural identity in the sense that Javanese Qur’anic exegesis have equal authority as Arabic Qur’anic exegesis. This also reflects the cultural strategy to oppose the policy of the Dutch colonialism that enforced the use of Latin alphabet on behalf of bureaucracy and correspondence at the time.[Artikel ini mendiskusikan tentang struktur epistemologi tafsir Fayḍ al-Raḥmān karya Ṣāliḥ Darat. Kitab tersebut merupakan satu-satu kitab tafsir berbahasa Jawa dengan corak tafsir sufi isyari. Namun demikian, selama ini belum ada riset-riset terdahulu yang mengkaji tentang isu epistemologi tafsirnya. Padahal, dengan mengkaji epistemologinya, kita akan memahami struktur fundamental pemikirannya. Dengan pendekatan historis-filosofis, artikel ini berargumen bahwa epistemologi tafsir Fayḍ al-Raḥmān mencerminkan epistemologi ‘irfāni (illuminasi) dengan corak tafsir sufi isyari. Ketika menafsirkan al-Qur’an, Ṣāliḥ Darat tidak hanya menjelaskan dimensi makna zahir ayat, tetapi juga makna batinnya. Baginya, relasi keduanya tidak dapat dipisahkan, ibarat tubuh dan ruh. Sehingga, penafsiran al-Qur’an menjadi lebih hidup dan mendalam. Penafsiran yang ideal ialah manakala mampu menangkap kedua makna tersebut secara sinergis. Dengan corak tafsir sufi isyari, Ṣāliḥ Darat sebenarnya ingin mendamaikan konflik epistemik antara kaum fuqaha’ yang hanya berorietasi pada makna zahir dan kaum sufi yang hanya berorientasi pada makna batin. Di sisi lain, penggunaan tulisan Arab-Pegon dalam kitab tafsirnya merefleksikan peneguhan identitas kultural Jawa bahwa tafsir berbahasa Jawa memiliki otoritas yang sama dengan tafsir-tafsir yang berbahasa Arab. Hal ini juga merupakan strategi kebudayaan untuk melawan kolonialisme Belanda yang ketika itu menginstruksikan agar menggunakan tulisan laitin dalam birokrasi dan surat-menyurat.]
Defending Traditions, Countering Intolerant Ideologies: Re-energizing the Role of Modin in Modern Java Arifin, Achmad Zainal
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 55, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2017.552.265-292


This paper discusses a neglected traditional Islamic figure called modin, who actually has potential and greater opportunity in countering the growing numbers of relatively new Islamic groups that perpetuate intolerant ideology. This paper is based on a fieldwork in the Village of Sidoluhur, Godean, Sleman, DIY. The primary data used for this research is derived from in-depth interviews with 17 people such as modin, village officers, mosques’ board members, and active jamaah (members) of the mosques. I argue that modin has a significant contribution in softening tensions among Muslims at a hamlet level. He will be functioning effectively in preserving local Islamic practices and, at the same time, filtering intolerant ideology in society. In so doing, contestations among modin, who might come from various Islamic groups, have to be carefully considered to maximize his roles in society, especially in countering intolerant views proposed by some transnational Islamic groups. [Artikel ini membahas peminggiran figur Islam tradisional di Jawa yang dikenal dengan sebutan modin. Figur ini sebenarnya mempunyai potensi dan peluang besar untuk menandingi perkembangan kelompok Islam yang menyebarkan ideologi intoleran. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan riset lapangan di Desa Sidoluhur, Godean, Yogyakarta, dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap tujuh belas informan meliputi modin, perangkat desa, pengurus masjid, dan jamaah masjid. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa modin mempunyai kontribusi penting dalam meredam ketegangan umat di tingkat dusun. Ia berperan dalam melestarikan praktik Islam lokal sekaligus menyaring ideologi intoleran dalam masyarakat. Adanya kontestasi di antara modin yang berasal dari kelompok yang berbeda perlu menjadi pertimbangan untuk memaksimalkan peran modin di masyarakat dalam menandingi ideologi intoleran yang diusung oleh kelompok Islam transnasional.]  
The Relation between Arabic Linguistics and Islamic Legal Reasoning: Islamic Legal Theory Perspective Anwar, Syamsul
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 55, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2017.552.463-492


In this article, the writer studies the relation between Arabic linguistics and the process of Islamic legal reasoning from an Islamic legal theory perspective. The question raised regards how Muslim jurists and legal theoreticians perceive the importance of Arabic linguistics as a part of the methodological tool in extracting Islamic legal norms from their sources, the connection of the two disciplines in theoretical level, and their mutual influences. The study shows that Muslim jurists and legal theoreticians agree unanimously that Arabic language mastering is an indispensable condition for a mujtahid to be valid. Further, Muslim jurists and legal theoreticians rely heavily in many cases on the grammatical rules set by the Arab grammarians and integrate these rules into the construction of their legal theory. Nevertheless, they do not merely transfer these rules as such into uṣūl al-fiqh but develop them to the extent to which the grammarians themselves do not attain.[Dalam artikel ini, penulis menelaah hubungan antara ilmu bahasa Arab dengan proses penetapan hukum Islam dari perspektif ilmu uṣūl al-fiqh. Pertanyaan yang dibahas berkisar pada bagaimana para fukaha dan teoretikus hukum memahami pentingnya bahasa Arab sebagai bagian dari metodologi dalam menetapkan norma-norma hukum Islam dari sumbernya, hubungan antara ilmu bahasa Arab dan ilmu uṣūl al-fiqh dalam tataran teoretis, serta pengaruh timbal balik antara dua disiplin ilmu tersebut. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa para fukaha dan teoretikus hukum sepakat bahwa penguasaan bahasa Arab merupakan syarat mutlak bagi seorang mujtahid agar ijtihadnya sahih. Lebih jauh, dalam banyak kasus, para fukaha dan teoretikus hukum sangat bergantung pada aturan-aturan gramatika yang ditetapkan oleh para ahli tata bahasa Arab dan mengintegrasikan aturan-aturan ini ke dalam konstruksi teori hukum mereka. Namun demikian, mereka tidak hanya mengalihkan aturan-aturan ini ke dalam teori uṣūlal-fiqh tetapi mengembangkannya lebih jauh sesuai yang keperluan.]  
Defending Traditions, Countering Intolerant Ideologies: Re-energizing the Role of Modin in Modern Java Achmad Zainal Arifin
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 55, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Jami'ah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2017.552.265-292


This paper discusses a neglected traditional Islamic figure called modin, who actually has potential and greater opportunity in countering the growing numbers of relatively new Islamic groups that perpetuate intolerant ideology. This paper is based on a fieldwork in the Village of Sidoluhur, Godean, Sleman, DIY. The primary data used for this research is derived from in-depth interviews with 17 people such as modin, village officers, mosques’ board members, and active jamaah (members) of the mosques. I argue that modin has a significant contribution in softening tensions among Muslims at a hamlet level. He will be functioning effectively in preserving local Islamic practices and, at the same time, filtering intolerant ideology in society. In so doing, contestations among modin, who might come from various Islamic groups, have to be carefully considered to maximize his roles in society, especially in countering intolerant views proposed by some transnational Islamic groups. [Artikel ini membahas peminggiran figur Islam tradisional di Jawa yang dikenal dengan sebutan modin. Figur ini sebenarnya mempunyai potensi dan peluang besar untuk menandingi perkembangan kelompok Islam yang menyebarkan ideologi intoleran. Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan riset lapangan di Desa Sidoluhur, Godean, Yogyakarta, dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap tujuh belas informan meliputi modin, perangkat desa, pengurus masjid, dan jamaah masjid. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa modin mempunyai kontribusi penting dalam meredam ketegangan umat di tingkat dusun. Ia berperan dalam melestarikan praktik Islam lokal sekaligus menyaring ideologi intoleran dalam masyarakat. Adanya kontestasi di antara modin yang berasal dari kelompok yang berbeda perlu menjadi pertimbangan untuk memaksimalkan peran modin di masyarakat dalam menandingi ideologi intoleran yang diusung oleh kelompok Islam transnasional.]  
Nīshāpūrī Scholars in The Formation of Sunnī Scholarship in The Eleventh Century Mohammad Syifa Amin Widigdo
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 55, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Al-Jami'ah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2017.552.427-462


The role of Nīshāpūrī medieval scholars in the tenth-eleventh century in the formation of Sunnī orthodoxy has been rarely discussed. The existing scholarship focuses primarily on the local history of Nīshāpūr and other parts of eastern Muslim world or emphasizes more on the contribution of Baghdādī scholars in the light of the formation of Sunnī legal schools, which in turn is deemed as Sunnī orthodoxy, than their counterpart in Nīshāpūr and other cities in the east. Therefore, this paper attempts to show how Muslim scholars from Nīshāpūr contributed to the advancement of Sunnī scholarship in the fifth/eleventh century through a closer study of intellectual strategies developed and employed by Nīshāpūrī scholars to cope with their local challenges. They built intellectual networking and attempted to integrate legal and theological scholarship in Islamic scholarship to deal with their local problems, which interestingly shaped their distinctive contribution in the light of Sunnī scholarship tradition. By means of this attempt of intellectual networking and harmonizing legal scholarship (fiqh) and theological scholarship (kalām), they were not only able to tackle local problems but also equipped with intellectual means to push doctrinal boundaries within Sunnī scholarship in the fifth/eleventh century.[Peran ilmuwan Nīshāpūr abad pertengahan dalam pembentukan ortodoksi Sunni di abad 10 – 11 masehi masih jarang dibahas. Kebanyakan sarjana yang ada lebih banyak memperhatikan sejarah lokal Nīshāpūr dan bagian lain dari dunia muslim di timur atau menekankan pada kontribusi sarjana asal Baghdād dimasa puncak formasi mazhab Sunni, dimana lebih sering dianggap sebagai Sunni ortodoks daripada kawan mereka di Nishāpūr dan kota lain di timur. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini berusaha untuk menunjukkan bahwa sarjana muslim dari Nishāpūr berkontribusi pada pengembangan pemikiran Sunni di abad pertengahan melalui kajian mendalam pembangunan strategis intelektual dan karya dari sarjana Nishāpūr dalam mengatasi tantangan lokal. Mereka membangun jaringan intelektual dan berusaha mengintegrasikan hukum dan teologi dalam Islam dengan masalah lokalitas, yang mana kontribusi khasnya berpengaruh dalam tradisi teologi Sunni. Melalui usahanya ini, jaringan intelektual dan harmonisasi fiqh dan kalam, mereka tidak hanya mengatasi persoalan lokal tetapi juga melengkapinya dengan seperangkat intelektual untuk mendorong batas-batas dalam tradisi Sunni di abad pertengahan.]    

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