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Wuri Handayani, Ph.D.
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business
ISSN : 20858272     EISSN : 23385847     DOI : -
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objectives is to publish original research papers related to the Indonesian economy and business issues. This journal is also dedicated to disseminating the published articles freely for international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies. The journal welcomes author from any institutional backgrounds and accepts rigorous empirical or theoretical research paper with any methods or approach that is relevant to the Indonesian economy and business content, as long as the research fits one of three salient disciplines: economics, business, or accounting.
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 20, No 3 (2005): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the trade balanceand the real exchange rate for bilateral trade in merchandise goods between Indonesia and the US, Japan and Singapore as its major trading partner. This article employs theelasticity approach to analyze such a relationship. Johansen multivariate cointegration isproposed to examine the impact of depreciation of real exchange rate on trade balance. Totests for J-curve, a generalize impulse response function generated from a vector error-correction model is applied.Quarterly data over the period 1988:1-2003:4 are used for the analysis. Our findingsdemonstrate that the real exchange rate has a positive impact on the bilateral tradebalance between Indonesia and Japan and Singapore. The generalized Marshall-Lernercondition, however, seems to hold only for the bilateral trade balance between Indonesiaand Japan. This study also finds that there is an evidence for J-curve for Indonesia’sbilateral trade balance with the Japan.Keyword: real exchange rate, trade balance, Marshal-Lerner Condition and J-curve
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 20, No 3 (2005): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The specific goals of this research are: Firstly, in the long run perspective, the goal is toanalyze impact of policy that inflating agriculture price to growth, employment, andinvestment in agriculture sector. Secondly, in the short run perspective, the goals are: (1) to analyze which economic blocks that have most producing instability to agriculture sector, (2) to analyze behaviour of inflation in agriculture sector and causality relationship both among output price and input prices and among input prices.Quantitative methods that are used in this study are Vector Error Correction Model,Johansen Cointegration Test, and Granger Causality Test. Data used in this research fromseveral sources such as Bank Indonesia, BPS Statistic, International Financial Statistic andCEIC data Company Limited, series data from first mountly of 1993 (1993:01) up to thelast mountly of 2002 (2002:12).In the agriculture sector, production (output) and capital are responsive to change inthe output price. This mean that inflating the output price effectively help generate outputand new investment in this sector. Nevertheless because shock in price can be source ofinstability to agriculture sector, so government should becarefully apply policies that caninflating the price in agriculture. To solve unemployment problem in agriculture sector,government should apply cost strategy such as subsidy policy of input price.Keywords: Instabilitas, Pergerakan Harga, Employment, Investasi, Sektor Pertanian,Vector Error Correction Model, Johansen Cointegration Test and Granger Causality Test
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 20, No 3 (2005): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The study describes the use of the policy Delphi method in building consensus for theprioritization of critical success factors of TQM (CSFs of TQM). The use of multi attributedecision analysis for supporting the qualitative data analysis (multifactor evaluationprocess, analytic hierarchy process, and NVivo) has been considered the foremosttechnique for examining the manages needs and the weightings of preferences from thepanel of managers for each CSFs of TQM in the most objective way available. Two roundof Delphi surveys were conducted. A significant consensus on the weighted evaluation ofthe six CSFs of TQM and the consistency ratio were obtained from twenty managers. Theresults vividly reveal that the Delphi method is a powerful and appropriate technique forderiving objective opinions in a rather subjective area such as the multi-attribute model for the prioritization of the CSFs of TQM.The results of qualitative data analysis (using MFEP) indicate that training to improveproducts/services provides the first priority (the weighted evaluation 0.184; 0.224; and0.169 for top level managers, middle kevel managers, and low level managers); followed by Quality Improvement, Top Management Commitment, Supplier Involvement, Cross-Functional Relationships among SBUs, and Supervisory Leadership.In addition, the qualitative data analysis (using AHP) also provides a set of sufficientlyconsistent CSFs of TQM was obtain after the second round of Delphi questionnaire. Theresult of consistency ratio (CR) shows that the managers had highly satisfactory inassessing the prioritization of CSFs of TQM (CR = 0.0456). Therefore, these CSFs of TQMwere supported the results from the quantitative data analysis.Oil and gas managers in Indonesia can use these qualitative data results in concertwith other critical quality management practices to help them in there word-class company initiatives. The researcher recommended the use of Delphi method as an objective and rigorous determining consensus. Researchers can also use this method to combine qualitative and quantitative research approaches into mixed methodology or triangulation.Keywords: Delphi Method, Qualitative Data Analysis, Critical Success Factors of TQM,Multifactor Evaluation Process, Analytic Hierarchy Process, and NVivo.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 20, No 3 (2005): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Customer loyalty is the most valuable asset for the company. Many researchs found thatcustomer loyalty had a positive effect on company’s profitability. The purpose of thisresearch is to investigate involvement and trust in a brand (as cognitive and conativeantecedent of loyalty) contribution to building loyalty. The object of this research is facialwhitening product, and the subjects are women. Survey has been done in two centrallocations in Yogyakarta.This research found that involvement and trust in a brand has a positive effect onrelative attitude as attitudinal dimension of loyalty, relative attitude has a positive effect on repeat patronage as behavioral dimension of loyalty. This research also found a strongsupport about relative attitude’s role as a mediator of involvement-repeat patronagerelationships and trust in a brand-repeat patronage relationships. Therefore, involvementand trust in a brand are mediated by relative attitude to contribute to bulding loyalty.Key words: involvement, trust in a brand, relative attitude, repeat patronage
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 20, No 3 (2005): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This paper attempts to analyze the development of municipal insurance in Indonesia.Due to the decentralization implementation in Indonesia which started in 1999, localgovernments are encouraged to be self-managing entity. Beside focus their effort onleveraging the revenue and economic growth, local governments should also take a serious attention on managing their asset’s risk. Municipal insurance is one of the riskmanagement tools used to prevent the decreasing of economic value of local government’s assets. Municipal insurance covers the risk of local government’s infrastructure by proposing a tailor-made insurance contract. The urgency of municipal insurance implementation is become clearer by increasing the frequency and severity of losses affected by many catastrophic risks in Indonesia on last there years. Municipal insurance provides benefit to local government, insurance company, insurance industry, nation and local community.Key words: municipal insurance, risk, risk management, decentralization
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 20, No 3 (2005): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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In this article I discussed a radical change in managing personnel performance. If inthe past, performances were measured only at responsibility center level and theperformance measures used were limited to financial measures, in this article I discussedhow to desain integrated performance management system for responsibility centers andpersonnel as well, using Balanced Scorecard as a basis. In this article, first I discussed thelimitation of executive performance measurement in traditional management. Then Iexplained expectancy theory created by Porter-Lawler to provide a conceptual frameworkin designing Balanced Scorecard based integrated performance management. In this article I discussed Balanced Scorecard based integrated performance management as analternative for driving personnel performance in building company’s competitiveadvantage. At the end of this article I presented a summary of differences betweenperformance measurement in traditional management and that in modern management.Keywords: pengelolaan kinerja terpadu; balanced scorecard; kinerja

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