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Wuri Handayani, Ph.D.
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business
ISSN : 20858272     EISSN : 23385847     DOI : -
Core Subject : Economy,
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) is open access, peer-reviewed journal whose objectives is to publish original research papers related to the Indonesian economy and business issues. This journal is also dedicated to disseminating the published articles freely for international academicians, researchers, practitioners, regulators, and public societies. The journal welcomes author from any institutional backgrounds and accepts rigorous empirical or theoretical research paper with any methods or approach that is relevant to the Indonesian economy and business content, as long as the research fits one of three salient disciplines: economics, business, or accounting.
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 3 (2007): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The corruption remains significant and unfair barriers to trade and economic1 Terima kasih kepada reviewer atas masukan yang sangat berharga untuk penyempurnaan tulisan ini.development in many countries. These practices increase costs, decrease fair competitionand represent a significant deterrent to foreign investment. Previous studies have showedthat corruption tends to have negative impact on foreign direct investment (FDI) but onlyfew studies have investigated the possibility of effects in the opposite direction. Thispaper attempts to find the relationship between corruption and FDI with two ways:assess the effect of inflows of FDI, as a measure of trade openness, on corruption at thecountry level and also attempts to see the effect of corruption on FDI. It conductsregression analysis on a cross section of six ASEAN countries over the period 1997 to2005 and controls for some other variables likely to impact on corruption as well as FDI.The result shows that there’s significant impact of corruption on inflows of FDI, and inopposite indicated that inflows of FDI is significant with the lower level of corruption insix ASEAN countries.Keywords: Korupsi, Penanaman Modal Asing, ASEAN
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 3 (2007): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Bagaikan buah simalakama, stratejik aliansi sesama industri (aliansi horizontal)selalu mengalami dilema antara bekerja sama dan berkompetensi. Di samping itu,mereka menghadapi risiko bahwa core competence mereka nantinya dapat terserap olehpartner aliansi yang notabene kompetitor mereka juga. Untuk itu perusahaan perlumelakukan “black box protection”. Dengan melakukan kualitatif studi antaraperusahaan Belanda dan Amerika, paper ini mengetengahkan sebuah framework yangakan sangat membantu para manajer aliansi dalam mengelola “black box protection”mereka. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ada tiga variabel penentu yang bisa dijadikantolok ukur kapan kita harus membagi dan melindungi core competence kita: tipepengetahuan; hubungan dengan kompetitor; dan kecepatan perubahan teknologi.Kata kunci: spillover of control, Trojan Horse, black box protection, control, core competence
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 3 (2007): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The values of Borobudur cultural landscape has conferred important meaningsin many aspects for those who live in its surrounding area. However, its culturallandscape (natural and cultural horizon) is constantly facing of degrading quality whichaffecting the future existence of Borobudur’s site.This research aims to explore and monetarily quantify the benefit of Borobudurcultural landscape to support the conservation efforts using choice experimentframework. Data were obtained from sample visitors and structured questionnaire arechosen for assessment of economic benefit using choice experiment, an “expressedpreferences” method to assess the total economic benefit of conservation zone.The results indicate that the total economic benefit of Borobudur area is veryhigh. Consequently, the public loss, which is caused by poor management policy, will bevery high in financial term. Therefore, the survival of Borobudur’s site in the future willfully depends on its sustainable development policy.Keywords: Borobudur, saujana budaya, nilai ekonomi, sustainable development.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 22, No 3 (2007): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This research proved occurrence of noise. This research used intraday data in JSX(Jakarta Stock Exchange). Samples of the data are the firms listed in LQ 45 indexes for the yearof 1999-2006. The noise, in accordance with previous concepts and theories, were influenced bythe arrival of public and private information and those arrivals were disseminated. Test resultsconcluded that noise over trading and nontrading period, along with overnight and lunch breaknontrading session, and the first and second trading session, had occured.Factually, noise occurred in the interval of one and three aforementioned periods.Conversely, information arrival (consistently positive return) occurred in the lag of fourpreceding period or one day lag only. Sequentially, this research conducted to control using size,trading volume, bid-ask spreads, up-down market, and tick size statute. Having controlled, thisresearch found that these were not always correct and valid. It means that conclusions of theprior researches were not consistent. Especially, this research suggested contra evidence incomparisons with previous concepts and theories whenever controlled by size, trading volume,bid-ask spreads, up-down market and tick size.Keywords: intraday data, trading and nontrading periods, noise, negative autocorrelation, size, trading volume, bid-ask spreads, up-down market, tick size.

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