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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business
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Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 23, No 3 (2008): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This research is designed to examine the influence of company’scharacteristics on income smoothing action among listing companies at Jakarta Stock Exchange. The factors being examined were public ownership structure, corporate governance practice, industrial type, firm size, profitability and financial risk. Corporate governance practice namely audit quality, independent commissioner board and audit committee.Eighty one listed companies at Jakarta Stock Exchange selected usingpurposive sampling method were used as research sample, with period from 2002 until 2006. The sample was classified into smoother and non smoother using Eckel’s model. Data were analyzed using binary logistic regression.The results of the analysis indicated that public ownership structure,corporate governance practice, industrial type, firm size, profitability had a significant influence on income smoothing action and the influence of financial risk on income smoothing action was not significant.Keywords: Public ownership structure, corporate governance practice, industrial type, firm size, profitability, financing risk and income smoothing action.
The Method of Constant Market Shares (CMS) – Competitiveness Effect Reconsidered: Case Studies of ASEAN Countries Widodo, Tri
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 23, No 3 (2008): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Constant Market Share (CMS) merupakan alat analisis empiris yang banyak digunakan untuk melihat kinerja ekspor suatu negara. CMS pertama kali dikenalkan oleh Tyszynki (1951), namun CMS versi Leamer dan Stern (1970) lebih banyak digunakan dalam penelitian empiris. Menurut Leamer dan Stern (1970), perubahan nilai ekspor suatu negara dapat dipilih menjadi empat efek yaitu (a) efek trendekspor dunia, (b) efek distribusi pasar (c) efek komposisi komoditi dan (d) residual tidak-terjelaskan (efek daya saing). Kritik Richardson (1971a, 1971b) terhadap CMS versi ini tidak mengurangi popularitasnya.Menurut Fagerberg and Sollie (1987), ketidakmampuan mengidentifikasi residual tidak-terjelaskan (efek daya saing) merupakan kelemahan mendasar CMS versi ini. Fagerberg dan Sollie mengembangkan lebih lanjut CMS versi Tyszynki (1951).Paper ini memiliki dua bagian utama. Pertama, paper ini mendiskusikan secara komprehensif metode-metode CMS tersebut dan kemudian memperbaiki CMS versi Leamer dan Stern (1970) berdasarkan kritik Richardson (1971a, 1971b) dan Fagerberg dan Sollie (1987). Paper ini menurunkan rumus baru CMS dimana perubahan nilai ekspor suatu negara dapat dipilah menjadi enam efek yaitu (a) efek trend ekspor dunia (b) efek pangsa pasar (c) efek komposisi komoditi (d) efek komposisi pasar (e) efek adaptasi komoditi dan (f) efek adaptasi pasar. Versi baru CMS ini mengoreksi kelemahan versi Leamer danSterm (1970) berkaitan dengan subyektivitas penentuan urutan efek distribusi pasar dan efek komposisi komoditi, interpretasi efek daya saing dan penggunaan indeks.Kedua, metode CMS baru ini kemudian diaplikasikan untuk menganalisis kinerja ekspor negaranegara ASEAN (Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand dan Philippine) untuk periode 1980-1985, 1985-1990, 1990-1995, 1995-2001 dan 2001-2006. Paper ini berkesimpulan bahwa trend ekspor dunia memiliki peranan dominan terhadap kinerja ekspor negara-negara ASEAN. Regionalism dan ekonomi integrasi pada periode 1990-1995membawa perubahan pola perdagangan, dimana pada periode ini perdagangan intraregionallebih dominan. Efek pangsa pasar dan efek komposisi pasar juga lebih signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja ekspor negara-negara ASEAN pada periode tersebut.Keywords: Constant Market Share (CMS), Commodity Adaptation Effect and Market Adaptation Effect.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 23, No 3 (2008): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This research aims to explore cultural development indicators in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), which seen having competitive advantage. Then, formulating its policy, strategy and implementation programs based on cultural development. Data were obtained from survey to inhabitants in four regencies and one city. We processed data statistically by factor and cluster analysis. In addition, we did SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation), internal-external analysis and using choice experiment to look for and chose priorities among them.The results indicate that imperative parameters of cultural shape are organic solidarity, spiritualism, social institution, introduction of Javanese culture and language on early education, appreciation of arts, using formal and non-formal institution simultaneous and doing well communication in society. Therefore, the critical factors ofcultural physic are arts value, arts performance, supporting infrastructure of culture, heritage conservation, batik and lurik pattern, handicrafts, traditional fashion, discipline and caring Kraton as centre of Javanese culture.Consequently, government of DIY should push cognitive, affective and conative education and doing revitalization of tradition, custom and rituals that reflecting of identity, integrity and togetherness of Javanese ethnics.Keywords: DIY, strategy, culture, competitive advantage
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 23, No 3 (2008): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The objective of this study is to shed light on the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Asian developing countries and their impact on industrial growth. In order to undertake it, we perform an econometric model based in panel data analysis for 9 countries (such as ASEAN 6, China, India, and Korea) for the 1999-2004 periods. Weestimate the simultaneous equation using panel data estimation with fixed effect and random effect. Among the major conclusions we have that the FDI is determined by country risk and variables related to macroeconomic indicators like inflation, risk, economy’s degree of openness and average rate of economic growth, average rate ofworld economic growth, and level of education. The results also show that the FDI has been closely associated with corruption perception index and performance of FDI in the past. However the other variables, such as the global competitive index and rank of investment performance and potential have no more influential on FDI inflows. Finally, we have that the growth of industrial sector is positively related to the FDI inflows.Keywords: foreign direct investment, panel data, simultaneous equation, ASEAN
Pengaruh Faktor Disposisional dan Situasional pada Perilaku Kewargaan Organisasional: Kasus pada Industri Perbankan di Indonesia Ariani, D. Wahyu
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 23, No 3 (2008): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The goal of this research is to test the relationship model between motive, structural dimension, relational dimension, and cognitive dimension, as well as core self evaluation personality with organizational citizenship behavior. The research integrates the use ofattribution theory, social exchange theory, core self evaluation theory, and two raters of organizational citizenship behavior. Eventhough organizational citizenship behavior is positively correlated with social capital, motive, and personality, the relationship of each factor is not the same strength. This is due to differences in job conditions, environment, task independency, and research setting.A survey was conducted by using questionnaires from previous research. The questionnaires were sent to 128 branches of the bank industry located in 16 major cities in Java.The sample consisted of 636 tellers and 129 head tellers. Validity tests and reliability tests were used to test the questionnaires contents. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the relationship among the variables.Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia, Vol 23 No.3 Tahun 2008The result proved that organizational motive and core self evaluation personality have the strongest effect on individual organizational citizenship behavior. The result also showed that self rating and supervisor rating differs significantly with respect to organizationalcitizenship behavior. Both are valid and have an equal effect on organizational citizenship behavior. A thorough discussion on the relationship among the variables as well as on self rating and supervisor rating are presented in this paper.Keywords: organizational citizenship behavior, motives, social capital, the core self-evaluation personality
The Transaction Cost of Sugarcane Farmers: An Explorative Study Yustika, Ahmad Erani
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 23, No 3 (2008): July
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Industri gula sampai kini masih menjadi prioritas dalam pembangunan sektor pertanian di Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa Timur. Tetapi, kinerja industri gula di Jawa timur dalam dua dekade ini cenderung menurun, yang antara lain dapat dilihat dari penurunan jumlah produksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis ekonomi biaya transaksi untuk mengidentifikasi masalah industri gula di Jawa Timur. Riset ini mengkomparasikan biaya transaksi antara petani tebu kontrak dan non-kontrak di Kabupaten Malang dan Kediri (Jawa Timur). Secara lebih detail, studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa ongkos untuk mengorganisasi tebang-muat-angkut (TMA) (termasuk biaya karung) berkontribusi paling tinggi dari total biaya transaksi petani tebu, baik berdasarkan lokasi, tipe petani, maupun luas lahan. Jika dianalisis lebihdetail, ditemukan fakta-fakta sebagai berikut: (i)biaya transaksi TMA lebih besar petani tebu kontrak daripada non-kontrak; (ii) biaya komisi yang diberikan kepada perantara lebih besar petani tebu non-kontrak daripada kontrak; dan (iii) proporsi bunga kredit terhadap total biaya transaksi pada petani tebu kontrak cukup tinggi karena sering terjadi keterlambatan penyaluran kredit, di samping fakta bahwa rata-rata jumlah kredit petani tebu kontrak lebih besar ketimbang non-kontrak.Key words: institutional economics, transaction costs, contract and non-contract sugarcane farmers, East Java
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 23, No 3 (2008): July
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jieb.27410


The goal of this research is to test the relationship model between motive, structural dimension, relational dimension, and cognitive dimension, as well as core self evaluation personality with organizational citizenship behavior. The research integrates the use of attribution theory, social exchange theory, core self evaluation theory, and two raters of organizational citizenship behavior. Eventhough organizational citizenship behavior is positively correlated with social capital, motive, and personality, the relationship of each factor is not the same strength. This is due to differences in job conditions, environment, task independency, and research setting. A survey was conducted by using questionnaires from previous research. The questionnaires were sent to 128 branches of the bank industry located in 16 major cities in Java. The sample consisted of 636 tellers and 129 head tellers. Validity tests and reliability tests were used to test the questionnaires contents. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the relationship among the variables. The result proved that organizational motive and core self evaluation personality have the strongest effect on individual organizational citizenship behavior. The result also showed that self rating and supervisor rating differs significantly with respect to organizational citizenship behavior. Both are valid and have an equal effect on organizational citizenship behavior. A thorough discussion on the relationship among the variables as well as on self rating and supervisor rating are presented in this paper.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 23, No 3 (2008): July
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.544 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jieb.6340


Industri gula sampai kini masih menjadi prioritas dalam pembangunan sektor pertanian di Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa Timur. Tetapi, kinerja industri gula di Jawa timur dalam dua dekade ini cenderung menurun, yang antara lain dapat dilihat dari penurunan jumlah produksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis ekonomi biaya transaksi untuk mengidentifikasi masalah industri gula di Jawa Timur. Riset ini mengkomparasikan biaya transaksi antara petani tebu kontrak dan non-kontrak di Kabupaten Malang dan Kediri (Jawa Timur). Secara lebih detail, studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa ongkos untuk mengorganisasi tebang-muat-angkut (TMA) (termasuk biaya karung) berkontribusi paling tinggi dari total biaya transaksi petani tebu, baik berdasarkan lokasi, tipe petani, maupun luas lahan. Jika dianalisis lebih detail, ditemukan fakta-fakta sebagai berikut: (i)biaya transaksi TMA lebih besar petani tebu kontrak daripada non-kontrak; (ii) biaya komisi yang diberikan kepada perantara lebih besar petani tebu non-kontrak daripada kontrak; dan (iii) proporsi bunga kredit terhadap total biaya transaksi pada petani tebu kontrak cukup tinggi karena sering terjadi keterlambatan penyaluran kredit, di samping fakta bahwa rata-rata jumlah kredit petani tebu kontrak lebih besar ketimbang non-kontrak. 
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 23, No 3 (2008): July
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.642 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jieb.6341


This research is designed to examine the influence of company’s characteristics on income smoothing action among listing companies at Jakarta Stock Exchange. The factors being examined were public ownership structure, corporate governance practice, industrial type, firm size, profitability and financial risk. Corporate governance practice namely audit quality, independent commissioner board and audit committee. Eighty one listed companies at Jakarta Stock Exchange selected using purposive sampling method were used as research sample, with period from 2002 until 2006. The sample was classified into smoother and non smoother using Eckel’s model. Data were analyzed using binary logistic regression. The results of the analysis indicated that public ownership structure, corporate governance practice, industrial type, firm size, profitability had a significant influence on income smoothing action and the influence of financial risk on income smoothing action was not significant.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB) Vol 23, No 3 (2008): July
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (738.557 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jieb.6342


This research aims to explore cultural development indicators in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY), which seen having competitive advantage. Then, formulating its policy, strategy and implementation programs based on cultural development. Data were obtained from survey to inhabitants in four regencies and one city. We processed data statistically by factor and cluster analysis. In addition, we did SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation), internal-external analysis and using choice experiment to look for and chose priorities among them. The results indicate that imperative parameters of cultural shape are organic solidarity, spiritualism, social institution, introduction of Javanese culture and language on early education, appreciation of arts, using formal and non-formal institution simultaneous and doing well communication in society. Therefore, the critical factors of cultural physic are arts value, arts performance, supporting infrastructure of culture, heritage conservation, batik and lurik pattern, handicrafts, traditional fashion, discipline and caring Kraton as centre of Javanese culture. Consequently, government of DIY should push cognitive, affective and conative education and doing revitalization of tradition, custom and rituals that reflecting of identity, integrity and togetherness of Javanese ethnics.

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