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Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi
Published by Universitas Airlangga
ISSN : 23017171     EISSN : 2541092X     DOI : -
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The scope of JBE are Epidemiology of Communicable Disease, Epidemiology of Non-communicable Disease, Tropical Disease, Epidemiology Surveillance, Management Outbreak, Epidemiology of Preventable Disease, and Epidemiology of Cancer.
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TODDLER FECES MANAGEMENT AND BASIC IMMUNIZATION ON THE INCIDENCE OF DIARRHEA: A SPATIAL ANALYSIS: Pengelolaan Feses Balita dan Imunisasi Dasar Terhadap Kejadian Diare Balita: Analisis Spasial Nur Anisah Rahmawati; Mahmudah Mahmudah; Arief Wibowo; Diah Indriani; Erni Rosita Dewi; Vina Firmanty Mustofa
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Periodic Epidemiology Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V12I12024.18-25


Background: Diarrhea is one of the leading causes of child morbidity and mortality in low and middle-income countries. 23.8% prevalence of diarrhea was found among children under five years of age. Area-based management is required to address and provide specific interventions. Purpose: The study aims to analyze the effect of unsafe toddler feces management and incomplete primary immunization on the incidence of diarrhea using a spatial analysis in East Java, Indonesia. Methods: The data used is the 2018 Basic Health Research data. The measurement of the relationship between region and diarrhea was carried out by studying Moran's I index. Lisa Cluster Map and the Lisa Significance Map were also studied to understand distribution and significance. The regression used is OLS regression, spatial lag, and spatial error. The best model is assessed by comparing various parameters. Data were analyzed using GeoDA. Results: Moran's I result shows an index value of 0.489 with a pseudo-value of 0.001 (p <0.05) and a z-value of 3.7515. Lisa Cluster Map shows seven high-high category areas, five low-low category areas, and one high-low category area. Lisa's Significance Map shows six areas p=0.05, three areas p=0.01, and four areas p=0.001. The unsafe management of toddler feces and incomplete primary immunization related to diarrhea shows a significance of p<0.05. By comparing the R square, log-likelihood, p(sign), and sigma square values, the better model is the spatial lag model. Conclusion: The unsafe toddler feces management and incomplete primary immunization related to diarrhea.
THE DETERMINANTS OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE BEHAVIOR IN ADOLESCENT: A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY: Determinan Perilaku Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Reproduksi Pada Remaja; Cross Sectional Study Imelda Februati Ester Manurung; Afrona E. Lelan Takaeb; Jermias da Cruz
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Periodic Epidemiology Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V12I12024.9-17


Background: The quality of reproductive health during adolescence determines the quality of reproductive health in adulthood. The 2018 National Socioeconomic Survey found that 11% of adolescents were married before the age of 18, and 0.56% were married before the age of 15. Adolescent reproductive health issues continue to increase every year. Purpose: The study aims to analyze the determinants of reproductive health care (RHC) behavior in adolescents. Methods: This study is an analytic observational research using a cross-sectional design. The research was conducted at SMPN 20 Kupang City in 2022. The sample size are 82 students selected using a random sampling technique. The research variables are the characteristics of respondents, health literacy, parental support, teacher support, perceived vulnerability, seriousness, benefits, barriers, cue to act and RHC behavior. Bivariate data analysis used chi-square, and multivariate data analysis used logistic binary regression. Results: The results show that 57% of the respondents have a deficient reproductive health care behavior. The most dominant variable influencing RHC behavior was living with parents (PR= 4.86; CI= 1.22-19.27). Adolescents who live with their parents are 4.86 times more likely to do RHC compared to adolescents who do not live with their parents. Conclusion: These findings recommend the importance of optimizing the role of parents as peers in providing RHC education for adolescents. Parents who do not live with their children have to pay attention and remind their children to keep doing RHC.
ADHERENCE DETERMINANT ANALYSIS OF PLHIV ON ARV (ANTIRETROVIRAL) THERAPY IN SITUBONDO DISTRICT: Analisis Determinan Kepatuhan ODHA dalam Menjalani Terapi ARV (Antiretroviral) di Kabupaten Situbondo Winda Cindy Wulandari; Mei Syafriadi; Rini Riyanti; Wiwien Sugih Utami; Rondhianto Rondhianto
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Periodic Epidemiology Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V12I12024.44-53


Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection causes Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a collection of symptoms arising from the deteriorating immunity. The number of people living with HIV worldwide continues to increase year-by-year. Those infected with HIV need antiretroviral (ARV) therapy to suppress the amount of HIV in the body. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the determinants of adherence in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) undergoing ARV therapy in Situbondo Regency. Methods: This study employed a quantitative analytic observational approach with a cross-sectional design. Data analysis involved both descriptive and multivariate analysis. The population for this study consisted of 328 individuals, from which 212 were selected as samples, all being PLHIV on ART as of April 2022, sourced from ARV treatment services in Situbondo district. Results: The research analysis was based on predisposing factors, measured using three indicators: work, knowledge, and belief in ARVs. Supporting aspects were measured by two factors: ownership of health insurance and adherence counselling. Reinforcing factors were measured using two indicators: family support and stigma in the community. Conclusion: The study concluded that predisposing and reinforcing factors significantly influenced PLHIV adherence to antiretroviral therapy. However, supporting factors did not show a significant influence on adherence in PLHIV undergoing antiretroviral therapy in the Situbondo District.
CORRELATION OF FAMILY SUPPORT AND FAMILY RESILIENCE WITH DHF PREVENTION BEHAVIOR IN OLDER ADULTS: Hubungan Dukungan dan Ketahanan Keluarga dengan Perilaku Pencegahan DBD pada Lansia Gusti Sumarsih; Windy Freska; Lara Claudia
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Periodic Epidemiology Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V12I12024.71-78


Background: The elderly are a vulnerable age group for Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) with a high risk of death. Families must carry out their roles in efforts to prevent DHF in older adults. Purpose: This study aims to identify the correlation between family support and resilience with DHF prevention behavior. Methods: This study used a correlational design to detect a relationship between family support and resilience variables and DHF prevention behavior by older adults. The research location was at the Andalas Health Center in Padang, with 96 randomly recruited from seven elderly Integrated Public Health Centers. The instrument consisted of three closed-question questionnaires. Family support is identified through informational, reward, instrumental, and emotional indicators, while family resilience includes relationship communication, positive framing, and external resources. Data were analyzed using the Spearman Rho test. Results: Most respondents were older adults (73.96%) aged 60-65 (68.75%). The correlation test between family support and family resilience with DHF prevention behavior has a significant relationship (0.00). Testing the correlation partially on each indicator shows the highest level of correlation on the instrumental indicator (0.83). The correlation between family support and resilience was highest on emotional and communication-relationship indicators (0.71). Conclusion: Family support and resilience are correlated with DHF prevention behavior by the elderly. Emotional support from the family through communication appropriate to the older adults' age phase is needed to prevent DHF.
DETERMINANTS OF HYPERTENSION PREVENTION BEHAVIOR IN WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE (WRA) IN TAKERAN SUB-DISTRICT, MAGETAN REGENCY: Determinan Perilaku Pencegahan Hipertensi pada Kelompok Wanita Usia Subur di Kecamatan Takeran Kabupaten Magetan Mia Septiana; Yuli Kusumawati
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Periodic Epidemiology Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V12I12024.79-87


Background: Basic health research data (Riskesdas) in 2018 shows that hypertension is one of the highest causes of death in Indonesia, reaching 6.8%. If hypertension occurs in women of childbearing age, the risk of complications, morbidity, and even death will be higher due to the risk of eclampsia during labor. Efforts to prevent hypertension in women of Reproductive age (WRA) need to be improved through increasing hypertension prevention behavior. Various factors can influence hypertension prevention behavior. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the determinants of hypertension prevention behavior in a group of women of reproductive age in Takeran District, Magetan Regency. Methods: This observational study was conducted with a cross-sectional design. The research sample was women of Reproductive age in the Takeran District, Magetan Regency, with as many as 276 people. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted in March 2022, using data analysis using the Chi-Square Test and Logistic Regression Test. The instruments used in this research were questionnaires and informed consent. Results: There was a relationship between knowledge (p = 0.02), self-efficacy (p = 0.00, family support (p = 0.00, and support from health workers (p = 0.000) with hypertension prevention behavior, but there was no relationship between age (p = 1,00) and attitude (p = 0.49) with hypertension prevention behavior. Conclusion: The strongest determinant factor for hypertension prevention behavior in the group of women of Reproductive age was self-efficacy. Good self-efficacy can influence good hypertension prevention behavior.
FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE OCCURRENCE OF PRIMARY MULTIDRUG-RESISTANT TUBERCULOSIS IN MEDAN: Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Tuberkulosis Multidrug-Resistant Primer di Kota Medan Rizky Aditya Hutomo; Chatarina Umbul Wahyuni; Sorimuda Sarumpaet
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Periodic Epidemiology Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V12I12024.34-43


Background: Tuberculosis (TB) treatment failure may lead to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). This failure can be detrimental to patients, not only causing death, but can also be transmitted to others, and those who are infected directly fall into the category of MDR-TB so that it can be referred to as primary MDR-TB. MDR-TB is the biggest problem in the prevention and eradication of TB worldwide. MDR-TB is a type of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance to at least the first two TB drugs of choice, including Isoniazid and Rifampicin. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the association between education, contact history, and knowledge regarding the occurrence of primary MDR-TB. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional study conducted at Community Health Center in Medan from November 2021 to February 2022. A total of 47 TB patients were selected for this study through purposive sampling methods. The dependent variable was primary MDR-TB occurrence while the independent variables consisted of several characteristics, namely education, contact history, and knowledge. The data were analyzed using chi-square. Results: in this study, sex  (p=0.56; PR=1.12; 95% CI= 0.30<1,12<4,14;) and education (p=0.40; PR=0.56; 95% CI= 0.14<0.56<2.19) was not associated, while age (p=0.02; PR=0.16; 95% CI=0.02<0.16<0.94), contact history (p<0.001; PR=7.94; 95% CI=2.11<7.94<29.83) and poor knowledge (p=0.01; PR=5.00; 95% CI= 1.31<5.00<18.96) were associated with an occurrence of primary MDR-TB. Conclusion: the prevalence of primary MDR-TB increases with age, contact history, and poor knowledge.
PARENTAL INTERACTIONS AND CYBERBULLYING ON PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF HIGH SCHOOL ADOLESCENTS IN SUMBERSARI DISTRICT, JEMBER: Interaksi Orangtua dan Paparan Cyberbullying Terhadap Dampak Psikologis Remaja SMA di Kecamatan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember Shalsabiila Alkatiri; Shrimarti Rukmini Devy; Nanda Iskandar Ubaidillah
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Periodic Epidemiology Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V12I12024.26-33


Background: The National Survey stated 45% of 2,777 Indonesian youths had experienced cyberbullying, including harassment via chat applications (45%), distribution of personal documentation (41%) and other harassment (14%). A preliminary study in Jember Regency stated that 21 out of 30 students had been victims of cyberbullying. Purpose: To find out the correlation between parental interaction (the role of monitoring online activity, disciplining and potential conflict) and exposure to cyberbullying (flamming, harassment, denigrations, impersonations, outing, exclusion, cyberstalking) on psychological impact (self-confidence, anxiety, hopelessness and suicidal intent) of high school youth in Sumbersari District, Jember Regency. Methods: This is a quantitative research that was conducted at 12 Senior High Schools at Sumbersari District, Jember with a total population of 5,346 students. Simple random sampling research, of 358 Lemeshow sampling students. Collecting interview data and filling out a questionnaire forJanuary 2019. Analysis of chi-square bivariate test data. Results: The significance of parental interaction was found related to conflict with the level of self-confidence and anxiety of adolescents (p 0.00; OR 2.77 and p 0.02; OR 1.71). Interestingly, it was found that harassment had an impact on the level of self-confidence (p 0.00; OR 2.29), anxiety (p 0.00; OR 1.92), hopelessness (p 0.00; ­­OR 2.91) and intention to commit suicide (p 0.02; OR 1.84). Cyberstalking had an impact on the level of self-confidence (p 0.00; OR: 3.02), anxiety (p 0.00; OR: 1.81), hopelessness (p 0.00; OR: 5.50) and intention to suicide (p 0.00; OR: 2.44). Conclusion: Parental interactions and exposure to cyberbullying have a significant effect and play an important role in the psychological impact experienced in adolescence.
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BCG VACCINATION HISTORY AND THE INCIDENCE OF LEPROSY IN CHILDREN: A LITERATURE REVIEW: Hubungan Antara Riwayat Vaksin BCG dan Kejadian Kusta Pada Anak: Sebuah Tinjauan Literatur Aisyah Noer Auliyah Madani Pertiwi; Santi Martini; Nayla Mohamed Gomaa Nasr
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Periodic Epidemiology Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V12I12024.1-8


Background: Globally, 9,052 new cases of leprosy in children were reported, with a corresponding rate of 4.5 per million child population. Children are believed to be the most vulnerable group to M. leprae infections due to their immature immunity. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between the history of BCG vaccination and leprosy incidence in children. Methods: This study used a literature review method that involved a systematic search. The data sources were obtained using several databases, namely Google Scholar, Proquest, Science Direct, and Pubmed. Keywords were built using the PICOS protocol and Boolean Operators, so the keywords used were "relationship" AND "BCG vaccine" AND "leprosy" AND "children". The research selection and search procedures were explained using the PRISMA 2020 method and research included in this study following the inclusion and exclusion criteria that have been set. Results: There were eight studies suitable for inclusion in this literature review. Five articles concluded that there was a relationship between the history of BCG vaccine and the incidence of leprosy in children, while three articles concluded that there was no relationship between the two variables. Conclusion: The BCG vaccine is useful as an effort to prevent the transmission and spread of leprosy in children. Children who do not receive BCG immunization are more susceptible to leprosy than those who receive immunization. The BCG vaccine has a protective effect to prevent children from contracting and transmitting leprosy to other people.
DETERMINANTS OF PREGNANCY LOSS AMONG WOMEN OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE IN INDONESIA: Determinan Kehilangan Kehamilan Pada Wanita Usia Reproduksi di Indonesia Muhamad Arif Musoddaq; Taufiq Hidayat; Slamet Riyanto; Hastin Dyah Kusumawardani; Donny Kristanto Mulyantoro; Sri Supadmi
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Periodic Epidemiology Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V12I12024.54-61


Background. Both miscarriage and stillbirth occur in almost 20% of clinical pregnancies, resulting in pregnancy loss. The incidence has been associated with several risk factors and events of maternal adverse health outcomes. Purpose. This study was conducted to analyze some associated factors of pregnancy loss in Indonesia. Methods. This cross-sectional study used the 2017 Indonesia DHS data involving 18,882 female participants aged 15–49 years who had ever had a gestation. Pregnancy loss was the dependent variable, whereas the independent variables included education, employment, wealth status, advanced maternal age, grand multiparity, and cigarette smokers. Finally, the author used binary logistic regression to calculate the determinants. Results. The adjusted risk of pregnancy loss was significantly higher in respondents with lower education levels (AOR=1.25; 95% CI: 1.11-1.41) and employed (AOR=1.19; 95% CI: 1.10-1.29). The lower the wealth status of women, the higher the chance of pregnancy loss. The adjusted risk of pregnancy loss was higher in women of advanced maternal age (AOR=2.03; 95% CI: 1.37-3.02), those with grand multiparity (AOR=1.91; 95% CI: 1.74-2.09), and those who cigarette smokers (AOR=1.53; 95% CI: 1.25-1.87). Conclusion. The study concluded that six variables i.e., education, employment, wealth status, advanced maternal age, grand multiparity, and cigarette smokers are strong predictors of pregnancy loss in Indonesian women. Therefore, the government should make a policy to address the determinants of the pregnancy issue.
PREVALENCE OF MENSTRUAL MIGRAINE AND THE EFFICACY OF SUMATRIPTAN ADMINISTRATION: Prevalensi Migrain Menstrual dan Efikasi dari Pemberian Sumatriptan Aldilla Afifie Putri Maridsky; Devi Ariani Sudibyo; Ema Qurnianingsih; Citrawati Dyah Kencono Wungu
Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Periodic Epidemiology Journal)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jbe.V12I12024.62-70


Background: Menstrual migraine is a primary headache that often attacks women of reproductive age. This type of migraine has high severity and is resistant to treatment. Therefore, an effective treatment is needed to treat this menstrual migraine. Sumatriptan has been shown to have a better effect as an acute treatment for menstrual migraine patients. Purpose: This study aims to determine the prevalence and effectiveness of sumatriptan as a therapy for menstrual migraine. Methods: This research is based on a literature review following predetermined inclusion criteria. First, a literature search was carried out adhering to the PRISMA flow in 4 databases: Pubmed, Science Direct, ProQuest, and Results: Based on keywords, 267 studies were found in the literature search. However, only three studies covering 845 participants met the predetermined inclusion criteria. The average age of menstrual migraine patients in the three studies was 37 years. These three studies of sumatriptan revealed a significant effect in providing a pain-free response in menstrual migraine patients. These three studies also showed that sumatriptan 100 mg has a higher level of effectiveness in providing a pain-free response in menstrual migraine sufferers and was preferably given during mild attacks. Conclusion: These three studies indicate that typically, women who suffer from menstrual migraines are of reproductive age. Additionally, this study shows that using sumatriptan as an acute therapy significantly helps provide a pain-free response in menstrual migraine patients.

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