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Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin CYLINDER
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Core Subject : Engineering,
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin CYLINDER diterbitkan setiap bulan April dan Oktober. Naskah yang dimuat dan dipublikasikan berupa artikel hasil penelitian, kajian teoritis, ulas balik (review), dan analisis kasus. Editor menerima naskah-naskah yang belum pernah dipublikasikan pada jurnal/majalah lain. Naskah-naskah yang diterima adalah naskah yang secara khusus membahas masalah dalam bidang teknik mesin, atau bidang lain yang digunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan usaha, pendidikan, pelatihan, dan penelitian dalam bidang teknik mesin
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Articles 57 Documents
CYLINDER Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Oktober 2014
Publisher : Cylinder: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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‘Collaspsible’ is a concept of designing goods in terms of space saving. This concept could be applied in the draft of the design of Hansen (2008), “Lifter of gallon for potable water with mechanical system”, by way of decreasing the dimension of the tool’s folding function, sliding function and rolling function. Development of the design had led to a new tool with smaller dimensions than those of the previous one, namely length 31 cm, width 50 cm dan height 100 cm in comparison to previous dimensions which were length 50 cm, width 50 cm and height 139 cm. One unit lever which is connected to a gear box and double pulley was used for the manual mover. Implementing this kind of mover had caused a mechanical advantage of around 18 times, so that the force required to turn the lever amounts to 15 N. Common materials were used and they could easily be found in many utensil shops.
Korelasi Temperatur Udara dan Intensitas Radiasi Matahari Terhadap Performansi Mesin Pendingin Siklus Adsorpsi Tenaga Matahari Tulus B. Sitorus; Farel H. Napitupulu; Himsar Ambarita
CYLINDER Vol 1, No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Cylinder: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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One utilization of solar energy is adsorption refrigeration cycle where its performance is influenced by the air temperature and solar radiation intensity. This research aims to determine the effect of air temperature and solar radiation intensity on the performance of the solar adsorption refrigeration. This testing uses activated carbon adsorbent of 8 kg and 2 litres methanol refrigerant. The test results showed that the value of maximum COP obtained 0.064 and the minimum COP is 0.028. The lowest water temperatures that can be reached during the process of adsorption is 8.24oC. Correlation exists between the air temperature and solar radiation intensity on the COP value is significant so as to obtain mathematical equations. Air temperature correlation with the solar radiation intensity is 0.90 and the correlation of the intensity of solar radiation with the COP obtained -0.88. While the value of the correlation coefficient of the air temperature with COP is -0.95. Also obtained the coefficient of determination is 90.45%, which indicates that the influence of air temperature and solar radiation intensity on the coefficient of performance is 90.45%. 
Studi Eksperimental dan Pemodelan Matematika Proses Pengeringan Kakao Energi Surya Secara Intermittent Haznam Putra; Farrel H Napitupulu; Himsar Ambarita; Sari Farah Dina
CYLINDER Vol 1, No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Cylinder: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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In this research, the behavior of cocoa drying using solar dryers have been studied. Experiments conducted on drying cocoa beans that have been fermented first. Cocoa plantations are taken from the area around North Sumatra - Indonesia. Solar energy is used as a source of energy that save and clean for drying. Cocoa is a mainstay in Indonesian commodities, but the quality of the current generated is relatively low. As the aims of this research is gain quality with mathematical modeling of drying by producing good quality cocoa. Preparation phase starts from cocoa fermentation process. With some testing times cocoa taken one test where the results of fermented cocoa that has been washed and dried from water content 55.83% to 7.01% (db), which lasted for 3 (three) days ie, 22 to 24 April 2013 from at 7:00 to 17:00 pm (intermittent). The study was conducted at the Solar Energy Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering of North Sumatra University Medan. It is located in Medan city with the position of 33.6 ° N - 98.4 ° W, altitude 200 meters above sea level and meridian time (GMT +7). From the experimental results obtained experimental equation mathematical model for intermittent drying of cocoa, with the value being the value of the diffusivity coefficient of 1.39 x 10^-10 to 1.85 x 10^-10 m^2/sec, besides the quality of the dried cocoa in this study better than dried cacao directly under the sun.
CYLINDER Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Oktober 2014
Publisher : Cylinder: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Availability of hot water for showers is an important requirement for households and industry. For the hospitality industry, this facility should  held in order to be classified into five-star hotel. So the hotel management had to incur huge costs each month to supply the hot water in every hotel room. One solution for hot water supply cheapest and effective for household and commercial needs is to use solar water heater (SWH). SWH available today still has a weakness, namely the price of the initial investment is still relatively expensive and require a high operational cost because they use an extra heater. Investigation methods are being developed to address the weaknesses of SWH is by adding TES, using phase change material. This study aims to determine the ability of thermal energy storage (TES) in the flat plate solar collector on the charging and discharging process. Type of phase change material used in this study was 19.5kg of paraffin wax. SWH type of flat plate collector with the addition of TES has been created and tested on a small scale for a few days of testing. Test results on the charging process can be concluded that the mass of melted paraffin wax which is as much as 18.81kg and the highest thermal efficiency obtained is 44.28%. Meanwhile in the process of discharging the highest volume of hot water obtained is 40 liters for a minimum temperature of 35°C and the highest thermal efficiency is 46.81%.
Designing and Building a Water Level Control Display by Implementing Water Conductivity and Microcontroller Elroy Neil Sudiro; Anthony Riman; Eric Jobiliong
CYLINDER Vol 1, No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Cylinder: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Buoy is used to control water level in a water storage tank. However, this system has several weakness due to various problems of the mechanical parts, causing it to lose control. The purpose of this research is to design and build a water level control system display by employing water conductivity and microcontroller which is able to overcome the disadvantages of the mechanical system. The proposed system uses three wires as sensors. This report discusses the materials needed, the way of development, and the changes from the previous system design in the earlieast study to the final system. Based on the research conducted, the advantages of this system are the ability to use water from multiple sources, and through the usage of solenoid valves it can operate fully automatic. The disadvantage is that relatively long to drain due to the small aperture of the valve. 
Penentuan Hubungan Antara Defleksi Lateral dan Radial Poros Baja Pada Berbagai Jenis Tumpuan Secara Teoritik Viktus Kolo Koten; Duma Hasan
CYLINDER Vol 1, No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Cylinder: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Defleksi lateral dan radial memiliki persamaan tersendiri karena selain memiliki arah defleksi yang berbeda juga memiliki turunan persamaan yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu perhitungan untuk kedua jenis defleksi ini masih dilakukan secara terpisah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara defleksi radial dan lateral pada jenis tumpuan jepit-bebas, jepit-roll, dan jepit-jepit secara teoritik; sebuah hubungan yang memungkinkan penentuan defleksi lateral dan radial dilakukan secara bersamaan. Metode penentuan defleksi radial dan lateral serta hubungannya dilakukan berdasarkan kajian pada berbagai literatur. Hasil penelitan menunjukan bahwa adanya hubungan yang diperoleh antara defleksi radial dan lateral berupa beberapa persamaan. Konstanta Kotten ini memiliki nilai sebesar 1,93 untuk jenis tumpuan jepit-bebas, 35,39 untuk tumpuan jepit-roll, dan 61,93 untuk jenis tumpuan jepit-jepit. 
CYLINDER Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Oktober 2014
Publisher : Cylinder: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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The main consideration for choosing glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) tank for chemical fluid vessel is the corrosion resistance property of the material. There are leakages on one of the three sludge palm oil GFRP tanks after two years operation in a palm oil refinery industry at East Borneo (Kalimantan Timur). The structure of the tank body consists of chemical barrier laminate and structural laminate. The chemical barrier laminate is composed of bisphenol as matrix with surfacing veil and three laminates chopped strand mat as reinforcement, while the structural laminate is made of isophthalic as matrix with filament winding as reinforcement. This paper discusses the failure and strength analysis of the tank structure and the results are used to make a decision for reconditioning the three GFRP sludge palm oil tanks. Wrinkle and resin pocket near the inner surface of the tank when exposed to sludge palm oil at temperature over than 90 OC caused the matrix to become hard and brittle. The flow circulation of the sludge palm oil in the tank caused crack on defect area, which then followed by orange peel, pinholes, and porosity defects. The pinholes and porosity defects spread to the deeper layers towards the outer wall and caused further leaking. Strength analysis of the tank based to ASTM D3299 showed that the actual body tank thickness and the actual knuckle thickness are less than the minimum one millimeter and fifteen millimeters requirement, respectively. Finally, reconditioning of the three GFRP sludge tanks were done by adding surfacing veil and five laminates of chopped strand mat layers with vinyl ester resin on the inside of the wall and the bottom. Moreover, the additional layers were given manually on the knuckle by hand lay-up method.
Komparasi Kinerja Turbin Angin Sumbu Vertikal Darrieus Tipe- H Dengan Bilah Profil NACA 0018 Dengan dan Tanpa Wind Deflector Indra Herlamba Siregar
CYLINDER Vol 1, No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Cylinder: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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The length of 80791.42 km coastline Indonesia is a potential area for the development of wind energy with wind speeds average is generally between 3 m/s to 5 m/s, the total wind energy potential is estimated to reach 9 GW. However, the geographical Indonesia as a tropical country has characteristics of wind direction in Indonesia frequent changes, which condition is causing the sustainability of energy production from horizontal axis wind turbine rotor turbine disrupted due must always deal with the arrival of the wind direction. It required the design of the turbine according to the characteristics and the wind speed in Indonesia. In the present study to see the effect of adding wind deflector on the performance of vertical axis wind turbine models Darrieus type-H blades with NACA 0018 profile of the tested wind speed 2.86 m/s and 3.43 m/s and a pitch angle of 150, 200, 250 and 300 with a load of 200, 250 and 300 gr. The results presented that the addition of wind deflector can improve the performance of vertical axis wind turbines Darrius type-H in the form of 56.37% power turbine and turbine performance coefficient of 65.03% on the pitch angle 300 at wind speed 3.43 m/s. 
CYLINDER Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Oktober 2014
Publisher : Cylinder: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Welding process of chimney on medium-size manufacturing industries encounters some problems because of the large variations in the size of the chimney. Target of completion time is difficult to achieve due to tool (Fixture) limitation. Therefore, it is necessary to design a tool that can reduce the obstacles at an affordable cost. The design of this tool is done through the application of the VDI 2222 method with the help of CAD / CAM technology. Several alternative designs have been produced through the design process. Selected design was modeled and validated using Solidworks software. Some of the parameters that affect the function of the fixture includes deflection, torsional load and center of gravity. The results of the analysis of deflection at maximum load is 2.406 mm, while the twisting loads that occur is 119 N or approximately equivalent to 12 kg of weight received by the operator. Center of gravity of the fixture is 1,492.3 mm from the rear wheels with 1,600 mm wheels distance, so it is safe from the possibility of tumbling. Apart from the aspect of construction, speed is the other important factor affecting the production process. Based on the results from the comparisons with an existing tool used in one company in Bandung, the estimated of the new design has a 269 minute faster for 4 chimney welding process with 1,500 mm long with a diameter of 900 mm. Based on the construction and analysis study, it can be concluded that the welding fixture can be used for connecting the chimney, especially small and medium sized manufacturing companies.
CYLINDER Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Oktober 2014
Publisher : Cylinder: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin

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Rice yield in this market are still drained manually by using the power of the Sun and drying process is done in a long time. Moisture content of the product is not uniform, and the resulting dried grain capacity is limited, because it requires a big place in the drying process. Rice dryers available on the market have not been manufactured with quality drying is not good because of the uneven results of drying and drying inefficient. With the above background, the dryer can be designed to work in continuous material and product is can occur at any time. Equipment dryers are equipped with commutator so that drying can take place constantly. Testing is done is to take a sample of every 1 kg of rice and measured levels of moisture content. Drying characteristics of optimization testing is to control the speed of the stirrer shaft, and evaluate the results of testing the uniformity of drying is to divide the result of drying to 8 mass fraction is then weighed their respective weight. Tests using rice dryer drum drying with a stirring mechanism, it can be concluded that the decrease in moisture content and degree of drying and drying time is affected by the speed of rotation of the agitator shaft is linear. Testing is done by varying the agitator rotation rpm 30, 35 and 40 rpm rpm. On lap 40 rpm going very fast drying results in the material to be cracked. In this study, drying time is used for drying rice as much as 8 kg with a level of 24% to 14% is 30 minutes with stirring speed 35 rpm,and the uniformity of drying results 86.6%.