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Media Trend: Berkala Kajian Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan
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Economic Development Program provides a platform for researchers who want to publish their research results through "MEDIATREND", the periodical Journal of economic studies and development studies. Journal "MEDIATREND" published two (2) times a year in March and October and can be accessed online. This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Development Planning, Regional Economics, Public Economics, Moneter, Rural Development And Agricultural, Fiscal, Shari'ah Economics, Public Policies, Institutional Economics, Industrial Economics, ESDM & ESDA, International Economics.
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MediaTrend Vol 19, No 1 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v19i1.25263


This research aims to describe the role of the Berkah waste bank in Cinta Makmur Village in empowering the community’s economy from a maqashid sharia perspective. The research uses qualitative methods by means of field observations, interviews with related sources and is supported by several sources such as books, journals and other documents. The results of this research show an increase in fulfilling basic needs, increasing income, increasing independence, and environmental cleanliness. The mechanism for managing the Berkah waste bank is that the community collects their waste, it is collected by the waste bank team, then weighed and recorded in a book. After that, the waste bank team sorts the waste and then sells it to collectors. The role of the Berkah waste bank is very good in managing and sorting waste into goods. which has economic value, so that it can improve the economy of its customers. Islam also teaches us to always maintain cleanliness, with the formation of this waste bank cleanliness begins to be fulfilled. This research has limitations, including that the researcher is limited to observing the running process of the waste bank at any time because the waste bank program schedule is irregular due to officers not being able to regularly pick up the waste. Apart from that, this research is limited to examining the role of the waste bank in empowering the community in improving the economy. and researchers limited the research area to Cinta Makmur Village.
Analysis of All factors Against Food and Beverages (F&B) MSME’s Business Turnover in Surabaya: during COVID-19 Chikara Dini Rinarta
MediaTrend Vol 19, No 1 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v19i1.14220


Surabaya and other cities in East Java played a significant role for economic development during the expansion of COVID-19 in 2020, most of MSME productivity in Indonesia was dramatically decreased. Nevertheless, Surabaya city had 30% increased MSME productivity from the end of 2020. This research aims to examine the factors of increased or decreased turnover of FB (Food and Beverages) MSMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic, so that the results of this research can be a survival strategy for MSMEs, especially during the pandemic. The research data was collected through an interview process with 110 food and beverage MSME who are from Surabaya City (as scope as members of Surabaya Kriya Gallery). After that, MSMEs will be grouped into MSMEs according to how increased or decreased turnover they got. Based on this, firstly, we collect the survey of 110 owners as a sample, with Lemeshow sampling; Second, analyze data with binary logistic regression; Then, analyze the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic situation on the MSMEs turnover. It can be revealed that all independent variables (business training, gender, location, and marketing) affect their turnover but statistically only location has a strong effect on turnover. Business location has been supported by marketing.
Analysis Green Economy Based Development Agriculture with Approach Maqashid Sharia Index in Central Tapanuli Muhammad Najmu Al-Hafidh; Muhammad Syahbudi
MediaTrend Vol 19, No 1 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v19i1.25256


Development of the agricultural industry and threats environment the more year the more assessed increase from limited amount resident with source power is also limited become felt important for study Already the extent to which the development of the Green Economy is based agriculture with see from corner look maqashid Sharia is in line with draft economy green assessed of 3 indicators maqashid shari’ah index. The aim of this study for know difference performance rather than the green economy of farmers through a number of member from group farmers in the district Central Tapanuli with restrictions study only in sub-districts sorkam namely in groups Serasi Farmers Group, Sepakat Farmers Group, Sakato Farmers Group which is with approach maqashid srai’ah is assessed from Maqashid Sharia Index (MSI). This research was processed using results data observation and interviews. This research uses analysis qualitative descriptive with primary and secondary data collection as well as technical data analysis with approach Maqasid Syariah Index. Result of this research is Performance Assessment of 3 groups farmer that is Serasi Farmers Group, Sepakat Farmers Group, Sakato Farmers Group and the highest are led by Sepakat Farmers Group, more so tall number index show that performance economy matching green with maqashid Sharia Already Enough Good in accordance principle economy green and numbers index group other farmers don’t Far different from Sepakat Farmers Group. This figure can be used as evaluation material for the Central Tapanuli district government and as evaluation material for farmers to care about aspects of the green economy in the agricultural sector and the hope is that it is also in line with the maqashid sharia principle that all aspects of agriculture must comply with the principle of equality.
Analysis of the Effect of ICT on Poverty Reduction at the National Level Salsabila Nur'aini; Mohammad Wasil
MediaTrend Vol 19, No 1 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v19i1.23061


The condition of poverty, which is not only in terms of meeting food needs but also digital poverty, makes this study aim to analyze and determine the effect of internet accessing households and mobile phone user households on poverty reduction at the national level in 2009-2021. In accordance with the Endogenous Growth Theory (The New Growth Theory), which explains the role of technological progress as an endogenous variable factor in the model and assumption framework of imperfect competition for innovation (Paul Romer, 1986). Using a quantitative approach method with secondary data in the form of time series and sourced from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics. Technically, the data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis, classical assumption tests and statistical tests. The results showed that Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially internet accessing households and cellular telephone user households, had a partial and simultaneous effect on reducing the poverty rate in Indonesia from 2009 to 2021. If poverty decreases, then a country's economic growth will increase.
Achievements of Economic Progress the Industry Sector and Employment Challenges in Kabupaten Gresik Putri Wulan Ramadan; Ririt Iriani Sri Setiawati
MediaTrend Vol 19, No 1 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v19i1.25001


Gresik as an industrial area is spread based on the projection of the East Java Industrial Growth Center Master Plan. The growth of the industrial sector in Gresik as an economic opportunity is followed by wage progress in 2017-2021. With this, the economic projection in Gresik is very large which leads to escalation. However, there are employment challenges, namely the high unemployment rate in Gresik. So this study finds out how the growth of the manufacturing sector, labor force, and minimum wage affect the open unemployment rate. The research method uses a quantitative approach in classical assumption testing, model testing, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The result of this study is that the growth of the manufacturing sector does not have a significant effect on the unemployment rate because the industrial scheme in Gresik is capital-intensive. Then the growth of the labor force has no significant effect on the unemployment rate because the unemployment factor is also seen from education. The growth of minimum wage has a significant and negative effect on the unemployment rate which reflects that wage can increase labor demand in Gresik. This research provides recommendations to the government on regional development policies to be able to create a multiplier effect for the economic sector and promise employment. The limitations of this study refer to the independent variables of the study so that future researchers can add several variables such as the level of education, inflation, and economic growth to create an update on the continuity of research issues that are in line.
Projections Of Rice Production And Consumption By Applying The Partial Nerlove Model Idrus Idrus; Maksud Hakim; Abdul Rahman
MediaTrend Vol 19, No 1 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v19i1.18763


Supply and demand response model of agricultural products to the lagged variables as explanatory variables often cause serious multi-colinearity among those variables. This condition could reduce the efficiency of parameter estimates and then affected the effectiveness of the whole model. Own and cross price elasticity of each parameter estimate computed from this response model will be definitely bias, so that any projection made from a bias model will not accurate. If policy implication is drowns from this response model then one will find this may not be useful. Therefore, any researcher that interested in this subject should find other technique in order to find better parameter estimates and more accurate projections. One of the most suitable techniques is the application of partial adjustment Nerlove model. This adjustment model is very popular in the study of supply response. Nevertheless, this approach could reduce any bias in the computation of elasticity of parameter estimate of each explanatory variable that will be used in projection. In respect to this approach, adjustment model also exercised in the estimation of parameter of demand response model
Application of The TSLS Method in a Simultaneous Equation Model of Investment and Economic Growth Panel Data Shafira Niken Sari; Indah Susilowati
MediaTrend Vol 19, No 1 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v19i1.17742


The Indonesian government believes that by increasing investment, it will also be able to encourage economic activity in the country and economic growth will increase. Indonesia's economic growth is not only influenced by investment, but is also supported by the foreign trade sector, namely exports and imports. The purpose of this study is to determine the simultaneous relationship between investment and economic growth as proven through the Hausman test. The test results in a residual probability of 0.000 which is less than the 5% significance level. The results explain that there is a simultaneous relationship between investment and national income which is described by the value of GDP, so that the 2SLS method can be used to determine the factors that influence the two variables.
Analysis of the Degree of Regional Financial Performance, Tax Effort, and Tax Buoyancy in Main Regions and City/Regency Expansion in Jambi Province Agung Rizki Putra; Yanto Yanto
MediaTrend Vol 19, No 1 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v19i1.24005


The aim of this research is to analyze financial performance, tax effort and the elasticity of tax revenue in the parent region and expansion regions in Jambi Province. The novelty of this research is that it uses three analytical tools in assessing the autonomy of parent and expansion regions. The analysis used is financial performance analysis to assess regional financial performance, regional tax effort analysis to assess regional ability to absorb tax revenues, and tax revenue elasticity analysis to assess the productivity capacity of regional tax revenues. The research method is a quantitative method using secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency website, Bank Indonesia reports, as well as relevant literature.The research results state that the financial performance of the expansion regions and the parent Regency/City regions in Jambi Province is classified as non-autonomous. In terms of tax effort, the parent district/city area in Jambi Province for the 2009-2021 period is relatively high in terms of tax capacity, as well as efforts to find tax sources. Meanwhile, the district/city expansion areas in Jambi Province are classified as having high tax capacity and low effort to find tax sources. For the regional elasticity analysis, the level of elasticity of the realization of tax revenues from the parent region and the expansion regions towards GRDP at constant prices in 2010 in the Regency/City of Jambi Province during the research period on average shows an elastic category. 
Analysis of Economic Growth At Poverty Level With Meta-Analysis Nurul Hidayat; Lailiy Kurnia Ilahi; Najiatun Najiatun; Hertin Khalifatun Nisa Arifah
MediaTrend Vol 19, No 1 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v19i1.19075


This study aims to determine the impact of economic growth on the poverty rate by meta-analysis using Stata 15.0 software. The number of observations used was 41 research articles in Indonesia which examined the relationship between economic growth and poverty levels. In general, the results of his research show a negative effect with a parameter coefficient value of -0.170 percent . This is influenced by the type of data and the number of observations that have a significant effect. In variable data types, if the data used is panel data it produces a stronger negative relationship than using time series or cross section data types . In the number of observations variable, the more the number of observations (N) used tends to produce a positive coefficient value, research that produces a negative coefficient value occurs in certain cases regarding the relationship of economic growth to the poverty level. Of the 41 research articles analyzed through the meta funnel plot of the standard error coefficient , it is known that there is publication bias, as seen from the study with a small sample size that is not symmetrically distributed.
Interaction and Contribution of Money Supply, Unemployment, Economic Growth, Sharia and Conventional Monetary Instruments to Inflation Indra Mualim Hasibuan; Maryam Batubara; Nur Ahmadi Bi Rahmani
MediaTrend Vol 19, No 1 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Trunojoyo University of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/mediatrend.v19i1.25273


Controlling inflation to create economic stability is an absolute must for the government. However, there are challenges to creating stable inflation, including the existence of variables in the money supply, unemployment and economic growth which have an impact on creating inflation. In an effort to overcome these challenges, the government uses sharia and conventional monetary instruments to control inflation. In 2022, the improvement in the Indonesian economy after the Covid 19 pandemic will actually create the highest inflation in recent years. The aim of this research is to determine the interaction and contribution of Money Supply, Unemployment, Economic Growth, Government Sharia Securities, Islamic Interbank Money Market, Bank Indonesia Certificate, and Interbank Money Market to Inflation using monthly data from 2015-2022. This research is quantitative research using the VECM method with the help of E-Views software. Research results: Money Supply has a negative and insignificant effect on Inflation, Unemployment and Economic Growth have a positive and insignificant effect on Inflation, SBSN has a negative and insignificant effect on inflation, PUAS has a negative and significant effect on Inflation, SBI and PUAB have a positive and insignificant effect against inflation. The implication of the research is that the monetary authority, in this case Bank Indonesia, as the institution authorized to control inflation, is to prioritize the SBSN and PUAS monetary instruments to control inflation. Research limitations include only using a few monetary instruments, due to limited data available on various government websites for several years. Keywords: Inflation, Money Supply, Unemployment, Economic Growth, SBSN, PUAS, SBI, PUAB

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