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Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage
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Core Subject : Religion, Social,
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage (ISSN: 2303-243X, E-ISSN: 2442-9031) is an academic international journal published by Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage, Agency for Research and Development and Training Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia since 2012. This journal specialized academic journal dealing with the theme of religious heritage and literature in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The subject covers textual and fieldwork studies with perspectives of philosophy, philology, sociology, antropology, archeology, art, history, and many more. This journal invites scholars from Indonesia and non Indonesia to contribute and enrich the studies published in this journal. This journal published twice a year with the articles written in Arabic and English and with the fair procedure of blind peer-review.
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Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31291/hn.v6i1.404


This research discusses religious inscription found on the cemetery site in Kota Tinggi Siak Riau Province. The background of this research is based on the changes in the Malay tradition of Islam. Nuanced religious buildings (material culture) such as mosques, tombs and other buildings have undergone substantial changes, some even total changes, one of which is the replacement of Arabic calligraphy in the mosque or cemeteries with new ones. Whereas, before, it is the pride of the people about their Islamic tradition in the past. Many things become historical documents of development, social, cultural and community traditions in Siak. Inscriptions in the environment Kota Tinggi Cemetery contains data about the Kings, his royal family and the commanders of Siak Kingdom. This can help in discovering the history of the old Siak Kingdom, both from the genealogy of the Kings, the process of the establishment of the Siak Kingdom, its genealogy, development of the Islamic region and other sources. The inscriptions found in this area reveal the religious traditions of the Siak society at that time. Moreover, it can be used as evidence on the proximity between the Siak Kingdom and the teachings of Islam. Not all of the available contents of the inscriptions can be revealed in this research. This study uses archaeological research in the form of data collection, both literature data and field data obtained through the method of assessment, survey and related research, data processing techniques classification by type, material, location, dimensions and others. Interpretation or meaning of the data obtained through those stages are then incorporated with data obtained through the help of scientific historical analogies (historical), ethnographic, and experiment. However, given technical limitations, this study will only be analyzed through a historical approach.
From Aceh for Nusantara: The Contribution of Ulama Aceh’s Work in Integration-Interconnection of Science mubarak, husni
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31291/hn.v6i1.120


This paper elaborates more about the worldview which fulfill Ulama and Muslim scholars’ mind in the archipelago at the past time, especially in Aceh by reviewing books and classics legacy. There are at least two books that became stressing of the study, i.e. Taj al-Mulk a-Murashsha bi Anwai al-Durar wa al-Manzhumat authored by Abbas Al-Asyi and Jamu Jawami al-Mushannafat (Eight Books), edited by Ismail Al-Asyi. By using the historical-philological approach, this paper tries to find and identify the Aceh classic manuscripts written around the XVIII and XIX century AD associated with traditions and Ulama’s worldview two centuries ago which related to the science and knowledge. Even though Muslim scholars and Ulama in Aceh at the past time, mostly gave greater focus and attention on religious science such as fiqh (Islamic law) and tasawuf (Sufism) as both well known and shown in the work of Ar-Raniry and Fansuri, but basically they had an integrated worldview of Islamic science without fragmented. Although modernism and secularism which constructed in the West and then developed and introduced to the East, have been sorting and dichotomizing of science, but through the past work of Ulama Aceh which have huge contribution to the development of science paradigm in the archipelago, showed that there is very good and harmonious relationship between the various knowledge, religion and science.
الجذور الفكرية للتطرف وحل مشكلاتها Kholilurrohman, H.
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31291/hn.v6i1.405


إن من الأسباب الوخيمة لكيان الدفاىيم التطرفية ىو الأخذ بظواىر النصوص الشرعية، فالظاىرية إنما رأس دينهم ىو التمسك بظواىر النصوص فلب يبالون أصلب بالتأويل، ويدتنعون عن مفاىيم حواىا التنزيل؛ من أسباب النزول ودلالات الدعاني والألفاظ، كما نبو عليو أئمة التفستَ والحفاظ، فمآل الظاىرية أن صارت تفاستَىم قاسية جامدة، وتعاليمهم غامضة باردة، يكفرون من خالفهم، ويضللون من لم ينح منحاىم. ىذا البحث يحتوي على أمرين مهمتُ، الدشكلة، وحل الدشكلة، أما الدشكلة فهي كيان التطرف الخطتَ في ا تّٓمع الإسلبمي باسم الاسلبم، بل وباسم التوحيد، فما ىو جذور ىذه الدشكلة؟ كما لا تٗفى أهمية معرفة بعض أوصاف تٛلة ىذه الدشكلة الضارة. والأمر الثاني ىو حل ىذه الدشكلة الوخيمة، وقد توسع الباحث ىنا في بيان أن التأويل ليس تعطيلب للرد على مفاىيم الظاىرية بإيراد بعض أقوال الدفسرين الدعتبرين في ذلك. يهدف البحث إلى أمور، نها؛ أهمية معرفة جذور الدفاىيم التطرفية، أهمية مواجهة خطر التطرف في تفستَ النصوص الشرعية، ثم الاقتًاحات لحل ىذه الدشكلبت، كما يهدف إلى عزل الفكر الدتطرف في تفستَ النصوص الشرعية وتٛلتو. وفي اختتام ىذا البحث أشار الباحث مقتًحا لبعض الأمور الأساسية في حلول ىذه الدشكلبت الدعاصرة بشيء من التفصيل. ىذا البحث العلمي يعتمد على طريقة البحث النوعي. فالبحوث النوعية ىي البحوث التي تعتمد أساسيا وبالدرجة الأولى على شكل ملبحظات وتعليقات وآراء مكتوبة أو مشاىدة أو مسموعة، فقد تتطلب قدرة عالية واستطاعة قوية على التحليل والربط والدقابلة بتُ لستلف الآراء للحصول على نتائج التحليل على الوجو الدرجو ت٘اما، وقد تنتهي الاستبيانات بشكل عام عن طريق تٚع الدكتوبات والدقالات والدراسات؛ وصفية كانت الدراسة أو تٖليلية، من النصوص الدكتوبات الدعتبرة.
من ملامح الفكر التربوي الإسلامي عند كياهى حاج هاشيم في كتابه آداب العالم و المتعلم rizal, syahrizal rizal
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31291/hn.v6i1.217


ترمى هذه الدراسة إلى بيان ملامح الفكر التربوي الإسلامي عند كياهى حاج هاشيم أشعرى في كتابه آداب العالم و المتعلم. و نتائج البحث تدل على أن لفكره التربويى الإسلامي في كتابه المذكور ملامحا. أولها فكر تربوي إسلامي يقوم على ذاته. و ثانيها بيان دليل عملي في آداب المعلم و المتعلم في عملية التعليم و التعلم. و ثالثها اتفاقات فكره التربوي الإسلامي بالكتاب تذكرة السامع و المتكلم في أدب العالم و المتعلم لبدر الدين بن جماعة. و رابعها فكره التربوي الإسلامي معتمد على المذهب الشافعي. و خامسها فكره التربوي الإسلامي متمسك بمدخل الفكر البياني. و سادسها فكره التربوي الإسلامي يميل إلى القيمة الأدابية الصوفية. و سابعها فكره التربوي الإسلامي يميل إلى المذهب المحافظ.الكلمات المفتاحية: الفكر التربوي الإسلامي, العليم هاشيم أشعرى, كتاب آداب العالم و المتعلم 
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31291/hn.v6i1.218


Globalization that is sweeping the globe makes Balinese human relationships can not be confined within a narrow community atmosphere, such as; sectarian, tribal, race and religion. However, a Balinese human relationship has grown rapidly among the community which then penetrate the walls of bounds such as class, ethnicity, race and religion. Balinese society generally had been conscious to keep the Balinese suatainability, where the Balinese people want to go back to their own identity, so that various cultural values are revitalized, because some have been mixed and melted with foreign cultural values. It can be shown from nature and Balinese human character in the perspective of Balinese human which is meaningful individually or collectively. The style of the Balinese social community, genersally the social-religious one within a Desa Pakramanis having very thick characteristics according to the category of the values & characters above. Balinese culture is rooted in the Hindu religion that full of tolerance and high solidarity. In addition, Hinduism is a religion that is universal which implementation in various places in Bali is different. However, the core essences of the teachings remain the same
SUFI PSYCHO-PHYSIO-THERAPY (An Empirical-Based Method) irham, iqbal
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31291/hn.v6i1.342


This paper describes several forms of therapy for spiritual well-being and physical health based on the values of sufism (tasawwuf) and spiritual exercise (riyadhah). The variety of methods contained in these therapeutic forms can be generally found within sufism in theory, but not specifically in practice. These practical experiences is thus part of a ‘local wisdom’ (kearifan lokal) tradition deserving of study and research.Thus far, the therapies have been performed with patients who suffer from physical ailments such as heart disease, cholesterol excess, hypertension, gout, and kidney disorder, as well spiritual illnesses such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, and phobias.From the perspective of sufism, these conditions appear because of the sinful actions committed by the sufferers. These sins disturb or trouble the sufferers’ soul, causing it to acquire negative traits, blocking its ‘link’ to God who is the Source of Peace, Happiness, and Well-being (as-Salam). The ‘further’ a person is from God, the ‘nearer’ the person is to problems and disease, and vice-versa. To attain physical and spiritual well-being is to become closer to God.In practice, to cure illnesses, the therapies take the following forms: Rasa Ruhani (Spiritual Sensation), Shalat and Thuma’ninah (Prayer with Concentration), and Terapi Nafas (Breathing Therapy).
Manuscripts in Sumenep Madura; the Legacy of Pesantren and its Ulama Zakiyah, Zakiyah
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31291/hn.v6i1.133


There are more than a hundred manuscripts that were found in Sumenep Madura and were digitized by a research team from the Office of Religious Research and Development Ministry of Religious Affairs, Semarang Indonesia. That research focused on the identification and digitalization on those manuscripts; however, that research has not made further analysis on the content. Therefore, this paper examines the content of those manuscripts and classifies them into category based on the discipline. In addition, this essay looks at how these manuscripts related to pesantren and its ulama (kyai/Muslim scholars) in Sumenep Madura. This study uses a library research and content analysis method. The result shows that from the 107 digitized manuscripts, there are more than 107 texts embedded in those manuscripts, since some of the manuscripts are a compilation book.  The majority of those manuscripts consist of fiqh texts (64 texts), followed by tauhid/theology (46 texts), tasawuf/mysticism (8 texts), Qur’an (3 manuscripts), Arabic grammar and linguistic (6 texts), and the rests are texts about do’a, Javanese horoscope and history. All of those texts are written in an Arabic letter and used various languages such as Arabic, Javanese and Madurese. Some of those manuscripts are collection of ulama and pesantren in that area. These ulama and pesantren received their manuscripts from their parents and preserved it until now. Indeed, those manuscripts can be recognized as the legacy of pesantren and its ulama in Sumenep Madura.  In the context of Sumenep Madura, ulama/kyai and pesantren play significant roles in the development of Islam since they are the center of the society.

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