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Fakultas Dakwah dan Ilmu Komunikasi UIN Raden Intan Lampung Jl. Endro Suratmin No. 01 Sukarame, Bandar Lampung 35131
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Bina Al-Ummah
ISSN : 19072597     EISSN : 27453529     DOI :
Bina Al Ummah is a journal published by Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, INDONESIA. Bina Al Ummah published twice a year. Bina Al Ummah focuses on the Study of Dakwah and Development. The scope of the study includes Broadcast Communication, Community Development, Institutional Management and Islamic Counseling Guidance. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines
Articles 107 Documents
BINA AL-UMMAH Vol 8, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Pengembangan Komunitas
Publisher : UIN Raden Intan Lampung

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The study of pesantren is still interesting for researchers as it isinseparable from Muslim life in Indonesia. Since its presence, thepesantren aims at educating prospective Muslim propagators whowould understand Islam well (tafaquh fi al-din) and local wisdomdifferent from one place to the others. Recent phenomenon shows thatthe Indonesian pesantren is vulnerable to the infiltration of newIslamic stream that conveys Islamic mission (rahmatan lil alamin)in more radical ways. Many acts of violence in this country arealways associated with this radical Islamic stream. However,radicalism is in fact contrary to the pesantren’s tradition that teachesIslam with humanistic and tolerant approaches. This article willaddress the following questions: how does dakwah in the pesantrenrespond to the acts of violence conducted by radical Muslims? Whatefforts have the pesantren done and how should dakwah in thepesantren be conducted to prevent religious radicalisation? Theresults of this study show that dakwah by means of radicalmovement does not constitute an “indigenous” product of thepesantren. Rather, it is imported by a certain pesantren from otherpart of the Muslim world. Multicultural dakwah approaches whichare performed legally, constitutionally and emphatically have beeninitiated by the pesantren and the government. Nevertheless,cooperation from multi-stakeholders within Islamic community isneeded to increase and intensify such efforts.Kata Kunci: Pesantren, Dakwah, Multikultural
Dakwah Komaruddin Hidayat Pada Masyarakat Perkotaan Ade Mastuhi, Ade Mastuhi
BINA AL-UMMAH Vol 12, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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Problem utama masyarakat modern dewasa ini yang merupakan stress kehidupan sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh Ivan Illich: ketidakpuasan, ketidakbahagiaan, kerakusan, niat jahat, kecemasan terhadap nilai-nilai, berbagai penyimpangan/kelainan dan kehilangan control diri merupakan tantangan bagi para da’i di zaman ini. Proses modernisasi, seringkali mengagungkan nilai-nilai yang bersifat materi dan anti rohani, sehingga mengabaikan unsur-unsur spiritualitas. Manusia modern dikerangkeng oleh tuntutan sosial. Mereka merasa sangat terikat untuk mengikuti sknario sosial yang menentukan berbagai kriteria dan mengatur berbagai keharusan dalam kehidupan social. Bagaimana dakwah dalam pergumulan modernitas menurut pemikiran Komaruddin Hidayat menjadi menarik untuk dikaji. Komaruddin Hidayat dikenal sebagai sosok cendekiawan Muslim yang banyak menulis, baik melalui buku, jurnal, maupun media massa. Karya-karyanya dapat dikatakan isinya menekankan pada pesan-pesan keislaman secara umum. Dan sebagiannya merupakan refleksi pemikiran dakwahya. Komar muda dalam ceramah-ceramahnya menitikberatkan pada tema tauhid, sejarah, dan akhlak, pendidikan dan sosial. Misi dakwah yang Komar kembangkan lebih terfokus pada pengembangan kepribadian (character building).
Motivasi Kerja Dan Kompensasi Mulyadi, Mulyadi Mulyadi
BINA AL-UMMAH Vol 12, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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Artikel ini di breakdown dari hasil penelitian terhadap pegawai  non struktural di lingkungan IAIN Raden Intan Lampung, yang bertujuan untuk memahami  pengaruh kompensasi, terhadap motivasi kerja pegawai. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 148 pegawai dan sampel berjumlah 89,yang ditetapkan dengan  teknik  probability sampling (random sampling). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan metode survei dan analisis regresi.Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompensasi berpengaruh langsung positif terhadap motivasi kerja pegawai, artinya setiap upaya perbaikan pada system kompensasi akan meningkatkan motivasi kerja pegawai. Oleh karena itu, peneliti menganjurkan untuk segera dilakukan upaya-upaya memperbaiki sistem kompensasi.  Kata kunci: Motivasi Kerja, Kompensasi
Metode Dakwah Masyarakat Multikultural di Indonesia Rosidi, Rosidi Rosidi
BINA AL-UMMAH Vol 12, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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Adalah sebuah kenyataan yang tidak bisa dibantah bahwa Indonesia ditaqdirkan sebagai bangsa yang terdiri dari banyak suku, etnis, bahasa, warna kulit, budaya, agama, dan tradisi yang sangat kaya. Disamping itu Indonesia dianugrahi oleh Tuhan tanah yang luas, subur dengan kekayaan yang terdapat di dalamnya.  Itu semua perlu dikelola dengan baik dan hati-hati, agar keragaman dan perbedaan tersebut membawa keberkahan bersama. Kalu tidak justru kegaduhan yang akan terjadi yang efeknya membawa pada disintegrasi bangsa. Penelitian ini mencoba membahas metode dakwah multikultural yang sesuai dengan semangat keragaman di Indonesia. Sumber peneltian diperoleh dari para penulis  Ilmu Dakwah, sepeti : Moh Ali Aziz, Asep Muhyiddin, Asmuni Syukir dan lainnya. dan pemerhati masalah multikultural seperti Abdurrahman , Wahid, Parsudi Suparlan, Chairul Machfud dan lainnya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kajian ini, studi historis kritis.Temuan, dakwah di Indonesia sebagaimana dimaklumi bahwa Indonesia adalah Negara dengan pluralitas yang komplek, maka untuk melakukan penyiaran agama harus dibuat rambu-rambu yang mengatur tata cara penyiaran agama seperti dalam Surat Keputusan Menteri Agama No. 70 Tahun 1978  Tentang Pedoman Penyiaran Agama. membutuhkan pendekatan dan metode holistis, humanis, multikultural. Metode holistis humanis, adalah metode dakwah yang menempatkan subyek dakwah sebagai manusia yang harus dihormati dan dihargai sebagai ciptaan Tuhan yang di muliakan di atas bumi. Sedangkang metode  dakwah multikultural adalah metode dakwah yang menghargai perbedaan yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Atau dengan kata lain, metode dakwah yang menghargai hak-hak kultural yang dimiliki oleh setiap anggota masyarakat, tanpa membedakan asal usul, etnis, budaya, agama dan kepercayaan yang dimiliki. Dengan metode ini, dakwah akan mudah beradaptasi dan diterima oleh masyarakat dengan senang hati, sebagaimana yang telah dilakukan oleh Walisongo yang terbukti sukses mendakwahkan Islam di Nusantara.
Sikap dan Perilaku Beragama Mahasiswa UIN Raden Intan Lampung Tontowi Jauhari, Tontowi Jauhari Tontowi Jauhari; Mulyadi, Mulyadi Mulyadi
BINA AL-UMMAH Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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The objective of this research is to know the influence of family environment, school environment, campus environment, and religious attitude towards students at State Islamic University (UIN hereafter) of Raden Intan Lampung. The sample of this research was 350 students which was taken by using probability sampling technique (random sampling). The research used quantitative approach, with survey method and path analysis as an analytical tool.The results showed that the family environment, school environment, and religious attitude towards students at State Islamic University (UIN hereafter) of Raden Intan Lampung had a direct positive effect on students behavior, and it was found that the family environment and school environment had a direct positive effect on religious attitudes, but the campus environment had no effect to students’ religious behavior, and the campus environment negatively affect the students’ religious attitude. The research findings found that it is needed to improve the management of the family environment, the management of the school environment, and the orientation of students’ religious attitudes so that it appears a good behaviour for students of State Islamic University of Raden Intan Lampung.
Penerapan Jigsaw Learning Dalam Riset Aksi Partisipatoris M.Saifuddin, M.Saifuddin M.Saifuddin
BINA AL-UMMAH Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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AbstractThe learning outcomes of Participatory Action Research lecture semester VI The Department of Islamic Community Development, Faculty of Dawah and Communication Studies, UIN Raden Intan Lampung in the previous year showed the low ability of students, especially on the subject matter of participatory planning. This is due to the ability of understanding and low student skills, is a new material, as well as the model or lecture approach used by lecturers has not been optimal. Therefore the problem raised in this research is "Whether with the application of cooperative learning model (STAD type), the quality of Participatory Action Research lectures can be improved?"The classroom action research in this study was carried out in two cycles. The data were collected using test and observation techniques. Measuring the success of the action is if the average formative test score of students is more than or equal to 70 and complete the classical study at least 75%, the value of student learning activities and lecturer perfomansi value of at least 70 or B.After the application of cooperative learning model in cycle I obtained the average score of 71.2 students and 66.70% complete classical learning. In the second cycle student learning outcomes increased with the average score of 75.6 and complete learning classical reach 80.00%. Student learning activity in cycle I reaches 77,5 or B and in cycle II increased to 86,25 or A. Lecturers perfomance, in cycle I get value 78,75 or A and in cycle II to 86,25 or A. Result this has been considered sufficient, because each component (learning outcomes, student learning activities, and lecturers perfomansi) meets the benchmarks of successful actions in the form of cooperative learning model.Thus, it can be concluded that through the cooperative learning model (STAD type), the quality of the Participatory Action Research lectures on the Islamic Community Development Department can be improved. Therefore, it is suggested that lecturers who have participatory action research, especially Participatory Planning materials can use cooperative learning model as an option.Kata Kunci : Participatory action research, cooperative learning model
Ragam Komunikasi dalam Al-quran Fitriyanti, Fitriyanti Fitriyanti
BINA AL-UMMAH Vol 12, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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Ayat-ayat al-Quran dapat dikelompokkan kedalam beberapa bentuk komunikasi. Al-Qur’an merupakan contoh konkrit bagaimana Allah selalu berkomunikasi dengan hamba-Nya melalui wahyu. Selain itu Rasulullah SAW pun berkomunikasi dengan keluarga, sahabat dan ummatNya. Kajian mengenai komunikasi yang diintegrasikan dengan ayat-ayat Al-qur’an dengan berbagai dimensi keilmuan yang dimiliki Al-Qur’an memberikan jawaban atas persoalan-persoalan yang sering dialami salah satunya dengan menjelaskan beberapa ragam komunikasi dalam berbagai konteks percakapan. Selama manusia hidup dalam masyarakat, maka selama itu pula komunikasi memegang peranan penting.Al-Qur’an menyebut komunikasi sebagai salah satu fitrah manusia. Dalam analisa terhadap ayat Al-Qur’an yang memuat masalah komunikasi. Sebagai sebuah kitab maka al-Quran mengandung berbagai macam bentuk komunikasi. Bila ditinjau dari kacamata keilmuan keislaman, al-Quran berisi kabar gembira (basyiran) dan peringatan (nadhiran). Namun bila ditinjau dari ilmu komunikasi ayat-ayat al-Quran dapat dikelompokkan kedalam beberapa bentuk komunikasi, diantaranya, komunikasi interpribadi, antarpribadi, antarbudaya, kelompok, komunikasi massa dll. Meskipun al-Qur’an secara spesifik tidak membicarakan masalah komunikasi namun terdapat gambaran-gambaran tentang cara-cara berkomunikasi.
Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Berbasis Ekowisata Rini Setiawati, Rini Setiawati Rini Setiawati
BINA AL-UMMAH Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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Rural areas have abundant resource potential, there is an optimal use of natural and human resources in the Village. One of the efforts to utilize the optimal local resources is to develop tourism with the concept of ecotourism. In this context tourism has an integral part of conservation efforts, local economic empowerment and promotes greater respect for cultural or cultural differences. Gunung Rejo Village is a tourist village by developing ecotourism with environmental conservation with the aim to achieve sustainability either economic community or natural potential.This research is field research with qualitative approach. The research data is explored in depth through interview technique, observation and documentation about the profile of community economic empowerment in ecotourism program in Gunung Rejo Village. Sources of research data were selected using non random sampling based on certain criteria. The problem in this research is how ecotourism development activity and how economic empowerment of ecotourism based society in Gunung Rejo Village, Way Ratai Sub District, Pesawaran Regency.Data collection is done by three ways, namely interview conducted by the researcher is a structured interview by preparing a list of questions, Observations conducted by researchers is non-participant observation. Documentation conducted by researchers to dig information as supporting research findings conducted in the form of interviews and observation. Data analysis used is an interactive analysis model that includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.The results of this study indicate that the development activities partnerships with the community, Provide understanding to the community about the procedures for managing the tour and utilize natural resources and human and cultural resources, Building community capacity building in developing and improving productivity results of household business, Preparing the development and provision of tourism service facilities. Economic empowerment of the community through increased access through hamlet activities, capacity building through training, and improvement of business community productivity through home business training activitiesKata Kunci : Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat, Ekowisata
Nilai Islam dalam Lambang Siger Lampung Badaruddin, Badaruddin Badaruddin
BINA AL-UMMAH Vol 12, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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Abstract This research is literature research, where the researcher tries to explore the literature sources related to Lampung culture symbol that is Siger, and the history books of Lampung cultural development both from geographical and demographic aspect. Likewise the history of the development of Islam in Lampung. Interaction of cultural values of Lampung with religious values. In sociology and anthropology studies, symbols have deep meaning, every society, usually have symbols that are typically believed and understood for members of the group. These symbols contain meaning and values, These meanings and values are sometimes considered sacred and approach religious teachings. For societies with religious characteristics, usually the values contained in societal symbols are derived from the values of the principles of religious teachings that are adapted to their traditions, hence this issue becomes an attraction for researchers to conduct research in this field, especially if associated with Islamic dawah activities. Lampung consists of two groups, the people of Pepadun (Outback) and Coastal. Both communities have different settlements. Both also have the customs and properties are slightly different, so interesting to learn and see the difference further. From the results of this study it can be concluded that religious values have a very big influence on the cultural values of Lampung symbolized in the form of Siger. Siger Lampung symbol is a blend of cultural and religious values, therefore both of these values play a major role in creating harmony of life of Lampung society. Or in other words the people of Lampung is a society that has high regigiusitas nature.Kata Kunci: Nilai –nilai Islam, Lambang Siger Lampung
Urgensi Bimbingan dan Konseling bagi Kesehatan Mental Kholidi, Kholidi Kholidi
BINA AL-UMMAH Vol 12, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

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Manusia diciptakan dalam fitrah berketuhanan, karena ia telah bersaksi semasa dalam rahim ibunya bahwa Allah swt sebagai Rabnya. Hanya saja fitrah berketuhanan itu dapat saja rusak karena pengaruh dari lingkungan yang ada dan juga setan yang selalu membelokkan hati manusia. Penyimpangan dari fitrah asalnya tersebut, manusia dikategorikan tidak sehat secara kejiwaan atau mental. Manusia dikatakan sehat mental/ jiwa adalah mereka punya kemampuan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan diri sendiri, dengan orang lain dan masyarakat serta lingkungan dimana ia hidup.Untuk menjaga kelangsungan fitrah berketuhanan tersebut sebagai indicator kesehatan jiwa/mental, manusia memerlukan bimbingan dan konseling. Bimbingan dilakukan dalam rangka menjaga kelangsungan fitrah tersebut agar tidak rusak, sedangkan konseling dilakukan untuk mengembalikan bila telah terjadi penyimpangan dari fitrah asalnya. Keberhasilan bimbingan dan konseling tidak saja ditentukan oleh materi yang disampaikan, metode yang digunakan oleh seorang konselor, tetapi juga konselor harus memiliki pemahaman yang cukup tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kondisi psikologis konseli.

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