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Core Subject : Engineering,
SEMESTA TEKNIKA is a reputable refereed journal devoted to the publication and dissemination of basic and applied research in engineering. SEMESTA TEKNIKA is a forum for publishing high quality papers and references in engineering science and technology. The Journal is published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, INDONESIA. Copyright is by the publisher and the authors. The Journal is issued in electronic form and also issued in printed form as annual volume for the contributors only. The journal contains original research papers, review articles, short notes and letters to the editors. The topics of interest include modeling, experimental, analytical and numerical investigations on the mechanical, physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of material, developing the prototype/instrument, technology and construction process. Topic of management in industry and civil construction is also considered. SEMESTA TEKNIKA receives manuscripts from the contributor written in the Indonesian and English. Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication must not have been previously published or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication. Manuscripts submitted to SEMESTA TEKNIKA will be reviewed Peer Reviewers local and foreign.
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Pengaruh Pemodelan Elemen Tangga pada Gedung Beton Bertulang terhadap Beban Gempa: Studi Kasus Gedung Hotel Tajem Paradise City Yogyakarta 5 Lantai Harsoyo, Yoga Aprianto
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 2 (2016): NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Indonesia is a country that has a high seismic risk, so that the high-level buildings need to be designed to resist earthquake loads. Modeling of buildings generally use three-dimensional program. The designers usually model beams and columns as elements of the line and the rest, which were slab, shear wall and stairs modeled as two-dimensional elements or shell elements. Modelling stairs using shell elements can rigidify building. When structural elements in buildings are designed based on these conditions, it will be more vulnerable under seismic load. In this paper, it will be examined on effect of stair in buildings under earthquake load. The parameters that will be studied are building’s natural period, displacement between floors, and seismic forces that occur in the building. From this research, it is known that modeling without stairs will create a larger building’s natural period and displacement between floor so that modeling without stairs will make more conservative design structures against earthquake loads.
Studi Perbandingan Dinding Geser dan Bracing Tunggal Konsentris sebagai Pengaku pada Gedung Bertingkat Tinggi Astuti, Pinta
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 2 (2016): NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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All of high-rise buildings should have sufficient stiffness the structure  will existed when earthquake occurred. The addition of shear wall structure and concentrically single bracing are alternative way to increase stiffness of the structure. This research is comparating the natural period of the structure with variation of stiffener structure between shear wall structure and concentrically single bracing by taking a case study at Mataram City Apartments and Condominium, Yogyakarta. The building consists of two towers and every tower consist of 18 stories. Analytical calculations in this research based on technical data field, quality of materials, and the results of structural analysis with numerical program. The calculation based on SNI 03-1726-2002, SNI 03-1726-2012, and the Uniform Building Code (UBC) 1997 Chapter 16 on Requirements Design Structure. Three modification of the shear wall layouts in this research are use to understanding about the effect of adding shear walls and concentrically single bracing to the natural period structure. Based on the calculation, the structure has adequate capacity to support the load with the natural period of 1.83 seconds. Maximum allowable vibration time by SNI 03-1726-2002 is 3.24 seconds, SNI 03-1726-2012 is 2,59 seconds, while the Uniform Building Code (UBC) is 1.68 seconds. So, the natural period requirement for this structure is 1.68 seconds. From all models, only the last model which have sufficient stiffness with natural period that 1.66 seconds for shear wall and 1.67 for concentrically single bracing stiffener. 
Implementasi Metrik Keluaran Unjuk Kerja Network Intrusion Detection System Ardiyanto, Yudhi
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 2 (2016): NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Perfomance of Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) very important to be monitored, because this system must perform packet inspection on computer network. Failure to detect data packets can produce malicious packet sneak into networks. Snort is one of the NIDS plug ins in the form of perfomance statistics that will provide performance information in real time, in the form of comma delimited value format. It takes long time to generated performance information. Thepigdoktah is a tools that can be used to process the output performance of the NIDS to be more informative .This research has been successfully implemented on a computer network, one of the performance information that can be generated is the average packet loss amounted to 0,012%.
Analysis of Cellular Traffic Homogeneity in A Specific Area using Statistical Test Surahmat, Indar
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 2 (2016): NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Capacity and coverage are the most important issues on providing services by cellular operator companies. The companies measure the condition of their network and services continuously including data collection, monitoring, evaluation and future prediction.  These are part of activities to maintain grade of service. In this paper, homogeneity analysis in cellular traffic data is analysed. This step is a part of evaluation of current situation which it will be used for planning purposes. It is done by processing data provided by network statistic monitoring tool. This paper limits on analysis in a particular area. The area is served by some cell surrounding the area.  The result shows a good homogeneity amongst the cell covered a certain area during low traffic (1 am to 1 pm). Otherwise, in high traffic, the serving cells are relatively different in terms of traffic variation and homogeneity test using Fligner-Killeen is more suitable
Karakteristik Fisik Bahan Bakar Alternatif Campuran Minyak Jarak (CJO)-Minyak Cengkeh gamayel, adhes
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 2 (2016): NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Crude jatropha oil (CJO) is non edible oil that made up of triglycerides. That molecules due to CJO has high viscosity and low evaporation rate. Blending with more viscous and more volatile fuel can reduce it. In this study, CJO was blended with clove oil (CO) in many precentagesi.e. 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. The basic fuel properties such as viscosity, heating value, and flash point were measured in accordance ASTM D445, ASTM D240, ASTM D93 respectively. The results indicate that the viscosity and the  flash point decrease while the heating value increase with an increase of concentration of clove oil. Thoseproperties have been improved because molecular interaction between eugenol and triglyceride makes molecule movement more active than before.
Pengaruh Penambahan Pecahan Kaca Sebagai Bahan Pengganti Agregat Halus dan Penambahan Fiber Optik Terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton Serat Ikhsan, Muhammad Nur; Prayuda, Hakas; Saleh, Fadillawaty
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 2 (2016): NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Fibre concrete is an innovation of normal concrete to special concrete to be stronger withstands the tensile force. Fibre concrete consists of cement, water, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and additional fibre materials. The addition of fibre is expected to reduce the segragation and prevent cracks of the concrete. In this research used additional glass fracture with variation of 15%, 20%, 25% to the weight of the fine aggregate as well as additional of optic fibre of 0,15% of the concrete’s weight. Their compressive strength was examined at the age of 28 days. The result is gained by adding 15% of glass fracture 24,94 MPa with modulus of elasticity 23471,8 MPa, addition of 20% gained the result of compressive strength by 25,48 MPa with modulus of elasticity 23724,5 MPa, meanwhile by adding glass fracture 25% gained the result of compressive strength 25,77 MPa with modulus of elasticity 23859,2 Mpa.
Kekuatan Geser Panel Kayu Vertikal Dengan Perkuatan Single Bracing Tulangan Baja Akibat Pembebanan Siklik Monika, Fanny
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 2 (2016): NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Panels  in wooden construction serve as walls as well as providing structural lateral  resistance  against  earthquake  if  designed well. Panel materials  consist of frames with  sheathings  such  as  Plywood  or Oriented Strand Board(OSB)  connected  to  wooden  frames with nails as connectors. Lateral force of the panels can be increased, for example by adding diagonal rods/bracings to the frames. In this study a wooden  panel which was Sengon wooden panel connected to Laminated Veneer Lumber(LVL) wooden panel with CN 50 nails with  a diameter of 2,8 mm and  the distance between  the nails was 240 mm with plain  steel  reinforcement  single bracing with a diameter of 8 mm in pull position using corner plate as a connector between bracing and LVL wooden panel. Cyclic  test had 20%Δy,  40%Δy,  60%Δy  deformation controls  and  loaded with monotonic  until wooden panels collapsed. The  results of cyclic  test  in  stable  condition  60%Δy had equivalent viscous damping ratio values of 8,324%.  Failures  in  panels  often  happened  to  connecting  nails,  corner  plates,  and steel  bracings. The  types  of  failure were Nail  Pull-Through  of  Sheathing,  Pull-Through  Sheathing  Failures,  Mudsill  Failure,  buckling  on  corner  plates,  and buckling on steel bracings 
Pengaruh Variasi Tebal Terhadap Kekuatan Lentur Pada Balok Komposit Menggunakan Response 2000 Cahyati, Martyana Dwi
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 2 (2016): NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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The tensile strength is one of disadvantage for the concrete beam. Therefore, the development of an innovation in the structural elements of the beam by using the composite material of steel and concrete is necessary. The composite system is capable of resisting expected tensile so the load capacity and moment on the beam can be increased. This study examined the effect of variations in the thickness of the cross section of the IWFs profile on flexurral moment of the composite beam. The composite beam using IWF 150x75x5x7 with variations of thickness web are 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm and using simply supported. The analysis using Response 2000. The results obtained for the flexural moment capacity from the variations of thickness web 8 mm thick, 10 mm and 12 mm are given respectively 236.40 kN, kN 244.63 and 252.83 kN. The results have shown that the increasing of thickness variation on the profile web IWF will increase the capacity of the composite beam bending moment. In addition, the increasing of thickness web is also affected to the increasing of stiffness on beam.
Optimalisasi Sink Mark Index Pada Produk Plastik Dengan Variasi Ketebalan Ekstrim Menggunakan Simulasi Moldflow Budiyantoro, Cahyo
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 2 (2016): NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Injection Molding Process is a closed cycle process involving 4 important factors that influencing product quality such as: process setting parameter, plastic material selection, product design and mold design. Ideally a plastic product is designed with uniform wall thickness since the thickness variation brought about negative effect on the final product. Those negative effects are warpage, sink mark or voids. Warpage is a bending failure of product, void cannot be observed as unfilled or holes on the cross section of the part, whereas sink mark is a deflected mark that can directly be seen on the surface of the part. Those 3 failures are normally caused by material accumulation and thermal rate differentiation. This research was a computerized based simulation using Autodesk MoldFlow Plastic Insight software to predict the 3 failures and to optimize the product quality by Sink Mark Index reduction, minimizing sink mark estimation and volumetric shrinkage  due to extreem thickness variation. The selected specimen was a brush handle, a real product that can easily be found in the market. The errors of brush handle in fact was caused by poor design and the only way to improve its quality is from process parameters point of view. There are 5 possible factors in fixing the failures, each factor possessed 3 level of values, then according to the Taguchi approach of design experiment, there must be 27 experiments to be done. After having 27 times experiments with combination of level and factors, it can be summerized that by combining low melting temperature, high injection pressure and high holding pressure, a sink mark index of 2.642% and a volumetric shrinkage of 19.28% can be obtained, and those were the minimum values representing the best results of product. The extension of holding time did not give a significant influence on the target quality.
Peningkatan Efisiensi Kompor LPG dengan Menggunakan Elemen Bara Api sudarno, Sudarno sudarno; Fadelan, Fadelan
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 2 (2016): NOVEMBER 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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The defective combustion process is one of the causes of low efficiency in LPG stoves. Increasing the efficiency in LPG stoves by optimizing the combustion has high possibility to do. Practical effort that can be done is adding the element embers. This tool is a woven wire nikelin that are arranged in layers and if it is heated, it will be incandescent, forming high temperature embers. Generated embers will be able to burn fuel vapor perfectly around the wire, so it will broaden the mature fire area. The test is done by using LPG stoves which is provided by finned heat radiation reflector. The efficiency test is done by conducting the boiling water test. The number of element embers layers are varied, from one to four layers. The performance of element embers use is compared with LPG stoves without element embers use. In this study, temperature distribution for each treatment is tested. It is obtained that the use of element embers without reflector can improve the efficiency until 8.23%. The highest efficiency occurred in one of layer element embers use, as much as 61.7%. But, the increase of element embers in finned heat radiation reflector decreased the efficiency. It was because the mounting pattern of element embers bothered the function of the reflector, so the heat reflection from the reflector was stunted and stuck between the reflector and the mounting pattern. Therefore, the heat energy of the reflection from the reflector cannot be moved to combustion area. The result of temperature distribution test also showed that the element embers use could broaden the mature fire area.

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