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SEMESTA TEKNIKA is a reputable refereed journal devoted to the publication and dissemination of basic and applied research in engineering. SEMESTA TEKNIKA is a forum for publishing high quality papers and references in engineering science and technology. The Journal is published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, INDONESIA. Copyright is by the publisher and the authors. The Journal is issued in electronic form and also issued in printed form as annual volume for the contributors only. The journal contains original research papers, review articles, short notes and letters to the editors. The topics of interest include modeling, experimental, analytical and numerical investigations on the mechanical, physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of material, developing the prototype/instrument, technology and construction process. Topic of management in industry and civil construction is also considered. SEMESTA TEKNIKA receives manuscripts from the contributor written in the Indonesian and English. Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication must not have been previously published or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication. Manuscripts submitted to SEMESTA TEKNIKA will be reviewed Peer Reviewers local and foreign.
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Strategi Penawaran dalam Industri Konstruksi (Studi Kasus di Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik, Kota Bandung) Hakas Prayuda, Mandiyo Priyo ,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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The aims of this research are to calculate the value of mark-up using bidding strategy approach and to determine the best bidding strategy to win a tender with the optimum mark-up value and the optimum profit. The data being used in this research are auction data that have been completed in 2010-2012 at LPSE Bandung using statistical approach namely discrete multi distribution, normal multi distribution, and single normal distribution. Bidding strategy methods being used are Friedman Method, Gates Method, and Ackoff & Sasieni Method. The Friedman Method can generate an optimum mark-up of 10% with expected profit of -0.0014, an optimum mark-up of -9% with expected profit of -0.0003, and an optimum mark-up of -1%  with expected profit -0.0004 for discrete multi-distribution, multi-normal distribution, and  single normal distribution, respectively. The Gates Methods can produce an optimum mark up of 6% with expected profit of 1,5000, an optimum mark up of 5% with expected profit 0.0097, and an optimum mark up of 6% with expected profit 1.2888 for discrete multi distribution, multi-normal distribution, and single normal distribution, respectively. While the Ackoff & Sasieni Methods can generates an optimum mark-up of -2%  with expected profit -0.0003, an optimum mark-up of  1% with expected profit for 0,0013 for discrete multi distribution, and for both multi and single normal distributions, respectively.
Perilaku Kuat Tekan dan Kuat Tarik Beton Campuran Limbah Plastik HDPE Danar Kurniawan, Bagus Soebandono , As’at Pujianto ,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Concrete is one of the most commonly used materials for construction. Due to the increased of concrete demand, the need for alternative material to substitute natural aggregate becomes crucial. In this study HDPE plastic waste was used as artificial aggregate. HDPE was mixed with natural coarse aggregate at variation of 0%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Compressive test and split tensile tests were performed on concrete age of 28 days. The compressive strength of concrete decreased with the addition of HDPE levels. The result shows that the highest value of compressive strength was 27,88 MPa on 0% HDPE and the lowest value was 11,08 MPa on 20% HDPE mixture. The highest split tensile strength achieved by normal concrete of 2,71 MPa. Split tensile strength of concrete gradually decreased with the addition of HDPE variations. The lowest value of tensile strength was obtained from variation of 20% HDPE plastic waste that is equal to 1.72 MPa. From the analysis it can be concluded that the replacement of coarse aggregate crushed stone with HDPE plastic waste reduce split tensile strength of concrete.
Metode Ekstraksi Ciri untuk Membedakan Citra Wajah Asli dan Foto Berbasis Perceptron Warsun Najib, Afri Yudamson , Indah Soesanti,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Face is one of media for human identification. Previous studies aimed at identifying human face were for a two-dimensional images. Thus, fraud may occur when providing input in two-dimensional face images (photos). This study aims to distinguish the original three-dimensional face image with two-dimensional face image. Feature extraction based on facial geometry principles (Incomplete sentence, subject only, do not know what the authors mean). Face images (both the original and the photos) were captured at deviated angle, to the left and to the right. Each image is then sliced for each face components (eyes and nose) and sought the position of the center point of each component. Comparison between the value of the right eye-nose projection vector to the left-right eye vector and the value of the left-right eye vector become the characteristics of each image. The perceptron method was used for the classifiers. The result, the software can distinguish the original three-dimensional and two-dimensional face image with an error of 8.33% of the 24 tested images. Error occurred for some samples that show big round nose.
Analisis Sistem Penyediaan Air Bersih di PDAM Tirta Silau Piasa, Kisaran Barat, Asahan, Sumatra Utara Ramadhan Saragih, Surya Budi Lesmana ,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Water supply in Indonesia is facing some problems, such as lack of available water resources, lack of water supply services to the whole community and many water sources are polluted. In this study the water supply system in PDAM Tirta Silau Piasa was analyzed, and the results are used as input data for the evaluation of pipeline simulation using Waternet Software. Results of this study showed that the pipe for water distribution will still function properly until 2015 .
Pengeringan Tembakau dengan Sistem Hybrid Muhammad Nadjib, Dwi Aries Himawanto ,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Productivity of tobacco crop may be affected by several factors, one of which is the weather that can influence the tobacco drying process. Providing a customized tobacco dryer may help solving these problems. The study begins by designing a solar energy and biomass (tobacco stem waste) combustion followed by manufacturing and data collection of dryer performance. It can be concluded that the dryer for 140 minutes can reduce the moisture content of fresh tobacco leaves to  64%.
Analisis Pelayanan Penumpang Kereta Api Prambanan Ekspres (Prameks) Trayek Yogyakarta - Solo Bambang Dwi Bowo Wisnu, Wahyu Widodo ,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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The aim of this study is to find out the service quality to passenger the train of Prambanan Ekspres (Prameks), passengers perception about the train, and the reason for choosing the train. Data of passenger characteristic and service quality to passengers  were collected by using questionnaire distributed to 379 passenger. To analyze the results questioner used Excel. Quality of services provided by PT . KAI  is quite satisfactory for the passengers. Prambanan Express The Train is the most desirable public transport for traveling Yogyakarta - Solo, because travel costs are cheaper , practical , safer and more comfortable than any other transport.
Pengaruh Ukuran dan Kedalaman Geotekstil Teranyam Tipe HRX 200 terhadap Daya Dukung Ultimit dan Penurunan Tanah Lempung Lunak Budi Kurniawan Thirayo, Anita Widianti , Azmania ,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Geotextile as one of improvement material in soft clay soil has been widely used.  This study aims to examine the effect of geotextile dimention and placement depth on ultimate bearing capacity, settlement and Bearing Capacity Ratio of soft clay soil. This test was conducted on a series of square plate foundation loading of 10 cm width on clay soil sample and installing one layer of geotextile-improvement inside with several dimention variations and geotextile depth. Clay soil is on soft condition taken into a box model made of steel plate with the dimention of 120 cm x 120 cm x 100 cm. The result of this research shows that dimension and depth of geotextile affected the bearing capacity and settlement of soft clay soil. There were improvement in ultimate bearing capacity of as high as 3 times higher for geotextile 3Bx3B; 4 times higher for geotextile 4Bx4B; 5 times higher for geotextile 5Bx5B and 6 times higher for geotextile 6Bx6B comparing with bearing capacity of non supported-clay soil. Decreasing of settlement on clay soil was observed on the 3Bx3B improvement (twice lower), and 3 times lower, 4 times lower and 5 times lower for 4Bx4B, 5Bx5B, 6Bx6B, respectively. Geotextile which placed at a depth of 0.4 B and 0.8 B resulted in increased ultimate bearing capacity by 3.13 times. Dimension and depth geoxtile also affect the value of BCR. The highest BCR was on the dimention 6Bx6B on the depth of 0.6 B.
Perancangan Ulang Struktur Atas Jembatan Gajah Wong Yogyakarta dengan Menggunakan Box Girder Lukmanul Hakim, Sentot Hardwiyono , Bagus Soebandono ,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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The Gajah Wong bridge to be studied is located in road section of Selokan Mataram, connecting Gejayan Street and Seturan area, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province. This bridge was built in order to increase economic and to support traffic activities in this area. Gajah Wong bridge has 40 m span. The designing of this bridge used I girder, and then would be done redesigning another form of prestressed-concrete bridge which is box girder. This redesign method being used is Bridge Management System (BMS) 1992. Excel is used to analyze the structure. AutoCAD 2010 software was utilized for scetching the design. Girder designed using prestressed concrete structures with cross-sectional profile of a trapezoid -shaped box girder type . In designing the structure beam is used full - prestress post-tensioning with trapezoidal cross section box with 2.5 m high with 0,3 m floor-slab thickness. Prestressed-steel using  7 strands which is based on ASTM A-416 specification and used angkur 28 pieces of VSL type E-55.
Pengaruh Hujan terhadap Perubahan Elevasi Muka Air Tanah pada Model Unit Resapan dengan Media Tanah Pasir Wahyunika Sari, Burhan Barid ,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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This study aimed to determine changes in ground water level against time to recharge the unit models with medium sand soil in cloudburst conditions, to determine the effect of changes in humidity land in heavy rain conditions and for the efficiency of the model unit catchment .. By using the model infiltration unit made from box 170x170x200 cm3 and infiltration well with dimensions of 30x30x100 cm3 filled with 90 cm thick layer of sandy soil . The results showed that changes in ground water level is 18.8 % , 22.4 % and 24 % for the test I, II, III , respectively .. Soil moisture for the test I ran to saturation at 110 minutes , while for II and III trials in the 90th minute . Unit efficiency filtration models in improving the soil surface water is 3.6 % . This suggests that these filtration units of the model can reduce surface water runoff and increasing groundwater levels. 
Pemetaan Batimetri dan Analisis Pasang Surut untuk Menentukan Elevasi Lantai dan Panjang Dermaga 136 di Muara Sungai Mahakam, Sanga-Sanga, Kalimantan Timur Purwanto, Adiguna Rahmat Nugrahav, Siddhi Saputro,
Jurnal Semesta Teknika Vol 16, No 1 (2013): MEI 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Semesta Teknika

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Mahakam River estuary water located in East Kalimantan is territorial water that often traversed by ships transporting coal and passengers. A dock is needed in order to support such transportation activities. Sanga-Sanga Unit of Pertamina was planning to rebuild the dock that has been existed since the 1980s in the waters of the Mahakam River estuary, thus bathymetry mapping and tidal behavior analysis are needed. Bathymetry mapping and tidal behavior analysis are two important parameters in determining the elevation of the dock floor. The purpose of this study is to obtain information on the bathymetry condition and the tidal  behavior that will be used as reference of boundary conditions in determining floor elevation and dock length of the Mahakam River estuary water. Field data collection was conducted on 18 to 21 September 2012 in the water Mahakam River estuary, Sanga - Sanga, East Kalimantan. The method being used is a quantitative method, and analysis using statistical or model. Mahakam River estuary waters depth was found being between -1,3 to - 8,6 meters. It was mixed with tidal type with prominent double type, where MSL 82 cm to 260 cm interval tides, MLWL (- 28,60 cm), LLWL (- 90 cm) and HHWL (+167 cm). Dock floor elevation was obtained being +2.76 m with a value of Zo as a point of ± 0,00 m and + 2,04 with MSL as a point of ± 0,00 m, while the length of the dock is recommended to serve one boat with Loa 95,70 m is 114,84 m. With the water depth in front of the dock is needed to serve the largest ships draft is - 5 m in order to dock the ship safely.

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