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SEMESTA TEKNIKA is a reputable refereed journal devoted to the publication and dissemination of basic and applied research in engineering. SEMESTA TEKNIKA is a forum for publishing high quality papers and references in engineering science and technology. The Journal is published by the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, INDONESIA. Copyright is by the publisher and the authors. The Journal is issued in electronic form and also issued in printed form as annual volume for the contributors only. The journal contains original research papers, review articles, short notes and letters to the editors. The topics of interest include modeling, experimental, analytical and numerical investigations on the mechanical, physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of material, developing the prototype/instrument, technology and construction process. Topic of management in industry and civil construction is also considered. SEMESTA TEKNIKA receives manuscripts from the contributor written in the Indonesian and English. Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication must not have been previously published or is under consideration simultaneously by any other publication. Manuscripts submitted to SEMESTA TEKNIKA will be reviewed Peer Reviewers local and foreign.
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Mikrostruktur dan Kekerasan Sambungan Pengelasan Gesek Disimilar Pipa Tembaga/Kuningan (Cu/Cu-Zn) Nugroho, Aris Widyo; Suwanda, Totok; Serena, Septian Aldo
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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This study is focused on the influence of friction time on the microstructure and the hardness values of butt  welded dissimilar pure copper/brass alloy pipes by continuous drive friction  welding. Five variation of friction times were applied during the welding processes. The joint were evaluated by microstructural analysis  and microhardness measurements. The results show that three distincs region were observed.  The grain formation in the three regions were revealed.  It was found that the hardness of the joints especially in HAZ regions were lower than that of the copper and brass base metals, while the hardness of the TMAZ region was higher than that of the copper base metal and the brass base metal. The microhardness values in the TMAZ  increased  with increasing the friction time up to 30 s and then decreased with incresing friction time.
Kajian Penurunan Kadar BOD Limbah Cair Tahu Pada Berbagai Variasi Aliran Hendrasari, Ratna Septi
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Tofu is a food that derived from soybeans that have been fermented and taken juice. Tofu is a favored food of the community because of high nutritious and cheap. As a result, many emerging industries making tofu where this activity will produce liquid waste. Tofu liquid waste contains some substances including BOD. High BOD levels should not be directly disposed into the river. Therefore before the waste disposed, the levels of BOD should be reduced in accordance with the quality standards of waste. Decreased levels of BOD can be done in several ways such as by the waste stream in a stream. On the various streams will have different flow characteristics. The flow variation among others stepping on a sudden waterfall and stepping on the sudden expansion. Variations in flow was analyzed using the equations of continuity and momentum. The sample of liquid waste taken from the industrial society in Srandakan Bantul. From the results obtained in the laboratory testing, levels of BOD is 5571 mg/L. The study was conducted by assuming a square-shaped channel with a channel width of 0.2 m and a flow of 1 m3/s. The study was conducted by assuming a square-shaped channel with a channel width of 0.2 m and a flow of 1 m3/s. From the results of the study showed that the percentage reduction in BOD in liquid waste that declined most for the Froude number from 2 to 8 are on ΔZ/ h1 = 0.8 ie from 0.0134% to 0.0237%  and the b/B = 0.4 ie from 0.0589% to 0.0733%. BOD levels of liquid waste that has experienced a hydraulic stepping on a waterfall as well as the expansion of a sudden, for the Froude number from 2 to 18 in a row is 5569.916693 mg/L to 5569.779468 mg/L and 5566.916554 mg/L until 5570.999943 mg/L.
Pengaruh Substitusi Abu Batu (Quarry Dust) Pada Nilai CBR Laboratorium Untuk Stabilitas Subgrade Timbunan Asyifa, Adwiyah; Umam, Syafi’ul
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Quarry dust (dust mine) is a non-plastic materials from the rest of quarry stone crusher machine in range size are  0 - 5 mm. Production of quarry dust in Indonesia is very abundant. A stone crusher in the maximum work can be produced quarry dust up to 4 tons per hour. The use of quarry dust now is still less optimal. Its only used as a filler in the surface layer of pavement. So that , there are more innovation in use of  quarry  dust  to balance between produce and use. One uses the quarry dust  isfor soil stabilization.Soil stabilization is the engineering effort to improve the quality of the soil is not good and improve the quality of the soil that has actually been quite good.In pavement structural design, not all subgrade base having a good CBR value, it was low in CBR rate and it must be replacement, repair or soil stabilization. This  experimental study was conducted  in Soil Mechanics Laboratory Departement Civil Engineering University Technology Yogyakarta. Object research aresoil water content  and soil density to determine the optimum soil water content. This amount water will added in to mixture of stone dust (quarry dust) 0%, 5%, 10%, 15 % and 20% and this variation test will be aging for 48 hours. Results this research indicates that5% quarry dust added to the mixture will gave the optimum CBR amounted to 26.20%. That amount represents an increase of 19.01% from the design CBR native land by 22%.
Karakterisasi Kekuatan Tarik Komposit Hybrid Lamina Serat Anyam Sisal dan Gelas Diperkuat Polyester Yudhanto, Ferriawan; Sudarisman, Sudarisman; Ridlwan, M.
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Hybrid fiber composite is a combination of two or more types of fiber that can be based on the architecture or type of the reinforcement. In this study, smoothly spun agave sisalana and cotton yarn were woven to produce sisal-cotton hybrid fabric . The sisal-cotton hybrid fabric (S) was combined with woven glass fabric (FG) to produce hybrid fiber reinforcing system.  Four variations of hybrid fiber reinforcement, i.e. three layers of woven glass fabric (FG-FG-FG), glass-sisal-glass fabrics (FG-S-FG), sisal-glass-sisal fabrics     (S-FG-S), and three layers of woven sisal-cotton fabric (S-S-S), each embedded in polyester resin were fabricated using cold press mold method. It was expected that the hybrid fiber composite exhibited new properties derived from both types of fiber so that the advantages of each fiber type would appear on the mechanical properties of the hybrid composite systems.  The properties being evaluted were tensile properties and density. The results showed that the highest tensile strength of the hybrid systems (FG-S-FG: 117 MPa) is a combination of those of both types of reinforcement, tend to obey the rule of mixtures, i.e. higher than that of natural fiber composite (S-S-S: 48 MPa) but lower than that of glass fiber composite (FG-FG-FG: 133 MPa). Tensile strain-to-failure was noted being sharply increase from 0.33% for GFRP composit up to above 1.07% by replacing the middle layer of FG reinforcement with S reinforcement. Whilst the density of the S-FG-S hybrid system seems to obey the rule of mixtures, that of the FG-S-FG hybrid system was observed lower than expected. This may due to the resin requires longer time to wetthe fibers so that the air between fibers did not posses enought time to evacuate at the jell time being reached such that producing void leading to lowering the density. 
Perencanaan Struktur Beton Bertulang Tahan Gempa Berlantai 4 (Studi Kasus Gedung Baru Kampus I Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta) Masagala, Algazt Arsyad
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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The new building in campus one of Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta which consists of four floors is analyzed by using Intermediate Moment Resisting Frame (IMRF) to be able to withstand gravity and seismic load. The planning of reinforced concrete structure in this building is aimed to 1) to calculate the gravity and seismic plan load that works for the new building in campus one of Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta, 2) to find the dimension of beam and column that able to withstand the working seismic plan load, 3) to determine the formation of beam and column reinforcement from the analysis result by using Intermediate Moment Resisting Frame (IMRF). The building structure analysis is conducted using SAP 2000 V.11 program. The planning of reinforced concrete structure is assumed as Intermediate Moment Resisting Frame/Structure (IMRF). The planning of beam and column is conducted by using the dimension in the field. The reinforced planning is conducted base on the Assessment Regulation of Reinforced Concrete Structure for Infrastructure with SNI 03-2847-2002. The assessment of static equivalent seismic load is referred to Standards of Earthquake Resistance Planning for Buildings with SNI-03-1727-2002. Based on the analysis by using Intermediate Moment Resisting Frame (IMRF), the planning of reinforced concrete structure including dimension and reinforced formation of beam and column has fulfilled the requirements and save based on field assessment.   
Kuat Tekan Beton Serat Menggunakan Variasi Fibre Optic dan Pecahan Kaca Pratiwi, Sustika; Prayuda, Hakas; Prayuda, Fadillawaty
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Fibre concrete is one of special concretes which developed from normal concrete by adding fibre into concrete mortar. It aims at preventing crack of loading, heat hydrating as well as depreciation and to increase the stress force, bent force, and tensile force. In this research used the fibre optic which is a synthetic fibre obtained from the inside of optic cable. Glass is a material which is easy to find and has an economic value, beside that glass also has excellent resistance of abrasion, weather or chemical attack. This research uses three variations of fibre grade that are 0,1%; 0,15%; 0,2% with the length 10 cm obtained from concrete weight, while glass fracture that used is 20% of sand weight. Average Compressive strength   of fibre addition consecutively 22,43 MPa; 24,31 MPa and 29,63 MPa. Compressive strength increased with the increasing number of fibre.
Studi Kerentanan Bangunan Akibat Gempa : Studi Kasus Perumahan Di Bantul Bawono, Adi Setiabudi
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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One of earthquake mitigation activities is to know the probability of damage to buildings and the estimated loss caused by the earthquake on each typical building in an area. In developed countries attempt to predict the probability of damage to buildings caused by the earthquake have been found. One method used is a method of HAZUS (Hazard United States). In evaluating damage to buildings, one of the methods HAZUS by assessing the probability of damage to each building in an area using Fragility curve. In Indonesia, research on the Fragility Curve is still less. This study is an initial study to develop a Fragility curve which in turn will be compared with the version HAZUS Fragility curve building, so that it can be seen a typical residential buildings in Bantul, near the type of building whether in the United States. This study uses data reference damage to housing caused by the Yogyakarta earthquake May 27, 2006. Studied housing is housing that has the same type of building, which houses tembokan with retrofitting. Map data used mikrozonasi Bantul is a map Pariatmono (2008). The data collected includes data characteristic of houses and damage. House defects studied using media images or interviews with houseowners. To determine the probability of damage using FAHP (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process). Conclusions obtained from this study is that housing in Bantul are studied when compared with the type of building types URML tembokan HAZUS approach (Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Walls)
Analisis Percepatan Waktu Dan Biaya Proyek Konstruksi Dengan Penambahan Jam Kerja (Lembur) Menggunakan Metode Time Cost Trade Off : Studi Kasus Proyek Pembangunan Prasarana Pengendali Banjir Priyo, Mandiyo; Sumanto, Adi
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Time and cost have significanteffect on the success and failure of the projects.Thebenchmark for the success project is usually seen by short finishing time with theminimum cost without leaving the quality.Project management systematically isrequired to ensure the project implementation time in accordance with the contractor even faster so the cost can provide benefits, and also avoid the penalty due todelay in the completion of project. The aim of this research is to calculate thechanges of the cost and (overtime) and to compare the results between the cost ofpenalty cost with the changes after adding the overtime.The secondary dataobtained from the contractor.Data analysis in this research is using MicrosoftProject 2007 program and methods of time cost trade off. The results of theprogram Microsoft Project 2007 is the critical path and the results of the method oftime cost trade off is duration acceleration and cost increases due to the accelerationof the duration in any activities that increased.The results of this study indicate that:(1) From the time cost trade off with the addition of 1 hours of work per dayconducted on first day on critical jobs during the project, obtained the reduction inthe duration of 57 days, from the normal duration of 196 days to 139 days with atotal project cost changes from the normal cost of Rp 16,371,654,833.56 to Rp 16133 .588.292,57 (the difference between the cost of Rp. 238,096,540.99) as well ascausing an increase in the direct cost of Rp 15,469,452,846.76 to Rp15,493,731,373.36 (the difference between the cost of Rp. 24,278,526.60) andindirect costs experienced a decrease of US $ 902,201,986.80 to Rp 639,826,919.21(the difference between the cost of Rp. 262,375,067.59), (2) cost of accelerating theduration of the project with overtime is cheaper than the cost to be incurred ifprojects experienced delays and penalty.
Kajian Pola Operasi Jalur Ganda Kereta Api Muara Enim - Lahat Setiawan M, Dian
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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Muara Enim – Lahat railway double track construction can optimise the passenger and freight transportation in South Sumatera. The objective of this study is to conduct railway double track operation concept analysis in order to obtain full concept of railway operation on this line. The result of this study become so important since it can be used for maintaining the optimisation steps of railway double track operation between Muara Enim – Lahat. This research was conducted by doing field survey and instantional survey to obtain primary and secondary data that is used as basic analysis of Muara Enim – Lahat railway track line operation. The key points included on this railway operation concept analysis are number of train per day, train length, maximum speed, station location, station function, station category, station type and activity, line capacity, and station layout. 
Kajian Kuat Tekan Material Tanah Lempung dan Pasir Berbahan Campur Sampah Plastik Rumah Tangga Maulana, Taufiq Ilham
Semesta Teknika Vol 19, No 1 (2016): MEI 2016
Publisher : Semesta Teknika

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In Indonesia, the waste has become a national issue which must be managed in a comprehensive and integrated from upstream to downstream in order to provide economic benefits, healthy for the community, and safe for the environment, and can change peoples behavior. From various types of waste, plastic is a very dangerous household waste. One effort to reduce dam use plastic waste is to be made as mixing clay and sand to produce material that can be used as building materials. In this research molten plastic waste was mixed with clay and sand with variations of ratio plastic-sand and plastic-clay is 1: 2, 1: 3 and 1: 4. The results revealed that the optimum ratio of plastic-sand mixture is 1: 3 with a compressive strength of 13.5 MPa and the optimum mix of plastic-clay is 1: 2 with a compressive strength of 14.21 MPa. The collapse pattern that occurred in the plastic-sand mixture was shear failure that caused test object splitting, while the plastic-clay mixture is shear failure, but without causing the test object splitting. 

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