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KOMUNITAS Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Komunitas Vol.3 No.2 2013-2014
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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Interpersonal  communication  is  a  communication  process  happened  between  two  or  more  people with  direct  face  to  face.  As  the  most  complete  and  the  most  perfect  communication,  interpersonal communication  is  very  potential  to  influence  or  to  persuade   others   so   that   interpersonal communication   plays   important   role   in  human  life.  This  study  aims  to  know  the  interpersonal communication  on  elder  at BBRSBD  Prof.  DR. R. Soeharso  Surakarta  in students  service.  This study uses  qualitative  methods.  The  primary  data  is  information  about  the  pattern  of  inter-  personal communication between  official  elder  with  students in  BBRSBD  Prof. DR. R. Soeharso Surakarta in student  services.  These  data were collected  throughinterview  method  with  the  elder  supervisors, officials  and  student  BBRSBD Prof.DR.  R. Soeharso Surakarta.  The results shows that official elder in BBRSBD Prof. DR. R.  Soeharso Surakarta provides counseling services to the students trough rehabilitation  guidance and motivation by using interpersonal communication  either verbal or nonverbal  even verbal and non-verbal simultaneously.  Verbal  communication  is a communication  that is done  by  oral  or written.  Particularly,  the  use  of  verbal  communication  in  the  form  of Indonesian language  and  writing,  it  can  be  seen  when  the  elder officer  providing  services  to  students  trough guidance. Non-verbal communication  is communication without using  words  or nonlinguistic.  The  use of  non-verbal  communication  in  BBRSBD Prof.  DR.  R.  Soeharso  Surakarta  is  a  siren  sound  (as mark  in  starting  a  meal),  image  symbol  of  wheelchairs  and  hand  movements  showing  a  certain direction  or command.  Meanwhile,  verbal  and  non-verbal  communication  simultaneously used by elder  in  BBRSBD  Prof.  DR.  R.  Soeharso  Surakarta  is Indonesian language  followed  by  the hand  movement,  for  example  in  serving  students  who are physically disabled and speech impaired at the same time
KOMUNIKASI KELOMPOK DAN KESEJAHTERAAN SOSIAL (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Tentang Komunikasi Kelompok Karang Taruna Mekar Remaja dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Sosial di Dusun Grasak Kismoyoso Boyolali) Djaya, Tika Ristia
KOMUNITAS Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas Vol.2 No.2 2012-2013
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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The objectives of the research are to study about group communication which are conducted by the members of ’’Mekar Remaja’’ youth association and to know about the roles of its members in  improving  social  welfare.  This  research  used  descriptive  and  qualitative  method  to  explain about various phenomena that occur in the field. The location of this research is in Grasak village Kismoyoso Boyolali, the data of this research were  gained by doing interview, observation, and documentation. Sampel of this data are four membersof ’’Mekar Remaja’’ youth association and two people who are not members of this association.The result of analysis which is conducted by the writer are: group communication which are conducted by ’’Mekar Remaja’’ youth association is  two ways communications that are: face to face  communication,  and  communication  through  media (hand  phone  and  invitation)  and conducting regular meeting every 35 days, this event has been effective. Another activities which are  held  by  ’’Mekar  Remaja’’  youth  association  such as:  entrepreneurship,  community  service, ”sinoman”, sport activities, ’’halal bi halal, ’’Idul Adha’’, and held many events to celebrate the independence  day.  Members  of  ’’Mekar  Remaja’’  youth association  can  maintain  the  group communication  which  is  already  effective,  and  improve  the  entrepreneur  activities  and  other positive activities in order to increase the socialwelfare in Grasak village Kismoyoso Boyolali.
KOMUNITAS Vol 1 (2014): Komunintas Vol 1 Num 2
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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People in most cultures would probably agree that politeness is needed during their interaction. However there may be differing opinions as to when they should be polite. In tourism industry, tourism serviceproviders act as host and tourists act as guests. Typically hosts will try to act politely and use appropriate politeness norms when  communicating  with  guests  to  ensure  harmonious communication.  The  research  findings  show  that  thetourism service providers in Central Java use various  unggah-ungguh‘politeness norms’ when serving English speaking tourists and Indonesian speaking tourists.Besides that, there are some violations made by the tourism service  providers  in  using  unggah-ungguh  ‘politeness  norms’.  The  research  findings  also  show that  there  are similar and different perspectives on  unggah-ungguh‘politeness norms’ between English speaking tourists with Western culture background and Indonesian speaking tourists with Indonesian culture backgrounds towards the politeness  norms  used  by  the  tourism  service  providers  in  Central  Java.  The  findings  imply  the  needs  of improving  unggah-ungguh  ‘politeness  norms’  implementation  which  is  discovered  from  well  known  noble Javanese culture used by the tourism service providers when serving tourists. Keywords:politeness norms, harmonious communication, English and Indonesian tourists
KOMUNITAS Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Komunitas Vol.4 No.1 Tahun 2014-2015
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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Perkembangan  teknologi  yang  pesat  mengakibatkan  semakin  banyaknya komunikasi budaya yang terjadi. Namun demikian, terjadinya komunikasi antar budaya menimbulkan  masalah  tersendiri.  Hal  ini  dikarenakan perbedaan  latar  belakang  nilai, norma dan sistem kepercayaan atau agama antara kedua belah pihak yang melakukan komunikasi. Makalah ini berusaha untuk menganalisisbagaimana hambatan komunikasi antarbudaya yang terjadi antara tokoh Anna  yang berasal dari Inggris dan raja Mongkut yang  berasal  dari  Thailand  dengan  menggunakan  film  Anna  and  The  King  sebagai objeknya. Adegan-adegan dalam film tersebut akan dianalisis dengan content analysis. Hasil  analisis  menunjukkan  bahwa  hambatan  komunikasi  antarbudaya  yang  terjadi muncul tak hanya disebabkan karena adanya perbedaannilai (agama dan cara pandang) dan sikap, namun juga karena adanya keinginan untukmempertahankan harga diri.
KOMUNITAS Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Komunitas Vol.3 No.1 2013-2014
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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This  Research  took  the  title  "  Strategy  of  Communication   for  Promo  Water  PDAM TIRTA LAWU Karanganyar Programme in order to Increase Number of  Customers " ( Study of Case of Clean Water Promo PDAM Karanganyar Unit Matesih Programme ) . This research was conducted in the PDAM Karanganyar office . In the  implementation of increasing the number of customers need  strategies  to plan and disseminateinformation with target to society . strategy of  communications  made  to  streamline  the  dissemination  activities  information  by  approaching directly , face to face and also media such as brochures . Strategy  implementation  are  used  to  disseminate  information  directly  to  society  .  this research aims to determine directly the task relationships in the subscription increase the number of customer PDAM TIRTA LAWU Karanganyar . The research method  used  descriptive qualitative  research is research which describes in detail by describing  all  the  problems  associated  with  what is  being  studied  that  is  about  strategy of communications  made  by  the  client  relationships  in  order  to  improve  number  of  customers. After  conducted  the  research  ,  it  can  be  concluded  that  in  the  dissemination of  information  in  order  to  attract  public  interest  required  communication  strategies  for  more streamline  activities  dissemination informations,  as  provide  a more  detailed explanation  of  the easy  in  obtaining  clean  water  by  using  the  services of  PDAM  .  subscription  required  on  the relationship delivery of information to the public  should be clear and easy to understand so that people can understand and not wrong to use the services of one of the PDAM.
UNDERPASS DALAM MANAJEMEN PEMBERITAAN MEDIA (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Tentang Manajemen Pemberitaan Kasus Underpass Makamhaji, Sukoharjo di Media Cetak Harian Umum Solopos dan Media Online Periode 1 Januari- 5 Maret 2013) Nurjanah, Siti; Perwita, Alvika Hening; Herwindya, Sri
KOMUNITAS Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas Vol.2 No.1 2012-2013
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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Solopos is the most existing press media in solo. Established in solo September 19th  1997,in  that  year  solo  was  a  city  that  had  a  bad  reputation  among  press communities..  Right  now  Solopos  was  expanding  its  business  by  creating  new media,it was online version of Solopos, achievement that had been achieved by in the last 6 months (Januari-Juni 2013) was getting the most visitors in solo regional,about 50.000-60000 visitors a day. All of Solopos and  success  because  of  supported  by  good  news  management.  In order  to  see  the  differences  of  news  management  of  Solopos  and, researcher  connected  with  reporting  of  underpass,  planning,  organizing, actuating and controlling. The study was conducted  in order to determine which news management applied in managing the news of Underpass. This research was a qualitative descriptive study. Results  from  press  media  management  research  in  news  management  of Underpass  was  done  in  four  stages,  planning,  organizing,  actuating  and controlling. In Planning was in the same side with Solopos butit was well planned because there was a planning meetings  or editorial meeting every day at 15.00, all things were discussed in the meeting, such as headline proposals, and  the  selection  of what theme would  be  written.  Meeting  was  attended  by  all mediacandidates. Organizing the management reports on print media and online media  had  been  formed  organizational  structure  withits  positions and duties. Actuating in management reporting begunwith the reporting process, reporting  was  done  by  the  same  reporter,  because  the  online  media  of didn’t has it. This reporting was done by doing it right in the field, in Makamhaji  Sukoharjo.  The  news  came  ober  of  the  rules  of  journalism. Controlling  in  management  report  was  done  by  editors  that  thethe  task  was overseeing directly in the field issues (editor Solopos), overseeing incoming and outgoing  news  and  watching  the  news  to  be  published (  editor)  as well as overseeing the content of the news reporterwith editing directly.
Pola Komunikasi Masyarakat Osing di Era Media Serikit, Poundra Swasty Ratu Maharani
KOMUNITAS Vol 1, No 1: Komunintas Vol 1 Num 1
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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As  one  of  traditional  community  in  Indonesia,  Lare  Osing  of  Kemiren Village  is  capable  of  maintaining  their  local  identity  while  welcoming  the ever-improving  modern  technology  and  information.  Their  natural characteristic  is  indicated  by  their  still-existing traditional  social institutions which claim relatively high position in the community. However, the  community  somehow  manages  to  open  themselves  towards  a  more modern and sophisticated form of institution. The objective of this writing is to  describe  the  Communication  Pattern  of  Osing  Community  of  Kemiren Village  of  Glagah  Subsdistrict  of  Banyuwangi  Regency,  East  Java  in  the mass media age.
KOMUNITAS Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Komunitas Vol.3 No.2 2013-2014
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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This  research  based  on  the  author  interest  to  issue  equity  interest.  In  real  life  there  are  many  disability rights are not guaranteed to materialize despite a state regulation. While the role of the mass media or newspapers are still not optimal to voice disabilities equal rights as other citizens according to their needs. Object of this study is the Solopos news about the equality of disabled published during the period January to March 2012. Researched news  are  six  items.  The  research  aims  to  determine  the  framing  of  Solopos  daily  about  disability  equality.   The research use framing analysis method with the analysis of Zhodang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. News that has been  obtained  in  the  data  collection  were  analyzed  by  framing  device  of  Pan  Kosicki  consisting  of  four major structures, namely syntax, script, thematic and rhetorical. Analysis results were then compared with the data results of interviews with the managing editor, desk editorand field reporter. The results showed Solopos view disabilities as an important issue. Disabled people deemed equalrights with other citizens according to their needs. Everything related disabilities equality rights have protrusion certain aspects such as the appearance of the dominant issues of disability  equality  and  equality  assertion  supported  sources  in  Solopos  coverage.
REPRESENTASI KEKERASAN SEKSUAL PADA PEREMPUAN (Studi Analisis Semiotika dalam Film “7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita”) Valerina, Wisti
KOMUNITAS Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Komunitas Vol.2 No.2 2012-2013
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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The globalization implies the existence of an infinite information. Furthermore, the audience themselves  to  be  smart  in  choosing  and  receive  information  on  get  it.  One  of  medium  is  film. Various types of films that update will become a factor in the audience to absorb the information that is in the vicinity. Information about sexual violence on women, for example, will always be a hot topic discussed due to rampant cases of sexual violence involving women as victims. This study aims to determine the sexual assault case that represented in the film “7 Hati 7 Cinta 7 Wanita”. This  case  may  be  existing  in  our  neighbourhood.  This  film  gives  taught  to  women,  especially Indonesian women not to dissolve into the feelings and in the end only be a mere victim. This  research  is  a  qualitative  study  using  semiotic analysis.   Research  shows  that  film  “7 Hati  7  Cinta  7  Wanita”  has  five  elements  of  sexual  violence  on  women  by  the  National Commission  on  Violence  Against  Women  (Komnas  Perempuan)  which  is  probably  the  result representation  of  what  is  around  us.  Five  elements  are:  (1  )  Sexual  Harassment,  (2)  Sexual Torture, (3) Abortion Coercion, (4) Forced Marriage,  and (5) Trafficking  of  Women for  Sexual Purposes. The five elements, perhaps even to the 15elements of sexual violence on women already in the grade by the National Commission for Women are there around us.
Siaran Budaya Sebagai Upaya Melestarikan KebudayaanDaerah Melalui Program Acara di TVRI D.I.Yogyakarta Dewi, Mutia
KOMUNITAS Vol 1 (2014): Komunintas Vol 1 Num 2
Publisher : KOMUNITAS

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Television is one of the mass media which has the power to influence the public through broadcast  programs.  Television  power  be  able  to  change  the  behavior  and  culture  through entertainment  or  violence  program.  Therefore  dominating  entertainment  programs  and  shows violence  on  television,  this  study  wanted  to  see  how  the  efforts  to  be  made  by  TVRI  D.I. Yogyakarta as public broadcasters to preserve localculture through the production of cultural programs by category, as well as supporting factorsand obstacles in an effort preserving local culture through broadcasting programs. The data obtained through interviews, documentation and observation. The results show the percentage ofprograms with cultural themes comprising approximately  14.21%  of  the  pangkur  jenggleng,  obrolan  angkringan,  cangkriman, karangtumaritis, ketoprak, keroncong, and konser jawa.

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