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Tanzil: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran
ISSN : 2460917     EISSN : 25030612     DOI :
Core Subject : Religion,
TANZĪL is a refereed academic journal published by Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Islam (STFI) Sadra in Jakarta. The journal conscientiously aims to provide a scholarly platform for critical and informed articles, particularly in Qur’anic studies. The article arises such issues in the form of literature study, individual research, and critical book review, arise out of classical and contemporary discussions from varied traditions, either Eastern, Western in the hope to contribute the resolution of various It theoretical, methodological, and practical issues in the aforementioned fields.
Articles 5 Documents
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Hermeneutika dalam Tafsir al-Mishbah: Studi Penafsiran Surat Al-Ahzab Ayat 59: STUDI PENAFSIRAN SURAH AL-AḤZĀB AYAT 59 Himmatur Riza; Vika Rachmania Hidayah
Tanzil: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20871/tjsq.v4i2.186


Muhammad Quraish Shihab is one of the scholars and scholars of Indonesian Muslims who pursue the field of interpretation of the Qur'an. His works have contributed to the development of science in Indonesia, especially in the field of the Qur'an. Of his many works, Tafsir Al-Mishbāh: The Message, Impressions and Harmony of the Qur'an is a Masterpiece that makes his name soaring as one of the muffasir Indonesia, which is able to write the interpretation of the Qur'an 30 Juz from volumes 1 to 15. The interpretation in Q.S Al-Aḥzāb verse 59 Quraish Shihab interprets by revealing asbāb al-nuzūl verse, that before this verse came down the way of dressing women either slaves or free women is the same, therefore men with striped noses often interfere with suspecting all such women are slaves. In order to preserve the honor of the free woman, the verse goes down. According to Quraysh Shihab, in addition to differences between the scholars, Q.S Al-Aḥzāb verse 59 does not command women to wear the hijab, on the grounds that the above verses come down as they already wear the hijab, it's just that the way to wear it has not been obeyed as the verse.
Tanzil: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20871/tjsq.v4i2.194


One of the Islamic religious thinkers who has contributed to the contemporary era is Muhammad Syahrur. Syahrur argues that in understanding the verse, it is not always fixed on traditional interpretation. On Q.S Āli ‘Imrān [3]: 14 in interpreting the word nisā’ which according to him, the word if it is interpreted as "adult woman" is not appropriate at this time. This study uses a library research approach and uses a semantic method. Syahrur also uses the term lā tarādduf theory, namely the anti-synonymity theory in which the theory is that one word has several meanings according to the context of the verse. Syahrur pointed out that the position of women is equal to that of men, so that women are not considered as objects of oppression and are equalized with objects.
Tanzil: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20871/tjsq.v4i2.181


The Qur'an is the Kalāmullāh which was revealed by Jibril to the Prophet Muḥammad Saw. as a guide for those who are pious, in understanding it is not enough just to translate. So, in need of special knowledge, namely the science of interpretation. The interpretation of the Qur'an always develops every era, this is proven by the many works of interpretation that have emerged from the classical to the modern period. In addition, the scholars of the Qur'an have different opinions in dividing the periodization of the development of the interpretation of the Qur'an, either in three, four, or six periodizations, like Ḥusein Al-Dhahabī, Fahd Al-Rūmi, Ṣalāh Al-Khālidī, and Rotraud Wieland. For this reason, in this simple paper, it will be specifically explained about the development of the interpretation of the modern period which includes, socio-political and religious conditions, the background of the emergence of renewal, the characteristics of interpretation, sources, methods, styles, systematic interpretation, famous commentators of the modern period, and analysis. the validity of the interpretation in that period.
Kontekstualisasi surat al-Kafiru Kontekstualisasi surat al-Kafirun di tengan pluralisme : (pendekatan ma'na cum maghza) Achmad Soib
Tanzil: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20871/tjsq.v4i2.203


This research aims to discuss the interpretation of Surah Al-Kāfirūn that is contextualized in a pluralistic society. Motivated by increase in cases of conflict in the name of religion caused by intolerance, radicals, even discriminatory and sentimental actions against other groups. This article on the contextualization of Surah Al-Kāfirūn amid in religious pluralism with a ma‘na cum maghzā approach aims to provide an understanding and explanation of moderation in religion, such as: The values of tolerance inter-religious, as well as infidels freedom should be guaranteed, both individually and in groups, to practice in worship or social-religious rites according to their respective beliefs without disturbing and hurting each other, either by word or deed. Through the ma‘na cum maghzā approach, the contextualization of Q.S Al-Kāfirūn provides more explanations to be practiced in a pluralistic society. The author hypothesizes that every claim to the truth of his religion is still needed as a form of affirmation of the identity of his belief, but this is not allowed in the aspect of communication between extra-religious, that inter-religious people can live in harmony and peace. Furthermore, this article tries to formulate the values of tolerance in Q.S Al-Kāfirūn or eliminate religious conflicts in a plural society and radicalism by using the theory of ma‘na cum maghzā.
Kitab Tajwid Nazm Batu Ngompal Tuan Guru Kyai Haji Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid Salim Rahmatullah; Mohd. Shafiee Bin Hamzah
Tanzil: Jurnal Studi Al-Quran Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): April
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20871/tjsq.v4i2.208


Many Scholars in the archipelago have done the teaching of Quranic sciencies, for example tajwid science. One of them is Maulana Sheikh Tuan Guru Kiai Hajj Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid. This charismatic scholar who is from Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat has the book under the title, Nazam Batu Ngompal. However, this book is not as popular as the books of other scholars in Indonesia. Thus, this article tries to describe and see the superior or unique side, and the shortcomings, as a form of popularization in the archipelago. This article is a qualitative article that uses the interview method and literature review in collecting data, which is then analyzed and described. As a result, there are five unique features of Nazam Batu Ngompal: First, the uniqueness of the name, which is different from the Nusantara books in general. Second, it is written in three languages: Arabic, Indonesian, and Sasak. Third, written using Arabic-Jawi or Arabic-Pegon script. Fourth, the dominant language is Indonesian but arranged according to Arudh Science. Fifth, it contains messages about the importance of recitation and learning from the experts. Meanwhile, the drawback is that there is a need for a broad consultation.

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