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Jurnal Matematika
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Jurnal Matematika (p-ISSN: 1693-1394 |e-ISSN: 2655-0016| DOI: 10.24843/JMAT ) is an open access journal which publishes the scientific works for researchers. The articles of this journal are published every six months, that is on June and December.
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Forecasting Monthly Inflation Rate in Denpasar Using Long Short-Term Memory I Wayan Sumarjaya; Made Susilawati
Jurnal Matematika Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2023.v13.i01.p157


One of indicators of economic stability of a country is controlled inflation. In general, inflation provides information about the rise of goods and services in a region within certain period which has strongly related with people’s ability to purchase. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected almost any sectors especially the consumer price in-dex. Bali, as a major tourist destination in Indonesia, has severely affected by the pandemic. Information about future inflation rate plays important role in determining the correct decision regarding economic policy. The aim of this research is to fore-cast inflation rate in Denpasar using deep learning method for time series. Deep learning, a part of machine learning, consists of layers of neurons that are designed to learn complex patterns and is able to make forecasting. In this research we de-ployed a special type of recurrent neural networks called long-short term memory (LSTM) that is suitable for use in time series analysis. We stacked the networks into two, three, and four layers to add capacity and to build deep networks for inflation rate series. A grid search for each layer is conducted to obtain optimal hyperparame-ters setting. We conclude that the optimum architecture for setting for this deep net-work is stacked two LSTM layers. The monthly inflation rate forecasts suggest the in-flation for 2022 fluctuates, but below one percent.
Analisis Sistem Antrean Pelayanan Administrasi Pasien di Klinik dr. Asih Krustiyani, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur Selly Anastassia Amellia Kharis
Jurnal Matematika Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2023.v13.i01.p156


The discussion taken in this research is "How is the queue system for patient administration services at the Dr. Asih Krustiyani clinic in Probolinggo City". The purpose of this research is to determine the patient queue administration service system at dr. Asih Krustiyani Probolinggo. From the results of the calculation of the performance analysis of the queuing system using the Single Change Single Phase (M/M/1) method. On Mondays, the most patients who come, the highest average is at 19.00 - 20.00 WIB, where the average time required for patients to wait the longest in the queue is 0.09 minutes and the shortest time is 20.00 - 21.00 WIB for 0, 04 minutes. The longest time required by the patient on the system is 0.14 minutes, namely at 19.00 – 20.00 WIB and the shortest time is 0.1 minutes, which is at 18.00 – 19.00 WIB. And 0.061 minutes per patient for the longest waiting time in line with a single server.fluctuated with greater amplitude.
Pengaruh Kontrol Optimal Pada Model Penyebaran Penyakit Menggunakan Runge-Kutta Orde 4 M. Nur Haqqul Qomarudin; RR Robby; R Akbarita
Jurnal Matematika Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2023.v13.i01.p158


In the area of mathematics, optimal control is a method for making complex and dynamic decisions. In the applications, this theory has been used to many dynamic issues to develop a system's control strategy. For instance, numerous researchers employ optimum control to determine the best circumstances to control a disease and stop the spread of various diseases. As a result, observations will be made in this study about the comparison of an infectious disease spread dynamic system with and without controls. As of this study, observations are produced by providing control construction on the given model and a number of examples of dynamic system problems (with and without control) . As of this writing, observations are made by first giving control to the model that has been created after delivering a number of examples of dynamic system problems. After that, both models received numerical simulations. Based on the observations collected, it is possible to draw the conclusion that a disease's best control, whether achieved by treatment controls or preventive controls like immunizations, depends on the disease's mode of transmission. The spread of infectious diseases can be effectively controlled utilizing treatment processes and preventative processes, such as immunizations, administered widely within the first three months. By accelerating the healing process for infected people and using immunizations in combination, this control can be accomplished. Keywords: Optimal control, numerical simulation, Dynamical system
Penerapan Metode Zillmer dan Illinois Pada Perhitungan Cadangan Premi Asuransi Jiwa Joint Life Veronica Celine Chandra; I Nyoman Widana; IGN Lanang Wijayakusuma
Jurnal Matematika Vol 13 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Publisher : Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JMAT.2023.v13.i01.p159


Joint life insurance is life insurance whose premium payments end at the first death of one of the insureds. This study aims to calculate the value of premium reserves using the Zillmer and Illinois methods for two insureds with data obtained from PT. Allianz where the insured is 33 and 29 years old with a protection period of 15 years, a premium payment period of 10 years. The Zillmer method uses prospective calculations as a basis for calculations that do not depend on the term of the product used, while the Illinois method is part of the prospective method by limiting costs charged to insurance participants with a limit of 20 years of payment. The results of this study are the value of premiums and premium reserves using the Zillmer and Illinois methods in this study are greater than the value of premiums and premium reserves from PT. Allianz. In the first year, the premium reserve value for the Zillmer method is IDR 80.005.964 while for the Illinois method is IDR 62.902.458 where the reserve value for the following year always increases with the reserve value for the Zillmer method being greater than the Illinois method. The premium reserves for the Zillmer and Illinois methods at the end of the year have the same value as the compensation value of IDR, which means that the insurance company is ready to provide compensation as much as promised to insurance participants.

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