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Analysis Effect Of Management Skills Finance, Budgeting, Accuracy Of Financial Characteristics Of Cooperative City Surakarta Jumingan, Jumingan; Isstianto, Sunarto
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 29 (2013): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Cooperative as a container or agencies that handle economic activity is said to be the cornerstone of the cooperative economy capable of creating wealth and prosperity. The rapid growth of cooperatives can be seen from the economic feasibility of their business, it can be said that a healthy cooperative effort, if the sources of capital that has been used and exploited by its members in accordance with the goals and objectives of the cooperative, and efficient cost control management in order to serve the needs of members effectively.The issues raised in this study about how to manage finances, penyusunanan budget, how close watch timeliness of financial statements and its financial ratios of the characteristic koperasi.Adapun cooperative goal to go into detail in a healthy and cooperative economy is a joint research masyarakat.Kontribusi is to add insight and wisdom cooperative managers, able to take into account their own tax planning, enhance trust a third party. In connection with this study keresponden direct the analysis tools used are: classical assumption test validity, reliability testing, lenier multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing using t-test and F test The findings of this study is lacking in attention to financial management, efficient, effective, quick, and reliable transfaran, ignore the timeliness of financial reporting, lacking in account all aspects of finance and financial ratios related to liability, lack of understanding of the growth and health cooperatives. The advice can be given is this study is the manager or managers should pay attention to guidance from the local cooperatives and related offices, often participate in training/education workshops to broaden the decision-making.
Analisis Keterlibatan Faktor Demografi Pada Niat Menjadi Nasabah Bank Syariah Nurtantiono, Andri
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 29 (2013): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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The study objective was to determine the involvement of factors Age, Gender, Level of Education and Income on the influence of attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on the intention of the business to customers of Islamic banks in Surakarta. The study design used in the design of the survey population SME business in the city of Surakarta with a sample of 100 businesses. Of the four demographic variables are Age, Gender, Education and Income, Education Levels only a moderate influence of Attitude, Subjective norms and perceived behavioral control to the customers intention to Islamic banks. Education has an individual doing a lot more consideration, in which 1) the intent to influence customer attitudes will be stronger when business people are more educated than when businesses less educated, 2) Subjective norms influence a customers intentions will be stronger when businesses less educated than when businesses are more educated and 3) the effect of perceived behavioral control on the intention to clients will be stronger when business people less educated than when businesses better educated.
Peran Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Luas Pengungkapan tanggung Jawab sosial Perusahaan (CSR) Kholis, Nur
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 29 (2013): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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The annual report is one of the sources of information in order to get overview of the companys performance. This information is provided by the management company to the shareholder. Management performance has impact on the liquidity and volatility of stock prices, which form the basis by investors in making the investment.Disclosure of environmental performance, social, and economic development in the annual report is to reflect the level of accountability, responsibility, and corporate transparency to investors and other stakeholdersThe fact the issue of Corporate Social Responsibility of the company in Indonesia and the contradictory results of previous studies on the relationship of CSR and corporate performance as well as the variation of the problem raises the question of "Is Financial performance Impact Of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure?"
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Penggunaan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Pada Ukm (Studi Empiris Pada UKM di Kabupaten Karanganyar) Rosita, Rosita
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 29 (2013): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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This study aims to determine the factors that influence SMEs in Karanganyar using accounting information system that consists of performance expectations , expectations of the business and social factors . The primary data used in this fieldwork by direct interviews using questionnaires to the respondents , the owner of Small and Medium Enterprises in Karanganyar respects to the study variables.The Analysis is using the validity and reliability testing of the questionnaire used in this study . Data was analyzed using partial regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis . To test the hypothesis would be to use the test with the t test and F test As for the large measure explains the ability of the independent variables on the dependent variable in a regression model to be used will be measured coefficient of determination.The results obtained in this study with the “t” test is that the expectation of performance and social factors influence positively and significantly partially on the use of AIS on SMEs in Karanganyar . For business expectations factor has no effect on the use of AIS on SMEs in Karanganyar . The test results together (synchronously) is through the F test can be concluded that the variables are jointly performance expectations , expectations of the business and social factors influence the use of AIS on SMEs in Karanganyar . By determination tests it can be concluded that the performance variable Hope , Hope Enterprises and Social factors have an influence on the use of AIS 48 % , while the rest (52%) are influenced by variables other than those used in the study
Analisa Pengaruh Pengumuman Merger Dan Akuisisi Terhadap Abnormal Return Saham Bank Umum Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Rusnanda, Eliya Wahyu; Pardi, Pardi
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 29 (2013): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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Free trade business competition is getting tougher . Free trade also have an impact on the national banking industry competition . Free trade has given rise to specialization, efficiency and technology transfer . At this level commercial banks must always develop innovations and business strategies in order to survive and even thrive in a climate of intense competition . The merger is one of the solutions in the banking industry for both the existence and expansion . With mergers and acquisitions are expected to stronger capital structure , the transfer of technology , increasing skills , Human Resources more professional , effective and reach more market share and extensive network . The purpose of the study were: 1 ) To investigate the effect of differences in abnormal returns before and after the announcement of the merger and acquisition of commercial banks as akuisitor ; 2 ) To determine the effect of the level of merger and acquisition announcements stock commercial bank to commercial banks as an abnormal return akuisitor.          This study is quantitative . The population in this study is the data publicly traded banking company listed on the Stock Exchange are doing a merger or acquisition . The sample used is the data of the merged banking company or an acquirer who has gone public and announced the companys mergers and acquisitions in the year 2006-2010 with a total sampling technique . The data used in this study is secondary data . Data analysis methods used in the study are : Normality Test methods Liliefors of kolmogrov - Smirnov test hypotheses and paired sample t - test ( if normal data ) or wilxocon signed rank test (if the data is not normal).          Results of the study : 1 ) The influence increase in the value of the average abnormal return is received from the investor becomes -0.005500 -0.012471 ; 2 ) Hypothesis test results showed that there was no difference in the average abnormal return is significant before and after the merger announcement indicated above 0.05 to be exact significance value 0.469.
Pengaruh Kompensasi, Pelatihan, Dan Peran Supervisor Terhadap Kinerja Yang Dimediasi Oleh Kepuasan Kerja Pada Karyawan Paguyuban Batik Laweyan Surakarta Mutmainah, Hestin
Graduasi: Jurnal Bisnis & Ekonomi Vol 29 (2013): Maret
Publisher : STIE Surakarta

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This research has the aim to testing corelation among variables to reality faced are the poor performance of employees Batik Club at Laweyan, Surakarta. The population is all of ceaftman of batik club at Laweyan Surakarta. The samples amount take with forecasting interval, and use the purposive sampling method to take the samples. The result of this research show thah compensation and training variables have not significance (P > 0,05) influence to job satisfaction and also have no significance influence to employee performance. But the supervisor role variable has the significance (P < 0,05) influence both to the job satisfaction and also to employee performance  Batik Club at Laweyan, Surakarta.  And than, based on the result of mediating test show that job satisfaction variable in reality mediates the correlation between compensation, training, and supervisor reole with the employee performance.

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