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Jurnal Informatika Upgris
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Journal of Informatics UPGRIS published since June 2015 with frequency 2 (two) times a year, ie in June and December. The editors receive scientific writings from lecturers, teachers and educational observers about the results of research, scientific studies and analysis and problem solving closely related to the field of Information Technology and Communications / Informatics.
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Search results for , issue "Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)" : 18 Documents clear
Penerapan Teknologi Mobile untuk Request Nomor Antrian Pasien pada Praktek Dokter Spesialis dan Dokter Umum Ifriandi Labolo; Fitriyanti Suleman
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i2.3129


Kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan menjadi salah satu komponen yang utama [1]. Peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan yang baik seharusnya tidak berhenti sampai pada pembanguan infrastruktur yang baik, atau hanya sampai pada pemeriksaan atau diganosis dokter terhadap pasiennya, akan tetapi pelayan kesehatan yang baik juga terletak pada tentang bagaimana cara yang harus dilakukan agar masyarakat mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan dengan mudah. Kasus tidak efektifnya pelayan kesehatan banyak terjadi di masyarakat, mulai dari lambatnya pelayanan rumah sakit, mal praktek, sampai pada masalah yang paling banyak di temukan dan sering terjadi yaitu proses antrian yang harus dilakukan oleh calon pasien yang akan berobat ke dokter umum atau spesialis. Proses antrian yang panjang dan ditambah lagi di tempat praktek tersebut tidak disediakan tempat menunggu yang nyaman ini merupakan permasalahan umum yang sering dialami pada saat kita akan pergi berobat baik ke dokter umum maupun dokter spesialis.Penelitian ini mengusulkan model pengambilan nomor antrian pada klinik /tempat praktek dokter umum dan dokter spesialis dengan menerapkan teknologi mobile dan web service. Secara umum model yang diusulkan sama dengan model yang sudah berjalan saat ini, yaitu untuk berobat pasien harus mengambil nomor antrian terlebih dahulu, akan tetapi proses pengambilan nomor antrian yang mengharuskan pasien datang langsung ke klinik/ tempat praktek dokter umum dan spesialis akan diubah menjadi pelayanan pengambilan/ request nomor antrian menggunakan smarphoneandroid.
Algoritma Naïve Bayes Untuk Memprediksi Kredit Macet Pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Diah Puspitasari; Syifa Sintia Al Khautsar; Wida Prima Mustika
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i2.2919


Cooperatives are a forum that can help people, especially small and medium-sized communities. Cooperatives play an important role in the economic growth of the community such as the price of basic commodities which are relatively cheap and there are also cooperatives that offer borrowing and storing money for the community. Constraints that have been felt by this cooperative are that borrowers find it difficult to repay loan installments, causing bad credit. Because the cooperative in conducting credit analysis is carried out in a personal manner, namely by filling out the loan application form along with the requirements and conducting a field survey. Therefore there is a need for an evaluation to be carried out in lending to borrowers. To minimize these problems, it is necessary to detect customer criteria that are used to predict bad loans and to determine whether or not the elites are eligible to take credit using data mining. The data mining technique used is classification with the Naive Bayes method. Based on testing the accuracy of the resulting model obtained accuracy level of 59%, sensitivity (True Positive Rate (TP Rate) or Recall) of 46.80%, specificity (False Negative Rate (FN Rate or Precision) of 69.81%, Positive Predictive Value (PPV) of 57.89%, and Negative Predictive Value (NPV) of 59.67%.
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i2.2366


Detection of object tracking is an important part of object recognition analysis. In object tracking applications, object detection is the first step of video surveillance, where accurate object detection becomes important and difficult because there are still problems that arise like the shadow of the detected object (false detection). To overcome this many object tracking applications are constantly being developed to produce accurate object detection. In this case the clustering method is one of the methods that are considered efficient and able to provide segmentation results in the image better and adaptive to changes in the environment and instantaneous changes quickly. So this research proposes the development of the object-oriented FCM method of object segmentation to obtain accurate object detection results. For the development of FCM method this research will be done by using distance approach. The distance approach used is cambera, chebychef, mahattan, minkowski, and Euclidean to get accurate results.
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i2.2840


Abstack: Data stored in storage media is often lost or opened by certain parties who are not responsible, so that it is very detrimental to the owner of the data, it is necessary to secure data so that the data can be locked so that it cannot be opened by irresponsible parties. The RC5 and RC6 algorithms are digestive massage algorithms or sometimes also known as the hash function which is an algorithm whose input is a message whose length is not certain, and produces an output message digest from its input message with exactly 128 bits in length. RC6 password is a protection for the user in securing data on a PC or computer. Based on the results of the conclusions taken: For the experiments carried out on the RC5 algorithm the execution time for the generation of keys (set-up key) is very fast, which is about 9-10 ns, a trial carried out on the RC6 algorithm execution time for the key generator (set up key ) faster than 10-11 ns. In the encryption and decryption process, the execution time depends on the size or size of the plaintext file. The larger the size of the plaintext file, the longer the execution time.Abstrak : Data yang tersimpan dalam media penyimpanan sering hilang atau dibuka oleh pihak-pihak tertentu yang tidak bertanggung jawab, sehinga merugikan sekali bagi pemilik data tersebut, untuk itu diperlukan suatu pengamanan data agar data tersebut dapat terkunci sehingga tidak dapat dibuka oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab.. Algoritma RC5 dan RC6 merupakan algoritma massage digest atau kadang juga dikenal dengan hash function yaitu suatu algoritma yang inputnya berupa sebuah pesan yang panjangnya tidak tertentu, dan menghasilkan keluaran sebuah message digest dari pesan inputnya dengan panjang tepat 128 bit. Password RC6 merupakan salah satu perlindungan kepada user dalam pengamanan data yang berada dalam sebuah Pc atau computer. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian diambil kesimpulan : Untuk uji coba yang dilakukan pada algoritma RC5 waktu eksekusi untuk pembangkitan kunci  (set up key) sangat cepat sekali yaitu sekitar  9-10 ns, uji coba yang dilakukan pada algoritma RC6 waktu eksekusi untuk pembangkit kunci (set up key) lebih cepat sekali yaitu 10-11 ns, Pada proses enkripsi dan dekripsi, waktu eksekusi tergantung dari besar atau kecilnya ukuran file plaintext.s emakin besar ukuran file plaintext maka semakin lama waktu eksekusinya.
Penerapan Algoritma Backpropagation dalam Memprediksi Persentase Penduduk Buta Huruf di Indonesia Imelda Asih Rohani Simbolon; Fikri Yatussa’ada; Anjar Wanto
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i2.2423


Illiteracy is one of the most serious issues in Indonesia. The government's ignorance of illiterate people makes the illiteracy rate quite high. It should be one of the government's targets for reducing illiteracy in order to reduce the number of illiterate people. Illiteracy rate in Indonesia itself has reached 34.55% in Papua province. One way to suppress illiteracy rate in Indonesia is by predicting illiterate figures for subsequent years. The data to be predicted is the data of illiterate figures of each province in Indonesia which is sourced from the Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics from 2011 to 2017. The method used in the prediction is Backpropagation Neural Network. Data analysis was done with the help of matlab software R2011b (7.13). This study uses 5 architectures, 4-5-1, 4-6-1, 4-9-1, 4-14-1 and 4-18-1. From these 5 models the best network architecture is 4-14-1 with 91% accuracy and Mean Squared Error 0,00274166.
Penerapan Midtrans sebagai Sistem Verifikasi Pembayaran pada Website iPanda Erick Febriyanto; Untung Rahardja; niko alnabawi
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i2.2923


E-commerce erat kaitannya dengan pembelian dan pembayaran yang mudah serta praktis. Pada website penjualan hosting dan domain iPanda, pembayaran adalah hal yang sangat penting dalam menunjang kegiatan transaksi penjualan hosting serta domain. Terdapat 2 (dua) permasalahan dalam penelitian ini diantaranya transaksi yang berjalan saat ini masih menggunakan uang tunai atau konvensional serta laporan yang belum terdata dengan baik. Namun, sistem pembayaran pada iPanda yang berjalan pada Perguruan Tinggi tidak mudah dan fleksibel, selain itu untuk pendataan transaksi masih semi komputerisasi. Sehingga cara ini tidak efisien karena menyulitkan pembeli dalam melakukan pembayaran serta pendataan pembelian dapat tidak sesuai. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah tersebut, peneliti menggunakan payment gateway Midtrans. Dengan menggunakan metode SWOT, penelitian payment gateway pada e-commerce dan 5 (lima) studi pustaka peneliti dapat mengatasi persoalan tersebut. Peneliti mengharapkan dari penelitian tersebut dengan adanya sistem pembayaran dengan payment gateway berbasis Midtrans bagi website penjualan hosting dan domain iPanda dapat menjadikan sistem pembayaran yang lebih mudah, efisien dan terdokumentasikan dengan baik. Serta kemudahan bagi mahasiswa, dosen dan pihak lain dalam melakukan proses transaksi hosting dan domain.
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i2.2770


ABSTRACTMadrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS) is a level of basic education in formal education in Indonesia which is held within 3 years. School students or madrasah students are generally 13-15 years old. Madrasah schools are a transition period from childhood to the world of adolescence. The period of MTS is a critical period for student education because at this time the transition from childhood. At present education is very much influenced by technological developments that provide a variety of conveniences so that it influences students' thinking, so schools must start working hard and pay attention to the education programs and methods used in transferring knowledge from teaching staff to students. The use of electronic circuits allows learning to be carried out in one place or in different places through distance learning. E-learning can be carried out anytime anywhere, but e-learning still has drawbacks, which requires users to deal with electronic equipment that is not flexible to move places. Mobile phones today are not only used as communication tools but can be used in finding information. One of the current operating systems that can access information very quickly and most in demand by the public today is Android. Android is an open source-based system that allows sources code (source code) on android to be read by development to customize various application features according to their usage needs. Mobile learning can be used as an alternative to solving problems in the field of education, especially the problem of equitable access to educational information, the quality of learning content in the form of learning material in the form of text or images accompanied by examples of teacher improvement questions to make or deliver learning materials and managing teaching andlearningactivities. Keywords: Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTS), E-learning, Mobile learning, Android 
Penerapan Central Event Information Untuk Mencetak Sertifikat dan Verifikasi Dengan QR Code Menggunakan Global Extreme Programming Untung Rahardja; Erick Febriyanto2; Much Alvin Aldiya
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i2.2843


A certificate is a document stating that someone has fulfilled certain requirements and can practice in a field. The certificate verification procedure in universities is still a lot done manually and sometimes does not verify the certificate. This results in many fake certificates. To overcome this problem, a website is created that utilizes the QR Code with the aim of quickly accessing data verification of a certificate. With QR Code scanning technology, paper-based document fraud can be easily carried out without high costs. Therefore, the design of information systems or the creation of web-based applications is a solution to provide convenience to users in the process of data processing, data retrieval to report generation. In making this application the author uses the Agile Software Development model with the Global Extreme Programming process model. While the tools used are UML (Unified Modeling Language) and ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram).
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i2.2645


Abstrak -Pembelajaran mata kuliah Sistem Digital di Jurusan Teknik Informatika Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta sampai akhir semester ganjil 2017/2018 lalu masih menunjukan nilai yang kurang memuaskan dari setiap mahasiswa. Penyebab hal tersebut adalah kuranganya pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap matakuliah Sistem Digital yang masih bersifat konvensional, yaitu dengan menggunakan buku dengan metode ceramah, khususnya pada materi teori Rangkaian Kombinasional. Untuk itu diperlukan cara yang dapat membantu dalam mengurangi kendala tersebut, salah satu cara yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan simulasi rangkaian kombinasional sebagai media pembelajaran, sehingga membuat materi yang sudah ada dapat menjadi lebih interaktif dan menambah ketertarikan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran. Pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana mewujudkan media pembelajaran simulasi rangkaian kombinasional berbasis kolaburasi multimedia simulator dan pemrograman Delphi, sehingga media pembelajaran ini diharapkan dapat membantu mahasiswa dalam memahami materi, cara kerja maupun karakteristik dari Rangkaian Kombinasional dan membantu dosen dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran terhadap mahasiswa. Kata kunci: Simulasi, Rangkaian kombinasional, Media pembelajaran, Sistem Digital,  Multimedia Simulator, Delphi 
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 2: Desember (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i2.2908


Several house constructions do not often follow certain old patterns in its creation. Additionally, the owners have their willingness and dream in the houses that would be classified into various types of building by an architect. This condition raised a problem in which it complicated the owners to have a preliminary consultation with architect regarding recommendation of type and house specification based on budget and land area. In Gorontalo, architect services are mostly used to build a house in a housing area, particularly those who are in the middle to the upper level. In some cases, the owner should come consulting with the architect directly. The research aimed to apply forward chaining method as a recommendation of residence type for the owner. The system development method applied waterfall method. The research finding was Expert System of Housing Type through an application of forward chaining method functioned by using PHP programming language and MySQL storage as well as the application that is equipped by knowledge as experts’ that can recommend the appropriate type and specification design based on willingness and necessity of owner. The aspect of house type determination is based on land size where the house to be constructed and aspect of house specification determination is seen from material selection and use

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