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JURNAL TAMALANREA : Media Inspirasi Karya Mahasiswa
Published by Universitas Hasanuddin
ISSN : 25797859     EISSN : 25797867     DOI : -
HSJ menerima publikasi berupa naskah penelitian, review artikel, dan editorial dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Artikel yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal ini sebaiknya masuk dalam lingkup jurnal diantaranya kesehatan, pangan, dan gizi; seni, budaya, dan industri kreatif; perubahan iklim, keragaman hayati, dan pengelolaan bencana; teknologi informasi, komunikasi, dan teknologi manufaktur; otonomi daerah, pengentasan kemiskinan, dan sosial kemasyarakatan; ketersediaan energi, energi baru, dan terbarukan. Jurnal akan dipublikasikan dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu bulan Juni dan Desember.
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Articles 30 Documents
Inovasi Teknologi Generator Listrik Independen sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik Terbarukan dan Penggunaan Lampu Light Emition Diode (LED) pada Bagan Perahu Risal Anto Aprianto
Hasanuddin Student Journal VOLUME 2 NOMOR 1, JUNI 2018
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

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ABSTRACT: Canoe bagan is one of the lift net were operated on shore or coastal waters at night by using light as a means of towing the fish. Generally chart in South Sulawesi operated using a generator to provide energy. Operation bagan by using genset or generator sets will increase spending, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the fishing gear. The purpose of this research is to create a source of electrical energy environmental friendly renewable canoe bagan and actually can be adapted into afield capture of light fishing and to boost the productivity and income of fishing communities especially fishing canoe bagan. The research method is the stage design, the machine frame, shaft fly whell, and manufacture a series of LED lights. The results showed independent power generator can’t function as expected because of the electrical energy generated can’t be used to rotate the electro motors as prime movers of independent power generator. Voltage generated by the generator 122 volts necessary to add the inverter so as to produce a voltage 220.
Sensitivitas dan Spesifisitas Teknik Palpasi dalam Mendeteksi Angiopati pada Pasien DM Tipe II dengan Luka dan Tanpa Luka Irna Satriani; Saldy Yusuf; Kusrini Kadar
Hasanuddin Student Journal VOLUME 1 NOMOR 2, DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

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Salah satu komplikasi DM adalah terjadinya luka kaki diabetes (LKD) disebabkan oleh neuropati dan angiopati yang mengakibatkan kerusakan pembuluh darah. Pemeriksaan untuk mendeteksi dilakukan menggunakan Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) yang diukur menggunakan alat Doppler. Pemeriksaan alternatif mendeteksi angiopati adalah tekhnik palpasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Cross Sectional, melibatkan grup LKD dan Non LKD. Tekhnik penentuan sampel menggunakan Accidental Sampling, dilaksanakan di RS Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi akurasi tekhnik palpasi nadi Dorsalis Pedis (DP) dan Posterior Tibialis (PT) terhadap auskultasi Doppler ABI DM tipe II dengan luka dan tanpa luka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Cross Sectional, melibatkan grup LKD dan Non LKD. Tekhnik penentuan sampel menggunakan Accidental Sampling, dilaksanakan di RS Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. Tingkat sensitivitas dan spesifisitas Doppler ABI dan palpasi nadi Dorsalis Pedis dan Posterior Tibialis sangat baik, dengan demikian alternatif untuk pemeriksaan angiopati dapat dilakukan dengan menggunaan palpasi nadi dorsalis pedis dan posterior tibialis.
Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Kitosan dari Limbah Sisik Ikan Bandeng di Selat Makassar pada Pembuatan Bioplastik Ramah Lingkungan Muhammad Fikri Bill Gufran; Nasruddin Aziz; William Pitoyo; Suhandi Suhandi
Hasanuddin Student Journal VOLUME 1 NOMOR 1, JUNI 2017
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

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Makassar Strait as an area of marine waters located on the west coast of South Sulawesi that has the potential of milkfish resources with considerable production. The production of milkfish is quite high and almost covers all provinces in Indonesia. Total milkfish production in 2014 reached 631,125 tons Or 14.74 percent of the total production of aquaculture fish. Its large potential is directly proportional to the quantity of waste- fish scales produced. Utilization of chitosan in waste- fish scales become bioplastics for the manufacture of environmentally friendly disposable cutlery is expected to be a smart solution in an effort to reduce the impact of contamination of waste- fish scales. Chitin content on the scales is isolated by demineralization and deproteination treatment. This study used waste scales from milkfish (Chanoschanos). Chitin is then produced through deacetylation treatment to produce chitosan compounds. A number of chitosan are dissolved in acetic acid then mixed with sorbitol to produce a bioplastics solution which can then be molded and dried to produce bioplastics. This study varied between commercial chitosan and chitosan fish scales with a certain ratio.Keywords: Bioplastics, Milkfish, Chitosan
Hasanuddin Student Journal VOLUME 2 NOMOR 1, JUNI 2018
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

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Acid  mine drainage is one of the dangerous  wastes produced by mining activities because it contains sulfuric acid and heavy metals of high grade. This study aims to determine the influence of mangrove sediments in reducing heavy metals, increasing pH, reducing levels of sulphate and increasing the number of microbes. The results showed that the distribution of mangrove sediments in the treatment of P1, P2 and P3 on AMD could increase the pH of AMD successively from 2,22, 2,14 and 2,16 to 7,21,7,22 and 7,13 after 30 day. Mangrove sediment was also able to reduce sulphate concentration from sulphate concentration at AMD within 30 days from level of 383,25 ppm, 408,34 ppm and 405,15 ppm to 225,51 ppm, 181,34 ppm and 211 , 32 ppm. Mangrove sediment was able to decrease Pb, Cu, Fe metal content on the first day as much 1.5493 ppm, 1.87 ppm and 2.20 ppm to 0 ppm, 0.0431 ppm and 1.2231 ppm. The study also showed that the amount of microbes in the sediments continued to increase on the 30th day 1.2 x 1012 CFU / mL, 1.9 x 1012 CFU / mL and 4.6 x 1010 CFU / mL.
The Effects of Avocado Extract (Persea americana mill), Papaya Seed (Carica papaya l.), and Celery (Apigium graveolens l.) Combination on The Skin and Hair of Mice (Rattus novergicus) Khaeriah Amru; Itzar Chaidir Islam; Andi Radiah Permatasari
Hasanuddin Student Journal VOLUME 2 NOMOR 1, JUNI 2018
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

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Aging is a physiological process that causes changes in various body structures. One of them is hair follicle depigmentation that occurs due to the inability of the body to produce a substance that is melanin. By modern society, this is overcome by the development of hair synthetic dyes which are believed to be mutagenic and carcinogenic. Therefore, research from a combination of papaya seed extract, celery leaf and avocado fruit aims to produce natural hair dye which is also expected to give a good influence on the surrounding cells. This study used a true experimental design in vivo, using 4 treatment groups. The control group (P0) was only applied aquades, the treatment group1 (P1) was applied with a combination of extract with a concentration of 0.1%, the treatment group 2 (P2) was applied with a combination of 1% extract and the treatment group 3 (P3) smeared with a 10% extract combination. The preparation of a combination of extracts was done by maceration method. The results obtained from this study there are 3, namely (1) obtained changes in the color of animal hair try varying from dark brown to dark-brown depending on the concentration of substances given. (2) found the growth of hair follicles but not with melanin-producing cells of melanocytes. (3) the discovery of hyperkeratosis and hypergranulosis in tissue epidermis experimental animals due to regeneration of epithelial cells that continue to divide. From these results obtained the conclusion that the combination of three nutritious extracts to grow hair follicles and as a natural hair dye
Desain Robot Observasi Karang Autonomous dengan Sistem Artificial Intelligence Jamaluddin Jamaluddin; Andi Khairil Fajri Rustam; Ahmad Sahwawi; Anggriani Sultan; Dwiki Timur Pratama; Ais Prayogi Alimuddin
Hasanuddin Student Journal VOLUME 1 NOMOR 2, DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

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Kondisi perairan laut dengan kedalaman tertentu tidaklah mudah dipahami secara menyeluruh jika hanya mengandalkan kemampuan manusia tanpa didukung fasilitas pendukung lainnya seperti ketersediaan peralatan dan teknologi yang memadai. Ada beberapa faktor penyebab keterbatasan manusia untuk menyelami laut dalam di antaranya adalah bertambahnya tekanan setiap 10 meter sebesar 1 atmosfer, sehingga semakin dalam perairan maka semakin tinggi pula tekanan yang tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan fisik manusia. Dalam pengoperasiannya, alat ini sepenuhnya dikontrol secara otomatis dengan menggunakan sistem artificial inteligence (kecerdasan buatan) melalui unit microcontroller dan beberapa perangkat lainnya yang hasilnya dapat dilihat di berbagai perangkat seperti komputer dan laptop. Suplai daya dari produk ini bersumber dari energi surya yang akan menyediakan energi listrik secara gratis dan ramah lingkungan. Hasil dari inovasi ini akan membantu para peneliti dalam melakukan observasi dan eksplorasi bawah laut, khususnya terumbu karang dengan cara mendeteksi secara cepat dan akurat data berbagai jenis terumbu karang dan kerusakannya jika ada sehingga penanggulangan dapat segera dilakukan.
Teknologi Formulasi Rhizobakteria Berbasis Bahan Lokal dalam Menunjang Bioindustri Pertanian Berkelanjutan Ashifa Cahyani; Muh. Ichsan Putrayani; Hasrullah Hasrullah; Muh. Ersyan; Tita Aulia S.; Abdul Mollah Jaya
Hasanuddin Student Journal VOLUME 1 NOMOR 1, JUNI 2017
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

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Food as the main of human needs. So, all the sectors that could suppport the advance of plant productivity should be concerned, such as by using the right applied methods. Plant productivity could be increased by fixing their physicology responses to spur plant growth. The using of chemical substances to spur the plant growth have to be switched by using biofertilizer as an alternative through formulation technology of Rhizobacteria based on local materials to support agricultural bioindutry. In the root there are beneficials bacteria which are involved in Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) that could increase the ability of root to absorb soil nutrient and plant hormones synthesis naturally. Endophytics bacteria are founded in the certain of plants root could be isolated and manipulated into biofertilizer product. Generally there are 3 steps in the making process of PGPR : starter making, nutrient making, and fermentation. In this reasearch the endophytics bacteria are isolated from leguminosae root which has a symbiotic with Rhizobium sp.,  maize (Zea mays sp.) root and bamboo (Bambusa sp.) root which has a symbiotic with Bacillus sp. dan Pseudomonas sp. PGPR utilizes microbacteria as a biological agens that could keep the availability of soil nutrients and increase quality and healthy of soil (soil remediator). In addition of the microbacteria function are : to produce antibiotics, patogen competitor, and to produce plant growth hormone which support plant physicological process.Keywords: Endophytic Bacteria, Biofertilizer, Food, PGPR, Rhizobacteria
Hasanuddin Student Journal VOLUME 2 NOMOR 1, JUNI 2018
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

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AbstrakKebutuhan energi masyarakat di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat (Sulbar) masih belum tercukupi. Sebanyak 45,49 persen atau 138.759 dari 305 ribu Kepala Keluarga (KK) yang belum menikmati listrik. Pemenuhan energi listrik sebagian besar hanya menjangkau permukiman di perkotaan, sementara wilayah pelosok atau pedesaan masih banyak yang belum teraliri listrik. Provinsi Sulawesi Barat sesungguhnya memiliki potensi sumber energi terbarukan seperti mikrohidro dalam jumlah besar karena memiliki bentang alam pegunungan, yang berimplikasi kepada terbentuknya Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS). DAS Bonehau yang terletak di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat sangat cocok dikembangkan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro (PLTMH). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui potensi tenaga listrik mikrohidro dan mengidentifikasi pengaruh penerapan pola ruang terhadap debit air pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Bonehau. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan model Soil and Water Assestment Tools (SWAT) dan perhitungan daya hidraulik. Parameter yang digunakan yaitu Jenis Tanah, Penutupan Lahan, Kelerengan, dan Data Iklim. Variabel tersebut akan melalui proses hingga mengeluarkan data debit air. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada DAS Bonehau terdapat 28 Sub DAS yang berpotensi untuk pengembangan mikrohidro dari 61 Sub DAS. Penerapan rencana pola ruang meningkatkan jumlah Sub DAS yang berpotensi. Debit minimum yang dihasilkan menggunakan rencana pola ruang 0,36 m3/s, sedangkan debit minimum penutupan lahan yaitu 0,35 m3/s.Kata kunci: DAS Bonehau; mikrohidro; pola ruang; Soil and Water Assessment Tool 
Pengaruh Game Online Terhadap Tingkat Agresivitas Anak-anak dan Remaja di Kota Makassar (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Tallo) Hafizha Fasya; Satriawan Yasin; Alfiana Hafid; Ayu Friska Amelia
Hasanuddin Student Journal VOLUME 1 NOMOR 2, DESEMBER 2017
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intensitas bermain game online terhadap agresivitas oleh anak-anak dan remaja. Penelitian ini merupakan representative dari hasil penelitian sebelummnya terkait pengaruh game online terhadap tingkat kekerasan oleh anak-anak dan remaja di Kota Makassar. Sampel penelitian ini adalah anak-anak dan remaja yang bermain game online sebanyak 160 responden. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan skala agresivitas oleh Buss dan Perry (1992) yang terdiri dari 4 subskala yaitu agresivitas fisik, agresivitas verbal, kemarahan dan permusuhan dengan menggunakan model skala Likert. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square dengan bantuan program Statistical Package for Social Sciennces (SPSS) 24 for Windows. Nilai yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis Chi-Square pada tabel Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) sebesar 0,000, lebih kecil dari nilai 0,05 yang berarti bahwa durasi bermain game online berpengaruh terhadap agresivitas anak-anak dan remaja.
Check Up Diabetic Foot, Deteksi Dini Risiko Luka Kaki Diabetes Pada Pasien Diabetes Mellitus di Makassar: Uji Sensitifitas dan Spesifisitas Kasma Yuliani; Sulaeha Sulaeha; Sarina Sukri; Saldy Yusuf
Hasanuddin Student Journal VOLUME 1 NOMOR 1, JUNI 2017
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

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The first step to detect the further risk of foot ulcer in diabetic patients is checking the diabetic food by using the Doppler Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and monofilament test. However, these tools are not available yet in Indonesia. Therefore, it is needed the alternative of Doppler ABI and monofilament test. This study aims to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of Ipswich test and palpation of the Dorsal Pedal and Posterior Tibial pulses. The current study was observational by using cross-sectional design and quantitative approach. The data collection is conducted through direct observation and questionnaire. In addition, the data analyses done are a description of the data while data interpretation based on the result of sensitivity and specificity test. The result showed that from four Community Health Center (Puskesmas) namely, Puskesmas Mangasa, Puskesmas Antang, Puskesmas Sudiang, and Puskesmas Jumpandang Baru, the sensitivity of Ipswich Touch Test (IpTT) to Monofilament Test ranged from 72.7% to 100%. In addition, the specificity test of IpTT to Monofilament Test was 33.3% to 100%. Meanwhile, the result of palpation of the Dorsal Pedal and Posterior Tibial pulses compared to Doppler ABI results 100% in sensitivity but the specificity was not available. This study shows that checkup with diabetic foot alternatively can be used to detect the risk of foot ulcer which simple, practice, and without special competency in usage.Keywords: checkup diabetic foot, Ipswich touch test, palpation, diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot ulcer

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