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Bumi Lestari
Published by Universitas Udayana
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Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment (p-ISSN: 1411-9668; e-ISSN: 2527-6158) is a peer-reviewed journal, presents original research articles and letters in all areas of environmental studies and environmental sciences (biotic, abiotic and social/cultural). This journal has been indexed by cabdirect, AJD (Academic Journals Database), ISJD (Indonesian Scientific Journal Database), IndexCopernicus, Portal Garuda, researchBib and Google Scholar. The journal is published by Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University. The journal is published two times a year: February and August in both printed and online versions. The online version is free access and download. This journal is devoted to publish research papers such as environmental biology, environmental physics, environmental health, ecology, geosciences and environmental chemistry including such matters as land, water, food, conservation, population, risk analysis, pollution, energy, economics of ecological and non-ecological approaches, social advocacy of arguments for change, analytical methods, legal measures, implications of urbanism, energy choices, waste disposal, health effects, recycling, transport systems, political approaches, social impacts and other issues of mass society. There is concern also for marginal areas, under-developed societies, minorities, species loss, etc. The purpose of this journal is to provide input and its solution to the environmental problems that has happened or will be happen from the results of researchs.
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Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 19 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2019.v19.i02.p05


Various environmental problems occur due to human behavior. This behavior is influenced by the way a person views his environment. The perspective is influenced by the values ??believed. Inappropriate behavior and low morale in managing the environment will cause damage. For this reason, a concept of human leadership is needed for nature which can be used as a guide for environmental management. This article aims to examine the concept of khalîfah fî al-ard in environmental ethics perspective. This article is the result of an in-depth study of relevant libraries. This article argues that the concept of khalîfah fî al-ard originating from the Qur'an is very relevant to environmental ethics biosentrism and ecocentrism. The concept of khalîfah fî al-ard which is interpreted as the representative of Allah on earth should be a human starting point in managing and maintaining the environment, so that this concept is one of the strategic means of structuring and maintaining the environment. The concept of khalîfah fî al-ard can be realized into a pro-environment movement. It is very important for us as Muslims to understand the essential meaning of ourselves as khalîfah fî al-ard who cares the earth from damage.
Analisis Pengaruh Limbah Cair Terhadap Kualitas Perairan Pantai Kelapa Lima Kota Kupang Etty Sabuin; Fonny Risamasu; Frans Kiaduan
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 19 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2019.v19.i02.p01


Marine life and natural scenery - in the category of nautical tourism - are the potentials of the Kelapa Lima, Kupang beach. However, there are problems that; construction progress, residentials and bussines activities nearby coast of Kelapa Lima, Kupang, indicated that there are contamination by wastewater into the waters of this beach. Then, this issue is adjusted to the standards Environment Minister Regulation number 51 of 2014 and in 2013 number 115 on the sea water quality standard. The method used is the equation written by Sumiotomo and Nerow (1970) in the Minister of Environment No. 115 of 2003. The formula that is used to calculate the results of studies measuring the location parameter with the default value determined by the Ministry of Environment in 2004. Later, research shows that the quality of the waters of the Pantai Kelapa Lima Kupang has begun to decline in the presence of contamination by sewage. Liquid waste is already affecting marine life that corals and mangroves, while the beauty of the sea coast, the liquid waste is already reducing the amount of oxygen for the oxidation process that takes coastal sea to the decomposition of waste into the sea, causing sedimentation affect water clarity sea shore. Therefore, there needs to be immediate action from the government to educate more people about the importance of maintaining the beauty of the beach, and helped make the disposal of liquid waste discharges in coastal areas to reduce the causes of liquid wastes into the coastal sea.
Faktor Lingkungan Yang Berhubungan Dengan Keberadaan Jentik Anopheles Berdasarkan Ketinggian Wilayah Di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan Tahun 2015 Maria Benadete Bete Seban; Pius Weraman; Jauhari Effendi
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 19 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2019.v19.i02.p02


Malaria is an endemic disease in Timor Tengah Selatan. The data of Annual Parasite Incidence (API) 2014 showed that there were 8.2/1000 population who were infected by this disease. It is still above the national rate of 5/1000 of the population. Cases of malaria spread in almost all areas of health centers with different topographic characteristics that allow the Anopheles larvae breeding sites with different characteristics. The study was conducted to determine the factors of physical environment and biological environment that influence the existence of Anopheles larvae in breeding sites based on topographic characteristics of Timor Tengah Selatan. This study applied across-sectional study approach. The research activities were started by sampling health centers and villages locations. The locations were determined representation of the three characteristics of the topography region, namely lowland (coastal region), plains (the hills) and highland (mountain region). Of 18 variables observed, there are two variables that significantly have relationship with the existence of the Anopheles larvae in breeding sites, namely (1) water depth brood with an average depth 0,5682 m, p value of 0.000 and (2) water clarity brood with p value 0.045 at 95% CI 1.172 to 30.725. Some variables show that: the average of air temperature is 31.82 °C, the average of water temperature is 25.73 °C, the average of PH water is 8.1, the average of air humidity is 72.55. A total of 63.6% breeding sites is directly exposed to sun, 81.8% of breeding sites is stagnant water, the average of area of breeding sites is 4.0682 m2, a total of 63.3% of breeding sites there is water all the year, a total of 50% of breeding sites is clear water, a total of 100% location found public activities there and at all locations, there are no mangrove sand algae. Based on topography region, the most breeding sites of Anopheles larvae found in the coastal region (lowland). It is recommended to list and eliminate all potential breeding sites of Anopheles larvae. District Health Office should control the activity plan and intervention schedule of health centers to eliminate Anopheles larvae breeding sites. During dry season, the society should control to dry the puddles too.
Dampak Residu Pestisida Terhadap Kepadatan Dan Keanekaragaman Jamur Tanah Pada Lahan Sayuran Martha Benu; A.S.J Adutae; Lince Mukkun
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 19 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2019.v19.i02.p03


The use of pesticides in agricultural soils in addition to a positive impact because it has a phytoponic effect for plants, also cause negative impacts on the environment. Pesticide residues in agricultural soils may cause disruption to the growth and diversity of useful microorganisms in the soil such as soil fungi. Fungi play an important role in nutrient cycling, disease control, binding of soil particles and as a remodel in the soil web chain. This research was conducted in farmer's land of Noelbaki village, Kupang Tengah sub-district, Kupang regency. The purpose of this research is to know the residue content of pesticide, population density and soil fungi diversity on vegetable land applied by pesticide and without pesticide. The research method is survey and sampling of soil on vegetable land application of pesticide and without pesticide soil type Vertisol and Inceptisol. The pesticide used as reference for test of active ingredient profenofos 500 g / l, lamda-cilhalotrin 106 g / l, permethrin 20.04 g / l, carbosulfan 200,11 g / l, dimetoate 400 g / l, mankozeb 80% and propineb 70% from classes of pyrethroids, carbamates and organophosphates. Analysis of pesticide residues on soil samples of soil pesticides Vertisol and Inceptisol detected residues of Lamda-cihalotrin and Dimethoat with concentrations of 0.060 ppm and 0.042 ppm respectively. Pesticide residue in the soil is below the BMR of 0.10 ppm. Population density analysis of Vertisol and Inceptisol soil type soil samples respectively (NV-1) 71.6 cfu g-1 and (NI-1) 21.6 cfu g-1 and without pesticides respectively (NV-2) 16.6 cfu g-1 and (NI-2) 29.2 cfu g-1. The analysis of soil pesticide soil diversity of Vertisol and Inceptisol soils respectively (NV-1) 1,608 (NI-1) 1,579 and without pesticide respectively (NV-2) 1.584 and (NI-2) 1,595. Result of analysis of medium soil fungi diversity where H> 1. The types of fungi that are identified are Penicillium, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus candidus, Aspergilus flavus, Aspergilus nidulans, Fusarium, Trichoderma, and Mucor.
Analisis dan Perancangan Pengendali Intensitas Lampu Pijar Jarak Jauh Dengan Sistem Remote control Terhadap Efisiensi Energi Asih Pitasari Hege; Jauhari Effendi; Bertholomeus Pasangka
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 19 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/blje.2019.v19.i02.p04


The light intensity needs to adjust to produce suitability of illumination needs in room based on type of space function so it's possible to save electrical energy. Therefore, creation of energy-efficient lighting is very important so can be controlled. The purpose of this study is analyze and design a light intensity control device with remote control. This type of research is experimental research, which is research that doesn't require a comparison, which means the experiment is given treatment and measurements are made by the tool. The tool designed is a combination of several electronic circuits consisting of power supply, infrared emitting and receiver, digital circuit, relay driver and dimmer circuit. Analysis uses luxmeter as a measure the average light intensity and thermocouple as a measured quality of mean temperature room. The results are light intensity and temperature quality was carried out 3 times at (08.00-12.00 WITA), (12.00-16.00 WITA), (16.00-20.00 WITA) and mean was taken with 9 measurement points with total area of 36 m2 (initial color). The measurement didn't meet the standards of 295 lux and 28ºC, while when being treated it met the room comfort standards of 247 lux and 23ºC. This is due to influence of a tool to control the brightness of the lights. The results of the work are light intensity controller gives 10 stages of resistance values that adjust the brightness of incandescent light with an increasing count, indicating the initial value ranging from 0 to 9.

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