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Economics Development Analysis Journal
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The journal scope is related to the research in developing countries such as development studies, poverty adequate, inequality, unemployment studies, behavioral economics, human development problems and many other issues. Economics Development Analysis Journal also publishes an articles related to the branch of development studies, such, industry economics, international trade, bank and financial institutions, agriculture economics, financial studies, digital economics, small and medium enterprises, tourism economics and many others. It also published the study of development policy such as monetary economics, public economics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and economic policy. Therefore, this journal also received an articles related to spatial studies such as Urban, Regional, Development planning and Rural economics. Base on the scope, Economics Development Analysis Journal welcome a multi dicipline articles who related to the economics and development studies.
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Strategi Pengelolaan Dana Desa untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Desa Kalikayen Kabupaten Semarang Rahayu, Depi
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v6i2.22207


Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi tentang pengelolaan dana desa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Kalikayen Kecamatan Ungaran Timur Kabupaten Semarang. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena dana desa memiliki implikasi yang sangat besar dan juga signifikan terhadap pembangunan desa di setiap kabupaten yang ada di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat analisis SWOT. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui mekanisme pengelolaan dana desa, mengidentifikasi perkembangan infrastruktur setelah adanya dana desa, dan menentukan strategi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukan mekanisme pengelolaan dana desa yang dilakukan desa kalikayen sudah sesuai dengan aturan yang ada, perkembangan infrastruktur di desa sudah jauh lebih baik, dan Strategi yang tepat untuk digunakan dalam pengelolaan dana desa yaitu dengan mengefektifkan dana-dana bantuan guna meningkatkan perekonomian serta memanfaatkan SDM yang cukup potensial. This study was to identify the village fund management in the Kalikayen village, East Ungaran sub-district, Semarang regency. This research was conducted for the village fund had huge implications and is also significant to the development of villages in every district in Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative method using primary data and secondary data. This research using SWOT analysis tool. The purpose of this study to determine the mechanism of village fund management, identify infrastructure development after their village funds, and determine the strategy. The results of this study addressed the mechanism of fund management villages conducted village kalikayen are in accordance with existing rules, the development of infrastructure in the village is already much better, and the right strategy to be used in the management of village fund is to streamline assistance funds to support the economy and harness human resources potential.
Strategi Pengembangan Obyek Wisata Puri Maerakaca Terhadap Pedapatan Sektor Pariwisata Kota Semarang Setya Ramadhan, Dede
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v6i2.22208


Kota Semarang adalah ibukota Jawa Tengah yang lebih dikenal sebagai kota bisnis dan industri, tetapi bukan berarti Kota Semarang tidak memiliki obyek wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Salah satu obyek wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi adalah Obyek Wisata Puri Maerakaca yang memiliki konsep sebagai Taman Mini Jawa Tengah, tetapi obyek wisata ini belum dikembangkan secara optimal sehingga menjadikan obyek wisata ini kurang menarik untuk dikunjungi oleh wisatawan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini  untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan yang perlu dilakukan dalam mengembangkan Obyek Wisata Puri Maerakaca untuk meningkatkan pendapatan obyek wisata tersebut dan melihat kontribusinya terhadap pendapatan sector pariwisata Kota Semarang. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan sekunder, metode yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis SWOT. Hasil deskriptif kualitatif menunjukkan profil dan kondisi Obyek Wisata Puri Maerakaca, sedangkan hasil perhitungan analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa Puri Maerakaca berada pada kuadran I, memiliki kekuatan dan peluang yang dominan sehingga berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan pelayanan kepada wisatawan dengan tetap menjaga kebersihan lingkungan obyek wisata sehingga memberikan kenyamanan bagi wisatawan, Selain itu pemerintah juga harus mendukung pengembangan Obyek Wisata Puri Maerakaca dengan cara meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana serta infrastruktur yang menunjang untuk mengembangkan Obyek Wisata Puri Maerakaca. Semarang city as a capital city of Central Java better known as industrial and business city, but it doesn’t mean Semarang City doesn’t have interesting attractions to visited. One of the attraction is Puri Maerakaca that have a concept as miniature of Central Java, but this attraction haven’t developed optimally so it make Puri Maerakaca less interesting to visited by tourist. The purpose of this research is to knowing the strategy to develop Puri Maerkaca and raise Puri Maerakaca revenue, also knowing the contribution of Puri Maerakaca revenue to tourism sector revenue of Semarang City. The data on this research is primary data and secondary data. The method of this research are descriptive qualitative and SWOT analysis. The result of the descriptive qualitative is indicated the profil and condition of Puri Maerakaca, while the SWOT analysis indicated Puri Maerakaca be in first quadrant that have strengths and opportunities more dominant so it makes Puri Maerakaca potential to develop. The advice of this research is increase the services to thr tourists with remain maintaining the cleanliness of the attraction so it will make the tourists feel comfort. In addition the government must be support the development of Puri Maerakaca with increasing infrastructure support.
Increasing Competitiveness Strategy Bobung Wooden Batik Center With Krebet Wooden Batik as Tourism Support Dwiyanti, Dwiyanti
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v6i2.22209


Competition between the centers is caused by the differences between the two centers. The research is analysis strategy of competitiveness increase of a study of Bobung Wooden Batik Craft Center and Krebet Wooden Batik Craft Center. The aim of this research is to describe, analyze the internal and external factors inside the centers, and formulate the right strategy to increase the competitiveness between the two centers. The method is SWOT analysis method and the IE matrix. The population used for this research are SME entrepreneurs of wooden batik handicraft, which include eighteen entrepreneurs of wooden batik handicraft  of Krebet center and thirteen entrepreneurs of Bobung center. Based on the identification, the main strength of wooden batik handicraft is the product innovation of the design and shape. Based on the analysis, the main opportunity is the increasing number of visitors and the main threat of it is the substitute product. The alternative formulation of strategy using the SWOT matrix produces the main strategic alternative that is the SO strategy to reach the existing opportunity by utilizing the strength owned that is the product innovation. The formulation based on IE matrix produces the main strategy that is the growth strategy.
Analisis Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Terhadap Ketersediaan Sanitasi Rizqyana Budi, Erika
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v6i2.22211


Ketersediaan sanitasi merupakan salah satu bagian dari kebutuhan kesehatan, dengan sanitasi yang layak akan menciptakan individu yang sehat dan meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Keputusan rumah tangga untuk dapat menikmati akses terhadap sanitasi sangat bergantung pada kondisi sosial ekonomi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis faktor sosial ekonomi terhadap ketersediaan sanitasi di Kecamatan Suruh, Kabupaten Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan 100 responden dan menggunakan analisis regresi logistik. Variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu sanitasi, pengeluaran rumah tangga, informasi kesehatan, dan perilaku masyarakat. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu bahwa pengeluaran rumah tangga dan perilaku masyarakat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ketersediaan sanitasi sedangkan informasi kesehatan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ketersediaan sanitasi. Sanitation availability is part of healthy needs. By suitable sanitation, it will increase the human resource quality. Household desision to access sanitation depends on social economy condition. This study aims to analyze the social and economy factors influence the sanitation availability in Suruh Subdistrict, Semarang Regency. This study uses primary data which collected from 100 households and analyzed by logistic regression. The variables are sanitation, household expenditure, healthy information, and society behavior. The result shows that household expenditure and household behavior significantly affect the sanitation availability while healthy information unsifnificantly affect the sanitation availability.
Analysis of Potentiality and Projection of Market Service Levy Revenue in Semarang Regency Fatmawati, Evi; Karsinah, Karsinah
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v6i2.22212


Market service levy is a kind of public service levy that is potential enough because Semarang Regency manages the levies from 33 traditional markets every day. The objective of this research is to analyze the potentiality of market service levy revenue in Semarang Regency in 2011-2015 and to find out the projection of market service levy in 2016-2010. This research uses the analysis of contribution, the analysis of growth, the analysis of potentiality, and the analysis of ARIMA (2,1,2) (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average). The results of this research show as follows: (1) the contribution of market service levy to the regional levy and PAD (the own-source revenue) is in the insufficient and very insufficient category, (2) the growth of market service levy is fluctuating, (3) the market service levy revenue has not based on the potentiality yet, (4) the target of market service levy is under the potentiality, and (5) the projection of  market levy revenue will increase in the next five years. The researcher suggested that the target setting should be based on the potentiality and the quality of market service should be improved, so that those may increase the contribution of market service levy to PAD.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi PMDN di Jawa Tengah Dedy Utomo, Ferdila
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v6i2.22214


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : menganalisis pengaruh suku bunga kredit, pengeluaran pemerintah dan tenaga kerja terhadap Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) di Jawa Tengah. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder runtut waktu (time series) dengan periode 28 tahun dimulai pada tahun 1988 sampai tahun 2015. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Pengujian menggunakan uji t-statistik dan uji F-statistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel pengeluaran pemerintah berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadap PMDN. Variabel tenaga kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap PMDN. Sedangkan variabel suku bunga kredit berpengaruh negatif tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap PMDN. The objectives of this research are to analyze the effect of lending interest rate, government expenditure and labor on domestic investments in Central Java. This research is a quantitative study in which the data used as the reference is secondary time series based data with a period of 28 years from the beginning in 1988 until 2015. The analytical method applied is Ordinary Least Square (OLS) while the statistical assessment was using t-test and F-test statistics. Based on the results of data analysis, it is showed that the variable government expenditure has a negative and not significant effect on domestic investment. The variable labor growth has a positive and significant effect on domestic investment. The variable lending interest rate has negative effect but not significant on domestic investment.
Determinant of World Oil Price and Fed Funds Rate on Indonesia Inflation Masadi, Masadi
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v6i2.22216


The changing global economic cycle may affect the Indonesia inflation, such as world oil prices and Fed Funds Rate. This research aims at analyzing the direct or indirect effects that cause the changes in the world oil prices and the Fed Funds Rate to the volatility of inflation in Indonesia. The analytical tool used in this research is path analysis. The research results is a significant direct effect of the world oil price variable on the inflation, there is a significant direct effect of the Fed Funds Rate variable on the inflation, and there is a significant direct effect of the Bank Indonesia (BI) variable on the inflation. The variable of the amount of money in circulation has no significant direct effect on the Indonesia inflation, there is a significant direct effect of the variables of the world oil prices and the Fed Funds Rate on the money in circulation, and there is a significant direct effect of the Fed Funds Rate variable on the money in circulation. There is a significant direct effect of the world oil price variable on the BI rate, and there is significant direct effect of the Fed Funds Rate variable on the BI rate.
Free Movement of Skilled Labor Within the Asean Economic Community Adhisti, Mita
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v6i2.22217


This study discusses how the free movement of skilled labor policy under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) scenario enhances opportunities for labor mobility from low-skilled labor countries, what challenges will be faced, and how this policy impacts their economies. The implementation of the AEC’s free movement of skilled labor policy is projected to face challenges such as mismatched labor qualifications, fulfilling ASEAN commitment, time for implementation of ASEAN commitments, and controlling the flow of illegal migrant workers. However, ASEAN leaders already set some supporting policies to overcome challenges from this system by improving labor market information, encouraging language and skills training, managing government and public supports, expanding mutual recognition arrangements and enhancing social protection for migrant workers. If these supporting policies can be implemented, the AEC’s free movement of skilled labor policy will improve the quality of human resources in ASEAN, especially from lower-middle income countries including Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Thailand. As the results, those six countries are expected to increase the high-skilled employment rates by 0.3 to 1.4 percent and the wage rates up to 10-20 percent in 2025. Thus, the projected increases in the employment and wage rates of ASEAN skilled labor will induce an expansion of the ASEAN economic growth to 7.1 percent in 2025.
Impact of Policy of Soybean Price Stability on Imported and Local Soybean Price Adi Sofyan Ansori, Muhammad; Aji Suseno, Deky
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v6i2.22218


The research aims at analyzing the impact of PKSHK (Duty, Import Income Tax, and Subsidy) and the Imported Soybean Price on the Local Soybean Price. This research is a quantitative research, the data used in this research is time series secondary data starting from January 2005 to December 2014. The method of analysis is Multiple Linear Regression and Simple Linear Regression. The tests used are statistical t-test and F-test statistics. The results of this research show that the variables of PKSHK do not significantly have impact on the Local Soybean Price, while the variable of Soybean Import Price positively and significantly has impact on the Local Soybean Price. The conclusion of this research is that PKSHK made by the government is not effective.
Dampak Revitalisasi Pasar Tradisional Terhadap Pendapatan Pedagang di Pasar Bulu Semarang Aprilia, Rizka
Economics Development Analysis Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2017): Economics Development Analysis Journal
Publisher : Economics Development Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/edaj.v6i2.22219


Latar belakang penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat dampak revitalisasi pasar tradisional terhadap pendapatan pedagang di Pasar Bulu Semarang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model interaktif dan uji t sampel berpasangan. Hasil menunjukan bahwa mayoritas pedagang di Pasar Bulu merupakan penduduk asli Kota Semarang. Revitalisasi tidak mengubah hubungan sosial antar pedagang, maupun pedagang dengan aparat yang selama ini terjalin dengan baik. Setelah revitalisasi kondisi bangunan Pasar Bulu menjadi lebih bersih dan rapi. Revitalisasi berdampak pada penurunan pendapatan pedagang, dibuktikan dengan hasil uji t sampel berpasangan diperoleh hasil t_hitung= 10,116 >  t_tabel= 2,064 dengan probabilitas 0,000 < 0,05. Rata-rata pendapatan pedagang sebelum revitalisasi sebesar Rp 5.280.000, sedangkan sesudah revitalisasi sebesar Rp 3.366.000. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah revitalisasi berdampak pada penurunan pendapatan pedagang di Pasar Bulu Semarang. The basic problem of this study is to show the impact of the traditional market revitalization towards the traders income in Bulu Market Semarang. The type of this study are qualitative and quantitative. The data collected by observation, interview, and documentation. The analysis of data using interactive models and paired samples t test. The result showed that the majority of traders in Bulu Market are the natives of Semarang City. The revitalization did not change the social relations between the traders, and traders with the officers who had been well maintained. After the revitalization, the Bulu Market Building condition become more clean and neart. The revitalization gives an impact towards the decreasing of the traders income, proved by the paired samples t test result which showing t_hitung= 10,116 >  t_tabel= 2,064 with probability 0,000 < 0,05. The average of the traders income before revitalization Rp 5.280.000, meanwhile after the revitalization Rp 3.366.000. the conclusion in this study is  the revitalization gives an impact towards the decreasing of the traders income in Bulu Market Semarang

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