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ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
ISSN : 22526706     EISSN : 27214532     DOI :
The aim of this journal is to promote a principled approach to research on language and language-related concerns by encouraging inquiries into relationship between theoretical and practical studies. The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis in: first, second, and foreign language teaching and learning; language in education; language planning, language testing; curriculum design and development; multilingualism and multilingual education; discourse analysis; translation; clinical linguistics; literature and teaching; and. forensic linguistics.
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue " Vol 5 No 2 (2016)" : 8 Documents clear
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING COMPUTER GAME “FAST HANDS” TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY FOR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Muntilan in the Academic Year of 2014/2015) Trihandayani, Retno; Sofwan, Ahmad
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This study was a quasi-experimental research aimed at finding out whether computer game “Fast Hands” effectively improve students’ vocabulary or not. The population of this study were 192 students from the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Muntilan in the academic year 2014/2015. Of this population, two classes were chosen as the experimental group (VIII-B) and the control group (VIII-F) consisting of 24 students for each group. Thus, there were 48 students as the samples. Based on the result of the analysis, it is shown that the students’ progress in mastering vocabulary for both groups is good after they were given the treatment. It is shown from the different means result in the experimental group, that is from 66.46 in the pre-test to 84.79 in the posttest. Thus, it has 18.33 in difference. In the control group the difference between the two means is 13.54. 65.83 in the pre-test and 79.37 in the posttest. To check whether the treatment significantly influenced students’ vocabulary, the t-test formula was used. Based on the result of the computation, the t-value is 2.237. This result was consulted with the critical value on the t-table with 5% alpha level of significance and 40 degrees of freedom by using interpolation. Based on the result of interpolation, the critical value is 2.015. Since t-value is higher than t-table (2.237 > 2.015) it can be concluded that computer game “Fast Hands” effectively improve students’ vocabulary compared to the Word Lists Strategy. Thus, it is suggested that the teachers may use computer game “Fast Hands” in their teaching practice especially in improving students’ vocabulary.
Error Analysis on the Use of Prepositions in Students’ Writing (A Case Study of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Negeri 9 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2014/2015) Anjayani, Pindho; Suprapto, Suprapto
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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The focus of this study is error analysis on the use of prepositions in students’ writing made by the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 9 Semarang. This study was conducted to find out the students’ dominant errors on the use of prepositions in their writings and to explain how students use prepositions in their writings. This study was categorized into descriptive qualitative research. The population of this study was the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 9 Semarang in the academic year of 2014/2015. The population was 252 students and the writer chose 72 students from two classes consist of class XI IPA 3 and XI IPA 5 as the subjects. The writer used purposed random sampling because the population was homogenous. The data was analyzed using error analysis method. The result of data analysis showed that from 1002 prepositions found in 72 students’ writing. There were 117 incorrect preposition usage or 11.68%. The dominant error was the use of preposition of place which was 66.67% or 78 errors. However, the students were able to use prepositions correctly because in general they could use the appropriate prepositions in their writing. The writer saw that some of students were still confused in choosing the appropriate prepositions. Some of them knew the function of prepositions but they overgeneralized the information from target language in every structure of language they found. They also tried to combine information from their native language (Indonesian) and second language they are learning (English). In general, those errors were mostly caused by interlingual transfer. The writer hopes that the teacher could be aware of the importance of media to transfer information about preposition effectively and efficiently. The writer also hopes the government and syllabus developer could understand the importance of preposition as the part of grammar in English. In addition, they could allocate more time and portion to include preposition as the important material for the students.
SYNTACTIC SHIFTS IN ENGLISH-INDONESIAN TRANSLATION (A Case Study of the Fifth Semester Students of the English Department of State University of Semarang) Noviyanti, Eman Risqi; Nugraha, Laurentius Elyas
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This final project is about syntactic shift used in English-Indonesian translation by the fifth semester students of the English Department of State University of Semarang in the academic year of 2013/2014. The objectives of the study are to describe what types of syntactic shifts are commonly used and less used by the fifth semester students, and to explain how the fifth semester students do syntactic shift in English-Indonesian translation. The study uses descriptive qualitative approach and it belongs to a case study. The subject of the study is the fifth semester students of the English Department of State University of Semarang in the academic year of 2013/2014. The source of data is the students’ translation tests which have been done in the fifth semester entitled Advantages of Translation. It was a task given by Dr. Rudi Hartono, S.S. M.Pd. as the lecturer in English-Indonesian Translation class in fifth semester. From five sub-categories of syntactic shift, there are three sub-categories of them which were used by the fifth semester students. Translation by using word-into-phrase shift reaches a total of 86.4%. About 10.2% is the translation by using phrase-into-clause shift. The other 3.4% is the translation by using clause-into-sentence shift. Both phrase-into-sentence and sentence-into-paragraph shifts are not found in the students’ assignments of English-Indonesian translation.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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The objective of this study was to describe the errors made in the Indonesian to English Google Translate translations of News Item texts. This study employed five English translations of Indonesian News Item texts taken from (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) made by using Google Translate. Those samples were taken by using purposive sampling technique. The categorization of translation errors were adapted from Dewi’s Indonesian-English translation error typology. The errors can occur in the words, phrases, clauses, and sentences of the texts. The data gathered were analyzed descriptively by using qualitative approach. The findings of the analysis showed that there were 13 categories of translation errors obtained from 278 data. Ranking from the most common to the least common errors found in the data, they were grammatical errors (24.46%), terminology errors (15.47%), omission errors (14.03%), syntax errors (12.23%), mistranslation/misunderstanding errors (6.47%), literalness/faithfulness errors (6.47%), usage errors (6.12%), punctuation errors (3.60%), addition errors (2.88%), ambiguity errors (2.52%), word form errors (2.52%), capitalization errors (2.16%), and spelling errors (1.08%). The data findings also showed that statistical method of Google Translate, the inability of Google Translate to understand the contexts of the texts beyond sentence, and errors in the source texts that carried into translation errors in the target texts were the causes of translation errors found in the data.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This study aims at describing the way President Widodo used his interpersonal strategies in his speech in the 2014 APEC CEO SUMMIT. In this study, the discussion was limited by finding out the interpersonal meaning of the speech which can be used to dig up speaker’s hidden meanings through what he is saying in the speech. This is a descriptive qualitative study. The concept of discourse analysis from the perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) is employed as a tool to reveal the hidden motivations behind a text. The analysis reveals that in terms of context of situation, President Widodo delivered persuasive speech. Meanwhile, grammar analysis shows that President Widodo was delivering speech in the name of Indonesia and in the name of Indonesian people who need a lot of economic capital in order to achieve the economic goals of Indonesia. In delivering his speech, President Widodo also strongly believed that he would be able to reach his goals. The appraisal analysis shows that Appreciation is the most frequent appraisal devices used in the speech. In that sense, President Widodo’s stance or attitude towards the goals he wants to achieve is strongly positive. It can be concluded that by the elaborate use of interpersonal strategies, President Widodo successfully projects his ideas and messages to the audience and also build a persuasive speech.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This final project is based on the research which attempted to find out the effectiveness of Herringbone technique to teach reading of narrative text. The design of this study was experimental study. There were two groups used in the research; the experimental group and the control group. The two groups were given different treatments. The experimental group was taught by using Herringbone technique while the control group was taught using conventional technique. The population of this study was the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 24 Semarang in the academic year of 2015/2016. The number of the subjects was 64 students. The data were obtained by administering reading test to the VIII A as control group and VIII B as experimental group. The research was started by giving pre-test, treatments, and post-test to both experimental groups and control groups. The data of the test were analyzed by using t-test formula to know the difference of the students’ comprehension in reading narrative text between two groups. The data analysis in research ,some purpose can be drawn as follow. The first purpose of the study is to discuss the effectiveness of teaching reading using Herringbone technique to improve students’ reading of narrative text. The use of Herringbone technique in teaching reading makes the activity in class more interesting. The students are active and more enthusiastic following the teachers’ instruction and working in group. The second purpose of the study is to analyze the significant difference between teaching reading using Herringbone technique and the one using conventional technique. The difference in score of both test can be drawn as follow. The average score of pre-test of the experimental group was 67.75 and the control group was 65.59. The average score of post-test of the experimental group was 71.31 while the control one was 69.71. The result of the t-test of mean difference was 8.94 and t-table was 2.00. It means that t-value is higher than t-table (8.94>2.00). It can be concluded that there is a significant difference between teaching reading using Herringbone technique and the one using conventional technique. Based on the research conducted, it proved that the use of Herringbone technique is effective as a strategy to improve teaching reading comprehension of narrative text to the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 24 Semarang.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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There are many studies have been conducted to investigate the use of talking book, but not with the digital talking book. In other words, the use of digital talking book has not been widely prevalent among the EFL learners. This study investigated whether there is any significant differences on the students’ writing achievement between those who are taught by using English digital talking books and those who are taught by using simple brochure as media. The population of the study was the twelfth grade students of SMA N 1 Comal, Pemalang, in the academic year of 2014/2015). There were 80 students, divided into two groups of 40, participated in this quasi experimental study as experimental and control group. The result of t-test showed that the difference between the students who were taught using English digital talking books and those who were taught using simple brochures can’t be seen significantly. It also showed that in this study, English digital talking books were more effective than simple brochures to improve students’ ability in writing a narrative text.
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SEND A PROBLEM TECHNIQUE FOR TEACHING WRITING AN ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT (A Quasi-Experimental Study of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA N 8 Semarang in the Academic Year 2015/2016) Amilia, Intan Kris; Sisbiyanto, Amir
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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The aim of the study is to find out whether teaching writing analytical exposition text by using Send a Problem technique is effective or not for Senior High School students. In the working hypothesis (H1), “There is significant difference in students’ writing achievement between those who are taught using Send a Problem and those who are taught using conventional way.” Meanwhile, in the null hypothesis (Ho), “There is no significant difference in the students’ writing achievement between those who are taught using Send a Problem and those who are taught using conventional way.”The population of this study was the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 8 Semarang in the academic year 2015/2016. The total number of the sample was 60 students that consisted of 30 students of class XI IS 4 as the experiment group who were taught using Send a Problem technique and 30 students of class XI IS 5 as the control group who were taught using conventional way. The design of this study was a quasi-experimental study. The data were collected through the writing test. In the pre-test, the mean score of the experimental group was 62.80 and the control group was 62.77. After the treatment, the result of post-test of the experimental group was 75.57 while the control group was 68.57. The independent sample t-test used by the writer showed that there was a significant difference between post-test of control group and experimental group. Lastly, teaching writing analytical exposition text using Send a Problem technique is effective than conventional way. English teachers are suggested to concern better in their technique variety in teaching writing any kind of texts especially analytical exposition text.

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