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ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
ISSN : 22526706     EISSN : 27214532     DOI :
The aim of this journal is to promote a principled approach to research on language and language-related concerns by encouraging inquiries into relationship between theoretical and practical studies. The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis in: first, second, and foreign language teaching and learning; language in education; language planning, language testing; curriculum design and development; multilingualism and multilingual education; discourse analysis; translation; clinical linguistics; literature and teaching; and. forensic linguistics.
Articles 16 Documents
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Gendered perspective on online communication strategies: A case on English department students Aziza, Maulida Nur
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 2 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i2.39398


This study aims to investigate whether gender influence on online communication strategies performed by the English Department. This study provides types of communication strategies, the frequency of communication strategies used, and the factors that influence students in differentiating communication strategies used by both male and female students. The researcher used qualitative approach. Online face-to-face conversation and interview were chosen as the data collection technique. For the research instruments that the researcher used were communication strategies sheet, interview, and audio and video recording. The participants of this study were the eight semester students of English Department. The data collected were analyzed used communication strategies taxonomies proposed by Celce-Murcia et al. (1995). The results of this study show that used variety of communication strategies. The most frequent communication strategy used both male and female students is fillers, hesitation devices, and gambits. It was proven by the percentage that was 50%. The least used communication strategy by the students is circumlocution (0,07%). Related to gender, female students almost show higher number of occurrences for all of the communication strategies than male students. This phenomenon happened due to some factors such as the female characteristics that is socially oriented, expressive and avoid making mistakes. Meanwhile, male students showed characteristics such as talk simpler, have a great willingness to manage anxiety and they seem to conceal their inability to others.
The analysis of teachers’ professional competence in utilizing information and communication technology Abkarin, Noven Aquilla
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 2 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i2.40462


This study is about the utilization of ICT in classroom learning to develop teacher’s professional competence. Nowadays, COVID-19 pandemic has already spread around the world. It brings bad impacts on many sectors, especially the education sector. Based on the issue, this study aims to investigate teacher’s familiarity with the use of ICT, to find out teachers’ professional competence in utilizing ICT in classroom learning, and to obtain supporting and inhibiting factors of teachers’ professional competence in utilizing ICT. A qualitative approach was used as a method of this study. Data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires, carrying out structured interviews, and documentation addressed to ten respondents consisting of English teachers from three schools in Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia. This study reveals that ten teachers were familiar with using ICT in classroom learning. They claimed that the use of ICT can help their works in the teaching and learning process. Second, the teacher’s professional competence can improve ICT utilization in teaching and learning classrooms. The use of ICT also can improve teachers’ professional competence because ICT usage is easier and more effective to deliver materials. Third, some supporting factors of the use of ICT were found in this study. They were making teaching and learning process easier, increasing students’ motivation, and improving teachers’ professional competence. The use of ICT also could make teachers easily take part in this digital era.
EFL college students writing anxiety of English language education at Universitas Internasional Batam Pratiwi, Theodesia Lady
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 2 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i2.42908


Writing is considered to be the most difficult skill to master for EFL students. This experience was faced by English Language Education (ELE) students at Universitas Internasional Batam (UIB). Based on the observation, the results of their writings were not satisfying. This study assumed that the students might feel anxious when they were writing in English. Therefore, this study aims to examine the types and causes of writing anxiety of ELE students at UIB. This study employed explanatory design of mixed method research. The research instruments were questionnaires adopted from SLWAI and CWAI developed by Cheng (2004). To extend the deeper analysis, this study conducted interviews to the high- and low-level writing anxiety students. This study found that the most dominant levels of writing anxiety is high-anxiety (71.43%). In terms of writing anxiety, this study found that cognitive anxiety is the most dominant type with the mean of 26.37. Next, when studying the cause of writing anxiety, the most dominant cause was linguistic difficulties. This result was in line with the interviews with high-and low- writing anxiety students. Students with both high and low writing anxiety still found that linguistic difficulties affect their writing anxiety. Therefore, the learning process at English Language Education needs to be equipped with sufficient linguistic competences in the first year, such as vocabulary, grammar, and punctuation.
Teaching and learning process of test-taking strategies in answering reading comprehension section Zulmaini, Elika Aji
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 2 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i2.43281


The study was aimed at finding the difficulties faced by test takers in Reading Comprehension section of TOEFL and describing the teaching and learning process of test-taking strategies of Reading Comprehension section of TOEFL. This study used qualitative research design. To collect the data, the researchers used document analysis and observation as the instrument of the study. The subjects of this study were the students or test takers and a teacher or tutor in TOEFL preparation class. The study showed the range of difficulty faced by students or test takers are skill 6 (57.14%), skill 8 (50%), skill 7, 9, 10, and 11 (33.3%), skill 3 (31%), skill 4 and 12 (16.7%), skill 1 (8.3%), and skill 5 (0%). In teaching and learning strategies, the Planning Strategy was applied in skills 1, 3, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5, and 8. Monitoring Strategies was applied in in skills 1, 3, 9, 6, and 4. Comprehending strategy was used in skills 1, 3, 6, 7, 4, 10, and 11. Retrieval Strategy was applied in skills 9, 5, and 8. Socioaffective strategy was applied in skill 9. Test-wiseness strategy was applied in skills 1, 3, and 9. Based on findings, the researchers found that there is still high percentage of difficult skills faced by students or test takers and more than one strategies were applied in almost every skill of the Reading Comprehension Section of TOEFL.
Teachers’ questioning strategies and students’ perceptions toward critical questions in EFL classroom interaction Kholisoh, Modi Nur; Linggar Bharati, Dwi Anggani
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 2 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i2.43302


This study aims to find out teachers’ questioning strategies and students’ perceptions of critical questions in EFL classroom interaction. This research was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, in which the classroom interaction was online. We used a case study design that focused on the descriptive analysis. This study was conducted at one of Senior High Schools in Semarang. The participants in this study are two English teachers and two classes. The data were gained by using classroom observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. We used Chen’s (2016) theory and Anderson & Krathwohl (2001) to categorize and analyze the data findings to know teachers’ questioning strategies and students’ perceptions toward critical questions in EFL classroom interaction. The result of the analysis showed that the teachers used all of the teachers' questioning strategies and they posed critical questions. Teachers questioning strategies used by the teachers when posing critical questions were wait-time, repetition, paraphrasing, simplifying, and probing. The obvious strategy to elicit students’ responses toward critical questions was probing. In line with this, the teachers also combined the teachers questioning strategies with the skill of basic questioning to elicit students’ critical answers. The students didn’t perceive critical question as a threat, although it was difficult to answer. However, they perceived critical question as a challenge for them. It can be concluded that the students perceived critical question as a motivational question.
Teaching strategies: How do teachers in remote area survive during remote learning? Amelia, Rini; Istianah, Tia Nur
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 2 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i2.47856


During the pandemic of COVID-19, remote learning has been very highlighted. This environment creates huge challenges especially to those teaching in remote areas. Drawing on them, this descriptive qualitative study aims to explore teaching strategies applied there. In collecting the data, interviews and questionnaires were given to two English teachers of a Junior High School in Aranio, Banjar Regency. The results show that they have to face some challenges such as the limitedness of internet access and low motivated students when implementing remote learning. Due to this condition, they need to survive by making some efforts such as creating and using interesting teaching modules, coordinating with the related parties, carrying out blended learning, conducting home visit and setting up offline classes because of no possibility for online learning. Through this study, other teachers are kindly informed on the applicable teaching strategies to create effective remote learning experiences in remote areas.
Teaching ESP during emergency remote learning (ERL): Best practices Mandasari, Yuyun Putri; Wulandari, Eka
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 2 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i2.47884


After a year more of living with COVID-19, the teachers’ and students’ resilience is still demanding, particularly regarding language online learning. Both parties must keep struggling to fulfill the learning requirements in times of crisis. One of the challenges in language issues is teaching English for Specific Purpose (ESP) in higher education during emergency remote learning (ERL) including teaching ESP at Poltekkes Kemenkes Malang in 2020-2021. At these times, ESP teachers have to design the materials by taking a lot of consideration regarding the students’ needs, goals, learning model, activities, tools, and feedback that met the emergency due to Coronavirus outbreak. They planned, implemented, and evaluated the learning process until they can find the best ones for the students. This study was a survey research with 23 participants of ESP lecturers. This article presented some best practices of teaching ESP in the online mode during ERL as the best experience of ESP lecturers, in the hope that it will be able to give some new insights for fellow educators to help them to provide better learning experiences for the students.
Pre-service EFL teachers’ perception on technology-based formative assessment in their teaching practicum Prastikawati, Entika Fani
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 2 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i2.47965


The spread of the pandemic COVID-19 has made many changes in educational policy such as the assessment in English teaching and learning process. The process and procedures in the assessment need to be adjusted from face-to-face assessment into blended and online assessments. Not only English teachers, pre-service EFL teachers are also required to be ready and adapt to the changes quickly. To adapt it, the integration of technology in the assessment process has been examined. However, the involvement of technology in the area of formative assessment remains underexplored, particularly in the teaching practicum conducted by pre service EFL teachers. The present study is trying to fill the gaps by investigating pre-service EFL teachers’ perception on technology-based formative assessment which is implemented in their teaching practicum. A total of 57 pre-service EFL teachers completed a Likertscale questionnaire. After fulfilling the questionnaires, there were 19 pre-service EFL teachers who agreed and volunteered to be in a semi-structured interview. The findings show that the involvement of technology in formative assessment is perceived positively by pre-service EFL teachers in their teaching practicum during the pandemic COVID-19. They confess that technology has played its practical role in helping them assess their students. Further, the implementation of technology-based formative assessments promotes the students’ performance.
Gendered perspective on online communication strategies: A case on English department students Aziza, Maulida Nur
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 2 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i2.39398


This study aims to investigate whether gender influence on online communication strategies performed by the English Department. This study provides types of communication strategies, the frequency of communication strategies used, and the factors that influence students in differentiating communication strategies used by both male and female students. The researcher used qualitative approach. Online face-to-face conversation and interview were chosen as the data collection technique. For the research instruments that the researcher used were communication strategies sheet, interview, and audio and video recording. The participants of this study were the eight semester students of English Department. The data collected were analyzed used communication strategies taxonomies proposed by Celce-Murcia et al. (1995). The results of this study show that used variety of communication strategies. The most frequent communication strategy used both male and female students is fillers, hesitation devices, and gambits. It was proven by the percentage that was 50%. The least used communication strategy by the students is circumlocution (0,07%). Related to gender, female students almost show higher number of occurrences for all of the communication strategies than male students. This phenomenon happened due to some factors such as the female characteristics that is socially oriented, expressive and avoid making mistakes. Meanwhile, male students showed characteristics such as talk simpler, have a great willingness to manage anxiety and they seem to conceal their inability to others.
The analysis of teachers’ professional competence in utilizing information and communication technology Abkarin, Noven Aquilla
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 10 No 2 (2021): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : English Dapartment, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/elt.v10i2.40462


This study is about the utilization of ICT in classroom learning to develop teacher’s professional competence. Nowadays, COVID-19 pandemic has already spread around the world. It brings bad impacts on many sectors, especially the education sector. Based on the issue, this study aims to investigate teacher’s familiarity with the use of ICT, to find out teachers’ professional competence in utilizing ICT in classroom learning, and to obtain supporting and inhibiting factors of teachers’ professional competence in utilizing ICT. A qualitative approach was used as a method of this study. Data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires, carrying out structured interviews, and documentation addressed to ten respondents consisting of English teachers from three schools in Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia. This study reveals that ten teachers were familiar with using ICT in classroom learning. They claimed that the use of ICT can help their works in the teaching and learning process. Second, the teacher’s professional competence can improve ICT utilization in teaching and learning classrooms. The use of ICT also can improve teachers’ professional competence because ICT usage is easier and more effective to deliver materials. Third, some supporting factors of the use of ICT were found in this study. They were making teaching and learning process easier, increasing students’ motivation, and improving teachers’ professional competence. The use of ICT also could make teachers easily take part in this digital era.

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