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ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
ISSN : 22526706     EISSN : 27214532     DOI :
The aim of this journal is to promote a principled approach to research on language and language-related concerns by encouraging inquiries into relationship between theoretical and practical studies. The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis in: first, second, and foreign language teaching and learning; language in education; language planning, language testing; curriculum design and development; multilingualism and multilingual education; discourse analysis; translation; clinical linguistics; literature and teaching; and. forensic linguistics.
Articles 20 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 5 No 1 (2016)" : 20 Documents clear
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING ILLUSTRATED FOLKTALE “THE PRINCESS FARMER” TO TEACH READING COMPREHENSION OF NARRATIVE TEXT A Quasi Experimental Research at the Tenth Year Students of SMK Diponegoro Juwana in the Academic Year of 2015/2016 Sari, Badharul Nurtika
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This article is about the use of illustrated folktale “The Princess Farmer” as a strategy to develop the students’ reading comprehension. In order to achieve the objectives of this research, the writer adopted a quasi-experimental research design. The subjects of this research were class X-AK 1 and X-AK 2 of SMK Diponegoro Juwana, in the academic year of 2015/2016 which consisted of 20 students in each class. In this study X-AK 2 was selected as the control group and X-AK 1 was selected as the experimental group. There were 5 meetings in this study. In the first meeting, there was pre-test, in the second, third, and fourth meetings there were treatments, and in the fifth meeting there was post-test. In order to collect data about students’ reading comprehension of narrative text, the writer used pre-test and post-test to know the students’ differences. Besides used test, this study also used questionnaire.  The result of this study showed that the use of illustrated folktale “The Princess Farmer” can measure students’ reading comprehension of narrative text well. Based on the result of this study, the writer concluded that the use of illustrated folktale “The Princess Farmer” gave a good contribution in English teaching and learning, especially in the area reading comprehension of narrative text.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This final project is concerned with the use of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary toward the students’ pronunciation of consonants [f] and [v]. The objective of this study is to improve the students’ pronunciation by using Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. This study used action research design. There were two cycles of action in this study. This research started with an initial pre-test and ended with a final post-test. In each cycle there were pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The tests were used to collect the quantitative data. Meanwhile, observation checklist and questionnaire were used to gather the qualitative data. Thirty one students of class VIII H of SMP N 22 Semarang were chosen as the subjects of this study. Based on the data analyses, there was a significant improvement of the students’ achievement after the implementation of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary was given. This improvement was proved by the comparison between the result of Initial Pre-test and Final Post-test. This improvement was also supported by the results of observation checklists and questionnaire. Based on the observation checklists, the students’ attendance and engagement in Cycle 2 was better than their attendance and engagement in Cycle 1. Moreover, the result of questionnaire showed that the students gave positive perception towards the use of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. With regard to the above results, it can be concluded that the use of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary successfully improves the students’ pronunciation of consonants [f] and [v]. Therefore, the use of Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary in the teaching pronunciation, especially pronunciation of English words containing consonants [f] and [v] is recommended.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This descriptive qualitative study mainly describes the word level equivalence found in the translated dialogues in The Lightning Thief. The final project mainly aims at identifying the word level equivalence strategy in translating the dialogues of The Lightning Thief from English into Indonesian and identifying its word level equivalence meaning. The study focuses on the classification of word level equivalence offered by Mona Baker in her book In Other Words. The data obtained were analyzed by comparing both English and Indonesian versions. Words or phrases which contained any word level non-equivalence were analyzed further to find out the context in which it occured. Then the data analyzed were evaluated its word level equivalent meaning. The evaluation involved some raters who are expert in their field.The finding show that: the strategies used by the translator to overcome the problems in translating the dialogue are translation by paraphrase using related word (24.11%), translation by a more specific word (18.43%), translation by paraphrase using unrelated word (14.89%), translation by a more general word (14.19%), translation by omission (13.48%),translation by more expressive or less neutral word (8.51%) and translation by using loan word or loan word plus explanation (6.39%). Word level equivalence meaning in the strategies: translation by using loan word  (92.59%) was the strategy whose data were got higher result of score 3 (meaning is sufficiently renderred) by three raters, translation by a more general word  (36.67%) was the strategy whose data were got higher result of score 2 (meaning is insufficiently), and translation by omission was the strategy whose data were got higher result of score 1 (59.65%). Suggestion drawn from this study is that to transfer meaning of the source text into the target text accurately, the translator should decide to make choices in each word or phrases, and choose the most suitable strategies that can overcome problems and difficulties of translation, especially problems of non-equivalence at word level.
THE USE OF CHARADE GAME TO TEACH VOCABULARY (An Experimental Study of the Seventh Graders of MTs. Miftahul Khoirot Branjang in the Academic Year of 2014/2015) Hidayati, Nur Rohmah
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This article is about the use of charade game to teach vocabulary in the seventh graders of MTs. Miftahul Khoirot Branjang in the academic year of 2014/2015. This research is conducted by using quasi-experimental design. The population is all seventh graders of MTs. Miftahul Khoirot Branjang in the academic year of 2014/2015. The researcher chooses 54 students from two classes as the sample of the study, 27 students as experimental groups and 27 students as control group. In the pre-test, the average score of experimental group is 59.70 and the average score of control group is 57.63. Then, the experimental group is taught by using charade game whereas the control group is taught by using conventional method. The results from post-tests show that the average score of experimental group is 87.26 whereas the average score of the control group is 79.26. After calculating by t-test, the result of the t-value is 3.05 and t-table is 2.006. The t-value of the post test is higher than the critical value means that statistically there is significant difference between two groups. Since the experimental group gets higher average scores (87.26 > 79.26), it can be concluded that teaching vocabulary using charade game results better achievement.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This final project is based on a study which attempts to examine the effectiveness of instagram writing compared to teacher centered writing to teach recount text to students with high and low motivation of SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang in the academic year of 2015/2016. This final project has several objectives; to measure how effective instagram writing is to teach recount text to students with high motivation, to measure how effective instagram writing is to teach recount text to students with low motivation, to measure how effective teacher centered writing is to teach recount text to students with high motivation, to measure how effective teacher centered writing is to teach recount text to students with low motivation and to measure how effective instagram writing is compared to teacher centered writing to teach recount text to students with high and low motivation. This study was conducted by using Experimental research with 40 students participated. Those students were divided into experimental and control group. The experimental group was taught writing recount text by using instagram as a teaching technique, whereas the control was taught by using teacher centered writing. Results indicated that the final average score of experimental group was 73. Meanwhile, the control group got a lower average score with 67.15. After calculating the significance of the test, the result of the t-value was 2.210 and t-table was 2.002. With regard to the previous results, it can be concluded that teaching recount text using instagram resulted a better achievement. Besides, the t-value of the post test was higher than the critical value which meant that the difference was statistically significant. Thus, the higher achievement of experimental group indicated that the use of instagram promoted a better understanding for students with high and low motivation which improved the quality of their writing.
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING TWO STAY TWO STRAY AS A TECHNIQUE IN IMPROVING STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang in the Academic Year of 2015/2016) Maharani, Octavia Puspaning
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This research is about using Two Stay Two Stray technique for teaching speaking in senior high school. Two Stay Two Stray is an interactive technique that encourages the participants to be more creative and active in group work. This research aimed to find out whether or not Two Stay Two Stray technique is effective to teach speaking at the tenth graders of SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang in the academic year of 2015/2016. The research design used was quasi experimental research. Tests and observation checklist were used as the instruments to collect the data and information. Before conducting the experiment, try out was given to 30 students of X-7 to make sure that they were valid and reliable. The researcher used class X-1 as the experimental group and X-2 as the control group. Both classes were in the same level, background, and competence. The result of the pre-test showed that the mean score of the experimental group was 62.27 and the mean score of the control group was 60.47. After the treatment, the mean score of experimental group was 83. 86 and the mean score of control group was 77.86. It could be seen that there was an improvement after the treatments dealing with their speaking ability. From the t-test computation of the post-test score, the t-value was higher than t-table (t-value > t-table = 4.167 > 2.750). Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and the working hypothesis was accepted. It means that there is a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. The results indicate that Two Stay Two Stray technique is effective in improving the speaking ability at the tenth graders of SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang in the academic year of 2015/2016. It is suggested that the findings of this study could be applied regularly and continously or developed by the English teachers to have a better speaking teaching.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This study investigated the interpersonal meaning which lies on the eulogy speech which was delivered by Michelle Obama at Dr. Maya Angelou’s memorial service. The purposes of this study were to describe the tenor realized in the text, the construction of the interpersonal meaning and the contribution of this study for language education. This study was categorized as a discourse analysis which used qualitative approach as its main method. The qualitative approach was used to describe the quantitative data which was got from the analysis. The data for this study was analyzed using two units of analysis. In terms of grammar analysis, the units of analysis were the MOOD system, modality, and mood types, while the lexical analysis mainly analyzed the appraisal of the speech. Based on those analysis, it can be concluded that the tenor that was realized in the speech showed the strong social relationship between the interactants. In term of status, she did not stand as the first lady of United States. In terms of contact, she tried to make the situation as friendly as possible. In addition, in terms of affect, she showed that she gave a strong involvement with the audiences through her speech. In terms of grammar analysis, it showed that Michelle Obama tended to represent herself as one of the black women who got inspiration from Dr. Maya Angelou. She also intended to inform the audiences about Dr. Maya Angelou’s life. The appraisal analysis showed that judgment was the most frequent appraisal system in the speech. Michelle Obama tended to give a high appraisement towards Dr. Maya Angelou’s struggle and actions during her life.
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF JOURNALIST QUESTION TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL IN NARRATIVE TEXT (An Experimental Study at Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 19 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2014/2015) Kurniyasari, Puspa Dewi Ayu
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This research is about using Journalist Question technique for teaching writing in junior high school. Journalist Question technique is a technique that can help the students to explore their idea in writing to cover the content of the narrative text. This research that aims to investigate the effectiveness of Journalist Questions technique to improve students’ writing skill in narrative text. The research design used was an experimental research. Tests were used as the instruments to collect the data and information. Before conducting the experiment, try out was given to 33 students of VIII-B to make sure that they were valid and reliable. The researcher used class VIII-D as the experimental group and VIII-C as the control group. Both classes were in the same level, background, and competence. The result of this research showed that the average score of the pre-test in the experimental group was 54.78 and the post-test was 66.42. The improvement on the experimental group was 11.64. While, on the control group, the average score of the pre-test was 53.69 and the post-test was 60.48. The improvement on the control group was 6,73. From the t-test computation of the post-test score, the t-value was higher than t-table (t-value > t-table = 2.083 > 1.998). Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected and the working hypothesis was accepted. It means that there is a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. The results indicate that Journalist Question technique technique is effective in improving the writing skill at the eighth graders of SMP Negeri 19 Semarang in the academic year of 2014/2015. It is suggested that the findings of this study could be applied regularly and continously or developed by the English teachers to have a better teaching writing.
AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF ENGLISH ARTICLES IN STUDENTS’ WRITTEN DESCRIPTIVE TEXTS A Case of Class X MIA 1 of SMA N 1 Binangun, Cilacap in the Academic Year 2014/2015 Swasti, Sekar Bayu
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This study is a case study which investigates errors on the use of English articles. It is focused on the errors made by tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Binangun, Cilacap in their written descriptive texts. The total of 32 students of class X MIA 1 became the subjects of this study and they were asked to write descriptive texts. The object of this study was errors in using English articles which occurred in their texts. The data were analyzed based on Ellis’s Error Analysis Procedure and normalization formula by Pica. The result of this study from the highest to the lowest exposed errors are: indefinite a/an-for-zero errors (61.51%), zero-for-indefinite a/an errors (22.19%), definite the-for-indefinite a/an substitution error (5%), definite the-for-zero substitution error (4.65%), zero-for-definite the substitution error (4.41%), and indefinite a/an-for-definite the substitution error (2.23%). Based on the result gained from this study, the dominant error exposed by the students is grammatical error (indefinite a/an-for-zero). This condition shows that the students find difficulties to differentiate between countable and non-countable nouns. It is suggested that the teacher give more attention to this problem and start to improve his attitude in teaching grammar.
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING ONLINE NEWSPAPER IN THE LEARNING OF GRAMMAR An Experimental Study at Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 8 Batang Novita, Novita
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 5 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurusan IKM FIK UNNES

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This research was conducted because there is a possibility to introduce online newspaper to the students to improve their ability in grammar mastery due to the rapidity of technology development. Online newspaper and grammar were chosen because online newspaper contains grammar which was written straightly correct because it will be read by all of people. The problem of this research is how effective the use of online newspaper in the learning of grammar is, and the purpose of this research is to find out whether it is effective or not. The subject of this research is eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 8 Batang. They were chosen because I had been experienced in teach them and know their grammar mastery is still low. The research design is quasi-experimental design, with post-test pre-test experimental and control group. The result of this research shows that the gain of experimental group score is not as high as control group. So, it can be concluded that using online newspaper in the learning of grammar is not effective because the score gain of experimental group is lower than control group. It was caused by the level of vocabularies used in online newspaper is not common in students’ daily language and they have different interests in topic of the online newspaper’s passage.

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