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Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan
ISSN : 14105020     EISSN : 24071781     DOI : -
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles from agricultural disciplines covering Plantation crops, Food crops and horticulture, food Technology, Agriculture biology and agribusiness. Articles published in the Journal of Applied Agriculture may be research results (original) and scientific review articles (review). Applied Journal of Agriculture is published by Research Unit and Community Service of Lampung State Polytechnic Society 3 edition one year, that is January, May, and September. JPPT was first published in January 2000. JPPT published a print version in 2007, then started the online version or Open Journal System (OJS) in 2014. Early online versions of JPPT or OJS editing have not yet been fully implemented online management and are beginning to make improvements Web Journal view and journal cover and OJS governance management on Volume 2 No. 2 of 2017. JPPT has been indexed on Google Scholar and Garuda IPI by 2015, and by 2017 it has indexed SINTA and registered DOAJ and Crossref in the same year. We accept submissions from all over Indonesia. All submitted articles will not be published elsewhere, original and not considered for other publications.
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Isolat Bakteri Asam Laktat Sebagai Probiotik dengan Vaksinasi AI dan ND dalam Pembentukan Titer Antibodi Dan Bobot Badan Ayam Jantan Tipe Medium Rudy Sutrisna
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 14 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (149.176 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v14i2.150


Isolates of Lactic Acid Bacteria isolates assembled into a mixture of LAB as probiotics . LAB probiotic drops introduced through the mouth with the aim of suppressing pathogens and is expected to improve the health status of rooster type of medium . Isolates in the digestive tract will undergo adaptation by temperature , acidity and pH changes in the gut . The health status of the chicken can be expressed as growth to form the body weight , and the growth of LAB . In addition , AI and ND vaccination in healthy chickens conditions will produce antibodies to both . The success of vaccination can be evaluated from the results of the formation of chicken blood serum titre of research . Analysis of descriptive data on the dynamics of the growth of LAB , the formation of antibody titer and body weight gain 24-31 day old chickens . Based on the results of this study revealed that isolates of LAB can be used simultaneously in bercoccidiostat feed . LAB isolates may develop in the digestive tract rooster medium type as probiotics. The dynamics of the growth of a population produces a mixture of isolates of LAB isolates (mixture of B1, B3, B4, B5 as probiotics) in the highest reaches of the ilium and jejunum 14.00 x 10-6 13.5 x 10-6 CFU/ml. Test isolates viability of probiotic candidates in all isolates produced distilled water medium can live up to 72 hours of incubation . In addition, there is a synergy results in the formation of antibody titers ND uniform T3 treatment. T3 treatment is given probiotics 2x chicken every week for 3 weeks . In AI vaccination resulted in antibody titers are not uniform. Body weight gain reached the age of 24-31 days in a row 75.83 g, 76.54 g, 81.58 g, 87.04 g. Weight age of 31 days the average value obtained successively from the highest 329.16 g, 328.54 g, 325.54 g and 324.08 g lowest . Keywords; isolates LAB, probiotics, antibody titers, rooster layer medium type.
Karakterisasi, Kesesuaian Lahan dan Teknologi Kelapa Sawit Rakyat di Rawa Pasang Surut Kalimantan Tengah M. Anang Firmansyah
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 14 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (204.306 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v14i2.147


Oil palm extensification in tide land. It’s a marginal land which sensitive to degradation. Otherwise, peat is low bearing capacity, subsidence, drying irreversible and close fire and then emission of green house gas. So other soil in the tide land is acid sulfate soils have a pyrite, while be can oxidation can produce of increased soil acidity and ferro and aluminum. Location of research include ine Ex Rice Mega Project ie. Kapuas Regency and Pulang Pisau Regency, and other is East Kotawaringin Regency. Limiting factor in soil mineral are effective dept of soil and drainage class (S3-d2.s2 dan s2-d2); and then in peatland are soil dept, decomposition factor and drainage class (S3-t2.d2, S3-s2d2 dan S3-d2). Agronomic action used farmer and plantation industry very variance, so characteristic and climate quality, land, agronomic, post harvest wil can level of agronomic compound of oil palm in tide land wich better for produce, efficiency, and green environment. Keywords: Oil palm, tidal swamp, Central Kalimantan
Peran Angkutan Laut dalam Meningkatkan Distribusi Ternak Sapi Potong dari Daerah Produsen ke Wilayah Konsumen Bambang Winarso
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 14 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.445 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v14i2.146


Nationally, there are some areas of the provinces in Indonesia is livestock center including East Nusa Tenggara province. East Nusa Tenggara Governor Decree No. 278/Kep/HK/2011 Deciding that the allocation of large livestock beef to local consumers (West Java, Jakarta and Kalimantan) each of (a) as 55.000 heads of cattle,(b) 7.000 buffalo and (c) 5.000 horse. For transporting live cattle the only means of transportation by ship. Darmaga Tenau in serving the transport of life cattle is still in a simple way. Similarly, in a transit Kalimas. In an effort to decrease the cattle of the ship had been taken in three ways: (a) transported and unloaded from boats using nets, (b) direct the cows are herded through the bridge and (c) using containers. However, in connection with a number of criticisms relating to the principle Animal welfare, inevitably a third pattern to be implemented despite the fact that take a long time and ultimately costs more mahal. This paper is part of the research results of “Efisiensi Moda Transportasi Ternak dan Daging Sapi Dalam Mendukung Program Swasembada Pangan” by the Center for Economic and Agricultural Policy, 2013. Location of the study focused on East Nusa Tenggara and East Java. Keywords: marine transportation, livestock, distribution
Kajian Peningkatan Peran Azolla Sebagai Pupuk Organik Kaya Nitrogen pada Padi Sawah Iwan Gunawan
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 14 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (30.057 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v14i2.151


The study aims to get an optimum dose of Azolla organic fertilizer that provides maximum growth and yield of rice crops. The experiments are arranged in complettely randomized block design with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments tested were fresh Azolla biomass dose embedded in the ground to accompany the provision of Azolla that left to grow on the surface of the water of the rice fields. Treatments dose of fresh Azolla biomass awere M0 = control (without organic fertilizer Azolla); M1 = 100 g.pot-1 ; M2 = 200 g. pot-1; M3 = 300 g. pot-1 ; and M4 = 400 g. pot-1. The experimental results show that: (1) organic fertilizer Azolla improve the growth and yield of rice paddy fields, and (2) Results of maximum 56.35 grams of dry grain per plant with an optimal dose of organic fertilizer as much as 48.102 ton.ha -1. Keywords: Organic fertilizers, Fresh Azolla, growth, yield, rice paddy.
Transfer Teknologi Okulasi Durian di Kelompok Tani Harapan Baru I Kelurahan Batu Putuk Bandar Lampung Rizka Novi Sesanti; Hilman Hidayat; Nurman Abdul Hakim
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 14 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.404 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v14i2.152


Technology transfer about durian grafting in Harapan Baru I farmers Group, Batu Putuk village, Bandar Lampung city has been done . This activity aims to improve ( 1 ) knowledge of members of Harapan Baru I Farmers Group about characteristics durian superior. ( 2 ) knowledge of members of Harapan Baru I Farmers Group in durian grafting techniques . ( 3 ) skills of members of Harapan Baru I Farmers Group in durian grafting techniques. The method used is counseling, demonstration and practice . Evaluation used is initial evaluation , final evaluation , and evaluation success durian grafting. Results of activity showed that ( 1 ) knowledge of members of Harapan Baru I Farmers Group in characteristics durian superior reached 87.06 % . (2) knowledge of members of Harapan Baru I Farmers Group in durian grafting technique reached 87.06 % . (3) Skills of members of Harapan Baru I Farmers Group in durian grafting techniques increased from 10 % to 60 % . Key words : durian, Batu Putuk, grafting
Studi Sistem Tanam Jajar Legowo terhadap Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Sawah Misran Misran
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 14 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (91.143 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v14i2.148


The studies of row planting system “legowo” to the increased productivity of lowland rice. This research aims to determine the best planting system in order to obtain optimum growth and yield. The experiment site in lowland farmers Piruko Sitiung, Dharmasraya district, West Sumatra, from May to September 2009. The research using a randomized block design (RBD) with 4 replications and 5 treatments planting systems, namely: (A) the Row “Legowo” 2:1, (B) the Row “Legowo” 4:1, (C) the Row “Legowo” 6:1, (D) the Row “Legowo” 8:1, and (e) Without the Row “Legowo” Control. Fertilizers are used ; 200 kg Urea, 100 kg SP36, and 50 kg KCl/ha. Urea and KCl are given three times with brocasting system at 1, 4 , and 7 weeks after planting (wap), while the SP36 is given at 1 wap combined with Urea and KCl. The seeds used Batang Piaman variety planted three seedling per hill, spacing of 25x25 cm . Data were collected on; plant height , maximum number of tillers/hill, number of productive tiller/hill, yield components, and yield. The results showed that “legowo” row planting system significantly affect the agronomic component plants, except at plant height. Against the yield components and the results also showed a marked influence on the percentage of empty grains unless and 1000 grain weight. “Legowo” row planting system can increase the yield of dry grain harvest around 19.90 to 22%. This experiment suggests that in order to obtain optimum productivity of lawland rice is recommended to use of “Legowo” row planting system. Keywords : “Legowo” row planting system, productivity, lawland rice.
Realisasi Kegiatan Program Daerah dalam Pengembangan Pembibitan Sapi Potong Guna Mendukung Swasembada Daging Nasional Bambang Winarso
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 14 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.616 KB) | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v14i2.149


Regional autonomy is given broad authority, real and accountable to local governments in proportion. In line with the local government should be able to utilize the potential of area resources optimally. However, under Regulation No 25 ps 2 verse 3, yr 2000 showed that specific authority perbibitan and arrangements regarding disease prevention remains a central government authority in this regard is Breed Livestock Directorate. Do with the efforts to develop livestock breeding cattle in various respo . In an effort to increase the population of cattle beef cattle , a policy that could be done by the East Java Provincial Government "Berlian" program. Meanwhile, Bali local government has declared Simantri Program, Jambi Provincial Government still relies on the center's programs, while in West Java are still doing investigations were the provinces that have the potential technical and non- technical support. This paper is part of the research results about the prospect of Livestock Breeding Beef Cattle Expansion medium scale done in 2012 by the Center for Economic and Social Agriculture . As for the location of the research done in the Province of Bali , East Java , West Java and Jambi Province Keywords: Regional Programme, Beef Cattle Breeding, National Self-Sufficiency

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