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The Southeast Asian Journal of Midwifery Vol 1 No 1 (2015): The Southeast Asian Journal of Midwifery
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Kebidanan Indonesia

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Pelaksanaan promosi kesehatan melalui parenting education di PAUD holistik integratif adalah wadah pendidikan orangtua untuk meningkatan pola asuh kepada anak, agar anak dapat tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal. Bidan memiliki tugas dalam promosi kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh faktor peran bidan desa dalam proses promosi kesehatan melalui parenting education di PAUD holistik integratif yang berpengaruh secara langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap pola asuh orangtua secara holistik di Kabupaten Karanganyar.Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei dengan disain cross-sectional yang menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen utama pengumpulan data primer. Data sekunder diperoleh dari pencatatan di instansi terkait di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Sampel yang diperoleh adalah sebanyak 108 orangtua, yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis penelitian adalah regresi linier berganda dan model analisis jalur (path analysis).Temuan-temuan pentingnya adalah bahwa secara bersama-sama (simultan) peran bidan desa, peran pendidik PAUD, peran petugas PLKB, dan proses promosi kesehatan melalui parenting education berpengaruh signifikan baik langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap pola asuh orangtua secara holistik. Secara parsial, peran bidan desa, peran pendidik PAUD, peran petugas PLKB serta proses promosi kesehatan melalui parenting education berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pola asuh orangtua secara holistik. Strategi promosi kesehatan melalui parenting education yang tepat adalah dengan peningkatan kerjasama lintas sektor.ABSTRACTImplementation of health promotion through parenting education in holistic integrative earcly childhood education (PAUD) is a medium for parental education to improve parenting to children, so that children can grow and develop optimally. Holistic integrative education in early childhood among Posyandu, Education for Family with Toddler, and Early Childhood Education is a new paradigm; thus, there is a need for a strategy that combines three aspects: nutrition, health, psychosocial, and education. This research aimed to analyze the influence of the role of village midwife in health promotion process through parenting education in holistic integrative PAUD that impacts directly or indirectly on parenting parents holistically in Karanganyar District.This research was conducted in the Region of Karanganyar District, Central Java. This was a survey research with a cross-sectional design, using questionnaires as the main instrument to collect primary data. Secondary data were obtained from records in the relevant agencies in Karanganyar District. The sample size was 108 parents, taken by using purposive sampling technique. This research used multiple linear regression analysis and path analysis model.The findings were that, simultaneously and partially, the roles of village midwife, PAUD educator, and family planning outreach worker as well as the process of health promotion through parenting education had significant effects both directly and indirectly on holistic parenting. Strategy for health promotion through appropriate parenting education can be done with the improvement of multi sectoral cooperation.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Manager Komunitas sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak Sunarsih, Tri; Shanti, Elvika Fit Ari
Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Bakti VOL 2, NO 1 (2019): FEBRUARI 2019
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.432 KB) | DOI: 10.35842/jpdb.v2i1.66


The Maternal and Child Health Program (MCH) is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Health and a key indicator in the National Long Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2005-2025. The high maternal mortality (MMR) in Indonesia to make the Government put efforts decrease AKI as a program priority. The clinic gamping is a health center with the highest number of infant deaths, each of which is 6 babies. The highest cause of infant mortality is low birth weight (Dinkes Sleman, 2016). The location of Ambarketawang Village which be used as a place for KKN-PPM is the clinik Gamping area. The number of productive population in Ambarketawang Village occupies a majority position (age between 20-45 years), thus requiring more attention to reproductive health as an effort to reduce MMR and IMR (Profile of Ambarketawang Village, 2014). In overcoming these problems, real and realistic efforts are needed by involving the active role of the community by utilizing the potential of local organizations because their activities reach the operational level carried out by health cadres. But based on observations in the field the level of education of the average cadre is low. Many health cadres still do not understand about the MCH program, skills and abilities in managing activities are still limited, cadres still lack understanding about their duties as Village Facilitators. In addition, community participation is still limited to the phase of just being involved and being part of the activity. The Midwifery Study Program is one of the technical implementing units in the field of health education. The basic thinking of this level of education is to help the government suppress the high MMR and IMR in Indonesia. Therefore KKN activities part of the midwifery education process must be done to provide students with the ability to provide community midwifery care that is oriented towards community empowerment. The method in this KKN-PPM activity will be carried out in two activities, namely: First, debriefing the Gamping Tengah village community through the formation of community managers consisting of elements of health cadres and community leaders. Second, mentoring community empowerment practices carried out by community managers in families in the field of MCH. In accordance with the problems raised earlier, the objectives to be achieved in this activities are: forming community managers as village facilitators, developing community managers who have an understanding of the concept of maternal and child health programs, forming baby food cafe programs, forming healthy youth groups as maternal health preparation, making OCOC (one cadre one client) program for pregnant women.Keyword: community manager, Maternal and Child Health
Pemberdayaan Relawan Dalam Upaya Penanggulangan Kekerasan Terhadap Anak Mawarti, Triyani; Djannah, Siti Nur; Sunarsih, Tri
Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Bakti VOL 2, NO 1 (2019): FEBRUARI 2019
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.042 KB) | DOI: 10.35842/jpdb.v2i1.75


Child abuse in Indonesia is increasing every year. In 2011 there were 2178 cases of violence, in 2012 there were 3512 cases, in 2013 there were 4311 cases, in 2014 there were 5066 cases (KPAI, 2015). Of these cases, there were 5 of the highest cases from 2011 to April 2015, namely (1) children dealing with the law recorded 6006 cases, (2) cases of care 3160, (3) education cases 1764, (4) health cases and drugs 1366 and ( 5) cases of pornography and cybercrime 1032. Where also need to be known that there are 3 child locus of violence, namely: family environment, school environment and community environment. Many parents consider child abuse to be a natural thing. These acts of violence can have both physical and psychological impacts. Both parents and the public do not understand the existence of hazards that threaten child safety and awareness of the need for child protection from threats of violence and sexual crimes are still low. This condition is clearly very alarming and requires precautionary measures for subsequent sacrifices involving various parties. The government does have to take the main part of the prevention effort, both through impartial policy formulation and applicable operational programs. In addition, various social organizations must also be seriously involved in their efforts to anticipate more violence and sexual crimes against children. The Community Partnership Program (PKM) is packaged by designing a social movement together by forming a volunteer group to protect children from the Panggungharjo Village community as an effort to prevent and deal with cases of violence against children. The method used in this activity includes TOT or child protection volunteer training in Panggungharjo Village can be described as a pyramid, in line with the pyramid of psychosocial recovery services.Keywords: Empowerment, Volunteer, Countermeasures, Child Violence 
MEDIA ILMU KESEHATAN Vol 4 No 3 (2015): Media Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Yogyakarta

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Background: Prolonged economic crisis and a wave of total reform caused many women, including mothers, worked as employees. This has impact on children, where they become lonely, being taken care by others, watching TV too much, and playing video or online games. Thus, formal education (schools) and informal education (family) turned out to be less able to provide its share both in terms of the development of personality and character. The program that is being promoted is parenting education to strengthen the role of parents and families in informal education. Parenting education program obtain less participation, due to the lack of information provided about its purpose, benefits and implementation. Moreover, there is also a lack of public awareness of the importance of parenting education. Objective: This research aimed to explore the parents’ characteristics in health promotion through parenting education. Method: The research was conducted in Karanganyar Regency, Central Java. It was a survey-based research with a cross-sectional design. The research relied on questionnaires as the main instrument for primary data collection. Secondary data was obtained from records in the relevant agencies in Karanganyar Regency. Sample consisted of 108 parents, which was taken by purposive sampling technique. Univariate analysis was used to provide frequency distribution. Result: Perception of parents to parenting education was quite well. Motivation of parents to parenting education and parental expectations of children were in good category. Conclusion: The process of health promotion through parenting education was conducted optimally, it was necessary to increase the perception of parents on parenting education. Parents’ motivation can be a major factor to design and implement parenting education program. Keywords: Parents’ characteristics, health promotion, parenting education
Parenting Styles and Resilience towards Reproductive Health in Married Female Adolescents in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yohana, Beby; Sunarsih, Tri; Rokhanawati, Dewi
Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

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Background: More than 700 million women were married before turning 18 in all over the world. In 2016, Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogya­karta, Indonesia, had the highest number of child marriages which accounted for 1.395 cases. Con­sider­ing the many negative factors of early preg­nan­cy, possessing the ability to survive and over­come hardship is imperative for married female adolescents. This study aimed to examine the effects of parenting style on resilience toward health repro­ductive.Subjects and Method: This was a cross sec­tion­al study conducted in Gunung Kidul, Yogya­karta, Indonesia. A total of 79 married female adoles­cents were selected for this study. The depen­dent variable was resilience toward repro­ductive health. The indepen­dent variables were age, education, employment, information source, economic status, know­ledge, paternal parenting style, and maternal parent­ing style. The data were collected using questionnaire and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression.Results: High knowledge (OR= 3.48; 95% CI= 0.11 to 10.55; p= 0.028) and democratic parent­ing style (OR= 5.11; 95% CI= 1.62 to 16.05; p= 0.005) increased the resilience toward repro­ductive health in married female adolescents, and they were statistically significant.Conclusion: High knowledge and democratic parent­ing style increases the resilience toward repro­ductive health in married female adolescents.Keywords: resilience, reproductive health parenting styleCorrespondence: Beby Yohana. Masters Program in Midwifery, Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Jl. Ringroad Barat No.63, Mlangi Nogotirto, Gamping, Gam­ping, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Email: yo­ha­ Mobile: 0811291­0055Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2020): 96-103 
Jurnal Cakrawala Promkes Vol 1, No 2 (2019): August
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/promkes.v1i2 (2019).1681


Developing countries have a serious health problem with maternal death and illness. The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is 190 per 100,000 live births. Antenatal Care is a solution to reduce maternal and child mortality. Pregnant women are advised to carry out antenatal surveillance at least 4 times; once in trimester 1, once in trimester II, and twice in trimester III. Mlati II Sleman Health Center has met the target coverage for Visiting 1 (100%) and Visiting 4 (93.5%), but some pregnant women who examined did not know what Integrated Antenatal Care was. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge with attitudes of pregnant women about integrated antenatal care services at Mlati Sleman Public Health Center. The type of research used was a quantitative explanatory study type. The method used in the survey was a cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted at the Mlati II Health Center, Sleman, Yogyakarta. A total sample of 80 pregnant women TM II and TM III. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Test statistics with Kendall's Tau. There was no significant relationship between knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women regarding integrated antenatal care services at Mlati II Health Center Sleman Yogyakarta because integrated antenatal care has become a program so that pregnant women have been directed to follow it. The significance value is 0.457> α (0.05) and the correlation value shows -0.075. Pregnant women should more routinely check pregnancy according to the 10 T standard. Health workers need to improve the quality of integrated antenatal care services, it is necessary to motivate pregnant women to read the Mother-Child Health book so that mothers can remember the information contained in the Mother-Child Health book.
Pelatihan Dan Edukasi Pada Guru Paud Tentang Tumbuh Kembang Balita Dan Anak Pra Sekolah Sunarsih, Tri
Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Bakti VOL 3, NO 2 (2020): AGUSTUS 2020
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35842/jpdb.v3i2.125


The need for stimulation or efforts to stimulate children to introduce new knowledge or skills is very important in improving children's intelligence. Stimulation in children can be started since the baby is a fetus, because the fetus is not a passive creature. In the womb, the fetus is able to breathe, kick, stretch, move, swallow, suck the thumb, and others. While the main stimulation is given specifically for children aged 0-7 years (Siswono, 2004). PAUD teacher's understanding and awareness of the importance and influence of parental education on child development vary. Many do not understand the characteristics of early childhood development, stimulation, and implementation of early detection of early childhood growth and development. Asih Waluyo Jati Clinic is a Pratama clinic that has a program about child development. With community service at the Asih Waluyo Jati Primary Clinic, it is expected that the knowledge and understanding of PAUD teachers on the characteristics of growth and development, simulation, and implementation of early detection of early childhood growth and development can be increased. The activity was carried out at the Pratama Asih Waluyo Jati Clinic on Sunday, October 8, 2017, at 09.00 to 15.00 with material about problems of child growth and development in Indonesia, the importance of monitoring children's growth and development, the participation of teachers and parents in child development, how to detect children's growth and how to detect a child's development. The methods used in this activity include lectures, questions and answers, and role-play. Most of the participants understood what early detection and stimulation of children's growth and development were. But about the types and ways of early detection that must be done many do not understand. The participant's lack of understanding about the types and methods of early detection of children when training has not been conducted is likely because since they have never attended training and there has been no socialization from the education office related to monitoring child development. After being given the material, the participants understood that the types of early detection were detection of growth, development, and mental-emotional. Stimulation is very important as a form of intervention so that the child's growth and development can take place optimally.Keywords: early childhood, stimulation, early detection, growth, development
Penerapan Model Klinik Sahabat Anak Sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Generasi Punah (Lost Generation) Sunarsih, Tri; Ekawati
The Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment Vol 1 No 1 (2019): JICE
Publisher : Journal of Innovation in Community Empowerment

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Keberhasilan pelaksanaan pembangunan dibidang kesehatan sangat tergantung pada peran aktif masyarakat yang bersangkutan. Hal ini sebagaimana disebutkan dalam GBHN yaitu bahwa keberhasilan pembangunan nasional tergantung pada partisipasi seluruh akyat serta pada sikap mental, tekad, dan semangat ketaatan para penyelenggara negara [11]. Menyadari arti akan pentingnya peran aktif masyarakat dalam menunjang keberhasilan pembangunan dalam bidang kesehatan, diperlukan adanya agen-agen pembangunan yang dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan kesehatan yang mempunyai peran besar salah satunya adalah peran kesehatan, yang secara langsung berhadapan dengan berbagai permasalahan kemasyarakatan termasuk masalah kesehatan anak. Pemantauan dan deteksi tumbuh kembang anak usia dini merupakan bagian dari tugas dari para kader kesehatan. Tugas tersebut menjadi sangat penting dan komplek, karena persoalan tumbuh kembang anak ternyata bukan semata terarah pada pertumbuhan dan kesehatan fisik saja, melainkan juga komprehensif pada perkembangan psikis anak usia dini. Kesalahan atau disfungsi yang terjadi pada salah satu faktor, baik fisik ataupun psikis akan mengganggu faktor satunya. Apabila tidak dilakukan pemantauan dan deteksi tumbuh kembang anak usia dini secara benar dan cermat, maka disfungsi tersebut dimungkinkan akan menjadi kelainan permanen pada diri anak.Program Ipteks Bagi Masyarakat ini dikemas dalam bentuk Klinik Sahabat Anak. Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan, baik kader kesehatan maupun orangtua terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak usia dini. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini meliputi pelatihan deteksi tumbuh kembang anak usia dini bagi kader kesehatan dan orangtua maupun calon orangtua, pelatihan mengenai stimulasi tumbuh kembang anak usia dini dengan ceramah atau penyuluhan, tanya jawab, diskusi, display gambar, dan film. Selain itu pendampingan pelaksanaan deteksi dini tumbuh kembang sesuai jadwal usia anak. Pengadaan ruang baca bagi kader dan orangtua untuk menambah pengetahuan tumbuh kembang anak.
Path Analysis: Health Promotion Information Access of Parent Caretaking Pattern through Parenting Education Tri Sunarsih; Bhisma Murti; Sapja Anantanyu; Mahendra Wijaya
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 5, No 1: March 2016
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (153.537 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v5i1.4524


Parents often inhibit learning process organized by education, due to their ignorance about how to educate child well. Incapability of dealing with those changes leads to dysfunctional families, and problematic children. This research aimed: to analyzed the health promotion information access pattern of parent caretaking pattern through parenting education. This study was taken place in Karanganyar Regency area, Central Java. As a survey research with cross-sectional design, this study built on questionnaire as a main instrument of collecting primary data, while secondary data was obtained from recording in the related institutions in Karanganyar Regency. The sample consisted of 108 parents, taken using purposive sampling technique. To address the objective, multiple linear regression and path analyses were used. Its important finding was that interactions with other students’ parent, with other members of family, and with media simultaneously affected significantly the parenting pattern holistically, either directly or indirectly. The largest effect on parenting was exerted by interaction between parent and media. From those findings, the author recommended that the appropriate parenting education strategies were to provide adequate information such as reading books for parent, to facilitate parent discussion to generate interaction between parents so that they shared information more frequently.
Hubungan pengetahuan dengan sikap ibu hamil tentang pelayanan Antenatal Care Terintegrasi Indah Permatasari; Tri Sunarsih
Jurnal Cakrawala Promkes Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): August
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/promkes.v1i2.1681


Developing countries have a serious health problem with maternal death and illness. The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is 190 per 100,000 live births. Antenatal Care is a solution to reduce maternal and child mortality. Pregnant women are advised to carry out antenatal surveillance at least 4 times; once in trimester 1, once in trimester II, and twice in trimester III. Mlati II Sleman Health Center has met the target coverage for Visiting 1 (100%) and Visiting 4 (93.5%), but some pregnant women who examined did not know what Integrated Antenatal Care was. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge with attitudes of pregnant women about integrated antenatal care services at Mlati Sleman Public Health Center. The type of research used was a quantitative explanatory study type. The method used in the survey was a cross-sectional approach. The study was conducted at the Mlati II Health Center, Sleman, Yogyakarta. A total sample of 80 pregnant women TM II and TM III. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Test statistics with Kendall's Tau. There was no significant relationship between knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women regarding integrated antenatal care services at Mlati II Health Center Sleman Yogyakarta because integrated antenatal care has become a program so that pregnant women have been directed to follow it. The significance value is 0.457> ± (0.05) and the correlation value shows -0.075. Pregnant women should more routinely check pregnancy according to the 10 T standard. Health workers need to improve the quality of integrated antenatal care services, it is necessary to motivate pregnant women to read the Mother-Child Health book so that mothers can remember the information contained in the Mother-Child Health book.