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Octavianus Lumban Tobing
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Daya insektisidal minyak nilam (Pogostemon cablin Benth) dan ekstrak lerak (Sapindus rarak DC.) pada hama gudang sitophilus zeamais (Motsch.) Dwi Puspitosari; Nur Rochman; Octavianus Lumban Tobing
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.366 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v1i1.143


Sitophilus zeamais merupakan hama yang penting karena dapat menimbulkan kerusakan pada komoditas yang disimpan di gudang. Pengendalian S. zeamais antara lain dengan memanfaatkan minyak nilam dan ekstrak lerak sebagai insektisida nabati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan minyak nilam (Pogostemon cablin Benth) dan ekstrak lerak (Sapindus rarak DC.) dalam mengendalikan hama gudang Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap dan analisis probit untuk mengetahui nilai LC50 dan LC95. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada 72 JSP (Jam Setelah Perlakuan) mortalitas S. zeamais mencapai 100% pada konsentrasi minyak nilam sebesar 9% dan pada konsentrasi lerak sebesar 3% hingga 3,5%. Nilai LC50 dan LC95 untuk perlakuan minyak nilam adalah sebesar 1,524% dan 4,508% sementara pada perlakuan lerak sebesar 0,720% dan 2,170%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minyak nilam dan ekstrak lerak berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi bahan insektisida nabati. Kata kunci: S. zeamais, minyak nilam, ekstrak lerak, mortalitas 
Daya insektisida ekstrak daun otikai (Alphitonia sp.) dan ekstrak buah pinang (Areca catechu L.) terhadap tingkat kematian serangga hama gudang Callosobruchus chinensis L Marinus Gobai; Octavianus Lumban Tobing; Nur Rochman
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (806.285 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v1i2.166


Callosobruchus chinensis L. merupakan hama yang sangat penting karena dapat menimbulkan kerusakan pada komoditas yang disimpan di gudang. Pengendalian C.chinensis antara lain dengan memanfaatkan ekstrak daun otikai dan ekstrak buah pinang sebagai insektisida nabati. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan ekstrak daun otikai (Alphitonia sp.) dan buah pinang (Areca catechu L.) dalam mengendalikan hama gudang Callosobruchus chinensis. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2015 sampai Juni 2015 di Laboratorium Entomologi, SEAMEO BIOTROP. Penelitian dilakukan melalui percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Yang menjadi perlakuan adalah 7 taraf konsentrasi pestisida nabati dengan tiga kali ulangan untuk setiap taraf. Penelitian menggunakan analisis probit untuk mengetahui nilai LC50 dan LC95. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun otikai dan buah pinang berhasil mematikan serangga C.chinensis sebesar 95% selama 48 jam. Mortalitas tertinggi selama 48 jam setelah perlakuan terdapat pada konsentrasi 9.0% untuk ekstrak daun otikai dan 3.0 % untuk buah pinang dengan nilai yang sama, yaitu sebesar 100%. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa serangga jantan lebih
PENGARUH KEMIRINGAN PIPA PADA HIDROPONIK SISTEM NFT TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN PRODUKSI SELADA (Lactuca sativa L.) Rizky Nurrizal Maulido; Octavianus Lumban Tobing; Sjarif Avitidjadi Adimihardja
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (769.192 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v2i2.939


Effect of Pipe Slope on Growth and Production of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in NFT Hydroponic SystemABSTRACT            This research was aimed to study the effects of pipe slope on the  growth and production of three lettuce variety in NFT (nutrient film technique) system. A split plot completely randomized design was used with pipe slope levels, namely 6%, 9 %, and 12% as the main plot and cultivar (New Red Fire, Express  and Kribo) as the sub plot. Results showed that pipe slope levels were not affected all of the variables.  Meanwhile lettuce cultivar New Red Fire showed growth and production (number of leaf, leaf area, root lenght, shoot wet and dry weight crown,  root wet and dry weight,  biomass total dry wet) better than ‘Express’ and ‘Kribo’.Key words:  split plot, number of leaves, biomass total, NFT                                                              ABSTRAK             Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kemiringan pipa pada sistem hidroponik NFTterhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tiga varietas selada. Penelitian dilakukan dengan Rancangan acak lengkap pola Split Plot. Petak utama adalah tingkat kemiringan pipa (6 %, 9 %, dan 12 %), sedangkan anak petak adalah kultivar (New Red Fire,  Express dan Kribo). Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa tingkat kemiringan pipa tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua peubah yang diamati. Sementara itu, selada kultivar New Red Fire menunjukkan pertumbuhan dan produksi (jumlah daun, luas daun, panjang akar, bobot basah pucuk, bobot basah akar, bobot basah total, bobot basah dan kering pucuk, bobot basah dan kering akar dan bobot kering brangkasan total lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kultivar Express dan Kribo.   Kata kunci: split plot, jumlah daun, NFT, brangkasan total
Growth and Production of Lemon Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) Accessions Grown in Different Compositions of KCl Fertilizer and Cow Urine Wawan Setiawan; Octavianus Lumban Tobing; Arifah Rahayu
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.246 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v4i2.1569


Lemon basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is an indigenous plant which is commonly used as vegetable,medicinal herb, cosmetic ingredient, perfume ingredient, and food ingredient. This study was aimedat assessing the effects of the application of different compositions of KCl fertilizer and cattle urineon the growth and production of lemon basil accession. A factorial completely randomized designwith two factors was used. The first factor was the composition of KCl fertilizer and cattle urineconsisting of six levels, namely 100% R cattle urine 75% R cattle urine + 25% R KCl, 50% Rcattle urine + 50% R KCl, 25% R cattle urine + 75% R KCl, 100% R KCl, and 0% R cattle urine+ 0% R KCl. The second factor was lemon basil accession consisting of three levels, namely Bogor,Cianjur, and Sukabumi. Results showed that the composition of 25% R cattle urine + 75% R KCland 100% R cattle urine gave leaf area and total yield dry weight, respectively, which were higherthan those in other treatments. Bogor accession was found to have plant height, number of leaves,and length of branches which were significantly higher than those found in other accessions.Meanwhile, number of branches, leaf area, stem diameter, yield wet weight, and yield dry weightof Sukabumi accession were higher than those in Bogor and Cianjur accessions.Key words: Ocimum basilicum, leaf area, dry weight
Effects of the Administration of Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Water and Urea Fertilizer in Various Rates on the Growth and Production of Pakcoy (Brassica juncea L.) Tarzan Purba; Octavianus Lumban Tobing; Setyono Setyono
JURNAL AGRONIDA Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.782 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/jag.v4i2.1574


Pakcoy (Brassica juncea L.) is a leaf vegetable that requires sufficient nutrients for growth and development to produce maximum production. This study aims to determine the effect of pakcoy watering using coconut water and giving various doses of urea fertilizer to the growth and yield of pakcoy plants. This study used a factorial complete randomized design consisting of two factors. The first factor is the supply of coconut water which consists of four levels of treatment namely without coconut water (A1), volume of coconut water 100 ml (A2), volume of coconut water 150 ml (A3), volume of coconut water 200 ml (A4). The second factor was urea fertilizer which consisted of four treatment levels, namely without urea (N1), urea 0.2 gr (N2), urea 0.4 gr (N3), urea 0.6 gr (N4). The results of this study indicate that the watering of coconut water and the giving of various doses of urea fertilizer affect plant height at the 5th and 6th week, the number of leaves at the 5th and 6th week, leaf area, canopy width at the 5th and 6th week, leaf wet weight, leaf dry weight, root wet weight and root dry weight. The interaction between coconut water and urea fertilizer did not affect all observed variables.Key words: Brassica juncea, coconut water, urea, stover weight, growth.