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Analisis Proses Keputusan Pembelian, Persepsi dan Sikap Konsumen Terhadap Beras Organik di Jabotabek (An Analysis of Purchasing Decision, Perceptions and Consumer Attitudes Toward Organic Rice in Jabodetabek) Sumarwan, Ujang; Noviandi, Aldi; Kirbrandoko, Kirbrandoko
JURNAL PANGAN Vol 22, No 2 (2013): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (96.484 KB) | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v22i2.81


Permintaan beras organik terus meningkat, seiring dengan kesadaran konsumen tentang kesehatan. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu telah menyelidiki preferensi dan konsumsi beras organik serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi preferensi dan konsumsi beras organik tersebut. Penelitian terdahulu belum menyelidiki bagaimana konsumen melakukan proses keputusan pembelian beras organik, serta bagaimana sikap konsumen terhadap beras organik dan nonorganik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis proses keputusan, persepsi dan sikap konsumen dalam pembelian beras organik. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori proses keputusan konsumen, teori persepsi dan sikap konsumen. Sejumlah 115 orang responden diwawancarai di Jakarta, Depok dan Bogor (Jabodetabek). Analisis deskriptif dan Model Sikap Multiatribut Fishbein digunakan untuk analisisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses keputusan pembelian beras organik melalui tahap pengenalan kebutuhan, pencarian informasi, evaluasi alternatif, pembelian, dan evaluasi pasca pembelian. Responden memiliki persepsi bahwa harga beras organik lebih mahal dibandingkan beras nonorganik.Previous studies have shown the preferences and consumptions of organic rice and factors that influenced those preferences and consumptions of organic rice. However, previous studies did not investigate consumers’ decision processes of buying, perceptions and attitudes toward organic rice, Based on the results of previous studies, the objectives of the study were to analyze the consumers’ decision processes of buying organic rice, consumers’ perception and attitudes toward organic rice’s attributes. This study used theory of consumer decision making processes, perceptions and attitudes. The numbers of respondents were 115 who were interviewed in Jakarta, Depok and Bogor areas. Descriptive statistics and Fishbein method were employed to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that the respondents’ decision making of buying organic rices were through five steps: need recognition, information search, alternative evaluation, purchasing, and post purchase evaluation. Respondents also perceived that price of organic rice were more expensive than that of non-organic rice. Respondents also showed their attitudes toward organic rice were higher than that of non-organic rice. The respondents were more likely with organic rice than non-organic rice.