Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan model pembelajaran berbasis projek (Problem Based Learning) dengan media digital kearifan lokal pada keterampilan menulis teks ekplanasi siswa kelas XI SMA di Kabupaten Banyumas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development (R&D). Selain itu, penelitian ini dikembangkan dengan muatan kearifan lokal cowongan Kabupaten Banyumas. Data penelitian berupa informasi kebutuhan dan validasi media pembelajaran, sedangkan sumber data berasal dari pengisian angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini terdiri atas karakteristik model pembelajaran, media, prototipe media, penilaian ahli, serta perbaikan media. Karakteristik media terbagi atas dua yaitu karakteristik isi dan penyajian. Karakteristik isi terdiri atas (1) cakupan materi, (2) struktur materi, dan (3) evaluasi. Karakteristik penyajian meliputi yaitu 1) penyajian isi media dan (2) aspek interaktivitas media pembelajaran memproduksi teks eksplanasi. Prototipe media dari struktur isi meliputi layar pembuka, contoh adegan cerita teks eksplanasi, menu utama yang terdiri atas judul dan identitas, contoh cerita teks eksplanasi, kegiatan inti atau materi, penugasan dan penutup. Struktur penyajian meliputi bentuk penulisan, tata penggunaan bahasa serta kemasan media. Hasil penilaian ahli materi memperoleh skor dengan kategori layak dan dari ahli media dengan kategori sangat layak. Keunggulan video budaya cowongan Banyumas ini yaitu dapat membuat pembelajaran lebih efektif, mudah digunakan, kegiatan pembelajaran yang teratur dan sistemik. Adapun keterbatasan media ini adalah membutuhkan perangkat pendukung dan membutuhkan pendampingan guru. Kata kunci: model problem based learning, video cowongan Banyumas, pembelajaran memproduksi teks eksplanasi Abstract The purpose of the research was to develop a project-based learning model (Problem Based Learning) with digital media of local wisdom on the skills of writing explanatory texts for class XI high school students in Banyumas Regency. This study uses a research and development (R&D) method. In addition, this research uses the content local wisdom of cowongan Banyumas Regency. The research data is in the form of information on media needs and validation, while the source of the data comes from filling out a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study consist of media characteristics learning model, media prototypes, expert judgment, and media refinement. The characteristics of the media are divided into two, namely the characteristics of the content and presentation. The characteristics of the content consist of (1) material coverage, (2) material structure, and (3) evaluation. Presentation characteristics include 1) presentation of media content and (2) interactivity aspects of learning media producing explanation texts . The media prototype of the content structure includes the opening screen, examples of explanation text story scenes, the main menu consisting of the title and identity, examples of explanation text stories, core activities or materials, assignments and closings. The presentation structure includes the form of writing, grammar and media packaging. The results of the material expert's assessment obtained a score in the feasible category and from the media expert with a very decent category. The advantages of this Banyumas cowboy culture video are that it can make learning more effective, easy to use, regular and systemic learning activities. The limitations of this media are that it requires supporting devices and requires teacher assistance. Keywords: problem based learning model, Banyumas cowongan video, learning to produce explanatory text