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The Sharia Law Politics Law in Indonesia Year 2008-2017 Mu'adil Faizin
Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Adzkiya Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Meto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.467 KB) | DOI: 10.32332/adzkiya.v5i2.881


The Sharia economy has a direct connection to the politics of a country. Given the last few years the Indonesian government has had an economic program design quite different from the previous year. Therefore, this paper Therefore, this paper raises the issue of The Sharia Law Politics Law in Indonesia Year 2008-2017. Contains studies of political developments of Islamic Economics law and character of economic law products in Indonesia in 2008 until the period of early semester 2017. This paper uses a historical, juridical and political approach. This paper finds that Indonesia's Economic Law Infrastructure from 2008-2017 has developed quite well. Based on the study of Political Law, this paper also found some political patterns of the Law of Islamic Economics of Indonesia in 2008-2017, namely: Horizontal-Vertical, Horizontal and Vertical.
The Sharia Law Politics Law in Indonesia Year 2008-2017 Mu'adil Faizin
Adzkiya : Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Adzkiya Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Institut Agama Islam Negeri Meto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.467 KB) | DOI: 10.32332/adzkiya.v5i2.881


The Sharia economy has a direct connection to the politics of a country. Given the last few years the Indonesian government has had an economic program design quite different from the previous year. Therefore, this paper Therefore, this paper raises the issue of The Sharia Law Politics Law in Indonesia Year 2008-2017. Contains studies of political developments of Islamic Economics law and character of economic law products in Indonesia in 2008 until the period of early semester 2017. This paper uses a historical, juridical and political approach. This paper finds that Indonesia's Economic Law Infrastructure from 2008-2017 has developed quite well. Based on the study of Political Law, this paper also found some political patterns of the Law of Islamic Economics of Indonesia in 2008-2017, namely: Horizontal-Vertical, Horizontal and Vertical.
DOWRY FUNCTION IN PERSPECTIVE OF MUBADALAH Siti Zulaikha; Siti Nurjanah; Mu'adil Faizin; Agus Salim Ferliandi
SMART: Journal of Sharia, Traditon, and Modernity Vol 2, No 1 (2022): SMART: Journal of Sharia, Tradition, and Modernity
Publisher : SMART: Journal of Sharia, Traditon, and Modernity

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.778 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/smart.v2i1.11064


Dowry is a gift from a husband to his wife which is done at the time of the marriage contract. Dowry is something that is not included in the conditions and pillars of marriage, but it must exist. Meanwhile, mubadalah is an approach used to understand the verses in the Qur'an which are general in form but at first glance, they seem to be biased towards one gender, or specifically for men where women are not addressed, and specifically women and men have not been addressed. so that the main message of the text can then be applied to the two sexes. This paper aims to examine the function of dowry using a young perspective which will use the literature study method, with data sources from all literature discussing dowry and mubadalah. The analysis will be carried out using qualitative methods with deductive thinking. In the discussion, it is known that dowry in the perspective of mubadalah is a provision that is set to strengthen the position of women. So it can be concluded that the dowry is actually to uphold the honor of women, so that the higher the appropriateness of the dowry given voluntarily, it can be considered as an indicator that the husband is committed and can prove his promise of sincerity. Keywords: Dowry, Mubadalah, Level of Appropriateness
Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum Vol 14 No 1 (2017): Istinbath Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (457.268 KB) | DOI: 10.32332/istinbath.v14i1.739


The current development, instant culture, and efficient dos in every activity of business, need to use the standaard contract. It is believed that businessmen make the standard exoneratie clause unilaterally and the consumer don’t have choices for doing negotiation or bergaining position, when make transactions. For example; the eksemsi clause, the determination of the interest clause, the entire immediate payment clause of financial lease, the forbidding returned item clause of buying, the risky clause, the delayed clause in transportation, the clause of forbidding brought food in karaoke business. Based on the desctiption, this article will explore The Validity Of Clauses Of The Standaard Contract In The Perspective Of Islamic Law. This article explores the fundamental of the legal agreement, the legal culture of Indonesia, and the fundamental of the Islamic law agreement. This article rediscovers that the fundamental of the Islamic law agreement is the ibahah fundamental, the free fundamental, the consented fundamental, the pact fundamental, the balance fundamental, the beneficial fundamental, the honest fundamental, and the fair fundamental. This article stresses that the standaard contract is ably, because corresponding to the ibahah fundamental and the free fundamental. But the clauses weren’t corresponding to the free fundamental, the consented fundamental, the balance fundamental, the beneficial fundamental, the honest fundamental, and the fair fundamental. Consequently, the validity of the clauses isn’t fulfilled. Perkembangan zaman, budaya instan dan upaya efisiensi dalam setiap kegiatan bisnis, mengharuskan untuk penggunaan perjanjian baku. Umumnya perusahaan membuat klausula eksonerasi perjanjian baku secara sepihak dan pihak konsumen tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukan negosiasi atau tawar menawar ketika melakukan transaksi. Sebagai contohnya; klausula eksemsi, klausula penetapan bunga, klausula pembayaran seluruh seketika dalam sewa beli, klausula barang tak boleh dikembalikan dalam jual beli, klausula risiko (cacat dalam leasing dan kehilangan dalam jasa parkir), klausul penundaan jadwal di bidang transportasi, dan klausula larangan membawa makanan dalam usaha karaoke. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, tulisan ini akan membahas keabsahan klausul eksemsi pada perjanjian baku dalam perspektif hukum Islam. Tulisan ini mengkaji asas-asas hukum perjanjian konvensional, budaya hukum Indonesia, dan asas-asas perjanjian dalam hukum Islam. Tulisan ini menemukan bahwa asas perjanjian hukum Islam meliputi; asas ibahah, asas kebebasan, asas konsensualisme, asas janji mengikat, asas keseimbangan, asas kemaslahatan, asas amanah, dan asas keadilan. Tulisan ini menegaskan bahwa pada dasarnya perjanjian baku boleh, sebab sesuai dengan asas ibahah dan asas kebebasan. Namun klausul eksemsi tidak sesuai dengan asas kebebasan, asas konsensualisme, asas keseimbangan, asas kemaslahatan, asas amanah dan asas keadilan. Sehingga dapat dinilai bahwa keabsahan klausula eksemsi tidak terpenuhi.
Kerahasiaan Bank Kontra Akses Informasi Perpajakan Ditinjau Dari Maqashid Syari’ah Multidimensi Mu'adil Faizin
Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum Vol 17 No 1 (2020): Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (605.505 KB) | DOI: 10.32332/istinbath.v17i1.1829


Abstrak Terbitnya Undang-Undang No. 9 Tahun 2017 tentang Penetapan PERPU No. 1 Tahun 2017 Menjadi Undang-Undang (selanjutnya disebut UU AEOI), tidak saja memberi sinyal berakhirnya era Kerahasiaan Bank, namun juga menampakkan keterbatasan kajian yuridis dalam menyelesaikan pertentangan hukum/legal contradiction. Karenanya, dalam tulisan ini akan dilakukan penelisikan melalui teori Maqashid Syari’ah, dengan harapan dapat memetakan pertentangan antar norma aturan yang ada, dan kemudian menemukan pola penyelesaian melalui kajian multidimensi yang bebas dari normativitas hukum yang kaku. Dari hasil kajian ditemukan bahwa menurut persepektif yuridis normatif, pembatalan ketentuan Kerahasiaan Bank untuk informasi perpajakan saat terjadi pertentangan hukum adalah tawaran yang paling memungkinkan untuk diterapkan. Perspektif ini memang paling mungkin untuk diterapkan meskipun menampakkan keterbatasan kajian yuridis normatif klasik, yang hanya mengkaji secara monodimensi, dan kaku. Sementara itu dalam analisis menggunakan perspektif Maqashid Syari’ah yang Multidimensi, ditemukan dua tawaran pola penyelesaian pertentangan hukum, yaitu menjadikan kebutuhan/kondisi darurat negara sebagai bagian dari Maqashid yang Prioritas, atau menjadikan Proteksi sebagai bagian dari Maqashid yang prioritas, dengan cara menggabungkan tujuan/maksud dari Kerahasiaan Bank (perlindungan nasabah), tujuan/maksud dari Akses Informasi Perpajakan (pembangunan negara), menjadi sebuah prinsip baru yaitu prinsip Kesehatan Nasabah.
Nizham Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 6 No 02 (2018): Hukum Ekonomi Syariah
Publisher : Postgraduate State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro

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AbstractOn October 1, 2016, DSN-MUI issued the DSN-MUI Fatwa no. 107 / DSN-MUI / X / 2016 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Syariah Hospital. This fatwa is based on two reasons, namely the needs of society, and legal vacuum. It was found that the concept of sharia, which is being embodied by the National Sharia Council - The Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI) in this fatwa still uses a single point of view of the shari'a maqashid of Imam Syatibi, has not yet penetrated its development. Focused on the protection of individuals al-kuliyat al-khamsah, conical to the segmentation of Muslims an sich. Fikih products in the form of this fatwa actually implies the decline of Fikih Indonesia thinking. Considering the condition of the pluralistic Indonesian people should be responded by the development of Shariah thought to al-birr's attitude, oriented to humanity. The best service paradigm in various religious patients.Finally, Sharia attachment to the Hospital is not only limited to marketing methods or name adaptations, but also reflects Islam rahmatan lil a'lamin.
Piagam Madinah Dan Resolusi Konflik Di Indonesia Mu'adil Faizin
Nizham Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 5 No 1 (2017): Hukum Islam dan Resolusi Konflik
Publisher : Postgraduate State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro

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Indonesia is known as a country which has Muslims of the major society. Unfortunately, getting a lot of conflict cases. When Indonesia gets conflicts, the Gospel of Islam and the Muslims always is blamed as the cause. Although, Islam gets the history of getting peace in practice of The Constitution of Medina. Consequently, the researcher discusses The Constitution Of Medina And A Resolution Conflict In Indonesia . The research is library research which uses the analysis method to content analysis. The research discovers that principle of The Constitution of Medina were Quran and Sunnah as the agreement inspiration; social unity; freedom of religion and movement; deliberation and autonomous leadership; helpful; humanity and social justice; and state sovereignty. Then, patterns of a resolution conflict of The Constitution of Medina that can become reference for Indonesia is dialog, tolerance and cooperation
The Islam and Insurance In Indonesia Mu'adil Faizin
Nizham Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Islam dan Ekonomi
Publisher : Postgraduate State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro

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The development of Islamic business thinking encourages a variety of sharia-based business practices, Sharia Insurance, meeting the two variables "Islam And Insurance", is one of them. Insurance is assumed as an industry with the principle of mutual help, but some assess the Takaful Insurance in Indonsia is not clear because it has business activities in it. Therefore, researchers raised the issue of Islam and Insurance In Indonesia. This study of literature review using content analysis method. Research results that Sharia Insurance has a historical basis called the concept of at-ta'min at-ta'awuniy, as well as ethical basis of ta'awun and takaful. There are 2 (two) Takaful products in Indonesia; first, products with elements of savings (saving); second, the product without the element of savings (non-saving).
Nizham Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 4 No 1 (2016): Islam dan LGBT
Publisher : Postgraduate State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro

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The transgender phenomenaon in Indonesia is known as an undesirable group of people, furthermore getting backbitting. Clearly, Islam avoids the undesirable. Finally, transgender people become a minority of people and getting different dos. Consequently, the researcher discusses Islamic Conseling As The Solution Of Transgender Phenomenaon. The research is library research which uses the analysis method to content analysis. The research discovers that transgender were considered mentally ill simply. Many transgender people have reported incidence of depression varies and become significantly higher levels of suicidality. In the psychological knowledge, Spritual intervention is the most of urgent ways to cure mental illness, so that islamic conseling as the solution of transgender phenomenaon could be done with several steps; the first, giving them knowledge about self-convidence; the second, insisting fundamental Islamic belief; the third, letting them approach to Allah SWT; the fourth, giving them knowledge about Islamic law of transgender phenomenon.
Nizham Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 4 No 2 (2016): Islam dan Lingkungan Hidup
Publisher : Postgraduate State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro

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The environmental problem becomes most problems. Getting many theories of the cause of enviromental crisis, finally on one theory, it is caused by spiritual crisis. It is enough sadly seeing Indonesia with the most islamic societies that can’t drop the enviromental crisis. Actually, Indonesia has had the keeping environmental instrument, but it is still weak. Consequently, the researcher discusses Urgency Of Islamic Environment Law In Development Of Islamic Modern Law As The Supportive Environmental Law Instrument. The research is library research which uses the analysis method to content analysis. The research discovers islamic environment law getting the ushul fiqih foundation that is the maslahah concept and the saddu zari’ah concept, and then a fiqih theory ((الضَّرَرُ يُزَالُ which means worse that must be deleted. The imbalance of understanding societies of the environment becomes the most of problems so that islamic environment law is urgent to develop that becomes Islamic modern law in the new knowledge and one of the supportive environmental law instruments, remembering that the religious norm gets similiar to the law norm.