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Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/SNvol2iss1pp071-085year2019


The study was conducted in Wai Sari sub-watershed, Western Seram Regency Maluku to develop an accurate land degradation assessment model for tropical small islands. The Stocking’s field land degradation measurement and RUSLE methods were applied to estimate soil loss by erosion and the results of both methods were statistically tested in order to obtain a correction factor. Field indicators and prediction data were measured on 95 slope units derived from the topographic map. The rates of soil loss were calculated according to both methods, and the results were used to classify the degree of land degradation. The results show that the degree of land degradation based on the field assessment ranges from none-slight (4.04 - 17.565 t/ha/yr) to very high (235.44 - 404.00 t/ha/yr), while the RUSLE method ranges from none-slight (0.04-4.59 t/ha/yr) to very high 203.90 - 518.13 t/ha/yr. However, the RUSLE method shows much higher in average soil loss (133.4 t/ha/yr) than the field assessment (33.9 t/ha/yr). The best regression equation of logD/RP = - 0.594 + 1.0 logK + 1.0 logLS + 1.0 logC or D = 0.2547xRxKxLSx CxP was found to be a more suitable land degradation assessment model for a small-scale catchment area in the tropical small islands.
Pengaruh Bahan Organik dan Azotobacter terhadap pertumbuhan Jagung di Tailing terkontaminasi merkuri dari Pulau Buru Reginawanti Hindersah; A. Marthin Kalay; Rafael Osok
Agrologia Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Agrologia: Jurnal Ilmu Budidaya Tanaman
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Pattimura University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/a.v7i2.762


Characteristics of mineral-mine tailings deposited in agricultural areas do not meet the requirements for food crop cultivation. The objective of the experiment was to obtain the information on the improvement of plant growth planted in mercury-contaminated tailings after adding organic matter and nitrogen fixing bacteria, Azotobacter. The greenhouse trial was set up in randomized factorial design which tested the Azotobacter inoculation consentrations and organic matter doses. There was no interaction effect between the two treatments on the growth of four-week old corn. Both organic matter and Azotobacter had a positive impact on vegetative growth of corn.
Efek Penggunaan Lahan Terhadap Degradasi Tanah Pada Kebun Campuran Di Kecamatan Kairatu Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat Propinsi Maluku Silwanus M Talakua; Rafael M Osok
Agrologia Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Pattimura University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/a.v7i1.352


Land use is the most influential factor in soil degradation due to erosion. The objectives of this research are to know the level of land degradation and the factors that influence the land use area, the upper vegetation density and the lower vegetation density. This research uses the method of measuring ground damage indicator in the field. The results showed that single, wide land use, upper vegetation density and lower vegetation density had an effect on soil degradation on mixed garden land use; while simultaneously, wide land use, upper vegetation density and lower vegetation density have an effect on soil degradation on mixed garden land use. The most influential factors for soil degradation in mixed gardens are the area of land use and lower vegetation density.Keyword:  Degradation of soil, land, vegetation density, mixed gardens.
Morphometric and Hidrological Characteristics of Way Apu Watershed Regency Of Buru Rafael M. Osok; Silwanus M. Talakua; Alfredo Manusama; Pieter J. Kunu
Agrologia Vol 9, No 1 (2020): Agrologia: Jurnal Ilmu Budidaya Tanaman
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Pattimura University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/a.v9i1.1058


Morphometry is important characteristics to understand hydrological processes of a catchment.The research purpose was to study  the morphometry and flood discharge characteristics of the Way Apu Watershed. Morphometrics data were measured using topographic maps and SIG-ArcView. The frequency distribution of rain was calculted using the Log-Pearson Type III, Gumbel, Normal, Log-Normal methods, and the design rainfall was determined according to 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years return periods. The flood discharge was calculated using the rational method, while the hydrograph unit was established using the Nakayasu method. The result showed that the watershed roundness ratio is 0.46 and the elongated ratio is 0.86 indicating the elongate watershed form. The design Rainfall of the return periods of 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 and 100 years range from 37.59 - 185.14 mm (Log Pearson Type III), 41.32 - 180.28 mm (Gumbel), 47, 68 - 139,98 mm (Normal), and 36,82 - 203,66 mm (Log-Normal). The Smornov-Kolmogorof test results show that the Log-Pearson Type III, Gumbel, and Log-Normal methods are suitable to calculate the design flood discharge. Data of the design flood discharge of Gumbel is suited for 25 years of waterwork plan, while Log-normal is suited for 100 years plan. Based on the Nakayasu Synthetic Hydrograph Unit, the river capacity of the Way Apu watershed is 21.37 m3/sec.
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 13 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2017.13.1.17


A research had been held from July till October 2016 in Wae Batu Merah Watershed, at Ambon City Maluku, Maluku Province with area covered 685,14 ha including in the area of Batu Merah Village and a part of Soya Village. The aim of the research were to: 1) determine land capability class; 2) determine land capability class with different topographyc classes, soil types and land use types; and 3) determine land use direction corresponding to each land capability class. The research method was a survey method with a pattern of synthetic and analytical approach using a flexible range of observation following the change in shape of physiography and land use. The results showed that: 1) The Wae Batu Merah Watershed has 6 land capability classes, i.e class II, III, IV, VI, VII, VIII, 2) Based on the different topography classses, soil types, and land use types it was found that land capability class with limiting factors were influenced of the three, 3) The direction of land use in the Wae Batu Merah Watershed were: intensive, middle and limited agricultural with agroforestry system, middle and limited pastural with agroforestry system, protected forest area, forest, resettlement cropping, biopore, and organic matter.
Status Kesuburan Tanah Berdasarkan Aspek Kimia dan Fisik Tanah di DAS Wai Ela, Negeri Lima, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, Provinsi Maluku Hetti May Rini Pintu Batu; Silwanus M Talakua; Adelina Siregar; Rafael M Osok
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 15 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2019.15.1.1


Soil fertility problems in Wai Ela Negeri Lima are caused by 1) natural factors such as geology, soil, topography, and land uses; 2) land management system, such as shifting cultivation and deforestation; and (3) land degradation due to a natural disaster such as the fast flood in Wai Ela watershed. The objectives of the study were 1) to study soil chemical and physical characteristics of Wai Ela watershed; 2) to determine the soil fertility status of Wai Ela watershed; and 3) to provide some recommendations to improve the soil fertility. Soil properties used in determining soil fertility status included CEC, BS, C-organic, available P2O5, N-total, pH, soil depth, soil textures, and soil permeability rates. The soil fertility status was determined by using PPT’s criteria. Data preparation and analysis were conducted by using Geographic Information System. The study results showed that the soil fertility status of Wai Ela watershed ranged from the low-class 217.74ha (14.50%) to medium class 899.56 ha (60.21%) and high-class 303.35ha (20.31%). The recommended soil fertility status improvements in Wai Ela include balanced-fertilization management, increasing soil organic matter by applying manure and compost at soil tillage stage, neutralizing the soil pH and applying irrigation water management. Keywords: chemical and physical aspects, Negeri Lima, soil fertility, Wai Ela Watershed ABSTRAK Masalah kesuburan tanah di DAS Wai Ela Negeri Lima disebabkan oleh: 1) faktor alami yaitu geologi, jenis tanah, topografi dan penggunaan lahan; 2) pola pemanfaatan lahan, yaitu perladangan berpindah dan penebangan hutan; dan 3) degradasi lahan akibat bencana alam berupa banjir bandang di danau Wai Ela. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengkaji data kimia dan fisika tanah di DAS Wai Ela; 2) Menetapkan status kesuburan tanah di DAS Wai Ela; dan 3) Menentukan arahan perbaikan kesuburan. Sifat kimia tanah yang berpengaruh terhadap penetapan status kesuburan tanah adalah KTK, KB, C-organik, P2O5 tersedia, N total dan pH tanah. Sifat fisika tanah seperti kedalaman tanah, tekstur dan laju permeabilitas tanah. Penentuan status kesuburan tanah ditetapkan berdasarkan kriteria penentuan tingkat kesuburan tanah PPT (1983) dan kriteria kombinasi kesuburan fisika tanah (Sitorus, 1985). Tahap persiapan sampai pengolahan data status kesuburan tanah adalah berbasis SIG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status kesuburan tanah total pada lokasi penelitian yaitu kelas rendah 216,74 ha (14,50%), kelas sedang 899,56 ha (60,21%) sampai kelas tinggi 303,35 ha (20,31%). Arahan perbaikan kesuburan tanah di DAS Wai Ela adalah manajemen pemupukan berimbang, penambahan bahan organik (pupuk kandang, pupuk hijau) pada tahapan pengolahan tanah, manajemen pH tanah yang sesuai dan pengaturan air irigasi yang tepat. Kata kunci: aspek kimia dan fisik, DAS Wai Ela, kesuburan tanah, Negeri Lima
Pendugaan Erosi Tanah dan Arahan Rehabilitasi Lahan berbasis SIG di DAS Wai Ela Negeri Lima Jazirah Leihitu Pulau Ambon Sisilia Wariunsora; Rafael M Osok; Silwanus Talakua
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 16 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2020.16.1.11


The occurrence of soil erosion in Wai Ela Watershed is related to natural factors such as geology, soil types, slope steepness, and land uses. This study aimed to estimate soil erosion rates and their spatial distribution in Wai Ela watershed, and the results were used to establish land rehabilitation practices. The study used a survey method with a flexible grid observation distance, and field data collection was conducted on 15 sampling areas representing 72 land units. The annual soil erosion rates of Wai Ela watershed were estimated by using RUSLE and GIS, and the results were corrected with 0,2547 (Talakua and Osok’s correction factor). The proposed land rehabilitation practices were established based on the tolerable soil erosion (T) values and CP maximum. The study results showed that the average annual erosion rates in Wai Ela watershed vary from light erosion (8,14 t/ha/yr) to very heavy erosion (381,70 t/ha/yr), while the tolerable soil erosion rates range from 4,60 t/ha/yr to 24t/ha/yr. The proposed land rehabilitation practices include enrichment of the existing unprotected areas (bare lands) with forest and fruit trees, planting cover crops and grasses, and mulching on agricultural land. Keywords: correction factor 0,2547, land rehabilitation practices, RUSLE, Wai Ela watershed ABSTRAK Erosi pada DAS Wai Ela terjadi akibat faktor alam yaitu geologi, jenis tanah, panjang dan kemiringan lereng dan penggunaan lahan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menduga besarnya erosi di DAS Wai Ela, dan menetapkan arahan rehabilitasi lahannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan tipe observasi fleksible grid dan pengumpulan data lapangan dilakukan pada 15 sampel area yang mewakili 72 satuan lahan. Besarnya erosi dihitung menggunakan metode RUSLE dan hasilnya dikoreksi dengan factor 0,2547, dan dipetakan menggunakan program SIG. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rrosbi di DAS Wai Ela berkisar dari sangat ringan (8,14 ton/ha/thn) hingga erosi sangat berat (381,70 ton/ha/thn), sedangkan erosi yang dapat dibiarkan atau nilai T berkisar dari 4,6 ton/ha/thn hingga 24 ton/ha/thn. Arahan rehabilitasi lahan yang disarankan adalah melakukan pengkayaan pada lahan-lahan yang terbuka dengan tanaman hutan dan buah-buahan, menanam tanaman penutup tanah dan rumput pada lahan yang miring dan penggunaan mulsa serasah/jerami, pada lahan-lahan pertanian. Kata kunci: DAS Wai Ela, faktor koreksi 0,2547, usulan rehabilitasi lahan, RUSLE
Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Tipe Penggunaan Lahan Tanaman Pangan Lahan Kering Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Wae Batu Merah Kota Ambon Provinsi Maluku Daniel Torimtubun; Ellisa J Gaspersz; Rafael M Osok; Silwanus M Talakua
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 14 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2018.14.2.81


The study was conducted on Wae Batu Merah watershed in Ambon, from July to October 2016, with the covered area of 685,14 ha. The objectives of the study were 1) to determine the limiting factors of land suitability classes of the upland food crops land-use types, and 2) to establish the land suitability classes of the upland food crops land-use types. The study method was surveyed with a synthetic approach and filed data collection was conducted using distanced-flexible observation. The study shows that there are two land sutability classes on the Wae Batu Merah, namely marginal (S3) land sutability class covered area of 116,93 ha or 17,06% and not-suitable (N) land suitability class covered area of 568,21 ha or 82,94%, while there are seven limiting factors, namely effective soil depth, soil texture, soil drainage, slope steepness, soil pH, soil erodibility. The application of terracing, mulching and contour planting are recommended to reduce the effect of slope steepness and soil erodibility. Keywords: Ambon city, land suitability class, wae batu merah watershed ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di DAS Wae Batu Merah Kota Ambon Provinsi Maluku pada bulan Juli sampai Oktober 2016 dengan luas lokasi penelitian 685,14 ha. Penelitian ini dilaksankan dengan tujuan : 1) Menetapkan faktor-faktor pembatas tingkat kesesuaian lahan untuk tipe penggunaan lahan tanaman pangan lahan kering di DAS Wae Batu Merah Kota Ambon, 2) Menetapkan kesesuaian lahan untuk tipe penggunaan lahan tanaman pangan lahan kering di DAS Wae Batu Merah Kota Ambon, Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pola pendekatan sintetik dan jarak observasi fleksibel mengikuti perubahan bentuk fisiografi dan penggunaan lahan. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan lapangan dengan evaluasi lahan, hasil yang di temukan adalah: 1) terdapat 2 kelas kesesuaian lahan pada Das Wae Batu Merah yaitu, kelas kesesuaian lahan S3 terdapat pada area seluas 116.93 Ha atau 17.06%, dan kelas kesesuaian N terdapat pada area seluas 568.21 Ha atau 82.94%, 2) Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi lahan maka terdapat 7 faktor pembatas yaitu kedalaman efektif, tekstur tanah, drainase, kemiringan lereng, pH tanah, erodibilitas, zona agroklimat. Kelas kesesuaian lahan potensial setelah dilakukan perbaikan dari S3 menjadi S2 dengan faktor pembatas pH tanah, lereng, dan erodibilitas. untuk faktor pembatas drainase dapat diatasi dengan pembuatan saluran drainase, untuk lereng dan erodibilitas dapat diatasi dengan pembuatan teras, dan penanaman sejajar kontor dan penanaman tanaman penutup tanah. Kata kunci: daerah aliran sungai wae batu merah, evaluasi lahan, kota Ambon
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Erosi Tanah, Dan Tingkat Bahaya Erosi Dengan Metode Rusle Di DAS Wai Batu Merah Kota Ambon Provinsi Maluku Rafael M Osok; Silwanus M Talakua; Ellisa J Gaspersz
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 14 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2018.14.2.89


The study was conducted in July-October 2016 in the Wai Batu Merah Watershed, Ambon City, Maluku Province with an area of ​​685.14 ha covering the Village of Batu Merah and parts of Soya Village. This research was carried out with the aim of 1) determining the factors that affect erosion, 2) determining the amount and level of soil erosion hazard, 3) determining the direction of land rehabilitation that is suitable for controlling erosion. The research method is a survey method with a synthetic and analytic approach with flexible observation distance based on land units. The method of determining the amount of erosion is based on the RUSLE method (Renard et al., 1997) and the erosion hazard level based on FAO criteria (FAO, 1979) in Ponce-Hernandez (2004). The results found are 1) Factors affecting erosion in the Wai Batu Merah watershed are rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), topography (LS), vegetation (C), soil conservation practice (P). Annual rainfall erosivity factor = 2419.03 ton.m/ha/cm-rain. For monthly erosivity, the highest erosivity in July is 537.34 ton.m/ha/cm-rain, followed by June at 526.03 tons.m/ha/ cm-rain. The soil erodibility factor is classified as very low, medium and rather high. Soils with a rather high erodibility level are Thapto-Histic Hydraquents with a K value of 0.380 classified as a rather high class. This means that if other erosion factors are in identical conditions, the potential for land degradation due to erosion in this soil is higher than other soils in the study area. While the low erodibility level is Lithic Udorthents and Typic Fluvaquents with K values ​​of 0.175 and 0.178, respectively. This indicates that these lands are more resistant to land degradation due to erosion compared to other lands in the Wae Batu Merah watershed. The lowest LS factor value is in land units that have a slope of 0-3% and 3-8% with an LS value of 0.25. In land units that have a slope of 8-15%, the LS value is 1.2, in land units with a slope of 15-30%, the LS value is 4.25, and the land unit with a slope of 30-45%, has an LS value of 9.50; while land units that have a slope of 45-65% and> 65%, the LS value is 12.0, as well as the highest LS value in all land units. Vegetation factor or soil management factor with certain plants is settlement value C = 1; scrub with a value of C = 0.3; and secondary dryland forest with a value of C = 0.005. While the P value for all land units is 1.00 because there is no found soil conservation action practiced in the Wae Batu Merah watershed. 2). The amount and level of erosion that occurred at the study site was erosion in the classification of slight, moderate, high and very high. The level of severe erosion has an average erosion of 2326.56 tons/ha/year covering an area of ​​297.06 ha or 43.36% and is the largest erosion. High erosion rates have an average erosion of 142.1 tons/ha/year covering 249.05 ha or 36.35%. Moderate erosion rates have an average erosion of 30.58 tons/ha/year covering 94.58 ha or 13.8%. While the level of slight erosion has an average erosion of 5.28 tons/ha/year covering an area of ​​44.45 ha or 6.49% of the total area of ​​the study area and is the narrowest level. Keywords: amount and level of erosion, erosion factors, Wai Batu Merah watershed ABSTRAK Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Oktober 2016 di DAS Wai Batu Merah Kota Ambon Provinsi Maluku dengan luas 685.14 ha yang meliputi Negeri Batu Merah dan sebagian Negeri Soya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan: 1) menetapkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi erosi; 2) menetapkan besar dan tingkat bahaya erosi; dan 3) menentuan arahan rehabilitasi lahan yang sesuai untuk mengendalikan erosi. Metode penelitian adalah metode survey dengan pola pendekatan sintetik serta analitik dengan jarak observasi fleksibel berdasarkan unit lahan. Metode penentuan besar erosi adalah berdasarkan metode Revisi USLE (Renard et al., 1997) serta tingkat bahaya erosi berdasarkan kriteria FAO (1979) dalam Ponce-Hernandez (2004). Hasil ditemukan adalah: 1) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi erosi di DAS Wai Batu Merah adalah erosivitas hujan (R), erodibilitas tanah (K), topografi (LS), vegetasi (C), tindakan konservasi tanah (P). Faktor erosivitas hujan tahunan = 2419.03 ton.m/ha/cm-hujan. Untuk erosivitas bulanan, maka erosivitas tertinggi pada bulan Juli memiliki yaitu sebesar 537.34 ton.m/ha/cm-hujan, kemudian diikuti oleh bulan Juni sebesar 526.03 ton.m/ha/cm-hujan. Faktor erodibilitas tanah tergolong tingkat sangat rendah, sedang dan agak tinggi. Tanah-tanah dengan tingkat erodibilitas agak tinggi adalah Thapto-Histic Hydraquents dengan nilai K sebesar 0,380 tergolong klas agak tinggi. Ini berarti bahwa bila faktor-faktor erosi lain berada dalam kondisi yang identik, maka potensi terjadinya degradasi lahan akibat erosi pada tanah ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tanah lainnya di daerah penelitian. Sedangkan tingkat erodibilitas rendah adalah Lithic Udorthents dan Typic Fluvaquents dengan nilai K masing-masing 0,175 dan 0,178. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa tanah-tanah tersebut lebih resisten terhadap degradasi lahan akibat erosi jika dibandingkan dengan tanah lainnya di DAS Wae Batu Merah. Nilai faktor LS terendah yaitu pada unit lahan yang memiliki kemiringan lereng 0-3% dan 3-8% dengan nilai LS sebesar 0,25. Pada unit lahan yang memiliki kemiringan lereng 8-15%, nilai LSnya adalah sebesar 1,2, pada unit lahan dengan kemiringan lereng 15-30%, nilai LSnya adalah sebesar 4,25, dan unit lahan dengan kemiringan lereng 30-45%, memiliki nilai LS sebesar 9,50; sedangkan unit-unit lahan yang memiliki kemiringan lereng 45-65% dan > 65%, nilai LSnya sebesar 12,0, sekaligus sebagai nilai LS tertinggi pada seluruh unit lahan. Faktor vegetasi atau faktor pengelolaan tanah dengan tanaman tertentu adalah permukiman nilai C = 1; semak belukar dengan nilai C = 0.3; dan hutan lahan kering sekunder dengan nilai C = 0.005. Sedangkan nilai P untuk semua unit lahan adalah 1.00, karena belum ada tindakan konservasi tanah yang dipraktekan secara baik di DAS Wae Batu Merah. 2). Besar dan tingkat bahaya erosi yang terjadi di lokasi kajian adalah erosi dengan kategori ringan, sedang, berat dan sangat berat. Tingkat bahya erosi sangat berat memiliki erosi rata-rata sebesar 2326.56 ton/ha/thn seluas 297,06 ha atau 43,36%, dan merupakan erosi terluas. Tingkat erosi berat memiliki erosi rata-rata sebesar 142.1 ton/ha/thn seluas 249,05 ha atau 36,35%. Tingkat erosi sedang memiliki erosi rata-rata sebesar 30.58 ton/ha/thn seluas 94,58 ha atau 13,8%. Sedangkan tingkat erosi ringan memiliki erosi rata-rata sebesar 5.28 ton/ha/thn seluas 44.45 ha atau 6,49% dari total luas daerah penelitian, dan merupakan tingkat tersempit. Kata kunci: besar dan tingkat bahaya erosi, das wai Batu Merah, faktor erosi tanah