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JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v1i1.9


The mass media fact report within social reality comes with a complexities of interest. As an institution which has the power to shape public opinion, the press also able to give  influence both positive and negative, depend on the interests represented. Including while  representing the image of women in politics through its news report. Through the news report, text media construct a reality of a women in politics image. In which this reality constructed by the media is not a value-free.This study analyses the media discourse of a woman politician recently elected as a Bupati (which has the same rank as a Mayor) of Bima District Indah Dhamayanti Putri in the local news media coverage Lombok Post and Suara NTB from the February to May 2016. Both newspaper are daily newspaper which contribute the largest circulation in the province of West Nusa Tenggara. Hence, the two media are the most accessed printed media in the province. How the reality of woman leadership in local scale constructed by this two dailies will certainly influence the view of the people , and the way people behave towards this leadersship. Moreover Indah Dhamayanti Putri is the first female leader in the province of West Nusa Tenggara.The news about Indah Dhamayanti Putri leadership analyzed in this study consist of her profile as the Bupati, her political activities, polocies and programs. The news analyzed using critical discourse analysis method from Norman Fairclough model, by analyzing the text in the macro-micro societal context. FOcus of the analysis are more on how language is formed and shaped from social relationships and a certain social context.  Fairclough divide discourse analysis in three dimensions, textual analysis, discourse practice and socio-cultural practices . From the research conducted, it appears that women politicians Indah Dhamayanti Putri are perceived in terms of stereotypes both in terms of physical appearance, figure or her role as wife and mother are still inherent in the discourse of textual reports of two mass media. Keywords: Representation women politician, image, discourse analysis
FRAMING BERITA PROMOSI PARIWISAT VS BERITA DAMPAK EKOLOGI PARIWISTA LOMBOK DI MEDIA MASSA (Analisis Framing Berita Promosi Pariwisata vs Berita Dampak Ekologi Pariwisata Lombok di Harian Lombok Post Januari-Desember 2014) DIYAH INDIYATI; Dian Lestari Miharja; Hartin Nur Khusnia; Eka Putri Paramita
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v1i1.10


In recent years the popularity of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara as one of the foremost tourist destinations Indonesia indeed increasing. Lombok gains its popularity mostly supported by the social media and the mass media that present a variety of publications related to tourist sites, cultural attractions, events and other things that are considered attractive, presented either in news, photos, as well as freelance articles and travel-blog. This research y aims to determine how the media framing the news, especially the local media Lombok Post on Lombok tourism issue and whether the local media also do framing the news related to the impact of tourism. This research use Lombok Post publications during January 1st to December 31th 2014. This study uses framing analysis, by selecting the news published in this period by using Entman framing analysis which are done in four ways; problem identification, causal interpretatio), moral judgment, and suggestions deal with the problem (suggest remedies). According to its function, the role of mass media as a medium of informations, has played important and significant role in the case of Lombok tourism promotion. However, the media also should not to forget its education functions related to the impact of the tourism industry, particularly the ecological impacts arising from tourism activities.This research shows that fLombok Post frame its publications mostly to support Lombok’s tourism through issues selections and salience of the content mostly presents promotive topics.
Pola Komunikasi Keluarga Buruh Migran di Desan Pandan Wangi Kecamatan Jerowaru Kabupaten Lombok Timur Prihartiningsih Prihartiningsih; Agus Purbathin Hadi; Diyah Indiyati
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v1i2.21


Migrant worker children left by one or both parents need to observe, the role of the missing father / mother in the family will certainly feel different compared to a complete family member of the family, children who live with fathers without mothers and children who live with you without father or child who lives with a grandmother without a mother and father we need to know. In this study consisted of three families of migrant workers left by both parents, abandoned by Father, and left by the mother in Pandan Wangi Village, Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency. The purpose of this study was to find out how the communication patterns of migrant workers' families and children's communication behavior in the families of migrant workers in Pandan Wangi Village, Jerowaru District, East Lombok Regency. The research was conducted using a research method through a descriptive approach with qualitative data. The results of the research showed in the families of migrant workers left by one of their parents mother / father applying a family communication pattern that leads to unbalanced split patterns which are unequal separate relationships, where one person in the wife / husband's family dominates.
The Effect of InfoBMKG Application Using Toward Disaster Responsiveness Attitude of Mataram University Students Post Lombok Earthquake Putri Arifatul Fajriyah; Diyah Indiyati; Agus Purbathin Hadi
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v2i1.27


This research was carried out after the Lombok earthquake that occurred repeatedly in July and August 2018. In such situations, people need quick and practical information about the earthquake. One of the ways to get practical and fairly accurate information is using the InfoBMKG application. The application is expected to be able to make people more alert and careful about disasters. This study aims to see the effect of using the BMKG Info application on community disaster response attitudes. The object of this research is Universitas Mataram Students. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method on 100 respondents who use the Info BMKG application. Data analysis was done by categorizing data into high, medium, and low, then correlation test to see the relationship, and regression test to see the effect of the variable use of BMKG Info application on disaster response attitude variables. The results of study indicate that there is a strong relationship between the use of the InfoBMKG application and the responsiveness of Universitas Mataram students, and 15.7% of disaster readiness attitudes of Universitas Mataram students are affected by the use of the InfoBMKG application.Keywords: Lombok earthquake;  Info BMKG Application; disaster readiness attitudes 
Analysis of the Effect of Service Communication Quality of UP3 PT PLN (Persero) Ampenan Area Toward Postpaid Customer Satisfaction in Mataram City Ahmad Lutfi Hakki; Diyah Indiyati; Agus Purbathin Hadi
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v2i1.29


This study aims to examine the effect of service communication quality of UP3 PT PLN (Persero) Ampenan Area with indicators of Clear, Responsive, Polite, Solutive, Ready, Empathy, Gesture, Listen, and Honest, on postpaid customer satisfaction in Mataram City with indicators of Needs and Expectations . The theories used in this study are Stimulus-Response communication theory, Social Penetration theory, and Social Exchange theory. This research is a correlational quantitative study. Data collection is done using survey techniques and interviews. The population of this study is that all residents of Mataram City use postpaid electricity, while the respondents in this study amounted to 100 people who were selected using Purposive Sampling and Non probability Sampling techniques. Data analysis of this study was carried out by categorizing data into high, medium, low using Microsoft Excel programs, then tested the validity, reliability test, Spearman rank correlation test and regression test using the SPSS program. The results of this study indicate that there is a strong or significant relationship between the quality of service communication on customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction by 37.5% influenced by the quality of service communication. In addition, the type of relationship formed is a unidirectional relationship, meaning that if the quality of service communication increases, it will increase customer satisfaction. Keywords: Service Communication; PT PLN (Persero) Ampenan; Postpaid Customer Satisfaction
Communication Strategy of Jawa Pos to Increase the Reading Interest of Youth Through Zetizen Rubric Muhmmad Nizar Fahmi; Diyah Indiyati; Agus Purbathin Hadi
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v2i1.30


The changing period of generation to generation Z makes the existence of old media shifted by new media. Generation Z tends to rely on new technology to access information. Newspapers as the part of the old media can disappear over time. Jawa Pos as one of the newspapers in Indonesia makes a communication strategy to increase the reading interest of the younger generation. The strategy was made through a rubric of young people named Zetizen, previously named Detection. This study aimed to find out Jawa Pos communication strategy in increasing young people's reading interest through the Zetizen rubric. The research was conducted from February to April 2018 at the Java Bos office. The method used is descriptive qualitative method through a case study approach. The results of the study show that the communication strategy made by Jawa Pos is an online strategy and offline strategy through the Zetizen rubric. These two communication strategies are executed by different divisions, Community Division and Page Division. The online strategy that is carried out by the provision of content through social media and websites that are executed by Division Pages. Page Division is also responsible for one part of the offline strategy, which is providing content through the Zetizen rubric. Community Division handles the process of offline engagement through events held. Keywords: communication strategy; Jawa Pos; reading interest; Zetizen
Reputasi Brand “Wonderful Indonesia” Saat Pandemi Covid-19 Siti Jhe Chotijah; Diyah Indiyati; Hartin Nur Khusnia; Muhlis Muhlis
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science 2020: JCommsci - Special Issue on Covid-19 themes
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v1i1.88


Wonderful Indonesia as national brand Tourism Indonesia has built such a reputation through communication and branding activities. In 2018, Wonderful Indonesia has ranked 47th in the world, beating its closest competitors, Truly Asia Malaysia and Amazing Thailand. This brand has been able to compete with 180 countries in the world by winning more than 40 awards over the past 3 years and encouraging tourism growth through foreign tourist visits and foreign exchange earnings. During the pandemic covid19 tourism became the worst sector not only in Indonesia but in the world. Maintaining reputation and brand becomes very important in pandemic conditions as an effort to maintain the market. Kemenparekraf as a state agency in charge of tourism issued a policy for the use of contextual logos during a pandemic namely "Thoughfull Indonesia". This brand does not replace Wonderful Indonesia but is used as the main and official communication and replaces the Wonderful Indonesia logo in official communication institutions. This will automatically affect the brand awareness and reputation of the Wonderful Indonesia brand. The contextual logo in communication is not something that is prohibited as long as it takes into account the rules of branding such as not resembling the brand master logo while still supporting the main logo. 
Media vs public trust during the pandemic Diyah Indiyati; Siti Chotijah; Hartin Nur Khusnia; Muhlis Muhlis
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science 2020: JCommsci - Special Issue on Covid-19 themes
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v1i1.95


The pandemic puts mass media on the main stage in the public spotlight. In the midst of rampant misinformation and disinformation related to the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic, the public's expectations for truthfull information are often wrapped in bubbles that make the public even more confused as to which media to trust. Meanwhile, the main role of the mass media, whichis expected to be able to increase public awareness of the pandemic that has occurred, actually leads to a point of view that questioned media trust. This paper analyzes the things that affect public confidence in the media during a pandemic.Keyword: Media, public trust, pandemic
Community Response to Village Information System (SID) in Basic Services In East Lombok Regency Dian Lestari Miharja; Agus Purbathin Hadi; Diyah Indiyati; Eka Putri Paramitha
JCommsci - Journal Of Media and Communication Science Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021): JCommsci Vol 4 No 3 2021
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jcommsci.v4i3.132


This study aims to determine the public's response to use SID as a medium for basic social services, SID as a source of information, and SID as a community medium. This research can provide information about the readiness of the community to face the 4.0 revolution era, especially people in rural areas. If the community is ready and accustomed to using SID as a basic social service center and the other hand, managing resources continue to increase their capacity both in human resources and infrastructure, then SID can become a reliable database and can provide basic social services one-stop service in the village. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, data collecting on informants was carried out using in-depth interviews, direct observation, sampling techniques, documentation, and FGD. Then simultaneously carried out data analysis with interactive analysis methods. Key informants were the Village Head and SID Managers in Rarang Selatan and Kalijaga Timur Villages; as well as informants from village residents as many as 50 informants each 25 informants per village (consisting of elements of teachers, students, agricultural extension workers, heads of farmer groups, farmers, heads of farmer groups, Posyandu cadres, hamlet heads, housewives, traders). The results showed that the public response to SID as a service medium was positive,  as a source of information was positive, and as a community medium was positive. This is shown by the behavior of the community using SID intensively, participating in disseminating the existence of SID, inviting villagers to take advantage of SID, even taking part in providing information (filling in content) to be conveyed to the community (especially village communities) through SID.Keywords: Response, Village Information System (SID), resources, community media, basic social services
Optimalisasi Gerakan Sadar Wisata melalui Produksi Video Promosi Desa Wisata Diyah Indiyati; Hartin Nur Khusnia; Siti Chotijah
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30653/002.202052.510


OPTIMIZATION OF TOURISM CONSCIOUS MOVEMENT THROUGH VIDEO PRODUCTION OF TOURISM VILLAGE PROMOTION. West Nusa Tenggara has set the tourism sector become one of the backbone of regional development. NTB Province government also sets the growth target of the tourism industry to increase annually. For 2018, NTB has set a target of tourist arrivals reaching up to 4 million tourists. Various improvements were made, especially in the fields of infrastructure and accessibility in this region, as well as tourism promotion programs. The regional government certainly has allocated a budget for tourism promotions, but tourism promotions will not only be effective if it is carried out by the government alone. The community needs to participate in this tourism promotion effort. This Community Service Program offers tourism promotion efforts with participatory concepts carried out by youth who are members of the Pemuda Rinjani Mandiri (Prima) tourism awareness group. The hope is that promotional efforts can be carried out in accordance with the potential and values ​​of local wisdom that live in the community. One of the promotional efforts that will be carried out is through the production of promotional videos for Lantan Tourism Village which will be the product of this community empowerment program.