Annazah, Nur Siti
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Dampak Redenominasi terhadap Kinerja Perekonomian: Pendekatan Ekonomi Eksperimental Annazah, Nur Siti; Juanda, Bambang; Mulatsih, Sri
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia Vol 18 No 2 (2018): Januari 2018
Publisher : Department of Economics-FEB UI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.917 KB) | DOI: 10.21002/jepi.v18i2.791


Impact of Redenomination on Economic Perspective: An Experimental Economic ApproachThere is persistent debate between theoretical and empirical findings on the impact of redenomination on economic performance. Hence, this study aims to analyze the impacts of inflation, economic growth, reducing reducing digit (zero number), and stages of redenomination to changes in transaction prices and the number of the transactions using experimental methods. The result showed redenomination could decrease the transaction prices and transaction value. The best conditions to applied redenomination policy was directly in low inflation and high growth.Keywords: Redenomination; Inflation; Economic Growth; ExperimentAbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan karena adanya teori dan hasil empiris yang masih menjadi perdebatan mengenaidampak kebijakan redenominasi terhadap kinerja perekonomian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untukmenganalisis dampak inflasi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, penghilangan jumlah angka nol, serta tahapanredenominasi terhadap perubahan harga dan jumlah transaksi menggunakan metode ekperimental.Redenominasi secara keseluruhan dapat menurunkan harga transaksi dan jumlah transaksi. Hasil analisisjuga menunjukkan bahwa kondisi yang ideal untuk melaksanakan redenominasi adalah secara langsungpada kondisi inflasi rendah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi.
Dampak Redenominasi terhadap Kinerja Perekonomian: Pendekatan Ekonomi Eksperimental Annazah, Nur Siti; Juanda, Bambang; Mulatsih, Sri
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia Vol. 18, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


There is persistent debate between theoretical and empirical findings on the impact of redenomination on economic performance. Hence, this study aims to analyze the impacts of inflation, economic growth, reducing reducing digit (zero number), and stages of redenomination to changes in transaction prices and the number of the transactions using experimental methods. The result showed redenomination could decrease the transaction prices and transaction value. The best conditions to applied redenomination policy was directly in low inflation and high growth.