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Dentika: Dental Journal Vol. 17 No. 1 (2012): Dentika Dental Journal
Publisher : TALENTA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (329.254 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/dentika.v17i1.1768


Resin akrilik polimerisasi panas (RAPP) banyak digunakan sebagai bahan pembuat basis gigi tiruan, karena memilikisejumlah keunggulan di antaranya bersifat biokompatibel, kualitas estetis yang cukup memuaskan, penyerapan air yangrendah, memiliki konduktivitas termal yang baik, mudah diproses dan direparasi tanpa membutuhkan tenaga ahlilaboratorium. RAPP masih memiliki kekurangan terutama dalam hal kekuatan dan kekerasan sehingga bahan ini tidakjarang mengalami retak atau fraktur akibat pemakaian. Beberapa literatur melaporkan bahwa penambahan serat karbon,serat metal, atau serat kaca dalam jumlah tertentu dapat memperbaiki sifat fisis dan mekanis bahan RAPP. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk membandingkan sifat fisis dan mekanis RAPP yang ditambah serat kaca dengan RAPP tanpapenambahan serat kaca. Serat kaca yang digunakan adalah produk Taiwan Glass berukuran 4 mm, 6 mm dan 8 mmsebanyak 1% dari total volume RAPP. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi : densitas, porositas, absorbsi air, kekuatantekan, kekerasan vickers, kekuatan tarik, modulus young’s, kekuatan impak dan kekuatan transversal, koordinat warnadan analisa mikrostruktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa RAPP dengan penambahan serat kaca ukuran 6 mmmerupakan kondisi optimum, diperoleh : densitas 1,25 g/cm3, porositas 0,46%, absorbsi air 0,36%, kekuatan tekan 88,89Mpa, kekerasan vickers 21,067kg/mm2, kekuatan tarik 70,43 Mpa, modulus young’s 3328,49 Mpa, kekuatan impak 6,70j/mm2, kekuatan tranversal 129 Mpa. Tidak terlihat adanya perubahan yang signifikan pada warna resin akrilik. Sebagaikesimpulan, penambahan serat kaca ukuran 6 mm sebanyak 1% dari total volume RAPP ternyata dapat menghasilkanpeningkatan kualitas fisis dan mekanis yang optimum dari RAPP.
Sifat Mekanik Gigi Tiruan Akrilik dengan Penguat Serat Gelas Zuriah Sitorus; Awan Maghfirah; Yoshephin Romania; Syahrul Humaidi
INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Vol 4, No 02 (2014): IJAP Volume 04 Issue 02 Year 2014
Publisher : Department of Physics, Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13057/ijap.v4i02.4988


The research is aimed to investigate the possibility of acrylic-reinforced glass fibre as a denture. Short glass fibre was made by variation of 4mm, 6 mm and 8mm. The results showed a good adhesion between glass fibre and acrylic resin with an optimum composition of the denture (acrylic: oil : glass fibre = 10 gr : 4.5 mL : 0.13 gr) was achieved. The density test was conducted by using Archimedes’ method, whereas compressive strength and tensile strength by using Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The results showed that glass fibre can be used to enhance the mechanical properties of acrylic resin. The optimum composition was achieved when 6 mm fibre had been added-in with a density of 1.2256 gr/cm3. A compressive strength of 76.623 MPa and a tensile strength of 71.207 MPa were recorded, these values can be applied as a denture.
Manufacture and Characterization of Porous Ceramics Based On Clay Soil And Banana Frond Powder Lisa Arianty; Zuriah Sitorus
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v4i2.8398


This work reports the manufacture and characterization of porous ceramics synthesized using clay and banana frond powder by employing the dry-pressing method. The clay and banana frond powder was filtered with a grain size of 200 mesh. Production of printed ceramics was made with the proportion of the combination of clay and banana frond powder of 100%:0%; 95%:5%; 90%:10%; 85%:15%; 80%:20%; 75%:25%; 70%:30%; 65%:35%; 60%:40%; 55%:45%; 50%:50% and heated with a sintering temperature of 1000°C with a holding time of 3 hours. The resulting ceramics are described by determining their actual properties (thickness, porosity, and shrinkage), mechanical properties (compressive strength and hardness), surface morphology and pore size (SEM), and base material (EDX). The results show that the mixed varieties of 50%:50% clay and banana frond powder have a density value of 1.22 g/cm3, a porosity of 41.31%, and heat loss of 11.41 %, compressive strength of 1.36 MPa, and hardness of 99.15 MPa. The surface morphology results showed that the sample has evenly distributed pore sizes of 10.54 m, 10.77 m, and 12.15 m, which is called a macroporous ceramic with a pore size of > 50 nm.
Manufacture of Polymer Concrete Based on Snake-Fruit Seeds (Salacca zalacca) and Sawdust with Polyester Resin as an Adhesive Mahdi Jauhar Harahap; Zuriah Sitorus
Journal of Technomaterial Physics Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Technomaterial Physics
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jotp.v5i2.12380


This study aims to determine the effect of adding snake-fruit (Salacca zalacca) seeds and sawdust on polymer concrete's physical and mechanical properties. The results showed that the highest physical properties were 1.27 g/cm3 density, 12.5% ​​porosity, and 13.22% water absorption. The lowest physical properties are a density of 0.85 g/cm3, porosity of 2.65%, and water absorption of 2.07%. The highest mechanical properties are compressive strength of 16.70 Mpa, tensile strength of 4.39 Mpa, and flexural strength of 7.93 Mpa. The lowest mechanical properties are compressive strength of 6.80 Mpa, tensile strength of 1.11 Mpa, and flexural strength of 1.50 Mpa. SEM test results showed that the microstructure of polymer concrete showed differences between concrete samples A1 (consisting of 35 g of snake-fruit seeds, 15 g of sawdust, and 15 g of polyester resin) and polymer concrete samples B1 (consisting of 30 g of snake-fruit seeds, 15 g of sawdust, and 20 g of polyester resin). The SEM analysis of the A1 concrete sample reveals a dark surface color and conspicuous white lumps, which are attributed to polyester resin and arise from inadequate mixing of ingredients. In the case of sample B1, a higher concentration of visible resin lumps is observed.