Wasono, Sunu
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia

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LITERASI: Indonesian Journal of Humanities Vol 1 No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Faculty of Humanities, Jember University

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This article analyzes Gde Aryantha Soethama’s some selected short stories in his anthology entitled Mandi Api, published by Kompas publisher in 2006. The analysis focuses on two main problems, caste and tourism. In Balinese context, caste as local cultural form arises some sociocultural problems among Balinese, such as a cross-caste marriage. In tourism aspect, the rapid growth of tourism in Bali, in one side, give welfare for the people, but in other side arises some complicated problems especially in cultural and natural commercialization. Those two problems appear many times in the anthology showing them as the dominan problems in Balinese society. Further, for the creative writers such as Aryantha and other writers, the two problems become a kind of obsession to narrate in their creative works. Keywords: culture, caste, commercialization, tourism
Panduan Bagi Calon Ahli Bahasa Wasono, Sunu
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 8, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Ide Kebangsaan dalam Puisi Antara Sajak-sajak M. Yamin dan Sejumlah Sajak Karya Penyair Malaysia Wasono, Sunu
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 6, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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show that Indonesian and Malaysian literatures grew and developed out of the same old tradition, namely Malay tradition. Indonesian and Malaysian languages are also rooted in the same language, namely, the Malay language. It only makes sense that there a number of similarities This paper discusses the nationalist ideas found in the poems of M. Yamin published in Indonesia Tumpah Darahku and a number of poems produced by 10 Malaysian poets. These Malaysians' poems are found in a poetry anthology titled Puisi-puisi Kebangsaan 1913-1957 (nationalist poems 1913-1957) compiled by Abdul Latif Abu Bakar and published in 1987. Based on a comparison of these two sets of poems, some similarities can be discerned, such as admiration of natural beauty, admiration of past heroes and glories, and appeal by the poets for national unity. These similarities are made possible by similar political and cultural situations prevailing in both Indonesia and Malaysia in certain period of time. The relation between Indonesia and Malaysia that is tied by a common language (Malay) and a sense of being in the same situation (colonial oppression) are other factors that allow a number of Indonesian and Malaysian poets to write poems of similar themes in similar styles.
Paduan dari Berbagai Pendekatan Wasono, Sunu
Wacana, Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia Vol. 4, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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CITRA PEREMPUAN INDONESIA MASA JEPANG PADA DUA CERPEN DALAM MAJALAH PANDJI POESTAKA (The Image of Indonesian Women on Japanese Period in Two Short Stories in Pandji Poestaka Magazine) Hanifa Widyas Sukma Ningrum; Sunu Wasono
SAWERIGADING Vol 29, No 1 (2023): Sawerigading, Edisi Juni 2023
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/sawer.v29i1.1147


The image of women is an impression that arises as a result of individual knowledge and experience that is presented implicitly through literary works. Periodization of literary works can also present images of women who represent certain characteristics. “Isteri Tabib” by Teha and “Putri Pahlawan Indonesia” by N. St. Iskandar are two short stories published in Pandji Poestaka during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia. This research will discuss the image of Indonesian women during the Japanese period presented through these two short stories. The purpose of this study is to reveal that image of Indonesian women more or less shaped by the intervention of the Japanese. The research method used is a qualitative approach to the close reading.  Data collection techniques use by reading the corpus repeatedly and then marking the narratives and dialogues between characters related to the image of women. The results and analysis revealed that the image of Indonesian women during the Japanese occupation was the image of a wife which was closely related to the domestic sphere, the image of a mother, and the image of a woman warrior. These three images exist as a form of propaganda to create an ideal woman who is useful for the interests of Japanese ideals.AbstrakCitra perempuan merupakan kesan yang muncul sebagai hasil dari pengetahuan dan pengalaman individu yang dihadirkan secara implisit melalui karya sastra. Periodisasi karya sastra juga dapat menghadirkan citra perempuan yang mewakili ciri tertentu. “Isteri Tabib” karya Teha dan “Putri Pahlawan Indonesia” karya N. St. Iskandar merupakan dua cerpen yang terbit di majalah Pandji Poestaka saat masa pendudukan Jepang di Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan membahas citra perempuan Indonesia masa Jepang yang dihadirkan melalui dua cerpen tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkapkan citra perempuan Indonesia sedikit banyak dibentuk oleh campur tangan pihak Jepang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif metode close reading. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pembacaan korpus secara berulang kemudian menandai narasi dan dialog antartokoh yang berkaitan dengan citra perempuan. Hasil dan analisis mengungkapkan citra perempuan Indonesia di masa pendudukan Jepang adalah citra seorang istri yang erat berkaitan dengan ranah domestik, citra ibu, serta citra perempuan pejuang. Ketiga citra tersebut hadir sebagai bentuk propaganda untuk menciptakan perempuan ideal yang berguna untuk kepentingan cita-cita Jepang.
Kontras Manusia Langit dan Bumi dalam Novel Manusia Langit Karya J.A. Sonjaya: Perbandingan Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat Desa dan Kota Nisa, Iis Khoerun; Wasono, Sunu
Urban: Jurnal Seni Urban Vol 6, No.2: Oktober 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Kesenian Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52969/jsu.v6i2.79


Regional issues can inspire authors to create literature. From the very beginning of its birth, modern Indonesian literature began to lift the local color that was marked by the Minangkabau cultural-themed novel. Along its development, problems of the region that had never been discovered before by authors. Into the 21st century, literature that established paganism kept on the rise. Among other things, it was marked by the appearance of Sonjaya’s Manusia Langit novel, published in 2010. It brought the problems of social life in Nias society to the surface. An interesting aspect of the Manusia Langit novel, the people of Nias, stand in stark contrast with urban society. The study aims to expose the contrast between Nias (manusia bumi) and urban people (manusia langit) as described in Jajang Agus Sonjaya’s novel Manusia Langit. The author examines Manusia Langit’s novel through a literary sociology approach using qualitative descriptive methods to achieve this goal. The study’s result found three contrasts in this novel: the contrast between leadership and culture, the contrast of position in society, and the contrast of education.  Berbagai persoalan kedaerahan dapat mengilhami pengarang untuk menciptakan karya sastra. Sejak awal kelahirannya, sastra Indonesia modern mulai mengangkat warna lokal yang ditandai dengan kemunculan novel bertema budaya Minangkabau. Seiring dengan perkembangannya, problem-problem daerah yang belum pernah tersentuh turut disingkap oleh para pengarang. Hingga abad ke-21, karya sastra yang mengangkat kedaerahan tetap marak bermunculan. Hal itu antara lain ditandai dengan munculnya novel Manusia Langit karya Sonjaya yang terbit pada tahun 2010. Novel ini mengangkat persoalan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Nias. Terdapat aspek yang menarik untuk dikaji dalam novel Manusia Langit, yaitu masyarakat Nias digambarkan secara kontras dengan masyarakat kota. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan kontras masyarakat Nias (manusia bumi) dan masyarakat kota (manusia langit) yang digambarkan dalam novel Manusia Langit karya Jajang Agus Sonjaya. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, penulis mengkaji novel Manusia Langit melalui pendekatan sosiologi sastra dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga kontras yang digambarkan dalam novel Manusia Langit yang mencakup kontras kepemimpinan dan budaya, kontras kedudukan dalam masyarakat, dan kontras pendidikan.
Dari Lukisan Barong, Harvest, dan Friendships Karya Made Gunawan Menjadi Puisi “Wajah Barong”, “Seikat Padi”, dan “Gajah Biru” Karya Dewa Putu Sahadewa: Sebuah Kajian Alih Wahana Djaja, Abraham William Hasiholan; Wasono, Sunu
Urban: Jurnal Seni Urban Vol 6, No.1: April 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Kesenian Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52969/jsu.v6i1.65


This research contains analysis from paintings to poetry. The corpus of this research is from the Paintings of Barong (2020), Harvest (2018), and Friendships (2021) by Made Gunawan that transforms into Poetry of “Wajah Barong” (2021), “Seikat Padi” (2021), and “Gajah Biru” (2021) by Dewa Putu Sahadewa. The formulation of problem from this research is the creativity process and the transformation of Paintings of Barong (2020), Harvest (2018), and Friendships (2021) by Made Gunawan to Become Poetry of “Wajah Barong” (2021), “Seikat Padi” (2021), and “Gajah Biru” (2021) by Dewa Putu Sahadewa. One of the methods of this research is ekfrasis. Ekphrasis itself is divided by three methods, such as descriptive ekphrasis, narrative ekphrasis, also descriptive and narrative ekphrasis. The purpose of this research is to analyze the transformation of Paintings of Barong (2020), Harvest (2021), and Friendships (2021) by Made Gunawan to Become Poetry of “Wajah Barong” (2021), “Seikat Padi” (2021), and “Gajah Biru” (2021) by Dewa Putu Sahadewa.Penelitian ini membahas alih wahana dari lukisan menjadi puisi. Korpus yang 25 digunakan sebagai bahan penelitian adalah lukisan berjudul Barong (2020), Harvest (2018),dan Friendships (2021) karya Made Gunawan untuk menjadi sebuah karya puisi dengan judul “Wajah Barong” (2021), “Seikat Padi” (2021), dan “Gajah Biru” (2021) karya Dewa Putu Sahadewa. Penelitian ini akan memaparkan proses kreatif dan perubahan dari karya lukisan (visual) menjadi sebuah karya puisi (verbal). Secara garis besar, pengalihwahanaan dari lukisan menjadi sebuah puisi menggunakan metode ekfrasis. Metode ekfrasis dibedakan menjadi tiga yaitu, ekfrasis naratif, ekfrasis deskriptif, serta ekfrasis naratif dan deskriptif sesuai dengan tafsiran penyair. Hasil penelitian dari penelitian ini akan memaparkan perubahan bentuk lukisan Barong (2020), Harvest (2018), dan Friendships (2021) karya Made Gunawan untuk menjadi sebuah karya puisi dengan judul “Wajah Barong” (2021), “Seikat Padi” (2021), dan “Gajah Biru” (2021) karya Dewa Putu Sahadewa sesuai dengan metode masing-masing. 
Menyimak Kandungan Damai Dalam Sentuhan Karya Shukri Zain Wasono, Sunu
Urban: Jurnal Seni Urban Vol 5, No.1: April 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Kesenian Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52969/jsu.v5i1.46


The idea, creative process, and theme of a poet's poetry can be traced through in-depth reading and interpretation of a number of poems, especially those contained in an anthology. This paper will discuss the thematic and stylistic reviews of Shukri Zain's poems in the anthology Damai Dalam Touch. This study uses descriptive analysis method through reading and in-depth meaning to reveal data, circumstances, phenomena, and is not limited to data collection, but also includes interpretation analysis. Through the analysis carried out, it was found several tendencies of Shukri Zain's poetry in the anthology Damai Dalam Touch, first, thematically, Shukri Zain's poems generally raised themes related to faith and Islam. Second, Shukri Zain's poems tend to be straightforward, but far from bombastic and vulgar. Finally, because the issues raised in his poems are related to matters of faith and Islam, the tone that is built in a number of Shukri Zain's poems tends to advise—not to say patronizing—the reader.Ide, proses kreatif, dan tema puisi seorang penyair dapat ditelusuri melalui pembacaan dan penafsiran mendalam terhadap sejumlah sajak, khususnya yang termuat dalam sebuah antologi. Tulisan ini akan membahas tinjauan tematik dan stilistik sajak-sajak Shukri Zain dalam antologi Damai Dalam Sentuhan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif lewat pembacaan dan pemaknaan mendalam untuk mengungkapkan data, keadaan, fenomena, dan tidak terbatas pada pengumpulan data saja, namun juga meliputi analisis interpretasi. Lewat analisis yang dilakukan, ditemukan beberapa kecenderungan puisi karya Shukri Zain dalam antologi Damai Dalam Sentuhan, pertama, secara tematik, sajak-sajak Shukri Zain umumnya mengangkat tema yang berkaitan dengan keimanan dan keislaman. Kedua, sajak-sajak Shukri Zain cenderung lugas, namun jauh dari nada bombas dan vulgar. Terakhir, karena isu yang diangkat dalam sajak-sajaknya terkait dengan soal keimanan dan keislaman, nada yang terbangun dalam sejumlah sajak Shukri Zain cenderung menasihati—untuk tidak mengatakan menggurui—pembaca.
Cerpen-cerpen Lekra (1950—1965) sebagai strategi perjuangan politik PKI Ahmad Syafa'at Junaidi; Sunu Wasono; Bastian Zulyeno
Diglosia: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya Vol 6 No 4 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/diglosia.v6i4.789


This study aims to reveal the contents and objectives contained in Lekra's short stories, which were published in Harian Rakjat in 1950–1965. The data source for this research is in the form of short stories: Paman by L.S. Retno, Gambar Pemimpin by Saibun, Kebangunan di Kota Bengawan by Namikakanda, and Loper by Putu Oka. This research is qualitative, using library research methods. The results of the study show that these short stories are loaded with political interests of the PKI as part of the PKI's struggle to influence the masses so that the PKI succeeds in the political competition in Indonesia in 1950–1965. In addition, these short stories show that there is a close relationship between literature (Lekra), politics (PKI), and the media (Harian Rakjat). From this relationship, literature and the media at that time were under political control. Lekra as a cultural institution in Indonesia became a political tool for the PKI to influence the ideology of readers and its supporters, and the Harian Rakjat was used by the PKI as a medium for spreading it. Basically, both Lekra and Harian Rakjat were tools for realising PKI politics, and both were in positions facilitated by the PKI.
Citra Jepang Sebagaimana Tercermin pada Tiga Novel Selepas Perang Kemerdekaan Sunu Wasono
SUSASTRA: Jurnal Ilmu Susastra dan Budaya Vol 3, No 6 (2007): Susatra 6: Jurnal Ilmu Sastra dan Budaya
Publisher : HISKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51817/susastra.v3i6.69


Even though the Japanese occupation of Indonesia only lasted for two and a half years, it has left a strong impression in the minds of Indonesians. This is visible in three Indonesian novels. This paper discusses the images of Japan as reflected in the three Indonesian novels published after the war for independence: Pulang, Kadarwati, dan Para Priyayi. In the analysis of the three novels, it becomes clear that the Japanese presence in Indonesia had caused terrible sufferings on all levels of the society.