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Pengembangan Inovasi Pertanian Vol 7, No 1 (2014): Maret 2014
Publisher : +622518321746

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/pip.v7n1.2014.21-30


Tingkat konsumsi beras masyarakat Indonesia tergolong tinggi, oleh karena itu, pemerintah menargetkan penurunan konsumsi beras rata-rata 1,5%/kapita/tahun melalui Program Percepatan Diversifikasi Pangan. Untuk mendukung program tersebut telah dihasilkan inovasi teknologi pangan fungsional, meliputi penurunan indeks glikemik (IG) beras dan pangan sumber karbohidrat lainnya melalui teknologi proses pratanak maupun instanisasi, penghilangan rasa pahit (reduksi tanin dan asam sianida), peningkatan cita rasa, dan fortifikasi untuk meningkatkan mutu gizi produk pangan. Teknologi proses pratanak dapat meningkatkan kadar serat pangan, amilosa, vitamin, dan mineral pada beras, sedangkan daya cerna pati dan IG menurun. Proses instanisasi menghasilkan produk cepat saji, awet, dan siap dikonsumsi dalam waktu singkat (diseduh 3-5 menit). Pangan dengan IG rendah sesuai bagi penderita diabetes melitus dan obesitas. Proses fortifikasi dapat memperbaiki kualitas produk pangan. Teknologi ini lebih efektif diaplikasikan pada produk pangan olahan atau instan. Produk pangan fortifikasi bermanfaat bagi masyarakat yang kekurangan gizi. Pengembangan teknologi pangan fungsional diharapkan dapat menyediakan bahan pangan berbasis karbohidrat selain beras untuk mendukung program diversifikasi pangan dan memperbaiki gizi dan kesehatan masyarakat. Untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan bahan pangan sumber karbohidrat lokal, aplikasi teknologi pangan modern yang dipadukan dengan teknologi tradisional dapat menghasilkan produk yang efisien, aman, enak, dan ramah lingkungan.
PENGARUH ISOTERM SORPSI AIR TERHADAP STABILITAS BERAS UBI [Effect of Moisture Sorption Isotherm to Stability of “Sweet Potato Rice”] Sri Widowati; Heti Herawati; Rizal Syarief; Nugraha Edhi Suyatma; Hendra Adi Prasetia
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 21 No. 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (424.903 KB)


“Sweet Potato Rice” stability as a dry food product was determined by water activity (aw) and equilibrium moisture content (Me). This relationship is known as moisture sorption isotherm. This research were aimed 1) to study moisture sorption isotherm of “Sweet Potato Rice” from sweet potato flour (Cangkuang variety) and native/heat moisture treatment (HMT) starch which was stored at the range of aw:0.06 - 0.96 and 28oC; 2) to determine an appropriate model for describing product moisture sorption isotherm  and 3) to predict “Sweet Potato Rice” shelf of life. Experimental design used was a random complete design with two factor, namely: 1) sweet potato starch: native and HMT, and 2) packaging material: polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP).The result showed that the moisture sorption isotherm profiles were sigmoid. Smith equation was the best model which described moisture sorption isotherm with R2= 0,991-0,993 for adsorption and R2= 0,964-0,971 for desorption. Shelf life test showed that “Sweet Potato Rice” from Cangkuang flour and modified starch had longer shelf life  (5.67 months when packed in PP bag and 2.3 months when packed in PE bag); while shelf life artificial sweet potato made from Cangkuang flour and native starch was 4.24 months when packed in PP bag  and 1.72 months when packed in PE bag.
Komposisi Kimia dan Kristalinitas Tepung Pisang Termodifikasi secara Fermentasi Spontan dan Siklus Pemanasan Bertekanan-Pendinginan Nurhayati Nurhayati; Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie; Sri Widowati; Harsi Dewantari Kusumaningrum
agriTECH Vol 34, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (162.404 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9504


Studies on the chemical composition and crystallinity of the native banana flour and modified banana flour were carried out on “agung var semeru” banana (Musa paradisiaca formatypica). Native banana flour was produced by drying the banana slice, ground and passed through a 80 mesh screen. Modified banana flour were produced by spontaneous fermentation (room temperature, 24 h)and one or two cycles of  autoclaving (121 oC, 15 min) followed by cooling (4 oC, 24 h) of the slices before drying process. The results showed that spontaneous fermentation of banana slices increased amylose content. Two cycles of autoclaving-cooling significantly increased resistant starch content of banana flour (39.13 – 42.68% db) than the one cycle (29.34 – 35.93% db). Retrogradation process decreased the crystallinity from 18.74% -20.08% to 6.98% - 9.52%. X-ray diffraction showed that the starch granule was type C granule as a mixtureof A and B polymorphs.ABSTRAKKajian tentang komposisi kimia dan kristalinitas tepung pisang alami dan tepung pisang termodifikasi dilakukan pada pisang var agung semeru (Musa paradisiaca formatypica). Tepung pisang alami (kontrol) dihasilkan dengan mengeringkan irisan pisang, menghancurkan dan mengayak tepung dengan ayakan 80 mesh. Tepung pisang modifikasi dihasilkan dengan cara irisan pisang diberi perlakuan fermentasi spontan (suhu kamar, 24 jam) dilanjutkan dengan satu atau dua siklus pemanasan bertekanan (121 oC, 15 menit) yang diikuti dengan pendinginan (4 oC, 24 jam) sebelum dilakukan proses pengeringan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi spontan mampu meningkatkan kadar amilosa. Dua siklus pemanasan bertekanan-pendinginan meningkatkan pati resisten (RS) tepung pisang dengan nyata (39,13 – 42,68% bk) dibandingkan dengan yang satu siklus (29,34 – 35,93% bk). Proses pemanasan bertekananpendinginan menurunkan kristalinitas tepung pisang dari 18,74-20,08% menjadi 6,98-9,52%. Difraksi sinar X menunjukkan granula pati pisang adalah granula tipe C yang merupakan campuran dari granula tipe A dan tipe B.
Karakterisasi Nasi Instan yang Diproduksi dengan Metode Freeze Drying Imia Ribka Banurea; Kirana S Sasmitaloka; Ermi Sukasih; Sri Widowati
Warta Industri Hasil Pertanian Vol 37, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Agro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32765/wartaihp.v37i2.5998


ABSTRAK: Nasi instan merupakan olahan beras yang telah dimasak kemudian dikeringkan agar bisa disimpan dalam waktu lebih lama, tetapi dapat disajikan dalam waktu yang lebih cepat. Tahapan proses pengolahan nasi instan meliputi pencucian dan perendaman, pemasakan hingga diperoleh nasi, pembekuan dan pengeringan. Pengeringan merupakan salah satu tahapan penting untuk menghilangkan kandungan air di dalam nasi sehingga menjadi produk kering. Penelitian pengolahan nasi instan yang telah banyak dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan pengering konvensional. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas, maka pada penelitian ini digunakan metode pengeringan beku (freeze drying). Pengolahan nasi instan dengan metode pengeringan beku (freeze drying) dapat menghasilkan karakteristik nasi instan yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan metode pengeringan konvensional, ditunjukkan dengan nilai densitas kamba dan waktu rehidrasi yang lebih kecil, rasio rehidrasi yang lebih tinggi, kadar air, abu, lemak dan protein yang lebih rendah, serta karbohidrat yang lebih tinggi.Kata kunci: densitas kamba, freeze drying, karakteristik, nasi instan, waktu rehidrasiABSTRACT: Instant rice is processed rice that has been cooked and then dried so that it can be stored for a longer time, but can be served in a shorter time. The stages of the instant rice processing include washing and soaking, cooking until the rice is obtained, freezing and drying. Drying is one of the important steps to remove water content in rice so that it becomes a dry product. The research of instant rice processing that has been done a lot is by using conventional dryers. To improve quality, this research uses freeze drying method. The processing of instant rice using the freeze drying method can produce instan rice better than conventional drying methods, indicated by the value of density and rehydration time is lower, higher rehydration ratio, lower moisture, ash, fat and protein content, higher carbohydrates.Keywords:  density, freeze drying, characteristics, instant rice, rehydration time
Metode Pembuatan Sorgum Sosoh Rendah Tanin pada Pembuatan Nasi Sorgum (Sorghum Bicolor L) Instan Wiwit Amrinola; Sri Widowati; Purwiyatno Hariyadi
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications Vol. 6 No. 1 (2015): ComTech
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/comtech.v6i1.2280


Sorghum is one of the non-rice commodities which have a relatively high content of nutrients, especially protein and carbohydrate. However, the nutritional value is to be down and relatively low due to the relatively high tannin content as an anti-nutrient. Fairly high tannin content in sorghum is also causing sorghumhas unpleasant taste and slightly bitter or "Sepet". Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the content of tannins in sorghum that is expected to improve the quality of nutrition, especially the increase in protein and starch digestibility and palatability or the flavor of sorghum products. The purpose of this study is to obtain the best method to lower tannin content in the manufacture of low-tannin sorghum milling, which will be used in the manufacture of instant rice sorghum. This research was done in two stages, namely 1) the timing of the millingstage and 2) the development stage of a method of making low-tannin sorghum milling by comparing the content of tannin reduction method with the immersion process in alkaline solution (NaOH 0.3% and 0.3% Na2CO3) and distilled water with the method of reducing tannin content without immersion process. The results of this study indicate that the best milling time that can produce milled sorghum with good physical sorghum is five minutes and the best immersion treatment that can lower the optimum tannin content is by immersing in 0.3%Na2CO3 solution for 24 hours. This method can reduce up to 77.46% tannin content.