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Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (74.009 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jsep.v4i1.7667


Penelitian  ini bertujuan  untuk  mengkaji besaran  : (1) total  biaya  dan  volume  produksi  nelayan  dan   pedagang  pengecer  ikan  cakalang; (2) efisiensi  biaya  nelayan  dan  pedagang  pengecer  ikan  cakalang; (3) keuntungan  nelayan  dan  pedagang  pengecer  ikan   cakalang .  Penelitian   ini  dilaksanakan  selama  dua  bulan  yaitu  pada  bulan  Februari  sampai Maret   2018, di  Desa  Kramat  Kabupaten  Pulau Taliabo  Provinsi   Maluku  Utara.  Teknik pengambilan  sampel  adalah  teknik  sampel  random  sebanyak  15 responden  nelayan, sedangkan  untuk  pedagang  pengecer  ditentukan  secara  sengaja  yaitu  5 responden .  Data diperoleh  melalui  wawancara  dengan  mengunakan  kuisioner,  observasi,  studi  kepustakaan,  dan  dokumentasi.  Analisis  data  yang  digunakan  yaitu  (1) Analisis  Total  Biaya,   (2) Analisis  Harga Pokok  Penjualan  (HPP), dan (3) Analisis  Keuntungan.  Hasil  penelitian  menunjukan  bahwa : (1) total  biaya  nelayan  tangkap  ikan   cakalng  rata-rata  sebesar   Rp1.381.311/trip  dengan  volume  produksi  sebesar  41,00 Kg/trip  dan  total  biaya  pedagang  pengecer  ikan  cakalang  rata-rata  sebesar  Rp2.163.384/siklus  penjualan dengan  volume  produksi  sebesar  50 Kg/siklus  penjualan ; (2) HPP  nelayan  ikan  cakalang  rata-rata  sebesar  Rp33.759/Kg  (efisien  karena  HPP <  dari  harga  penjualan  Rp40.000/Kg)  dan  untuk  HPP  pedagang  pengecer  rata-rata  sebesar  Rp43.268/Kg (efisiens karena  HPP <  dari  harga  penjualan  Rp50.000/kg), dan (3) keuntungan  nelayan  tangkap  ikan cakalang  yang  dihasilkan  yaitu  rata-rata  sebesar  Rp258.689/trip  dan  untuk  pedagang  pengecer  ikan  cakalang  rata-rat  sebesar  Rp336.616/siklus  penjualanKata Kunci : Nelayan, HPP,  Keuntungan, Taliabo, Maluku Utara, Pedagang  Pengecer,  Total  Biaya
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Sosial Vol 6 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.158 KB) | DOI: 10.38043/jids.v6i1.3406


Tujuan dalam penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana persepsi masyarakat tentang pengaduan publik dalam Program Bantuan Langsung Tunai (BLT) di masa pandemic covid – 19. Penelitian terkait BLT-DD dilakukan di Desa Wuring Kecamatan Alok kabupaten Sikka NTT, yang menjadi salah satu daerah penerima BLT – DD dengan mayoritas masyarakatnya sebagai nelayan, petani dan pedagang kecil. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi non partisipan melalui pengamatan pada kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat serta dept interview yang mengacu kepada persoalan mekanisme pengaduan, pengetahuan serta akses informasi dan juga pada persepsi masyarakat tentang BLT-DD. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan model miles dan huberman; collection, reduction dan display daya. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa, proses aduan masyarakat mengacu kepada 3 (tiga) hal yakni komunikasi publik, masih bersifat satu arah khususnya pada pendataan masyarakat penerima bantuan informasi terkait ketentuan – ketentuan penerima bantuan masih belum menyentuh aspek pemahaman masyarakat dan berimplikasi multitafsi. Kedua, proses aduan  merupakan “barang mewah”. Stigma atau pemikiran ini, akhirnya berimplikasi pada rasa khawatir dan bingung. Ketiga, unit pengaduan yang belum dimaksimal pada tingkatan pemerintah khususnya pada tingkat RT/RW.  Kesimpuan yang dapat diambil dari penelitian ini, bahwa BLT DD masih menjadi persoalan, khusus pada sistem pendataan dan juga mekaniisme komunikasi yang dibangun masih belum menyentuh aspek pemahaman masyarakat.
Kesenjangan Komunikasi Orang Tua dan Anak dalam Menghadapi Pembelajaran Online di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Intan Mustafa; Lodowik Nikodemus Kedoh; Maria Yosephine Desire
Jurnal Nomosleca Vol 7, No 2 (2021): Oktober, 2021
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/nomosleca.v7i2.6048


Abstract: Learn from home has become a new trend today. This study examines how the communication gap that occurs between parents and children in the online learning process during the covid-19 pandemic. The method used is a case study, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation review. The results of the study indicate that quite a number of problems have arisen against this government policy, and one of them is the communication problem of parents in their unpreparedness having a dual role in their upbringing as teachers, motivators and facilitators for their children. In addition, other problems such as supporting facilities, social environment and children's mentality are other obstacles that contribute to creating a communication gap between parents and children. Through this research, it is hoped that the communication relationship between parents and children should be a priority, so that the current pandemic situation does not necessarily reduce children's interest in learning and academic potential. Keywords: Communication Gap, Online Learning, Covid-19 Pandemic
Avant Garde Vol 7, No 1 (2019): Avant Garde
Publisher : Fakultas Komunikasi & Desain Kreatif - Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (222.982 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/avg.v7i1.853


Qualification of Public Relations becomes a basic requirement for a company or organization. One of them is through the work of the front office in the banking industry. This study intends to examine the concept of 3B (Brain, beauty and behavior) into a work system based on Public Relations qualifications. with data collection techniques through interviews and observations to customers and front office employees at several banks in Sikka Regency. The results of data analysis carried out related to the implementation of the 3B concept are categorized based on the public relations qualifications namely: 1). Brain (A. ability to communicate ability in communication management based on 2 things, namely, knowledge and skill, b) Ability to Organize: Front officers are able to act as problem solvers in finding strategic solutions to problems related to products and services from banks. 2) Beauty (a. personal integrity, which includes 2 things namely a modest personality, and friendly and dress ethics, which contain aesthetic and ethical values 3) Behavior (a. Ability to get on with people, relationships based on customer satisfaction and providing good service. b. Imagination, insight and understanding of customer characteristics and mastering concepts, implementation in solving each problem responsibly and quickly). From the results of the research conducted, it was found that the front office performance in the banking industry has so far reflected the standard of a public relations officer.
Jurnal Ilmiah Dinamika Sosial Vol 6 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.158 KB) | DOI: 10.38043/jids.v6i1.3406


The purpose of this study was to find out how the public's perception of public complaints in the Direct Cash Assistance Program (BLT) during the covid-19 pandemic. Research related to BLT-DD was carried out in Wuring Village, Alok District, Sikka Regency, NTT, which became one of the BLT recipient areas. – DD with the majority of the people as fishermen, farmers and small traders. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with datastudy stated that the public complaint process refers to 3 (three) things, namely public communication, which is still one-way, especially in collecting data on the community receiving assistance, information related to the provisions of the beneficiary still does not touch the aspect of community understanding and has multiple interpretations. Second, the complaint process is a "luxury item". This stigma or thought, ultimately has implications for worry and confusion. Third, the complaint unit is not yet available at the government level, especially at the RT/RW level. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that BLT DD is still problem, especially in the data collection system and also the communication mechanism that has been built has not touched the aspect of public understanding.
Self Disclosure Perempuan Korban KDRT di Kabupaten Sikka: Self-Disclosure of Women Victims of Domestic Violence in Sikka Regency Intan Mustafa
Indonesian Social Science Review Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Lenvari Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Domestic violence (KDRT) is all forms of violence that is attempted by a person that results in physical, psychological, sexual and economic harm, including threats and deprivation of freedom in the household. The purpose of this study was to find out the inhibiting factors for victims of domestic violence in expressing the problems they faced, and from these inhibiting factors, it was then used to make a perspective study of interpersonal communication so that victims of domestic violence could express themselves. In this research, the researcher uses a qualitative approach with a case study method or approach, for the selection of research subjects using a purpose sampling technique. The interview technique used is an in-depth interview. The results of the study stated that closing oneself to victims of domestic violence is not an easy thing, there are many considerations that cause a person to close himself, such as; The fear of the victims of domestic violence on the conception of women who cannot take care of and maintain their household properly, mistakes in interpreting the meaning of belis or dowry for women who are still seen as representing men's power over women, and also threats for threats and pressures given by their husbands. For this reason, it is necessary to have openness in interpersonal communication, which is able to provide space and time for victims to share their problems. Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) merupakan seluruh wujud tindak kekerasan yang dicoba oleh seorang yang berdampak menyakiti secara raga, psikis, seksual serta ekonomi, termasuk pula ancaman, serta perampasan kebebasan dalam rumah tangganya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat korban KDRT mengungkapkan permasalahan yang dihadapi, dan dari faktor penghambat tersebut selanjutnya digunakan untuk membuat telaah persepktif komunikasi antarpersonal agar orbanKDRT dapat mengungkapkan diri. Dalam penelitan ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode atau pendekatan studi kasus (Case Study), untuk pemilihan subjek penelitian menggunakan teknik purpose sampling. Teknik wawancara yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam (in-depth interview). Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa menutup diri bagi korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah, banyak pertimbangan-pertimbangan yang menyebabkan seseorang itu menutup diri seperti; Ketakutan para korban KDRT pada kosepsi perempuan yang tidak bisa mengurus serta menjaga rumah tangganya dengan baik, kekeliruan dalam mengartikan makna belis atau mahar bagi perempuan yang masih dipandang mewakili kuasa laki – laki atas diri perempuan, dan juga ancaman demi ancaman dan tekanan yang diberikan oleh suami. Untuk itu perlu adanya keterbukaan dalam komunikasi antarpribadi, yang mampu memberikan ruang dan waktu kepada korban untuk mencurhakan persoalan yang dihadapi.