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Pengelolaan Pembiayaan Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta di Bandung Nurmalasari, Inten; Jamil, Zamzam Lukmanul; Hidayat, Ara
Dirasat: Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan Islam Vol 5, No 1 (2019): June
Publisher : Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul 'Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.024 KB) | DOI: 10.26594/dirasat.v5i1.1626


Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Misbah is a nonprofit educational institution that is under the auspices of the Al-Misbah Social Foundation. Since 2004 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Misbah has no longer collected school fees from students because they have received school operational assistance funds from the government. Each student get IDR. 800,000.00 from the operational costs that are provided by the government. The purpose of this study is to conduct a further study of the financing of private madrasah education and examine how the headmaster made a strategy in meeting school needs that could not be met by school operational assistance funds. The problems that will be examined in this study are: how to manage education funding in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Misbah Cipadung, Bandung, which is related to financing planning, fund use, supervision and accountability for education funding. To answer that question, the research was conducted with qualitative research methods, a case study approach. The taken case was funding education at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Misbah in Cipadung, Bandung City. Management of financing for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Misbah education includes planning of budgeting; the use of budgeting; budgeting supervision; and finally the accountability reporting stage.
Manajemen Personalia Dalam Pemberdayaan Sekolah Di SMP Muslimin 5 Kota Bandung Nurmalasari, Inten; Syah, Muhibbin
Jurnal Kependidikan Vol 7 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Kelompok Kajian Pendidikan Ikatan Alumni IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/jk.v7i1.2756


Abstrak Fakta-fakta di bidang program kerja di sekolah tidak berjalan mulus karena tugas dan tanggung jawab tidak diberikan kepada orang yang tepat. Jadi ini akan memadamkan potensi guru lain yang memiliki keahlian di bidangnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi proses kepegawaian di SMP Muslim 5 di Kota Bandung, dan menganalisis proses pemberdayaan sekolah sehingga pendidik dan staf pendidikan dapat mengasah keterampilan mereka di bidang mereka lebih dalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) manajemen kepegawaian di SMP Negeri 5 Bandung Bandung didasarkan pada kebutuhan sekolah dan kebutuhan akan proses pembelajaran, hal-hal yang dilakukan tidak terlalu teoretis seperti perencanaan, pemilihan dan kontrak kerja; 2) Pemberdayaan sekolah didasarkan pada struktur organisasi yang telah membuat pemilihan dan pengangkatan guru dalam penempatan kerja tertentu yang dipertimbangkan dengan memperhatikan berbagai aspek, seperti lamanya layanan; kualifikasi dan keterampilan pendidikan yang dimiliki; dan 3) Dampak dari pemberdayaan sekolah berbasis struktur organisasi ini adalah untuk mengurangi kekosongan jam mengajar karena guru yang tidak dapat hadir hadir sehingga proses belajar mengajar terus menjadi efektif, efisien dan kondusif.
Madrasa: Journal of Islamic Educational Management Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Sarjana Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.542 KB) | DOI: 10.32940/mjiem.v2i1.111


Some programs of Junior High School (SMP Muslimin 5 Kota bandung) were not implemented optimally because the position of teachers qualifications and competencies were not suitable for the mandate. In addition, double positions was unavoidable. This article aims to uncover the staffing process and the raising of double position phenomena in SMP Muslimini 5 Kota Bandung, West Java. The results showed that staffing had an impact on the raising of double positions. Double positions cannot be avoided because of the demands of fulfilling teaching hours, avoiding job vacancies and learning, inequality of competencies and potential teachers and the need for promotion and regeneration. Double or multiple positions have not optimized the potential SMP Muslimin 5 Bandung as an Islamic education institution (Islamic school). Positions related to the implementation of Islamic religious education have not attracted the interest of the teachers who wish to promote such as being the supervisor of the Madrasah Science Competition and Islamic religious extracurricular coaches.