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Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pendaftaran Siswa Sekolah Dasar Secara Online dengan Metode Waterfall Muhammad Satria Mubin; Briyan Chairullah; Muhammad David Adrilyan; Errissya Rasywir
TIN: Terapan Informatika Nusantara Vol 4 No 2 (2023): July 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/tin.v3i2.4198


The system used at SDN 01 Tanjung Jabung Timur is currently in the process of admitting new students, which is still done manually. The high interest of prospective new students to register at SDN 01 Tanjung Jabung Timur made the admissions committee have difficulty handling it, resulting in a buildup of registrants at the peak of registration, while the number of committees serving was limited. The purpose of this research is to design a website-based new student registration system for easy access from outside the area of ​​students at SDN 01 Tanjung Jabung Timur and to make it easier for prospective students to register at SDN 01 Tanjung Jabung Timur students. System development is carried out using the waterfall model, because the application is easy and systematic. The program is designed using UML (United Model Language) diagrams such as Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, and Class Diagrams to design an online registration system. This research resulted in a web-based Admissions information system at SDN 01 Tanjung Jabung Timur which was built using the PHP programming language with the Laravel framework and the PhpMyAdmin database and with this application it also helps the school in managing new student data
Implementasi Aplikasi Administrasi SPP Online Berbasis Web pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Betantiyo Prayatna; Elsa Charolina L Siantar; Iqbal Pradibya; Errissya Rasywir
TIN: Terapan Informatika Nusantara Vol 4 No 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/tin.v4i1.4199


SMK 2 PGRI Kota Jambi is one of the vocational high schools in Kota Jambi that still uses a manual payment system for SPP (Education Development Contribution) without utilizing computerized information systems. Additionally, the school has not yet utilized online SPP payment through a website, despite having computers connected to the internet in the computer lab. The existing school network has not been optimally utilized, as there is no dedicated school website for online SPP payment processing, and information retrieval regarding SPP payments is still done manually, causing difficulties for the administrative staff (Tata Usaha) in finding data. Therefore, this research aims to help resolve the issues by developing a website-based application. The application will be developed using HTML, PHP, and MySQL database programming languages. The Waterfall development method will be employed, and the system modeling tools used include use case diagrams, activity diagrams, class diagrams, and interfaces. The outcome of this research will be a website-based application that can assist in resolving the problems faced by SMK PGRI 2 Kota Jambi in managing their Administrative System
Perbandingan Metode Random Forest Classifier dan SVM Pada Klasifikasi Kemampuan Level Beradaptasi Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh Siswa Ilham Adriansyah; Muhammad Diemas Mahendra; Errissya Rasywir; Yovi Pratama
Bulletin of Informatics and Data Science Vol 1, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : PDSI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


WHO has declared that COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 has been a global pandemic since March 2020. Distance learning as we often hear is learning that prioritizes independence. Teachers can deliver teaching materials to students without having to meet face to face in the same room. This kind of learning can be done at the same time or at different times. This study aims to compare the results of the classification of students' distance learning adaptability levels with the random forest classifier and SVM methods. Obtaining the evaluation results of each algorithm used. Precision, recall, f1-score, and accuracy are evaluation indicators. The results of the classification of each adaptivity class got 73.1% for Moderate, 74.7% for Low and 66.1% for High. With the total accuracy of the SVM algorithm on the tested data of 73.36%. The results of the classification of each adaptivity class got 92.1% for Moderate, 92% for Low and 86% for High. With the total accuracy of the Random Forest Classifier algorithm on the tested data, it is 91.5%. From 1205 test data contents for each model, it was found that the Random Forest model has a higher accuracy but has an incorrect classification value of 321 data, and the accuracy of the Support Vector Machine model is lower but has an incorrect classification value of as much as 101 data
Co-Authors Abdul Haris Abdul Harris Abdurrahman Ade Saputra Akwan Sunoto Anita Anita Nurjanah Annisa putri Anton Prayitno Arya Atmanegara asih asmarani Babel Tio Carenina Bayu saputra Betantiyo Prayatna Borroek, Maria Rosario Briyan Chairullah Candra Adi Rahmat Clara Zuliani Syahputri Defrin Azrian Desi Kisbianty Despita Meisak desy ayu ramadhanty Dila Riski Anggraini Dimas Pratama Dodo Zaenal Abidin Elsa Charolina L Siantar eni rohaini Eni Rohaini Evan Albert Fachruddin Fachruddin Fachruddin Fachruddin Fachruddin Fachruddin Fachruddin, Fachruddin farchan akbar Feranika, Ayu Fernando Fernando fiqri ansyah Fradea Novi Ramadhayanti Hani Prastiwi Hartiwi, Yessi Hendrawan Hendrawan Hendrawan Hendrawan Hendrawan Hendrawan Hilda Permatasari Ilham Adriansyah Ilham Fahrozi ilham permana Imelda Yose Iqbal Pradibya Irawan Irawan Irawan, Beni Jasmir Jasmir Jeny Pricilia Jopi Mariyanto khalil gibran ahmad Kholil Ikhsan Li Sensia Rahmawati Lies Aryani Luthfi Rifky M.Rizky Wijaya Macharani Raschintasofi Maliyatul Khasanah Maria Rosario Borroek Marrylinteri Istoningtyas Marrylinteri Istoningtyas Marrylinteri Istoningtyas Mayang Ruza Migi Sulistiono Muhammad David Adrilyan Muhammad Diemas Mahendra Muhammad Ismail Muhammad Ismail Muhammad Riza Pahlevi Muhammad Satria Mubin Muhammad Wahyu Prayogi Mulyadi Mumtaz Ilham S Mumtaz Ilham Syafatullah Muttaqin Nabila Khumairo Najmul Laila Nanda Ghina Nasrul Ahlunaza Nilu Widyawati Nungky Septia Kurnicova Nur Aini Nurul Aulia Pareza Alam Jusia Pareza Alam Jusia Pareza Alam Jusia, Pareza Alam Renita Syafitri Reza Pahlevi Rio Ferdinand Rts CiptaNingsi Rudolf Sinaga Sandi Pramadi Saparudin Saparudin Saparudin Saparudin Satria Oldie Versileno Sri Wahyuni Nainggolan Sulistia Ramadhani Tasya Basalia Sihombing Tedy Hardiyanto Tondy Maulana Tambunan Verwin Juniansyah virginia casanova andiko andiko Wahid Hasyim Wahyudi Nasutioni Yessi Hartiwi Yessi Hartiwi Yoga Rizki Yovi Pratama Yuga Pramudya Zahlan Nugraha