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Pengaruh Tekstur Sedimen Terhadap Family Biotic Index (FBI) Makrozoobentos Pada Vegetasi Berbeda di Laguna Segara Anakan Cilacap A'yun, Qurrota; Rahayu, Nur Laila; Zaenuri, Musyarif; Kresnasari, Dewi
Buletin Oseanografi Marina Vol 13, No 3 (2024): Buletin Oseanografi Marina
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/buloma.v13i3.62152


Laguna Segara Anakan (LSA) Cilacap yang terletak di antara Jawa dan Nusakambangan, Jawa Tengah, merupakan habitat yang baik bagi biota makrozoobentos. Habitat tersebut dicirikan dengan sedimen pasir, debu dan liat. Identifikasi dan analisis keanekaragaman makrozoobentos penting untuk menentukan kondisi ekosistem. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis tekstur sedimen dan untuk mengetahui kualitas perairan dengan menerapkan bioindikator menggunakan makrozoobentos. Metode yang digunakan yaitu survei dan penggambilan sampel secara acak dilakukan pada saat mengambil sampel sedimen dan makrozoobentos pada 12 titik penenilitian menggunkaan hand packing dengan bantuan cetok. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bulan September – November 2023. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh tekstur sedimen terhadap FBI makrozoobentos dianalisis secara regresi. Hasil penelitian tekstur sedimen fraksi pasir berkisar 1,09-1,7%; fraksi debu berkisar 31,43-48,31% dan fraksi liat berkisar 50,6-67,17%. FBI makrozoobentos berkisar antara 7,097-7,399 yang berarti kondisi perairan di LSA Cilacap dalam kategori buruk – sangat buruk. Tekstur sedimen fraksi pasir terhadap FBI makrozoobentos memiliki pengaruh yang sangat kuat dengan nilai regresi 0,916 sedangkan tekstur sedimen fraksi liat (R = 0,223) dan debu (R = 0,198) memiliki pengaruh yang lemah terhadap FBI makrozoobentos.    Segara Anakan Lagoon (LSA) Cilacap, which is located between Java and Nusakambangan, Central Java, is a good habitat for macrozoobenthic biota. This habitat is characterized by sand, dust and clay sediments. Identification and analysis of macrozoobenthos diversity is important for determining ecosystem conditions. The aim of this research is to determine the type of sediment texture and to determine water quality by applying bioindicators using macrozoobenthos. The method used was a survey and random sampling carried out when taking sediment and macrozoobenthos samples at 12 research points using hand packing with the help of a spat. Sampling was carried out in September – November 2023. To determine the effect of sediment texture on the macrozoobenthos FBI, it was analyzed using regression. The results of the sediment texture research, the sand fraction ranged from 1.09-1.7%; the dust fraction ranges from 31.43-48.31% and the clay fraction ranges from 50.6-67.17%. The FBI macrozoobenthos ranges from 7,097-7,399, which means that the water conditions in the Cilacap LSA are in the bad – very bad category. The sand fraction sediment texture on macrozoobenthos FBI had a very strong influence with a regression value of 0.916, while the clay fraction sediment texture (R = 0.223) and dust (R = 0.198) had a weak influence on macrozoobenthos FBI.
Leaf Damage in Segara Anakan Mangrove Forest, Cilacap Kresnasari, Dewi; Zainuri, Muhammad; Muskananfola, Max Rudolf; Pribadi, Rudhi
Buletin Oseanografi Marina Vol 13, No 3 (2024): Buletin Oseanografi Marina
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/buloma.v13i3.63137


Segara Anakan Mangrove Forest in Cilacap is one of the most extensive mangrove forests on the southern coast of Java Island. This study aims to determine the level of herbivory and environmental conditions. The sampling technique used was purposive random sampling, which considered the different characteristics of the vegetation. Sonneratia caseolaris dominated Station 1, while Station 2 was more diverse, including Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba, Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia caseolaris, and Aegiceras corniculatum. Each station is spread over three points, each with five sampling plots, representing the distribution and zonal homogeneity of carrying capacity. The research was conducted in May, August, and November 2023, based on the different temporal seasons in Indonesia. The results showed biotic factors from herbivory activity and abiotic factors such as the hydrological cycle caused mangrove leaf damage. The class of leaf damage caused by herbivory at all observation stations was mainly in class I (<2.5%). The most leaf damage was found in old leaves, which is related to the optimal photosynthesis process producing carbohydrates as a food source for herbivores. Additionally, tannin content in the leaves plays a role in protection from excessive UV radiation during the dry season. This condition indicates that Segara Anakan mangrove forest is still in good condition. PCA analysis results show that mangrove leaf damage is closely related to the age of the leaves.